
The Last Hope : A Maggie Hope Mystery de Susan Elia MacNeal

de Susan Elia MacNeal - Género: English
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Susan Elia MacNeal Publisher: Random House Publishing Group, Year: 2024 ISBN: 9780593156995,9780593156988

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The Last Hope by Susan Elia MacNeal is the eleventh and final book in the Maggie Hope historical mystery series. Maggie Hope has had numerous jobs including secretary to Winston Churchill, a defuser of bombs that were dropped in London by the Germans, but had not exploded, and currently, a spy. In this one Maggie is sent to Madrid, Spain, with a few stops along the way. She has two parts to this mission. The first part is to meet with fashion designer and possible double agent Coco Chanel. The second task is to assassinate a German physicist, Werner Heisenberg. Meanwhile there are events and revelations occurring in Maggie’s personal life. The events occur in 1944.

The characterization is well done. Maggie is a mathematics major, enjoys recognizing patterns, word games, and puzzles. She’s also been trained as a spy, is a skilled marksman, and has a complicated personal and family life. Her internal conflicts felt realistic and appropriate.
The writing is well-done, the plot is engaging and thought-provoking, as well as heart-wrenching during at least one scene. It was interesting to get insight into the somewhat neutral countries and life within them. Several strong themes run through this novel including the horrors of war, betrayals, spies, collaboration, assassinations, double agents, blackmail, guilt, propaganda, and much more.

Overall, this novel is entertaining and moving. It’s a strong and impactful tale with plenty of action and suspense. I feel this series is best read in series order. The back-story will enhance a reader’s enjoyment and understanding as the series progresses. Readers who enjoy historical mysteries and espionage novels will ly enjoy this book.

Random House Publishing Group – Ballantine – Bantam and Susan Elia MacNeal provided a complimentary digital ARC of this novel via Net Galley. All opinions expressed in this review are my own. Publication date is currently set for May 21 2024.
My 4.02 rounded to 4 stars review is coming soon.historical-mystery mystery-thriller-suspense netgalley-2024 ...more90 s17 comments Grandma Susan582 59

This is the final book in the Maggie Hope series and I’m sad to see it end. This is a series I will reread. Out of all the books in the series, this one was my favorite. Each of these books is steeped in history, intrigue, sometimes light romance, memorable characters. These books have always kept my attention, sometimes even on the edge of my seat. There’s often a twist, i didn’t see coming. Very British. I was blessed with a free ARC, and I’m voluntarily leaving my review. Highly recommend the entire series.netgalley want-to-reread29 s13 comments Julia KellyAuthor 21 books2,106

An explosive finale to a thrilling series! Once again, Maggie Hope shines as she finds herself plunged into a dangerous game of intrigue in World War 2 Spain. With spies, double agents, and shady figures around every corner, readers won’t be able to resist losing themselves in each thrilling twist and turn!17 s Literary Redhead2,144 569

Maggie's last WWII spy adventure as this beloved series comes to an end was everything I'd hoped for and more. I've read her every book and found myself as gripped as never before by this story that involves Maggie, Coco Chanel, and Heisenberg (the physicist behind Germany's effort to develop a nuclear bomb).

It's her most dangerous assignment yet for British intelligence. "Will she survive?" was my only thought as I raced through the pages. Maggie Hope fans will be as unable to put this down as I was, and thank author Susan Elia MacNeal for creating such a beloved character and engaging series. Adieu, Maggie!9 s Michelle266

So....... I'm really pissed right now. Those of us that have read the entire series, waited almost three years for this book to come out, and it just ends :( The book was well researched but did drag in a couple of places and there's no sense of finality.
Books 1-8 came out in a quick succession. No cliff hangers. Then comes book 9; a great book. This ends with the teaser John Sterlings coming back. All of us who love John are so excited and 'it's about time, he came back into the picture.' We get to wait almost a year and a half for 10 to come out, which ends on the cliff hanger, this last mission is their last and most dangerous and will Maggie and John get back together and finally marry?
We as the fans invested hours, into these books, pouring over them, research some of the names of the players. I feel I was so excited for this book, only to be terribly let down.

**** Ms. MacNeal, responded to my rant! Fret not Maggie Hope fans, there is hopefully (No pun Intended) something in the works!!!!!!*********8 s4 comments Glen5,445 63

I won this book in a goodreads drawing.

