
The Wayward Target de Susan Ouellette

de Susan Ouellette - Género: English
libro gratis The Wayward Target


Susan Ouellette ISBN: 9780744308723,9780744308747,9780744308754,9780744308761,9780744308778

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I solely read the Unbearable Lightness of Being, but I thoroughly enjoyed the book! Yana StajnoAuthor 3 books67

A year after Maggie loses her fiance to a terrorist, is in the sights of the same terrorist who is surprised she is still alive but wants to remedy that. She is a CIA analyst and her identity has been kept quiet until someone gives up her name. Soon it is spread and she is now a target.

It is up to her boss Warner Thompson, and CIA officer Roger Patterson to keep her safe. To know what has happened in the past, you may want to read the two previous books, it just gives you more of a feel of how all the characters relate to each other in this spy novel. Secrets abound and of course, the animosity between the CIA and the FBI if front and center. Can Maggie, Warner, and Roger find the bad guy on time?

I had not read anything else by Susan Ouelette but that did not mean I did not understand what was going on in the book. This book is a fast-paced, spy thriller, character-driven and relevant to our current times. I read this book in a few sittings, I do look forward to reading more by this author.

I give the book 5 stars.

I received a copy of the book for review purposes only.1 BlaireReadsTheThings330 12

Thank you to NetGalley for the audiobook copy of this title.

This is the third book in the series. Considering that I was unaware of this and haven't read the previous installments, I will rate it as a standalone. The book references things that happened in previous books and while this book explains everything that you really need to know, having read the previous ones would probably make you more invested in the characters and the story.

The book picks up a year after the events of the second book. Bukayev is trying to hunt down Maggie after the incident at the elementary school that left Zara dead. (I assume Zara was his woman and partner in terrorism.) Maggie, Roger, and Warner are in a race against time to track him down and neutralize him.

This genre is not really my cup of tea, but it was fairly enjoyable. Once I figured out who everyone was and how we got to this place, it was pretty easy to follow. There were plenty of "high stakes" moments that kept you on your toes. Maggie was pretty likable, although a bit petty and acted she didn't remember that she worked for the CIA a bit when she complained about not being in every loop. The main reason that I gave The Wayward Target 2 stars is because it is about 150 pages too long. According to Amazon, it is over 500 pages and felt it. The plot when in circles more than I would have d and the ending felt rushed and anti-climactic. I'm honestly glad that I was not invested in the entire trilogy because I would have been very disappointed in the ending. As it was, the recording was good and the narrator was enjoyable. I'm glad that I listened to the audiobook for this one. arc audio netgalley1 Elin Torres70 1 follower

The Wayward Target is full of action!
Maggie is coming down from the events of the year before where she took down some terrorists at an elementary school. She's started a new relationship with Roger after her fiance Steve died. She seems a little troubled but moving forward with her life her name gets leaked to the press and puts her life in danger with more terrorists.
This books was a change of pace for me but I thoroughly enjoyed it. There's intrigue, danger and a little romance. Maggie and all the characters are believable in their feelings. I even enjoyed the villains perspective.
The narrator did a good job of converting all the different characters without going to far.
I was pleasantly surprised I d it so much.
I received this audiobook from Netgalley. This is my honest opinion.netgalley1 Jen Helm-Henson10 2

I listened to this as an audiobook, and I’m so glad I did! The character development was interesting. I also really got a lot out of the various POVs. That added a lot of depth. The storyline was super believable. I had to remind myself that it was fiction. Definitely gave me pause and made me want to always consider my surroundings a little closer. I really enjoyed this book a lot!1 Lisa Wetzel556 29

The Wayward Target is the third book in The Wayward Series by Susan Ouellette. This is a well written book that can be read as a standalone. This was my first book by this author and a little different from my usual reads. This was a very interesting read that is a spy adventure. A fascinating story of espionage, terrorists, the CIA and spies. Ms. Ouellette then combines secrets, tension, danger and a lot of action that will not let you put this one down. The characters are strong and likable. Filled with so many twist and turns your head will spin. I would definitely recommend this and I am looking forward to reading the first two books in this series.

Thank you Partners in Crime Book Tours, CamCat Books and Susan Ouellette for this intriguing book to read and review. The opinions expressed are strictly my own.
#partnersincrimebooktour #camcat. #susanouellette
#thewaywardtarget #thewaywardseriespartners-in-crime-tour2 s Maranda Barry305 2

Listened at 3x speed with no issues. Story remained enjoyable and easy to follow.
While I didn't know this was the 3rd installment in a series, I did enjoy this book as a standalone. Enough information is given throughout the story to provide context to the referenced past events without having read them. (I'm sure this would be a nice refresher for someone who may have read the previous stories and needed a refresher before diving in again.)

Maggie is a CIA officer and the story takes her, her boss Warner, and her love interest Roger up and down the east coast and all the way to Russia. The story moves quickly and tries to balance a romance with terrorism with media with etc... there are many modern elements that make the story timely and engaging.

