
To Sir, with Attitude de Street, Vivien

de Street, Vivien - Género: English
libro gratis To Sir, with Attitude


Street, Vivien Publisher: Allen Road Publishing, Year: 2023

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This is an amazing story about the protagonist, Toni, who is on a working assignment and working undercover. She has to pretend she's a high school student, but little does she know that her main teacher is actually a guy she has been in bed with recently. Now highly nervous that she maybe recognised by him, she wonders if she can still pull this off and see the assignment through.
Oh man this was such an exciting story, I couldn't wait to read the total character changes that Toni had to make to make believe that she was a person she wasn't, man there was some upheavals and blunders on the way and it's these that kept me interested in the story plot.

Although this book is set in Auckland, New Zealand, most of the story takes place within the school.

I was gifted an ARC of To Sir, With Attitude by Vivien Street in exchange for a honest review.
Published 6 December 2023
Absolutely enjoyed this book immensely, highly entertaining with lots of drama involved, typical teenager banter. I loved how the teenage gang seemed to grow in maturity near the end and hooray to the Romeo and Juliet play, because if it wasn't for that I dear say those teenagers would become hopeless. Although there were many hoorays in this book the author managed to pull at my heart strings and there definitely was a sad part that was actually a crucial part of the story, so I'm very relieved that I felt what the author was trying to achieve.

5 star review/rating ?????

Recommending to readers who love teacher/student spats, teenage comaderiare, the Romeo and Juliet play, and protagonists that try to redeem themselves. This is a contemporary fiction/romance book. arc contemporary indie-author ...more1 Jacquie Lingurovski 🩵5 2

I received an ARC of this book - thank you! And really I'd say 3.5 with a lot of potential. I really loved the idea behind this story line. I d the characters and their interactions and relationships. But some of the writing and descriptions were what I struggled with. There was a lot of overly large and excessive wording throughout that wasn't needed to tell the story. The teenagers in the story said "" more than needed to differentiate that they were teens. I also feel it could have been done really well in a quicker amount of time. 1 Melinda95 20

I am so honored for the opportunity to receive an ARC of this book because I read the whole thing in one sitting and I absolutely loved it for every possible reason. I loved Toni throughout the story and getting to read about her undercover experience as a student through her perspective. She grew so much as a character throughout the story and it truly was so wonderful to see. I also loved as well the opportunity to read things as well from Alex’s perspective. It provided so much insight to his character and allowed me to understand him by hearing things go from his point of view. Additionally all the supporting characters in this story were amazing and I loved them all. I hope there will be future books about the other characters in this story because I loved this! 1 Leslie290 2

The story was cute. A little flowery in the language and the dialogue was off but not enough to keep me from finishing.1 Jan7

A really great light hearted read, interesting and at times funny and completely absorbing. I highly recommend this book. 1 Jess539 28

This was such an enjoyable read, I loved the whole concept of their meeting! Toni having to pretend she was someone else to her hook up from a few days ago, him wondering why she seemed so familiar but not knowing her through her disguise! Gah! This book had excitement, drama and perfect moments that made me cringe and laugh! The chemistry between Toni and Alex was on point and had me flying through the pages!1 Tanya 688 11

This contemporary romance features a second-chance enemies-to-lovers storyline with unexpected connections. However, the storyline does drag a little, and the endless high school scenes could be more manageable. The whole teacher-student teacher-student thing is a little twisted, even though Toni isn't who we spend most of the time thinking she is. Their history is intriguing, but the subtle romance is arduous as they are slow to discover and act on their emotions for each other. Alex and Toni spend most of the time confused and analyzing each other.

Toni entered the high school classroom and ran into the last person she thought she would see, but I couldn't tell if she was an adult or a high school student. Alex is the teacher and is none other than the man she had a one-night stand with just a few days ago. Talk about awkwardness.

Toni is an undercover police officer, and now stuff makes more sense. She is tasked with monitoring a particular student to gather evidence. However, her history with a specific English teacher will add some interesting interactions.

Toni is a mean girl in this book. She acts out of spite and embarrassment and is very emotional. Her interactions with her teachers and others are very out of character.

Alex finds her secret, and now what I mean by their attraction to each other and how they ruffle the other's nerves is quite angsty. But if they were to go there again, it might blow the whole reason she is there in the first place. Their history is more profound than these chance encounters.

This book is mostly dragging on. I keep waiting for something to happen, but it is just everyday school life. Ah, finally, the past catches up with the present.

Despite the odds, fate and a little luck find them back together in circumstances they can act on adults. This book does end happily and romantically, but it was a long way to get there.
The romance in this book is very subtle, with the characters more focused on their jobs and assignments than all their feelings. Mrs Moa135 10

Enemies to lovers - false identity - awkward situations

I absolutely adored this book.

Toni is tasked with going undercover in a school as a student to infiltrate a drug ring and protect another student.

However, on entering her first English class, she comes face to face with the man she went home with on the weekend. After her drunken haze lifted, she realised he is the man she despises the most in the world due to his involvement in trauma she suffered as a child - and now he is her English teacher.

Her disguise and newly adopted belligerent attitude hide her true identity but her whole assignment is at risk and in turmoil of her conflicting feelings towards her new teacher.

With a touch of Drew Barrymore’s Never Been Kissed vibe, this is such a brilliant slow burn romcom with a bit of suspense.

This book was kindly sent to me by the author in exchange for a honest review. Tammy’s Timeout314 13

A hidden identity romance with sass and banter and an intriguing storyline!

Toni is an undercover police officer sent to a high school to observe any dealings with a local gang selling drugs. Little does Toni know that her teacher is the man she met the previous Saturday night at a bar. In disguise, Alex Rafferty does sense a familiarity with his new student, but dismisses it, as Toni aka Jax is full of teenage bitterness and sass in all of their interactions.

I really enjoyed the storyline, unique and kept me reading to see how it would all pan out! A fade to black romance, thanks to the author for the early copy I received. This is my honest review. Amanda Glaeser184 9

I loved the way this book started. An undercover cop posing as a highschool student walks into class finding the man she spent Saturday night with as her teacher.

I was not expecting Alex to play such a huge roll in Toni's past. They both went through something tragic at a young age that shaped them into the adults they are today.

I was hoping for a stronger reaction from Alex when he realized who Toni truly was. How she wasn't just the woman from Saturday night but the girl whose life he turned upside down by one bad decision.

I enjoyed this book very much. All the characters are interesting, and the storyline was engaging. R.L. AtkinsonAuthor 7 books116

I've never written a review before, so I hope I do this justice! I enjoyed the book! It was a good read! The chemistry was palpable, all of the incidents were fun and always unique! There were some word choices that pulled me from the story once in a while. I personally felt that her internal monologue/thoughts often dragged on too long (especially during the very first scene of the book) while there wasn't enough of his. I wanted to see more of Alex personally. But, overall, I really did enjoy this book! I would totally read something of hers again!!:) I was an ARC for her, and received this novel in exchange for my honest thoughts! Ryann Henning21 1 follower

All I can say is wow!! I never thought I’d find a cute read such as this one! Toni aka “Jax” returns to school for an undercover operation! Turns out when she walks into the classroom, the teacher Mr. Alex Rafferty, was the man she was with the night before and a figment of her past. I’m usually not a fan of third person but the story was so good I got past it! There’s so much mystery, laughter, love and lust. The story took me in! This is my first of Vivien’s books and won’t be my last! Nikki M64 1 follower

This book was great! I d the dynamic between Alex and Toni. The plot of the story was intriguing, there were some surprises that keep you guessing. The chemistry and tension between them was awesome and I d that in learning about their connected past you see how the characters have grown and developed throughout their lives.

*Thank you Viven Street the eARC. All opinions are my own and voluntarily given.
Eliza Snookes24

Unequivocally good, this fast-paced, original love story deserves way more recognition! I loved the clever way the author weaved romance into an unconventional scenario. I'm so glad I stumbled upon this author, because this is the second juicy novel I've read of hers now, and I eagerly await a third. If you're looking for an undiscovered gem that delivers on all fronts, pitch this book at bookclub. Alena1 review

I received an ARC of this book and found it enjoyable! The storyline was engaging and I found the pacing good, which made the book easy to read. The dialogue of some of the younger characters was a bit off but the entertaining and well-written character interactions made up for it, I was even rooting for the side characters! Overall a pleasant read that I read in one sitting. Liz Snookes1 review

Perfect holiday reading set in Auckland, NZ. So good I read it in one day! Can't wait to read more from Vivien Street. Kathy Schell1 review

Someone recommended this book to me and I really enjoyed it - romance isn't usually my first choice but this book was fun. I actually found it hard to put down. Simone Graham3

This book is the perfect escape; fun, light and thoroughly entertaining. It's a rip-roaring story and the characters, Toni and Alex, develop really well. In fact, all the characters are very good. I read it in a day(unable to put it down) and enjoyed every page. Thank you for the advanced copy. Bring on Vivien Streets' next book! jamies_bookreads1,067 16

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