
Moment in Time: A Novel de Suzanne Redfearn

de Suzanne Redfearn - Género: English
libro gratis Moment in Time: A Novel


Suzanne Redfearn Publisher: Lake Union Publishing, Year: 2022 ISBN: 9781542037211,1542037212

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First let me say I d this book. It may not sound it in a minute, but I really did. Did I want to shake a few characters and rattle some sense into their heads? I wish. Did I find much of the story preposterous? Geez, yes. Did I want to keep reading it despite these things? Absolutely!

I’ve read a lot of books full of bad decisions made by the main characters, but this one may take the cake. Whether it be the worst decisions or the worst luck ever, these characters are put through the ringer before things end on a relatively positive note.

If you’ve read Suzanne Redfearn’s book In an Instant, you’ll be familiar with the main characters Mo Kaminski and Chloe Miller, who are eight years out from the accident that resulted in tragic losses for both of them.

Living with their friend, Hazel, they’re each in various stages. Mo is making a name for herself with her reporting site, FactNews, and is still in a relationship with Kyle, who was also in the accident eight year prior. Hazel is a highly intelligent, quirky and successful geopolitical analyst who’s never had a romantic relationship. Chloe’s a struggling veterinarian who’s been dumped and left broke by her long-time boyfriend, Eric, who emptied their bank account.

What begins with Chloe bringing home an injured stray dog, and Mo taking Hazel to a bar, turns into the hottest mess ever when one of them is sexually assaulted and the other two try to right the wrongs. One thing after another happens casting the appearance of guilt on one of them when the perpetrator of the rape is found beaten and in a coma. Solving the mystery of what happened before one of them has to pay for the crime is the crux of the story.

Along the way, friendships and relationships are tested, new ones are formed, and a lovable dog named Ruby steals the show. Seriously. She may be the smartest character in the book. It’s a well-told story, if you can be patient with the MCs’ choices. They may have made many collosally dumb ones, but they were still likable and I was rooting for them!

Redfearn’s goal was to draw attention to drug-induced rape and the legal and personal ramifications of it. Though the story requires a LOT of suspension of disbelief, she succeeded. A moment in time is all it takes for life to change, and this book is a solid reminder.

??? ½ (rounded to 3)

Thanks to Lake Union Publishing, NetGalley and author Suzanne Redfearn for this digital ARC to honestly review. It’s now available.
contemporary-fiction friendship mystery ...more137 s Michael David (on hiatus)714 1,859

Eight years after Mo and Chloe survive a terrible accident that changed their lives forever, they are living together with their friend, Hazel. Now in their mid-twenties, they’re navigating life with various degrees of success.

One night, Hazel is drugged and sexually assaulted. Soon after, she goes missing. Mo and Chloe decide to track her down, but can their friendship survive more trauma?

I am a huge fan of author Suzanne Redfearn, and her novel In An Instant was emotional and compelling. This is essentially a follow up to that novel, but that’s pretty much where the similarities end. I did enjoy this one, and the writing is wonderful as always…but I didn’t love it I thought I would.

Without going into details, the characters are extremely immature, and they make bad decision after bad decision…making everything worse than it would’ve been. They may as well have still been 8 years younger. Throw in some cockamamie plot twists and a budding romance that turns into love after 2 days, and you’ve got this novel. It just wasn’t very believable.

I still recommend this to the author’s fans, and I’m glad to have read it. Parts of the story are very powerful, and I don’t want to negate that. I was entertained, and never considered DNF’ing. The author’s note is a must read as she describes how she came up with this story.

Thank you to Lake Union Publishing and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review. Expected Publication Date: 3/8/22.

Review also posted at: https://bonkersforthebooks.wordpress.com128 s Julie4,143 38.1k

Mo, her sister, Chloe, and their roommate Hazel find their lives turned upside down when Hazel disappears. It quickly comes to light that Hazel was drugged and assaulted by a man Mo introduced her to. While Hazel is off-grid, her attacker is drugged and beaten, making her a top suspect. Deeply worried, Mo and Chloe are determined to find Hazel and see justice done…

This novel of suspense explores the use of date rape drugs, which often prevents victims from being able to recall details of the attack on them.

