
Sea Of Dreams de Susan Sallis

de Susan Sallis - Género: English
libro gratis Sea Of Dreams


Somerset, Christmas 1999 . Holly and Mark Jepson find themselves looking after an assortment of guests at Mark's uncle's holiday chalets.
Each guest is fascinating in their own way - from the eccentric artist and his pretty daughter to the young married couple expecting their first baby and the wife escaping from a violent past.
Each will have a part to play in the events - unexpected and shattering - which take place before the new millennium dawns...M.F

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Holly & Mark agree to help at Uncle Reg’s holiday village for Christmas after he has an accident and to forget the events of a difficult work party.

There are a mixed and unly group of guests at the holiday village for Holly & Mark to take care of. I think part of this books problem is there’s too many characters fighting for your attention and it took a while for me to feel I knew them. The character development could have gone a lot further and some of the relationships needed further development. The most puzzling was Cree and his daughter Cass.

More detail was needed overall as the scene setting was also lacking and the writing felt abrupt in parts.

I did finish the book but I wouldn’t say I was excited to read it. 1 Sharon Rimmelzwaan1,234 29

Sea Of Dreams is a book that has you turning the pages and before you realise, it's over. A story that has so much going on that you are kept intrigued all the way through.
We meet Holly and Mark, they are breaking with their tradition of helping Uncle Reg at Christmas, he has holiday chalets in Somerset and their normal Christmas would be to go and help with the quests and all the other work involved.This year they long for a quiet one with just each other for company, until they discover Reg has to be admitted to hospital! They make the moral decision to do what they need to and rescue Reg with the chalets.
They prepare the chalets as always, ready for another chalet christmas. The guests all arrive and what a mix! From the young married couple expecting their first child, which brings things up for Holly to deal with to the eccentric painter with his daughter, this causes a bubble of gossip within the group alone! then everyone inbetween, including a woman who is attempting to get away from a violent past. This group of characters are all well written and fleshed out, giving us plenty to get to grips with and hold your attention very easily. There are so many things going on and so many differing emotions it does create a lovely story.Susan Sallis manages to create a book that is heart warming and with believable characters that, although diverse make the most interesting journey together.
Thanks to Transworld and netgalley for the copy of the book. Flora549 15

I was so excited to see the label on Sea of Dreams that said Susan Sallis writes Maeve Binchy. Maeve's books are one of only a very very few authors whose books still sit on my bookshelves.

There were some characters whom you could care about, the plot is simple but quite interesting, the setting conjures beautiful images in your mind, and the dialogue sounds natural.

However, and this is a big However, there are some characters that really put me off. For one, there's Reg, who seems to have slept with all the women in one group and yet is loved by everybody? And then, there's a really really odd father and daughter relationship that unfortunately totally put me off.

So, I'm sorry to say that this book did not give me the satisfaction that Maeve Binchy's books gave me.

Thank you Netgalley and Random House UK, Transworld Publishers for this review copy. This is my honest opinion. Jane HuntAuthor 2 books108

Set at the end of the twentieth century at a holiday village in Somerset it has lots of characters all facing life issues. The characterisation is good, the characters are diverse and relatable, but not everything is as it first appears.

The characters are believably flawed, and some unable, but this adds to the story's realism. The setting is quintessential British seaside out of season and has a retro quality which many will recognise.

The timing at the end of the twentieth century adds depth to the story.

This is an easy book to read character-driven and gently paced.

I received a copy of this book from Transworld Publishing via NetGalley in return for an honest review.2020-blog-tours netgalley-reviewed Sheri1,553 22

An interesting story that consists of 6 mini stories that all intertwine together during the holiday season set in England just before the new millennium. Each little group has its own ups and downs and are dealing with issues during the holidays. All are heartfelt, most are sad and it's wonderful to see them all come up with the right conclusion. A good read on a Sunday afternoon.

I would to thank Susan Sallis, Random House UK, and Netgalley for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for a fair and honest reviewbritish-novels women-s-fiction Mrs J Beavis14 1 follower

Great story of an old time Christmas spent in a small holiday village. The characters are a real mish-mash of people but they all come together in different ways. There are so many different emotions and happenings that make for a real lovely novel. I have enjoyed this so much and will be reading it again in the not to distant future. Well written by Susan Sallis, I am giving you 5 stars for this fantastic book.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for this ARC in return for an honest review Kristin- Kristin's Bookstack826 4

Mark and Holly help Uncle Reg during Christmas at his Christmas Village Resort in England. Each cabin is filled with people that have a unique backstory and have a connection to Uncle Reg. This book is all about friendship and pulling together when a crisis arises among the group. The characters are eclectic and charming. They teach about what it means to work together as a community. It leaves the reader uplifted and full of the Christmas spirit. I would highly recommend this book to readers that love a heartwarming Christmas story!
Thank you to NetGalley, Random House, UK, and Transworld Publishers for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review!read-2020 Jeanne Chepko258 1 follower

