
El fruto prohibido de Strömquist, Liv

de Strömquist, Liv - Género: Ficcion
libro gratis El fruto prohibido


Una novela gráfica que toda madre debería regalar a su hija, ¡y toda hija a su pareja! El cómic feminista sobre la historia cultural de la vulva (dejaos de vaginas) que está cambiando el mundo.


Cierta parte de la anatomía femenina ha suscitado a lo largo de la historia, y sigue suscitando, el interés digamos que «vivo» de ciertos representantes del género masculino. Pero... los más ilustres próceres no han dado pie con bola en milenios.

El fruto prohibido es una historia cultural de la vulva, desde la Biblia hasta Freud y más allá, pasando por los más variopintos padres de la Iglesia, pedagogos, sexólogos e incluso por famosos anuncios de tampones que, tras siglos y siglos de represión sexual, han seguido llenando nuestras cabezas de concepciones falsas sobre los genitales femeninos.

En siete capítulos, de manera desenfadada y lúcida, Liv Strömquist cuestiona la mirada del patriarcado al órgano sexual de las mujeres y denuncia los problemas que se siguen de ella. El fruto prohibido sorprende por la justicia y la claridad de su análisis, por el interesante manejo de conceptos políticos, científicos y sociológicos, por la gracia con la que confronta presente y pasado, por sus paralelismos sorprendentes y, sobre todo, por su humor omnipresente y vitriólico.

«Liv Strömquist es esa dibujante de las costumbres humanas que jamás irá con el freno de mano puesto. Con paso decidido y sin ningún tipo de dilación, es capaz de transformar teorías sociales avanzadas en viñetas diáfanas que además le dan a la indignación un contrapunto hilarante.»

«Un excelente cómic llegado de Suecia: feminista, cáustico, instructivo y terriblemente divertido.»
Time Out Paris

«Las partes íntimas de la mujer son un campo de batalla que ha sido explicado o bien en térmi

Reseñas Varias sobre este libro

I want this book to be read in schools all over the world. This is education. Useful education. Important education!! Gosh, this book made me realize that there is so much I don't know, about myself and about the world, and that's kind of scary. Amazing stories, amazing facts, amazing pictures. It took my breath away and I couldn't stop reading. Recommend it to everyone on earth118 s NevaAuthor 51 books562

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The most interesting and informative non-fiction graphic novel I have ever read. What a clever delivery of what we all need to hear concerning the history of womenÂ’s sexuality!

Honestly it was quite liberating to read. Stromquist researches deep into history to answer the question of why do we have all these feelings of shame and confusion and even disgust about the female body, fertility and sexuality.

A powerful look through history detailing the female body going from a time in which our sexuality, menstruation (and even the clitoris) was glorified and viewed as sacred (with rather graphic depictions of vulva-flashing stone carvings from bc to Middle Ages in various countries pg 46-51), to the affect of “witch-hunts” in association with woman’s sexual pleasure (ie):

1500Â’s Puritan Man: My wife moaned during coitus. Puritan Clergy: SheÂ’s a Witch!
Every Woman: We must pretend to hate sex or burn at the stake!
Every Man: (conclusion) Woman do not feel pleasure from sex, therefore do not care for sex. If she does, then she is a witch.
Also Men: (conclusion 2) Sex is just for the man and it is in his right to seek his own pleasure.

Henceforth womenÂ’s sexuality has been shamed and oppressed.

This one is a must read! I think it should be required reading in sexual education.

Being raised in a very religious family I have suffered years of shame and confusion about sex. And reading this gave me even more knowledge to learn to let go! Liberating, as I said!5-star-reads manga-graphic-novels read-in-202041 s Fátima Linhares581 196

Quando comecei a leitura irritei-me logo, não pelo livro, mas pelos homens idiotas que meteram o nariz na vida das mulheres. E novidades?

Apesar da irritação inicial, que depois passou, achei este livro muito interessante. Aborda a condição feminina de uma forma leve, mas divertida. Gostei muito e é uma excelente forma de perceber e entender o que as mulheres passam/passaram com menstruação, relações sexuais e emancipação.34 s2 comments Dessislava231 129

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26 s Annetius329 104

UPDATE OCT 2021: ?????????? ????? ???????????? ??? ???????? ??? ??? ???????? JEMMA PRESS ?? ????? "?? ?????? ??? ??????"