The author did a good deal of research on the use of GHB- and presents the difficulty in catching and prosecuting the offenders who use it on unsuspecting women.

Unfortunately, the story is all over the place. I had a hard time keeping up with it and at one point I started skim reading. The explanation of what really happened to Hazel's attacker was just too over the top for me. I also felt the conclusion was too abrupt and unsatisfying.

I did not read the previous book that featured Mo and Chloe-but I managed to get the gist of the situation-so I don't think reading it first would have affected my opinion of this book.

Overall, the subjects addressed here may have been well-meaning, but the execution was sorely lacking.

2.5 stars2023 audio contemporary-fiction ...more91 s Jennifer ~ TarHeelReader2,356 31.5k

Happy pub week! It’s no secret I loved Suzanne Redfearn’s powerful and emotional book, In an Instant, which features a tragic accident. Moment in Time is a follow-up to that book, which is a gift from Redfearn to her readers. How often do we get to revisit characters we connected with in an act two? So grateful for that. You should also know this book can easily stand on its own, as can In an Instant.

Eight years after the accident, Mo and Chloe are in their midtwenties, living together in San Francisco. They also have a roommate named Hazel, who disappears after being assaulted. Understandably, this rocks the worlds of Mo and Chloe, who have already experienced their share of trauma. They are on a mission to find Hazel.

Everyone has to meet Ruby, the rescued dog featured in the story. So lovable! I read this in one sitting because I was that invested in the story, and as ever, Redfearn’s prose is easy-to-read. Once again, I’m grateful for a follow-up with these two characters and for another resonant, full of emotion, story from this reliable and talented author.

I received a gifted copy.

Many of my can also be found on my blog: www.jennifertarheelreader.com and instagram: www.instagram.com/tarheelreader81 s Ceecee2,328 1,933

‘The power of right
Is a greater might
Than thou can’st think or speak’

Lines from a poem that are underscored, a can of paint thinner and several acts of revenge. This story brings together characters from other Suzanne Redfern books but focuses on Chloe Miller, now a vet and Mo Kaminski from ‘In an Instant’ and their flatmate and friend Hazel. Central to the novel is the difficult topic of sexual assault and the ramifications that follow on from it. This is a tough subject matter but the author handles it compassionately yet leaves you in little doubt. It’ll make you angry in places as it should.

First of all, I really that the author uses characters from her other novels but it isn’t necessary to have read those though they are very good books. You can’t help but Chloe and Mo even though they don’t always make the best choices. I love the role that Ruby plays, an injured dog that Chloe rescues, she saves the day on at least one occasion and she warms your heart. The novel has a fast pace and is full of twists and turns.

It does sometimes wander off the plot path usually into a restaurant or bar so the writing doesn’t feel quite as compact and tight as her other books. Having said that it’s extremely hard to put down and is definitely a one sitting read. The themes as they emerge are thought-provoking as some actions and subsequent lies are told out of loyalty and protecting those you care for but sometimes these decisions drag them into a maelstrom. This makes a stark contrast to the other wicked lies that are so damaging and cruel. We witness the power of friendship and love which definitely shines through the dark theme. The ending is heartwarming and one you crave and need after the heartbreak .

Overall, Suzanne Redfern is a must read author for me as you glide effortlessly through her books.

With thanks to NetGalley and especially to Lake Union for the much appreciated arc in return for an honest review.68 s L.A.561 216

3.5* A story of friendships that have stood the test of time through some of the most difficult moments. A Moment in Time is a great title to sum up Chloe, Mo and Hazel's emotional healing and relationship.
The story brings light to regrets, forgiveness and retaliation. Some of the choices these friends make have ultimate consequences leaving me skeptical, but people react differently when they are in pain.

After a night in a bar, Hazel is drugged, so she doesn't remember a lot, but calls for help when she realizes she has been raped. Later she disappears, leaving Mo and Chloe frantic to find her. They see her on the app Find Friends and travel to locate her. During this time, the perpetrator has been found beaten and drugged with fingers pointed to one of them.