For me, I didn't love how often Maggie seemed to "go rogue" and didn't feel a great amount of the love connection between her and Roger. However, I did enjoy the work-friend relationship that she and Warner tried to navigate and some of the training mentioned for CIA/FBI situations and agents.

A few obvious "twists" didn't work out for me, but I think it was an easy, engaging listen regardless of that.

Overall: 3 stars (I d it)

I'll tell my students about: language, violence/gore/murder, alcohol, trauma

**Thank you to NetGalley & CamCat Books | Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA), Members' Audiobooks for the free ARC. All opinions expressed are my own.** Joan3,896 92

This is another good spy adventure featuring Maggie. The action in this novel is based on the previous one in the series. In that book, Maggie was involved in killing a Russian operative. Maggie's involvement had been kept secret as the CIA knew she would be a target of revenge if identified. In this novel we see the disaster that can happen when a senator demands such knowledge and then broadcasts it.

This novel brings out the issue of the tension between congresspeople and agencies the CIA or FBI. Secrecy rubs some congresspeople the wrong way. But secrecy is necessary if successful operations are to be carried out. We become privy to some underlying motives behind the senator's unbridled mouth. It was interesting to see how one person with congressional power could frustrate and almost derail necessary action by the CIA.

There is a good deal of action in this novel since Maggie's life is in danger. There is more action when Maggie decides to take matters into her own hands. She is a capable woman. I think she needs to be promoted from her analyst position to a full blown spy.

I hope Maggie is not over fighting villains as I'll be looking for another in the series.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book through Partners in Crime Book Tours. My comments are an independent and honest review.thriller Chelly91 4

Great book, I read the audiobook version, I didn't love the narrator but still I got used to her easily enough, and the story itself kept me hooked. I didn't realise before I read it that there were two books before but honestly there was no real need for me to have read the previous books, it probably was more mysterious for me than people who know the full story but everything gets wrapped up and explained at the end so I didn't have unanswered questions. I would love to see what happens next but sometimes that's the best place to end it, where the reader is happy and imagining all the possible future outcomes. Very enjoyable read, would highly recommend as a standalone book, but I think I will go back and read the first two.

As always, I don't to give away any spoilers so I will only say that I loved all the characters, even the ones we're supposed to hate, but I enjoyed hating them. I thought the changing Points Of View were very well done, they gave me an insight into each character so I could better understand the motives behind their actions. Sometimes I hate changing POVs as I want the author to just get on with the story but I felt Susan did this so seamlessly, I was almost begging for the next POV to see what was going on inside each of the characters' heads haha. Definitely recommend the audiobook.audiobook-only made-me-cry oh-my-god-when-is-the-next-book-out Connie Forsyth10

The Wayward Target is the third book in the Wayward Series by Susan Ouellette. Thank you to NetGalley and CamCatBooks for this audiobook copy in exchange for my honest review. I will say upfront that I have not read the first 2 books in this series, however I do not feel that impaired my ability to appreciate it as a stand alone. This book was a fast paced thriller that I thoroughly enjoyed. The narrator, Erin Bennett, did a great job keeping the speed and tone entertaining. I have listened to other books she has narrated before and I find she has a pleasant voice to listen to and keeps your attention from drifting.

This book begins one year after the last book where Maggie killed a terrorist at a school in the US. Now, the terrorists are out to track Maggie down and kill for revenge. It takes us across the world to try and track down the killers before they can find her.

This book is told from many different POV which provides the reader with varied perspectives. There was a great deal of knowledge on the government and CIA and how the various agencies worked separate and apart. This made the book interesting, but at times I personally found it to be a bit too much.

I will definitely be keeping an eye out for more by Susan in the future.
Honestly Yours118 1 follower

I want to thank NetGalley and the publisher for an arc copy of this audiobook in exchange for my honest review.

This book is a bit different from my reads of late but I do enjoy a spy thriller and this did not disappoint. Since I’m specifically reviewing the audio version I’ll start with saying that the narrator did a great job with the recitation. She gave enough emotion to get into the books world but without crossing a line and allowed the consumer to create the world in their own way.

This is apparently the third book in a series but you never would have known as it is a great stand alone following Maggie through life and death twists and turns as she tries to save not only her life but that of her lover while betraying her closest friend.

I enjoyed the authenticity coming from an author who has been in the CIA but it was frightening of how a politician could create havoc within that world and put peoples life at risk.

I will go back and read the first two books as I enjoyed this very much and I hope this isn’t the last we have heard from Maggie. Melissa Ammons359 18

I received a gifted copy and am providing a review.

This is book three in The Wayward Series. It can certainly be read as a stand-alone, but reading the first two would help in knowing the “full” story behind Maggie and her motivations to overstep the bounds of authority, to understand how she and Roger got together, to learn about the relationship she developed with Warner Thompson, and what happened to Steve. I did enjoy this story that had Maggie running from the bad guy, Bukayev, and his goons.

I enjoyed the characters of Creature, Karina, and Daud who did as well as he could with what he knew. Karina was tougher than anyone might think.