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?? ?????? ????? ??? ?? ???????? ??? ??????? Liv Strömquist (I’m every woman, Les sentiments du Prince Charles) ??? ??? ???????? ??? ??????????? ?? ?????, ????? ?????, ???? ?? ??????? ??????????????? ??? ?????????????? ???????? ???? ?????????????? ????, ????? ?? ?? ????? ????.bd-comics-graphic_novels éloge-de-la-femme lu-en-français23 s Elena826 305

Ich mach's ganz kurz: Diese Graphic Novel ist mit das Beste, was ich in letzter Zeit gelesen habe!

Liv Strömquist spricht in "Der Ursprung der Welt" auf künstlerische Weise eine Vielzahl an Themen rund um das weibliche Geschlechtsorgan an. Sei das nun ein Ranking an Männern, die sich ein bisschen zu sehr für eben dieses Geschlechtsorgan interessieren, warum kaum jemand den Unterschied zwischen Vulva und Vagina kennt, wie groß eigentlich die Klitoris ist (und was sie mit dem weiblichen Orgasmus zu tun hat) oder wie es dazu kam, dass die Menstruation in unserer Gesellschaft als dermaßen "ekelhaft" angesehen wird. Als kleinen Spoiler kann ich euch schon mal verraten, dass das Patriarchat - und viele Gelehrte, Gläubige und Wissenschaftler darin (brauche hier nicht zu gendern) - eine riesen Rolle in diesem Projekt spielen und gespielt haben.

Obwohl die Autorin teilweise echt krasse und schwer verdauliche Dinge anspricht, verpackt sie das alles gekonnt in eine Form, die mir sehr, sehr viele Lacher entlocken konnte. Ich liebe Liv Strömquists trockenen Humor und kann von ihren fantasievoll gestalteten Zeichnungen nicht genug bekommen.

"Der Ursprung der Welt" ist eine feministische Graphic Novel, die zugleich aufklärt und unterhält - sollte nach meinem Empfinden in jedem gut sortierten Bücherregal zu finden sein! Bitte lesen!20 s Crazytourists_books536 51

The greatest triumph of patriarchy is that it made us become estranged from our bodies. It made us feel ashamed of our body, its functions, and our desires. It made us feel dirty. It made us invisible.
It's time we reclaimed our bodies, our feelings, and our desires. And that starts by not being afraid to name our vulvas, our clitorises, our desire to orgasm. And, of course, our menstrual blood. (It is not a coincidence that my mobile's auto-correct system "corrected" every single word from vulvas to orgasm with something else.)
A brilliant book, informative, funny, unapologetic. I'll "accitentally" put it in my kids' book selves.
#smashpatriarchy2022-wit-challenge women-202220 s verbava1,036 122

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Mestariteos, jota suosittelisin kaikille maapallon ihmisille.16 s merixien596 428

Yasak Meyve bir grafik romandan biraz daha farkl? de?erlendirilmesi gereken kitaplardan. Geçmi?ten günümüze ataerkilli?in egemenli?inden dolay? do?al yap?s? gizlenip de?i?tirilen adet, cinsellik, vajina ve vulva konular?nda insanl??? yeniden e?itmek için ideal kitaplardan. Kad?n bedenine dair as?rlard?r kulaktan kula?a yay?lan ya da daha kötüsü baz? adamlar?n ç?k?p bizim bedenimizi bize anlatmaya kalkmalar?n?n sonucu olu?an yanl?? yönlendirme ve fikirleri “hay?r o i?in asl? öyle de?il” deyip tek tek düzeltiyor. Gelecek nesilleri, kad?nl??? erkeklerin anlatmas? aptall???n?n etkilerinden kurtarmak için, ders kitab? gibi gençlere okutulmal? bence.

Grafik roman k?sm?ndan bakarsak aç?kcas? çizimleri çok ba?ar?l? de?il, en az?ndan benim tercih etti?im ve sevdi?im bir stil de?il. Ama toplum bak?? aç?s?n?n erkekler taraf?ndan nas?l çarp?t?ld???n?, kad?nlar? kendilerine yabanc?la?t?rd?klar?n? ve mansplainingin bilim tarihinin hangi a?amalar?na kadar uzand???n? görmek isterseniz Yasak Meyve çok iyi bir seçim olur. En cazip yönlerinden birisi de konuyu temel hatlar?yla anlat?p ba?l?klar ?eklinde düzeltme yap?yor. O yüzden okurken s?k?lman?z gibi bir ihtimal yok. Ancak bu grafik roman? okuduktan sonra bu konuda, ileri okumalara geçmek isterseniz de ilham verici ve yol gösterici bir kaynakças? var. Her yönden çok iyi bir kaynak. Tavsiyedir.female-authors feminism graphic-novels ...more23 s Book Princess (Anastasia)351 68

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Autor del comentario: