
Three Sisters de Susan Mallery

de Susan Mallery - Género: English
libro gratis Three Sisters


New York Times bestselling author Susan Mallery's prose has been called "gritty and magical" and "luscious and provocative" (Publishers Weekly). Now she returns to Blackberry Island with the story of three women whose friendship will change their lives forever.

After Andi Gordon is jilted at the altar, she makes the most impetuous decision of her life--buying one of the famed Three Sisters Queen Anne houses on Blackberry Island. Now the proud-ish owner of the ugly duckling of the trio, she plans to open her own pediatric office on the first floor, just as soon as her hunky contractor completes the work. Andi's new future may be coming together, but the truth is she's just as badly in need of a major renovation as her house.

When Deanna Phillips confronts her husband about a suspected affair, she opens up a Pandora's box of unhappiness. And he claims that she is the problem. The terrible thing is, he's right....

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After just finishing Barefoot Season, I was quite skeptical and even a little upset when I found out that this book was only continuing about Blackberry Island and didn't include Michelle and Carly, the main characters of the first book in this series. I was also a little aloof reading the description wondering what could possibly be so great about a book about three houses called the Three Sisters. Let me be the first to say that I was sorely WRONG about everything!

Immediately upon beginning the story, I found myself excited to learn about Andi, Boston, and Deanna. I think that Susan Mallery has such a wonderful gift when it comes to opening up a story and just being able to draw the reading in from the first few words!

I have read some complaints about the layout of the story, but I am actually quite fond and think I would almost rather read a book in the layout such as the one Mallery chose for this book. I find that it keeps my interest peaked more so than just reading one whole book about one or two characters. For those of you that may not know what I mean, Mallery chose to break this story down into three sets of relationships/couples. There seems to be a bit about each set of characters in each chapter, and I loved that! I thought that this writing technique kept the book flowing smoothly.

I found that the characters were so real and in depth, with true life problems and situations that many readers may identify with, and I truly admired that about this book. That is mostly what kept me reading, was the fact that even though it was a story, I felt it could be a real story. Of course everybody wants a fairytale life, but the reality is, that most of the time, such a life doesn't exist, and I truly believe that Mallery depicts that with her writing. I felt myself being able to identify and empathize with the characters, all the while each of them growing on me more and more with each page that I turned.

Once I had forgotten about the characters of the first book and began becoming entralled with the characters of this book, I was pleasantly surprised to find that Mallery nonchalently reintroduces the first books characters and provides a quick little update on the progress of their lives. I look forward to see what's going to happen next on Blackberry Island and also look forward to continuing to get a glimpse in the lives of each character that Mallery has built in Blackberry Island.

This book did deal with real-life intense issues and I felt that Mallery wrote about them beautifully. I the fact that even though she provides you with romance, it is real and heartfelt, not something cheesy that you could never dream of happening! I have certainly found a new favorite author of mine.

I have to give Ms. Mallery and her publishing team the greatest thanks for allowing me to be a part of her Review Crew and providing me with an advance copy of this amazingly spectacular book in return for my honest and unbiased review!

Bring on some more Blackberry Island!!a-5-star-read advance-readers favorites ...more28 s TamiAuthor 17 books2,660

Mein erstes Buch von Susan Mallery und ich bin restlos begeistert <3 Wunderschön!22 s Julie4,142 38.2k

Three Sisters by Susan Mallery is women's fiction/romance novel. This book is scheduled for release in early February and is published by Harlequin Mira.

Three Sisters - the beautiful, Queen Anne style Victorian homes on Blackberry Island house, three completely different women and families at various stages in their lives. As the story opens all three residents are going through very rough periods of their lives.

Andi had her life all mapped out. She lived in Seattle, had her career as a doctor and was about to marry Matt, the man she had spent the last decade with. Then Matt jilts her at the alter in front of 300 friends and family, and leaves her to deal with the aftermath. Andi also has to deal with her over achieving family when she suddenly leaves Seattle and buys a two hundred year old Victorian home that will have be completely renovated. But, Andi needs a fresh start. She wants to be a pediatrician and the island is in desperate need of one. So, Andi is determined to put men, sex, and romance out of her life forever and focus on helping kids. But, her sexy contractor,Wade, keeps distracting her from her "no more men" policy.

The home on Andi's right was beautifully restored, with a perfect garden and landscape. Deanna and Colin live here with their five daughters. On the outside it looks the perfect home and the perfect family. But, looks can be deceiving. Deanna believes her husband has been having an affair. When she confronts him, Colin takes the opportunity to let loose on Deanna about how unhappy he is with their marriage and how miserable she makes their children. How dare he? Deanna works hard to be the perfect mother. No regular TV- PBS only, no sugar, no seconds at dinner, etc. Her rules are strangling her marriage and her children. Suddenly, Deanna feels the outsider in her own home. Not to mention the fact that she has put off most of people on the island and has no friends or family to turn to for a shoulder to cry on.

The house on on the left is also restored. Zeke and Boston have lived on the island all their lives. It was love at first sight for Zeke and Boston. They had been in love and very happy until a horribly sad tragedy upended their lives. Now the once strong and happy home is crumbling rapidly and it looks it may implode permanently unless they can both find a way to cope with, then accept what has happened and move forward with their lives.

This is an emotional story of how three women are coping with difficult and overwhelming situations. It is also a story of how these women forge a friendship despite their differences and first impressions. Some of the women bonded from the start, but other got off to a very rocky start. As they began to confide in each other, they learned to lean on each other and support each other through the good moments and the bad.
The subject matter was hard to deal with at times, especially with one of the stories being so very, very sad. In each of the stories the men were often a bit too selfish or not supportive enough. One obviously could have helped more by addressing the need for medical intervention, but these men were also suffering as well and were doing what they could to cope, even if it wasn't always the right way to cope. None of these characters were without their flaws, which is of course what makes the story real and believable.
The only weak story line, for me personally, was with Andi's guy, Wade. Wade had some reason to feel he did, but I thought he took it way too far and wouldn't listen to Andi when I thought she was being quite honest about everything. He was too cautious and too sensitive about their differences.
Even though the situations these women faced were monumental, in the end we are filled with hope and encouragement. We feel the power of love and friendship and community and come away with the knowledge that these three couples are on their way to the next chapter of their lives with the worst behind them and bright future in the front of them.
Adult subject matter, sexual situations/content, mild language. Overall this one gets an A.
I got this book from Edelweiss for an honest review.
contemporary-romance edelweiss-review13 s Carol898 40

When you stay up late to finish a book becasue you can't put it down, it is a pretty good indication that you d the book. The three sisters are three houses, but the three women who live in them are the story. Their lives were each very different, but they all had their own problems. As each women reaches a crisis in her life, they find that family isn't necessarily those we are related to, but who is there for you. Believable situations and characters, with a nice balance of humor and romance to balance the bittersweet. I have not read any other books in the Blackberry Island series, but it did not make any difference to my enjoyment of the book. 10 s Julie250 4

Susan Mallery is one of my favorite authors but I did not realize that this was the second book in the Blackberry Island series. I was pleasantly surprised that I didn't have to read the first book in the series in order to understand the story.

I enjoyed this quick and easy read that was both humorous and sad.8 s Jennifer418 24

Andi, a pediatric doctor, makes a rash decision after being left at the altar by her boyfriend of ten years and buys a worn down house on Blackberry Island. Renovating the house into both her new practice and her new home should provide just the distraction she needs to get over her broken heart.

Next door neighbor Deanna has what looks to be the perfect life. An amazing husband and five beautiful daughters, she does everything right. Only problem is she is so wrapped up in appearances and rules that she fails to see that her husband is ready to bolt and her kids alternate between hating her and being scared of her.

On the other side of Andi is Boston, who married her high school sweetheart and had the perfect marriage until the day they lost their 6-month old son and they both fell apart.

Brought together by fate, the three soon become fast friends as they each try to find their way to their personal happily ever after.

Sigh. There is nothing wrong with this book. There are well-developed characters and the life affirming themes of love conquers all and friendship gets you through everything is splattered everywhere. There were parts that were very repetitive. The author wanted the reader to know, over and over again, how things went down. The exact details of being left at the altar or Boston sketching her son to find a connection to him beyond death were important but after the fifth time of it, it grew thin. To me, this book has been written several times over by a group of regular writers for their fans. The names and places change, but the theme remains the same. Debbie Macomber fans will enjoy. rl womens-fiction6 s Sheree572 110

4.5 stars

I laughed, I cried, I loved it! After enjoying Barefoot Season I was surprised to be drawn so quickly to new characters but Three Sisters is an emotional story I immediately connected with. Really shouldn't have come as a surprise, Mallery's poignant writing - real women with heartaches, insecurities, strengths and flaws and I identified in some way with each of them.

Andi - seeking a fresh start on Blackberry Island but toting baggage. She buys the run-down middle house of the well known Three Sisters Queen Anne houses.

Deanna - brittle, controlling, bitchy but when she cracks and reveals her vulnerabilities I just wanted to give her a hug.

Boston - drowning in the pain of her baby son's death, Boston's story brought me to tears more than once, close to home and my own heart.

The strength and security that true friendship brings is a beautiful thing, I loved the interaction between Andi, Boston and Deanna and their honesty.

"Don't take this wrong, but I really didn't you much when I first met you."
"Don't worry about it, no one does."
"But you're really nice and funny."
"Maybe you could write a letter of recommendation to my family."

Andi drew back and Boston took her place. Her touch was less sure, but no less comforting. "I'm here too," her neighbour said. "For you and for Andi. It's really okay you're a bitch. You're a good bitch."

I kind of wish I lived next door, I'd fit right in, we would have been friends.

And just in case you're wondering, Three Sisters is book 2 in the Blackberry Island series but it can definitely be read as a stand-a-lone. The connection is only loose but late in the novel there's a little update on Michelle and Carly and the Blackberry Island Inn from Barefoot Season and of course more recipes.

Recommend: Without hesitationown read-in-2013 ...more5 s Dale HarcombeAuthor 14 books381

Looking at the cover of this book and the title you might think the novel is about three sisters. The three sisters are in fact old neighbouring houses on Blackberry Island. The story concerns Andi, who after being jilted at the altar, buys one of the houses planning to open her paediatric surgery and also live in the house. After her disastrous ten years spent with Matt, Andi has sworn off men. Will the hunky contractor working on her house change her mind?
Deanna, a neighbour, is one who strives to have the perfect home and family. But the reality is very different. Then there is Boston, an artist whose baby died in her arms. Now all she does is paint and sketch baby Liam.
When I picked this book up I thought it would be a light chick lit type novel but it also covers issues about parenting, obsessive compulsive disorder, different ways of handling grief, expectations of others, believing in yourself and friendship. There are some gentle words of wisdom , ’by hanging on too tight, she was losing the very thing she sought to keep.’
What annoyed me in this novel was the reference to ‘girl parts,’ which is used several times when it came to sexual responses and reactions. It sounded coy and false. I could also have done with just letting the readier imagine the sex scenes. We know how it’s done, without the detailed description. I also thought the three women fell into the friendship too easily and that the ending was rather rushed. Those quibbles aside, I mostly enjoyed the story and was engaged in the characters and their problems.
4 s Hillary9

This was my first Susan Mallery novel, and overall, I enjoyed it. Following three women at different stages in their lives ensures the story moves forward while giving readers the chance to see the characters from different points of view.

My few quibbles mainly concern Andi's storyline. She was left at the altar by her boyfriend of 10 years, something we hear about again and again and again as she oh-so-slowly gains perspective on that relationship. She has, rather predictably, sworn off men. Enter Wade King who makes her "girly bits" tingle. (Yes, it's a phrase we read often -- and in my case, at least, with less amusement each time.) Andi's a pediatrician, though, and Wade's a contractor so misunderstandings ensue because apparently there's some kind of class structure on Blackberry Island that prevents them from having their happily-ever-after without the prerequisite conflict, drama and tension.

Deanna and Boston's stories had more depth and tension. Both characters grew through the course of the book. I wouldn't have minded Andi's quite so much if it hadn't been the primary focus of the three. While Andi buying the house was the catalyst for the book, there was nothing fresh about her story.

I'll read more Susan Mallery in the future. Her writing is fluid, and it's easy to get lost in the characters and the setting. I wish I'd seen a little more of Blackberry Island, but I look forward to my next visit. 4 s Christina T303 79

I've been a fan of Susan for years now after reading several of her Buchanan family books. I've continued to read her old Silhouette Special Editions and her wonderful Fool's Gold books over the years because her romances are Mac n' Cheese to me. I know when I open one I'm going to meet a friend. I'm going to laugh a little. I'm going to cry a little. And I'm going to close the book at the end feeling warm and fuzzy and probably smiling a loon.

With Three Sisters I got all of that and more.

What shined most for me had to be the 3 women. Andi, Deanna and Boston are as real to me as my best friend. Hands down these women are some of the best characters Susan has ever created. She has an uncanny ability to write that one character who is a total witch no one (including yourself) can stand through a good portion of the book and turn them around in a way we readers cheer them on by the end. Oh yes, she certainly did that here. Totally made me want to drive my happy butt to Blackberry Island and give Deanna a hug!

I'm really looking forward to reading more in the Blackberry Island series and I hope Susan continues on with them for a long time.5-stars shelfari-favorites4 s AlwaysV484

Wow! Such an amazing love story! I didn't expect to LOVE this gorgeous story this much. Andi, Boston, and Deanna the owners of the famed Three Sisters, Queen Anne houses, on Blackberry Island, became true sisters. How they helped each other through messy lives and though heartaches read almost a fairy tale. The real life princes also helped just a little, but mostly? they were/caused the heartaches.

It was an emotional story that would definitely speak to any readers who ever suffered unbearable heartaches in real life and who were able to overcome it all through unexpected support of newly found friends as well as through a professional help, too.

Totally loved my kind of THREE happy endings
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