As the legal system works against them, they stay strong and seek their own justice. One highlight of the book is Chloe's love for abandoned animals. After rescuing a dog from abuse and abandonment, she becomes attached and the dog travels with them.

I didn't connect with this book I had hoped, but have heard In an Instant by the author is amazing, so I will be reading it because I d her style of writing. I think it was the troublesome topic and even more so after reading her heart felt emotions of why she wrote it.

Thank you NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for this title in exchange for my honest opinion.68 s Debra2,712 35.8k

This book begins eight years after the events in In an Instant occurred. In that book there is a terrible, haunting, tragic accident which changed Mo Kaminski’s and Chloe Miller’s lives. Now another terrible event is going to change their lives yet again. The two women share an apartment with their friend, Hazel and their lives are going well until the night, Hazel is drugged and raped. Shortly after, she disappears and the man who sexually assaulted her is found drugged and beaten. Mo and Chloe go searching for their friend, but will they find her? Who attacked her rapist? Will justice be served?

First off, if you have not read In an Instant, you need not worry. This book stands on its own, but if you have read it, you get to see what some of the characters are doing now. Rape is a difficult subject and may be a trigger for some.

I enjoyed this book and found it to be worthwhile but did not feel as invested as I had thought I would. I can't quite put my finger on why. Regardless, this is a solid book, and many are enjoying it more than I did, so please read their as well.

Redfern is such a gifted writer and storyteller. Make sure not to close this book before reading her author's note at the end. I love that she shares with readers what leads her to write what she writes. I always find this to be a nice touch.

I look forward to what she writes next.

Thank you to Lake Union Publishing and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.

Read more of my at www.openbookposts.comnetgalley58 s Linda1,421 1,517

"Bad decisions made with good intentions are still bad decisions." (James C. Collins)

Suzanne Redfearn presents another go-round with some of the characters from her previous novel, In An Instant. Both novels deal with tragedies in the making. You don't necessarily need to read In An Instant to enjoy this one, but the backstories will have far more meaning if you do.

It's eight years since the family's vehicle went off the icy road and sent them spiraling into a deep snowbank far below. There were survivors and there were some who were not. Chloe Miller went on to become a self-employed veterinarian of Happy Tails and her best friend, Mo Kaminski, is at the helm of a fact news start-up. They share an apartment in San Francisco with Hazel who is a brilliant young woman.

What starts out to be a fun night out at a local bar will turn into a shocking experience for one of them in particular and for all of them in general. Please NOTE: One of them will have her drink tainted and end up being raped. (This warning is intended as a heads-up if this triggers something from an experiential background.)

The very thing that caused concern with In An Instant reared its head in Moment in Time. Faulty decision-making and knee-jerk responses circled the wagons, once again, in this novel. I would have thought that eight years later would bring some maturity to Chloe and Mo, but alas, it did not.
Their problem solving skills were weak at best. Redfearn takes this situation on a road trip as well weaving us in and out of restaurants and motels with romance building by leaps and bounds in the background. The victim is literally steeping on the sidelines brewing tea in a cup. A wait and see instead of being pro-active with solid interventions. (Not exactly helpful to real victims)

Moment in Time is a book that you should experience for yourself. There were some rewarding moments (especially with Ruby the rescue dog) and the run-up to the ending. Read the Author's Notes at the end which actually reveals how she came up with the idea for the book. And a side-bar note to give pause before clicking away on social media burning with emotion rather than with good sense.

I received a copy of this book through NetGalley for an honest review. My thanks to Lake Union Publishers and to Suzanne Redfearn for the opportunity.

fiction net-galley53 s Deanna 717 13k

I love Suzanne Redfearn's novels. The first book in this series, "In an Instant" was a fantastic novel. One of my all time favorite books actually. So I was beyond excited to read this book.

I really enjoyed catching up with Mo and Chloe in "Moment in Time". It was an exciting and emotional read, I had a hard time putting down. It was nice to see what some of the other characters from "In an Instant" were up to as well. Although it wasn't quite as awesome as the first book in the series, I still thought it was a terrific read.