Maggie Hope is given the mission she's been asking for since she was recruited, but it's an assassination. She is to kill a developer of what will be known as the atom bomb. She isn't sure such a bomb is even possible, and goes to Spain to investigate.

Overwrought this sort of novel tends to be.

What I found interesting was the inclusion of Coco Chanel, the creator of the little black dress, and her well known Nazi ties. Somehow, she was never called to account. I'm not sure how accurate MacNeal's description of her character is, but Chanel's Nazi links are worth exploring at least as much as IBM's.espionage firstreads historical-fiction5 s Kat984 37

The Last Hope is the 11th - and last (NOOOOOOOOO!) - book in the engrossing World War II mystery series Maggie Hope by Susan Elia MacNeal. Though I only read books 10 and 11, I absolutely fell in love with this series. When this series first began, I had no interest in historical fiction, with the exception of historical romances. Now historical mystery and thrillers is my favorite genre, due in part to wonderful books such as this. Can you read this book if you haven't read the others? Most certainly, as I was late to the party myself, and the mystery in this volume stands alone. You will, however, want to go back and read what you missed, as references are made here to past mysteries and characters. When I retire (at the end of this year - WOOHOO!), I fully intend to go back and read all of the excitement I have missed.

Maggie Hope started out as Winston Churchill's secretary, but she has advanced through tremendous dangers. She’s learned espionage, sabotage, and reconnaissance, but now she is faced with a whole new assignment: assassination. British Intelligence has ordered Maggie to assassinate Werner Heisenberg, the physicist who may have produced a fission bomb for Nazi Germany. Maggie has so much to lose now, since she has reunited with John Sterling, the love of her life, but she must follow orders to help win the war for the Allies. However, Maggie wants to discover if Germany actually has a bomb before she assassinates Heisenberg. Maggie travels to Madrid, where the doctor is visiting for a lecture, and she's determined to discover more information. If this wasn't enough to worry about, couturier Coco Chanel has requested a meeting with Maggie. Chanel, a suspected Axis spy, is meeting with the British Ambassador in Madrid—and has requested Maggie join them . Maggie is hoping for her happily-ever-after with John, but she must follow through with this mission. It may not only have lasting impact on her personal life, but also the world.

One of the most thrilling things about this series is that much of the action is based on actual historical events. The same is true of historical figures. We all know who Prime Minister Winston Churchill was and how he helped win the war for the Allies, and we get to learn a little more about him here, such has his friendship with Chanel. German Werner Heisenberg was a theoretical physicist, one of the main pioneers of the theory of quantum mechanics, and a principal scientist in the Nazi nuclear weapons program during World War II; he is also known for his "uncertainty principle". He was awarded the 1932 Nobel Prize in Physics for the creation of quantum mechanics. I admit quantum physics is totally beyond my realm of knowledge besides knowing that a fission bomb is also known as the atom bomb. There's just enough science to give you a better idea of what's going on, but not too much that will have your eyes rolling into the back of your head. I'm sure you are familiar with Coco Chanel, the famous designer, and her iconic Chanel No. 5 perfume. But did you know she actually was a spy for Germany? I had not been aware of that until this series. You will definitely want to know more about these people and their history after reading the book; it's absolutely fascinating. Chanel made an appearance in at least one of the previous books. It's the character of Maggie Hope, however, that will keep you glued to the pages. Maggie has recently been reunited with John Sterling, a former Royal Air Force officer who was the love of her life, and they are beginning to plan a future together. Maggie has so much to lose, but she must follow orders in order to help the Allies win the war. She doesn't follow orders blindly, however; she is determined to discover if Nazi Germany actually has a fission bomb before assassinating Heisenberg. Maggie learns a lot about her self during this mission and must use her wits to keep herself and her loved ones alive. She has an absolutely heartbreaking thing happen to her during this mission, and I admit I cried my eyes out. She is a real hero; she does what she must, but she's smart enough to be scared, and she pushes herself past that. I enjoyed many of the supporting characters. I really John, though he doesn't appear much in this book. Maggie's housemates are a diverse, loving bunch, and are family to her. My favorite supporting character, however, is Spanish bullfighting star Juanito Belmonte. He is sweet on Maggie, and the pages shine whenever he makes an appearance! The action in this tale is non-stop. I use the phrase "edge of my seat" often, but it's particularly apt here. There were Allied spies, Axis spies and double agents. Just when you think you know what category a character belongs to, you'll be thrown for a loop to discover their actual motivations. I was kept guessing until the very end. This book was an excellent ending to the series, and I'm heartbroken that it's ended. However, I bask in the thought of having 9 previous books to go back and read to see all the thrills I missed. I'm definitely looking forward to what Ms. MacNeal comes up with next!

I received an ARC of this book courtesy of the publisher and NetGalley. I received no compensation for my review, and all thoughts and opinions expressed are entirely my own.
arc favorites3 s Allyson180 3

I’ve been a Maggie Hope fan since day one, she’s been my girl for 12 years. When I started this book I got a little bit sad that her journey was over but I’m not going to count this one. It was disappointing that such a strong, brilliant character had such a womp womp ending. Justice for Major Hope!3 s eyes.2c2,804 83

Coco Channel calls!

Maggie is home, safe at last with John Sterling, her ex-fiancé. But that relationship’s put on hold when she’s called into the Special Operations Executive by Kim Philby, head of the Iberian Section of MI6
The writings on the wall for Germany. The allies are pushing through. Europe’s already been carved up at the Tehran Conference.
The German Generals want to negotiate a seperate peace with Churchill. Coco Channel is calling in markers for her lover, Nazi, Baron Hans Günther von Dincklage. Coco has asked for “Paige Kelly” that is Maggie, to be the conduit. Maggie owes her! The meeting will take place in so called neutral Spain in Madrid, a hotbed of spies—Fascists, Nazis, and Communists as well as the Americans and Brits.
Maggie though has been tasked by something even more dangerous. She’s to assassinate the scientist, Weber Heisenberg, who is believed to be working on an Atomic Bomb. Maggie however decides that if Germans are not in the race she won’t kill him. Don’t forget Maggie was a brilliant mathematician before the war. First she must somehow meet and talk protons and heavy water with Herr Heisenberg, trying to discover his progress thus far.
Coco meanwhile has a letter from the Generals for Maggie to personally handover to Churchill.
However the handover becomes complicated when Maggie’s associate, Agent Connor Sullivan, is poisoned.
There’s danger everywhere and Maggie has no idea who’s behind it. A game of cat and mouse ensues. Maggie’s life is in the balance.
A fitting end to a highly explosive series. I was captured not only by the action but intrigued by the names dropped throughout the story. Kim Philby, Antony Blunt! Hmm!

A Random House-Ballantine ARC via NetGalley.
Many thanks to the author and publisher.historical-fiction netgalley world-war-112 s Donna548 10

This is such an exciting, well researched ending to this series, as Maggie embarks on her most dangerous mission! I was spellbound from beginning to end. I regret to say that I have not read the previous books, but Iam looking forward to reading them! This book does work well as a stand-alone. Magie Hope is an absolutely wonderful character, full of both bravery and trepidation as she struggles complete her assigned mission. In this final installment, Maggie poses as a courier assigned to Spain, where she encounters Coco Chanel once again, and meets with Heisenberg, (the physicist working on behalf of Germany to create a nuclear bomb), as well as a famous matador. Susan Elia MacNeal has woven much of the history of that time as well as both the beauty and danger that existed in Spain into an unforgettable ending to this series. The author notes at the end are a must read! Thank you to the author, publisher and Netgalley for my advance copy. The opinions of this review are my own.2 s Rebecca61 2

I’ve read all the Maggie Hope books, each one better than the one before, with the final book the best yet. The Last Hope, a story rich with historical facts coupled with espionage and intrigue is the perfect ending to this incredible series.

The synopsis of Susan Elia MacNeal’s The Last Hope provides a glimpse into Maggie Hope’s latest mission in her work as a SOE agent for Britain during WWII. This book can be read as a stand-alone but I highly recommend starting with book one, Mr. Churchill’s Secretary, and working your way to The Last Hope.

Getting to know Maggie and watching her take on challenges most women of that time would not think of attempting is part of the enjoyment of this series. MacNeal’s in-depth research, attention to detail and inclusion of familiar names and places creates a reality that begins in Mr. Churchill’s Secretary and carries on to The Last Hope.

The Last Hope expands on the loyalties of people Coco Chanel and Kim Philby who manipulated and coopted their way through the Nazi regime, selling out their countries, friends and business acquaintances for their political beliefs or personal gains.

You will walk the halls of Lisbon’s Royal Palace with Maggie and come face to face with General Franco. Maggie’s stay in Madrid’s beautiful Palacio Hotel, a hubbub of double agents, spies and subterfuge, was filled with angst as to whether she would complete the mission she was sent to undertake. Under her assumed name of Paige Kelly, she absorbed the history of Spains love of bullfighting, attended an exposition at Spains largest bullfighting ring La Plaza de Toros las Ventas, and enjoyed the “violet sweets” at La Violetas.

There were many twists and turn in this story and, at one point, I was tempted to turn to the last two chapters because I so wanted to know how this would end. I’m glad I read on to a most surprising and perfect ending to the story of Maggie Hope.

Thank you to NetGalley and Random house for a digital copy of The Last Hope in exchange for my personal review.2 s Dana320 12

Much the rest of the series, the final novel is somewhat disappointing. I kept reading in the hope that it would match up to the first two in the series, but that never happened.

This series devolved into half soap opera, half "let's jam everything I've ever researched about WWII into some loosely related books." This one is no exception. There's a lot about Coco Chanel being a Nazi collaborator, bullfighting, and whether Professor Heisenberg's research ever developed beyond the theoretical. It makes for a disjointed and convoluted story. The book would have been much stronger if it had concentrated on any one of those plotlines, but not all.

In addition, the series ends in early 1944 with the war still raging. Reading in the Historical Notes what MacNeal would have d as the final scene is not nearly as satisfying as actually having it in the novel as an time-jump final chapter or Epilogue. Another wasted opportunity in the series.historical-fiction historical-mystery kindled ...more2 s Kate Baxter622 42

Such a spectacular final story for a much loved and thrilling series. Ms. MacNeal has pulled out all the stops to deliver a fast-paced, well crafted, well-researched high octane spy thriller. This may well be the best one yet!

The setting is July, 1943. Our illustrious Major Maggie Hope has been tasked with her most difficult assignment yet. Under the pretense of serving as a courier, chosen specifically by Nazi-sympathizer Coco Chanel, the renowned fashion designer, Maggie is to retrieve in Spain a pair of letters destined for Churchill's consideration. While also in Spain, she's to assassinate the lead German scientist on their atomic munitions program. So much is at stake, not the least of which, is the future of the entire world. There certainly were a few close calls and some riveting nail-biter moments. Yet when all is said and done, can Maggie achieve the objectives and make it home safely?

This is been a wonderful series which I have personally enjoyed from the very beginning until now. It has been a great ride these last twelve years and I am rather eager to see what new projects Ms. MacNeal has in mind for her faithful readers. Excelsior!

I am grateful to Bantam Books for having provided a complimentary uncorrected proof of this book through NetGalley. Their generosity, however, has not influenced this review - the words of which are mine alone.

Publisher:? Bantam
Publication Date: May 21, 2024
No. of pages:? 304
ISBN-13:? 978-0593156988fiction historical-fiction kindle ...more1 Mary656 Want to read

What a scary, difficult, dangerous mission, balanced on a nearly impossible ethical dilemma: can Maggie sacrifice one life to save hundreds? The bullfight becomes a good analogy, moving, circling, deflecting, live or die with calm grace. Whom can Maggie trust, and how long can she bury emotions, concentrating on the mission with so much at stake, losing good people, risking so much?
I don’t want this series to end, but the author’s thoughts in the afterward do help with closure. I was amazed to read how much is based on true events. I hope there might be a short story or spin-off later. Or one could start a course of reading the research materials listed in the bibliography.
When reading NIGHT with students, I said that while one hopes for courage those who hid Jewish friends, one can’t be sure until tested. A student sized me up and declared, “Oh, YOU would.” I hope I never have to learn if I’d risk Maggie or collaborate “survivor” Coco Chanel, but I do hope that if I did, I’d be Maggie Hope.
Clear your schedule when you start reading and stock up on easy food, as you won’t want to put this book down.
*Pub. date is in May, so there’s time to read (or reread) earlier books in the series.1 Rachel2,245 90

The Last Hope: A Maggie Hope Mystery by Susan Elia MacNeal is the 11th book in this truly wonderful series.

I have read all eleven books, and have truly loved getting to see Maggie (pull yourself together Hope) Hope. To see her blossum from a young woman, naive of the world, become a force to be reckoned with, a source of hope, promise, and that at this time there were still good people, fighting for what was right.

I loved this murder/mystery full of intrigue, emotion, espionage, and surprises right and left. The ending definitely gives promise of an uplifting and inspiring future for Maggie, her family and friends, and the whole world. It truly left a smile on my face.

5/5 stars

Thank you NG and Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine, Bantam for this wonderful arc and in return I am submitting my unbiased and voluntary review and opinion.

I am posting this review to my GR and Bookbub accounts immediately and will post it to my Amazon, Instagram, and B&N accounts upon publication on 5/21/24.1 Sheri125 10

“The Last Hope” by Susan Elia MacNeal is a great finale novel to the Maggie Hope series. I did not read all of this series but have read many, and this was my favorite book by far! The reason may be because Maggie who is a spy for the British Government has matured and is dealing with some of the horrors of WWII that still persist today. In this book she is challenged with brokering messages between Coco Chanel and Winston Churchill which advocates for the possible surrender of a Germany without Hitler, and the readiness status of Germany’s Atomic bomb. This was a fast paced, richly researched novel that leaves us with a surprising & perfect ending to this series. I encourage everyone to read the Author’s notes at the end because Ms. MacNeals extensive research explains the connection to Nazi Germany and the many famous names mentioned in this book.

Thank you NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.1 Jen105 1 follower

Ouch… DNF, see below for sweet (lol) food analogy of this experience.

My main problem with this book is the authors use of terms, slang, and just name dropping for the sake of name dropping to say “hey look I researched!”

I feel someone gave me cake, a beautiful cake. But when I cut into it, it’s a ton of frosting - unnecessary, repetitive fluff & cubes of cake (yes, I said cubes - think a sheet cake cut into squares, got it, good) scattered throughout to serve as structure/substance. I’m nearly 2/3 through and finding some weird filling inside some of the cubes and now I’m what the fuck is going on, this doesn’t jive with the other cakes I’ve ordered from this bakery. So I’m sitting here thinking I’m over it, I don’t care how it ends. I’m not eating anymore of this cake. The baker didn’t really grow as a baker but instead opted to mass produce.

And hey who am I to say how someone should live their life? Sure as shit not a baker by trade so I guess all I’m saying at the end of the day is, I’m good on this kinda cake. We had some good times & maybe we’ll find each other down the road one day but for now, im dieting. 2024-not-nora-s-books-lol dnf1 Donna1,550

DRC from Bantam / Penguin Random House
Mystery tied into history. Maggie is back, this time working with Coco Chanel and traveling to many places in Europe. She is tasked with the job of assassinating the man who may be finishing the creation of the first fission bomb. Maggie needs to determine if he is close or not. What follows is a series of contacts with well known celebrities including a bullfighter. At personal risk, losing a few close to her, Maggie knows she will carry out her assignment. Along the way she learns she can't trust anyone. She also learns more about her parents and becomes closer to John.
Enough background info is given that if you haven't read the others in the series, you will still enjoy this one.
Some great back matter giving the reader facts about the war and the key players. Resources listed at the end.1 Heidi Gorecki552 38

So interesting the perspective on Coco Chanel during WW2, as well as the other espionage going on around Madrid, and the blurring of Naziism and Communism that started to happen.

I learned quite a bit in this book I’ve never heard about which is always a huge win for me, and it was written in an interesting manner, keeping my attention and investing me into Maggie’s story.

There were times that things felt unrealistic, sometimes Maggie was not a completely convincing spy the whole time. And her exit from Madrid felt a little thrown together. But overall I really enjoyed the story.

Also, not what I’d consider a real spoiler below, but semi, so warning if you don’t want any hint….

There is some content about a miscarriage, and from someone who’s had 2, I thought it was excellently written. The emotions, the physical toll, and the mental strain was perfect. Most of the time when a miscarriage is in a book it’s passed over quickly - either the emotions of it or even the physical difficulty. I appreciated the accuracy and relatable-ness the author gave.