Beautiful, heart warming story of the challenge of love, life and relationships. Interesting cast of characters- a crazy artist and his daughter, a young couple expecting, 3 older women friends, a family escaping an abusive father/husband, and a young couple trying to find themselves while helping their Uncle run the property all come together over the Christmas holiday. So many stories, so much emotion, great read. A real page turner! Thank you NetGalley and Random House, UK for allowing me to read this book. Heidi French2

I really wanted to this book more - it sounded just my sort of thing. I love books where a group of people come together and their lives intertwine. And it offered just that - different families coming together at a holiday village to celebrate the millennium. However, I found it a little strange - at one point I lost track of who was hopping into bed with who! I'm no prude, but at the same time I'm not sure it added anything to the book. I kept reading to find out what happened to them all - but not sure I'll rush to read Sallis again. Cheryl118

I'd give this 3.5 but can't!

Anyway the premise is good, you meet some great characters when they all come together at Christmas at Reg's holiday park.

Their individual stories and how they entwined is good too. Where it goes wrong for me is that I keep forgetting what era we are in, its really old fashioned how it's been written and I keep thinking we are post war not the turn of the millennium!

Anyway at the end everyone lives happy(ish) ever after! Anne M51

This is a story of a group of people spending Christmas and New Year in a holiday camp. The language and especially the dialogue were strangely oldfashioned giving the impression it was set in the 1950s or 60s. But it was set in 1999. If it had been set in the 50s or 60s, the story and the characters might have been believable. But for me it just all felt too twee. Kaye315 3

A wonderful story. Six different groups come to the resort of Reg's place for the Christmas celebration. Each group has issues and is given time within the book to show and help fix them. Hard to put this one down. Some stories are harder than others, naturally, but well worth my time. Highly recommend. Mrs G.E. Lewis36

Holidays remembered

Disappointed remembered reading Susan Sallis years ago and thoroughly enjoying them. This time although the story was good but obviously my choice of reading has changed. I first read it when it came out so both the book and I am much older.... Anne Hayes44 1 follower

Good story

A lovely story if you a Mills and Boon Romance. Unfortunately not for me, I found some of the characters and situations too far fetched and silly to be honest. The characters and dialogue could easily have been set in the 1950s or 60s.
Jean488 1 follower

Comforting good old fashioned read, set in 2000 but could have been in any decade previous to that. Lovely picture of how complex people make life for themselves but it all works out and no one is a rotter! Brown Catherine340 1 follower

Picked up a load of random used books. Easy reads, which is what I was looking for to tide me over my chronic tiredness at the mo, but OMG am I not a fan of that type of literature. vERY soppy and sentimental. Mags83

This book is about a small holiday village and guests on holiday, different situations and secrets. Quite a few people to remember who was who. An pleasant read but not exactly exciting , I somehow felt something was lacking. Sue Burton729 3

Thanks Netgalley and the Publisher. I read this book many years ago and had forgotten how good it was. Great storyline and great characters, thoroughly enjoyed it. Nicola “Shortbookthyme”1,742 139

I was a bit disappointed with Sea Of Dreams. I tried my hardest to get through the story but it wasn’t easy.
Overall, I was left dissatisfied with this book. Ayme Kennedy85

Another attempt last year to branch out to new authors and was left underwhelmed by the story. Kate Jones171

What a great read! I really enjoyed getting away from my usual murder/mystery books. Linda94

This was a bit of a slow burner for me - it did get going near the end and I found it a very touching story Heather Morton43

Nice easy read. Good start to holiday. Ilse206

did not finish this book - not worth it, there is nothing theremy-library Deirdre J26

Interesting characters......but once again with this author, just a few too many of them. Seems this is a pattern for Sallis. I spend half my time trying to place each of the characters and their backstory as I am reading. She also doesn't separate the paragraphs so you don't know which character you are reading about until you are in the middle of the thing! Although she doesn't write sexual scenes, the background of the characters is overly fraught with sexual transgressions that are quite a bit out of the norm. Despite all of this, I did finish the book and had a reasonable level of enjoyment. I especially d the scene set in the coastal holiday village. Gloria Mitchell336

I was looking forward to reading this book but I was disappointed with it I struggled with the story at the very start of the book but carried on with it but it did not improve for me Did finish reading it though Re read this book for a 2nd time still did not enjoy this book For me there is too many characters in this book too much stuff going on in the story Did read it to the end though Jennifer Logan12

Found this book awfully tame, nearly boring even. Guess that makes it realistic and logical Trina Hollis294 42

Loved this a really good story about a group of people who come together to spend christmas at a holiday village.fiction Jeanette1,129 58

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