If you political intrigue, bad guys versus good guys, a female analyst who puts herself in danger no matter the consequences, and a bit of romance, I’m sure you’ll enjoy The Wayward Series. It will be interesting to see what happens in book four. I’m sure there are more adventures waiting for Maggie.
Ink594 10

The Wayward Target by Susan Ouellette and narrated by Erin Bennett is a gripping, action-packaed thriller that was impossible to put down

This is the first novel from Susan Ouelette that I have encountered and the writing is perfectly paced for the genre and the storyline intricate and highly engaging. Erin Bennett narrates with dynamic nuances and exceptional versatility making this a really enjoyable audiobook

The narrative is strong and very well written. The storyline is reflective of current events yet with the reassurance of a satisfying conclusion

Thank you to Netgalley, CamCat Books, Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA), Members' Audiobooks, the author Susan Ouellette and the outstanding narrator Erin Bennett for this awesome ARC. My review is left voluntarily and all opinions are my ownaudiobooks netgalley Michelle Rooney21

The Wayward Target was my first experience with Susan Ouellette's work, but it certainly won't be my last. I was drawn in by the book's description...politics, terrorists, murder plots, a love story... what more could I need? This fast paced work not only kept me engaged, but forced me to stay up much too late listening until the end.

The description of The Wayward Target drew me in, but Erin Bennett as the narrator was the icing on the cake. As always, Bennett's work made the audiobook captivating.

Thank you CamCat Books, Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA), Members' Audiobooks and NetGalley for a copy of this wonderful audiobook in exchange for my honest review. Shakella "The Singing Bibliophile" Gordon102


I felt that I was involved in an actual top secret case, with extremely classified information. With the disclaimer stating that the CIA was involved in the writing of this book to ensure that there was no accidental slip of info, heightened the excitement for me!

This was very well written, the back story for each character was followable and the kind of love triangle was actually really sweet!

The voice actors were great also, I listened over a span of 3 days. I felt I was watching a television mini series, maybe a special installment of 48 or JAG.

I would suggest this book to a friend.arc-reads audiobook Peter701 23

This is an exciting audiobook thriller. Maggie Jenkins is thrown under the bus by a politician more interested in political gain than the human consequences. Now outed to terrorists as the person who killed their associates she and her friends are a target for revenge. There starts the action, because Maggie is not one to sit back on her hands. In fact her way of handling things is the exact opposite of that. Although I enjoyed the story, I didn’t find the narrator’s accent enjoyable to my Scottish ear. Thank you to CamCat Books and NetGalley for the audio ARC. The views expressed are all mine freely given.netgalley netgalley-audio-books Charlotte96 4

A gripping read

Oh my! I wasn't expecting to be pulled into this thrilling book quite as much as I was. Maggie Jenkins is able and relatable. I love how strong she is even when her vulnerabilities show. It's also great to have this genre of book led by a woman, a well written one at that.
The Wayward Target is so much more than I expected and I'm so pleased! It's definitely one to recommend to friends and family and if you have a book group add it to the list. If not start a book group with it!
Amy Leonard470 5

The tv show Homeland in a book…I loved it!

Maggie Jenkins is a CIA agent used to hunting down terrorists but this time, instead of being the hunter, she is being hunted.

This was such an entertaining read…most thrillers are about serial killers and the but The Wayward Target is about the CIA and terrorists in Russia. I found it to be a great story told from the CIA perspective as well as the terrorist. I received this audiobook in exchange for my opinion but now I’m going to have to go back and read the rest of the books by Susan Ouelette.netgalley Courtney3

This was the 3rd book of a series I had not started, but found it easy to jump in and follow. The narrator was great, had a strong and consistent voice which was very easy to listen to. I got access to this book through NetGalley, and found it to be a great and easy read. This CIA thriller was easily one that is in my favorite genre with the point of view from multiple characters. I found the story to be action packed and a very quick exciting read. I will go back and read the first and second book in the series. @netgalley Nancy246 2

If you're looking for an adrenaline surge, you've found it. This is one of those "hard to put down" books.
It's filled with espionage, terrorists, CIA operatives and spies. Lots of action in this book.
I wish I had read Book 1 and Book 2 of this series first, but this book can be a stand alone read.
Thank you, Ms Quellette, for giving us Maggie, Roger and Warner. Also, Creature. I hope he features in more of the Wayward series. Carla38

The Wayward Target was a fun, fast paced CIA thriller! The characters had plenty of back story without getting bogged down in facts to keep straight. I always enjoy action/adventure books that have narration from multiple angles, including the villain, and this book did that well.
I would definitely read another book in this series!audio netgalley Otchen Makai270 55

This is the third novel in this series, and it read as interesting and captivating as the first. That's rare with series books of this nature. The story was well written, the main characters as well as side characters were well defined, enticing you to want to know more about them which kept me engaged in the story.

I'd recommend this to readers who enjoy a good action and spy thriller. Linsey Toney95 3

This book for me was hard to get into. maybe just not my cup of tea. I think the storyline was ok, just a little boring for me, didn't hold my interest. I listened to the audio version the narration was good.

Michael Clisham1 review1 follower

Fast Paced

The end of a thrilling trilogy, Maggie is a great character and it was a fun ride with her thru these three books. Krista Delperdang148 10

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