Thanks to Netgalley for the advanced copy of this book. All opinions are mine.arc-netgalley historical-fiction mystery-thriller-action ...more1 Bree35

I have enjoyed reading all the Maggie Hope novels, and other fans of the series, I am sorry the author has decided to make “The Last Hope” her final one. For those of us who may have forgotten some of the details about how Maggie came to be a Londoner during World War II and how she went from being a a secretary to Winston Churchill to later a trained agent and spy, the author does her best to sprinkle reminders of those details into the story while entertaining us with this latest tale of Maggie going undercover on a dangerous mission to determine whether the Nazis are close to developing an atomic bomb. It’s a well told story, but I was disappointed that the book ends with Maggie learning mysterious details about her family and some of her fellow agents. This book needs a sequel to tie up loose ends and give readers a more satisfying ending to the series.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review1 Lori254 5

As a loyal reader of the Maggie Hope series from its very beginning, I was delighted to get the opportunity to read an advance copy of this book, thanks to the publisher and Netgalley. This latest and final installment didn't disappoint. As always, I learned more about the history of WWII, this time focusing on people preparing for Germany to lose, the development of the atomic bomb, and events in Spain at that time. I was happy to read more about Maggie's personal life, but I was disappointed to be left with unanswered questions. Perhaps the author thinks it's better to leave her audience wanting more (which I do). I imagine that MacNeal may wish to write about new characters after all this time. I look forward to seeing what she does next. I highly recommend this book and the entire series (best read in order). I will miss Maggie Hope.1 KaijsaAuthor 2 books14

I'm pretty satisfied with this conclusion to the Maggie Hope series. It's January 1944, and Maggie is back in London after her trip to Hollywood. She's sent by SOE to Spain on another mission (her last?), this time to figure out how close Heisenberg is to giving Germany an atomic bomb and to assassinate him if possible. As usual, Maggie isn't sure who she can trust, as other spies and double agents are always around. The story is engrossing and I didn't want to put it down. I d that not everything is tied up by the end of the book, even though it's the last of the series. You definitely need to read the books in order, so if this sounds good, go back to Mr. Churchill's Secretary and start there.

Having read the synopsis, I was a bit apprehensive about Coco Chanel maybe getting a redemption arc, but I shouldn't have doubted Macneal, who always researches so deeply . You have to love a novelist who always includes a bibliography of sources! I'll probably revisit this series again at some point.arc1 Dianna318 24

Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher, and author for the ARC of this book, the final chapter on the Maggie Hope series.

This series appears to have been well-researched and held to the truth, at the same time making it thoroughly enjoyable. Throughout the course of the series Maggie Hope grew into a strong and adept agent working for Britain, as well as a mature woman.

Interesting series!1 John Michael Stroh192 3

Received this on a Goodreads giveaway and I read it pretty quickly. It was superb! Now I need to buy the entire series!1 Carolyn2,196

The last book in a fantastic series! I hate to see it end. Excellent!macneal-susan-elia1 Debra B748 33

Disappointing ending for the last book of the series.3 s Susan Knell1 review4

I just finished the last book in the Maggie Hope series. I've loved this series from book 1. I'm looking forward to what the author writes next.1 K McKenzie142 3

I was so excited to read this latest and I guess last entry in the excellent WWII-set Maggie Hope series, and it didn’t disappoint. Maggie is back from Hollywood (see previous book in the series) and entangled in a mission involving Coco Chanel and German machinations now that the war is more obviously turning against Berlin. Maggie travels to Lisbon and Madrid for the mission and finds that no one is what they seem. The plot is a real page-turner, and as always the historical research shines through without distracting from the plot in any way. There are lots of personal developments for Maggie in this one, which is fitting I suppose for the last in the series. I wasn’t sure about the ending at first, but I understood the choices more as I reflected on the underlying point. Highly recommend this book and the entire series. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an advance copy in exchange for an honest review.1 Susan Willis440 7

Maggie is being sent to Spain on a dual assignment - first to pick up a letter from Coco Chanel and then to murder a scientist. Filled with Maggie's doubts about her mission, her conflicting emotions about the future and the knowledge that she had no idea who was a friend and who an enemy in this foreign country. Excellent!1 Isabella Gins3 1 follower

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