While I don't think you have to read the first book to enjoy this one, I really suggest you check it out.

I can't wait to read more from this very talented author. 202239 s CarolG749 343

Mo Kaminski and Chloe Miller share an apartment in San Francisco with their friend Hazel who disappears after being drugged and sexually assaulted by Allen, someone Mo knows from college. Mo and Chloe set out to find Hazel and bring her home.

This isn't exactly a sequel to In an Instant by this author but the book does reunite us with some of the characters eight years after the events of In an Instant. Not having read any other of Suzanne Redfearn's books I didn't realize characters from some of her other novels are featured as well. I enjoyed this book but maybe not as much as In An Instant. Although Mo and Chloe are now in their mid-twenties, they make some bad decisions and behave rather immaturely at times. Still, it's smooth reading with nice short chapters and Ruby the dog is a real sweetheart! The author's note at the end is very eye-opening. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend this book to a friend.

My thanks to Lake Union Publishing via Netgalley for the opportunity to read an advance copy of this book. All opinions expressed are my own.2022-netgalley-challenge 2022-ng-group-challenge netgalley35 s Sherri Thacker1,442 314

Another fabulous book by Suzanne Redfearn. This really is book #2 to “In an Instant” but I do think you could read this as a stand-alone. It’s been 8 years since the horrific accident where 10 people in an RV went over a cliff. Mo, Chloe and Hazel are now in their mid-20’s and sharing an apartment. A big part of this book is when Hazel gets sexually assaulted so that’s a big trigger for some people. Throw in a nice twist at the end and I could not put this book down. This just makes me want to read more books by Suzanne Redfearn. She’s such a great story teller! Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this early release in exchange for my honest review. netgalley-books17 s Zoe2,047 285

Intricate, compelling, and dark!

Moment in Time is a complex, sobering novel that takes you into the lives of Mo and Chloe, two young women who, after their roommate is drugged and sexually assaulted, careen down a path of retribution, revenge, and recovery that involves a misogynistic police officer with aggressive and obsessive tendencies, a perpetrator with no conscious and a history littered with allegations, and a victim running to find peace and quiet after her world has been violently shattered.

The writing is tight and intense. The characters are impulsive, troubled, and naive. And the plot is a taut, twisty tale of life, love, friendship, grief, guilt, drama, tragedy, justice, and introspection.

Overall, Moment in Time allowed me to step back into the lives of some of the characters from Redfearn’s other books, and even though it didn’t pack the emotional punch of In An Instant, which was one of my favourite books of 2020, it still tackled some difficult themes and kept me engaged and entertained from start to finish.

Thank you to Suzanne Redfearn for providing me with a copy in exchange for an honest review.10 s Eleni Flores349 19

I read In an Instant a couple years ago and loved it, so I was excited to see Suzanne Redfearn brought back a couple of the main characters from that novel into her new book. Unfortunately, I was mostly disappointed in their trajectories in this one.

Mo and Chloe, who survived a catastrophic accident eight years ago, are now in their mid-twenties when they get tangled up in another tragedy centered around their roommate Hazel. I had to keep reminding myself that the girls were supposed to be adults now, because they all acted so childish and made horrible decisions at every turn.

I think Moment in Time's biggest issue is a lack of editing. There are plot holes everywhere, the characters aren't very well developed (I think readers would be really confused if they didn't read In an Instant first, and I still had some trouble keeping up after just a couple years), and the story goes off in too many directions and at times certain lines just seem to drop off a cliff.

The subject matter (TW: sexual assault) is very sensitive, and I didn't think Redfearn gave it the care and detail it deserved. With In an Instant, I thought she did an excellent job writing about various sensitive topics and using them as both teaching moments and points for discussions, but I thought her main message was sloppy here.

Thank you to NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for my advance copy.20229 s Star Gater1,486 52

Every book I pick up after reading, I want to feel I do now. The subject matter is current and tough. The author writes a story with a beginning and end. The inbetween is done really well.

I didn't realize Redfearn wrote one of my top five favorite books a couple of years ago, In an Instant. Moment in Time is a sequel. It stands alone; however, if you can read In an Instant first, you will understand the characters a little more.

Basically, a date rape drug is used, and thus the story. It's not graphic. The author uses her skills and talents with words to make her points. This is for smart people.

I appreciated there was no swearing.8 s Ashley103 27

I wasn’t aware going into this book that this has back stories of characters to a previous book called In An Instant, otherwise I would’ve preferred to read that one first. So if you didn’t know that either, you might want to start with that one.

I admired the resilience of the friendship between these characters and how they never gave up on fighting for what was right. You never know what can happen in just a few moments when you’re not paying attention. You might not ever think it could ever happen to you - Mo, Chloe, and Hazel didn’t. This one had me conflicted. While I felt for these characters and the situation, I wasn’t really drawn to this book. Maybe it was a case of it not being the right time for me to read it or a simple it wasn’t for me. I loved Ruby, an injured dog that Chloe is trying to save.

Thank you to Netgalley and Lake Union Publishing for the e-arc in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

TW ??: Rape, talk of suicide8 s Laurie • The Baking Bookworm1,557 480

3.5 STARS - When I hear that Suzanne Redfearn has a new book coming out, I get excited. Ever since I read her book In An Instant back in 2019 I have been a fan. I eagerly began reading Moment in Time but I didn't realize it was a follow-up to In An Instant (a five star read for me!) where Redfearn checks in on a few of the characters 8 years later. And it wasn't until the author's note that I realized a few characters from her other books made appearances in this new story. An interesting blend of her books, for sure.

Some say this book could be read as a standalone but without knowledge of Mo and Chloe's backstories or more hints for readers who have read In An Instant, I think readers will struggle to fully connect with the story. It felt it was assumed that the reader already knew the previous relationships which was a bit frustrating because after 2 years I barely remembered who was who, especially tertiary characters Oz and Finn who are mentioned briefly and without enough explanation of who they are.

Date rape is an important social topic that is introduced in this book, and I recommend readers read the author's note to learn about the author's inspiration for this story. We see how the legal and medical systems treat rape victims, but this emotional topic felt sidelined when the book became more of a whodunnit with Mo and Chloe's sometimes immature decisions and the subplot tangents distracting from an opportunity to look at the emotional aftermath of date rape.

This wasn't the page turner that I was expecting, but it was an interesting mix of contemporary fiction and whodunnit within a story about friendship, loyalty, and revenge (with an awesome canine character t'boot). Suzanne Redfearn remains an author that I eagerly look forward to reading and I can't wait to see what she comes up with next.

Disclaimer: My sincere thanks to the author for providing me with a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for my honest review
arc-book-directly-from-author contemporary-fiction suspense7 s Judy Collins2,920 417

Suzanne Redfearn fans will enjoy catching up with familiar characters from previous books in her latest powerful and emotionally charged novel, MOMENT IN TIME.

If you read In an Instant you will enjoy catching up with Mo and Chloe —Kyle, Eric, and Chloe's Mom, Ann, as well as characters from her previous novels, Hunter and Fitz from Hadley & Grace and Paul and Hawk from Hush Little Baby.

The author deals with the crimes of sexual assault with raw honesty and sensitivity, to emotional healing, revenge, rage, shame, depression, secrets, and guilt.

How far would you go to protect someone you love?

As the author portrays, we recall the accident eight years ago, which has a ripple effect on Mo and Chloe's lives. Does time heal most wounds, and do grief and regret grow lighter with time?

From innocent victims, date rape, GHB, mind-numbing amnesia, and drugs to a quest for justice for women. Some of these guys are serial predators disguised in sheep's clothing, and the scary part, most of the time the women know their predators.

I appreciated the Author's Note and her inspiration for the novel giving a voice to all women and teens out there and the devastating traumas that can develop from these injustices. The ending is heartwarming as the broken characters climb out of the wreckage.

Before reading this one as a standalone, I would recommend the previous books mentioned. MOMENT IN TIME is a gripping and heartrending coming-of-age story and the strong bonds of friendship.

A special thank you to the author, Lake Union, and NetGalley for an advanced reading copy.

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