
Lost Creek Cabin de Susan Clayton-Goldner

de Susan Clayton-Goldner - Género: English
libro gratis Lost Creek Cabin


When fifteen-year-old Shannon Hoffman goes missing, Detective Winston Radhauser conducts a frantic search of Ashland and its surrounding areas. He knows kidnapping victims rarely survive beyond the first forty-eight hours, and the clock is ticking.

None of her friends have seen her since cheerleading practice. Local volunteers post flyers, search parks, wooded areas and canvas door-to-door along the route Shannon would have taken home. Videos from school and neighborhood security cameras show nothing. They notify airline terminals, train and bus stations, but no one saw a girl matching her description leave Ashland.

During his investigation, Radhauser's learns Shannon's neighbor and lifelong friend, a boy named Rich Gasser, died less than two weeks before her disappearance. Rich had stood in front of a moving freight train. His death shocked the small community and devastated Shannon. Could she have run away? Was she depressed enough to join Rich? The medical...