
Cry of the Cat de Stine, R. L.

de Stine, R. L. - Género: English
libro gratis Cry of the Cat


She just wanted to do the right thing. Return the black cat to its owner. But once Allison stepped into the dark, broken-down house, she regretted the whole idea. Now her biggest problem is getting out.

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Parte in modo decisamente intrigante: Allison investe un gatto con la bici e da quel momento la sua vita cambierà per sempre. Il felino, decisamente poco coccoloso, tornerà a perseguitarla e a rendere la sua esistenza un inferno. Ironia della sorte, la ragazzina si ritrova a ucciderlo svariate volte. Eppure lui torna sempre. Non solo: Allison si sta trasformando. Sputa palle di pelo, gioca in modo incontrollato con i topi, si lancia da metri di altezza convinta di atterrare in piedi. C'entra qualcosa Crystal, quella strana gattara di dodici anni che vive in una magione piena di gatti urlanti terrorizzata da una madre apparentemente pazza?

Tiene il ritmo per 100 pagine abbondanti (bello soprattutto il fatto che la protagonista ci descriva le sue stranezze feline, come mangiare sole scatolette di tonno, senza che nemmeno lei le ritenga strane) viaggiando sui binari del weird. Azzarda pure un'armata di gatti zombie-fantasma e poi il finale non regge le aspettative.
Tutto è molto pasticciato, nel tentativo di dare una risposta a tutta la follia delle pagine prima (vaghissimi riferimenti a esperimenti insensati sugli animali) e una chiusura di puro disagio trash:
la protagonista lancia un topo giocattolo e i gatti non-morti iniziano, estasiati, a calpestare il gattaccio cattivo. Ma che? Davvero?
Nonostante sia una baracconata, comunque, è molto divertente. E originale.letteratura-nordamericana mondadori19 s Sophie Crane4,279 168

The original Goosebumps series was full of suspense and events that almost seemed horrific. However, in the majority of the books things were explained through some natural, rational, or plausible way and then the book ends with a Hitchcockian twist. If CRY OF THE CAT is any indication of what the Goosebumps 2000 holds, then things are a lot more spooky with a lot less rational explantation.

The story of CRY OF THE CAT revolves around Alison. Alison is a young girl who is involved in theatre. One afternoon while on her way to play practice, she runs over a cat and kills it. At least she thinks she killed it. When she takes it back to the owners, it comes back to life. The same cat shows up again during play rehearsal and is crushed by a set piece on accident. But the cat comes back again and starts to haunt Alison. The cat, Rip, isn't other cats and it has a mind of it's own.

Spooky story filled with lots of interesting plot twists. Feels more frightening than some of the original Goosebumps.animals11 s Cody | CodysBookshelf753 261

When reading and reviewing old Goodebumps books, of course I have to grade on a curve. If it’s one I didn’t read as a kid—as is the case with nearly every entry in the Series 2000 line—I try to decide how I would’ve felt about it as a kid. I think I would’ve d Cry of the Cat, but maybe not loved it. I know it wouldn’t have scared me—only a few Goosebumps books did (The Haunted Mask, Welcome to Dead House, The Haunted School, the camp entries).

It’s not I expect RL Stine to offer much of any substantial character work, but the characters here really feel threadbare. And this is essentially a chase novel, but there are a couple atmospheric scenes and the climax is sufficiently creepy. The ending is a bit rushed, but what can you do. Perfectly average for a Goosebumps book. Poor Rip.rl-stine8 s Gavin Hetherington682 6,637

I read all 25 Goosebumps Series 2000 books for a 2-hour YouTube video, where I reviewed and ranked them all, which you can check out here: https://youtu.be/VsNwNpeqgLo2022-reads goosebumps middle-grade6 s Ali100 2

It was a disgusting yet enjoyable adventure
I hate cats and this book was full of cats and bad catish events
But still it was a great book I really was shocked by the secrets and all the things6 s Goosebumps Enthusiast77 5

I’ve always heard about how much darker the series 2000 books were compared to the og series. Holy crap! The main plot of trying to kill an evil cats 9 lives off is so creepy!This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full reviewseries-20005 s Plagued by Visions204 624

I grew up gawking at the Goosebumps covers lining my school library in fear and morbid curiosity, but never mustered up enough courage to actually read one of them. Now, some 18 years later, I’ve finally read my first RL Stine, Cry of the Cat, and I’ve been more than pleasantly surprised.
One thing I got from Stine is that he is engaged in constant banter and strikes up rapport with readers of any age. There’s an intentional humor and gentleness to a lot of his prose, and an overall coziness and (for me) nostalgia to the way his books are written. This is undoubtedly the world of sandwich bags, school plays, and frivolity, and rather than attempt to make any broader claims or condemnations about childhood, Stine lets us simply revel in that adventurousness and vulnerability of it all. He’s an author you can laugh WITH (and AT, maybe, at some points, but all in good fun), and his use of false lead-ups and gross-out hijinks was quite endearing (though once or twice eye-rolling). And when it comes to the shocks—this was nonstop thrills! Stine is of the philosophy of throwing everything at a wall and seeing what sticks, and while, admittedly, quite a few things flop down lifelessly to the floor, there’s plenty in here to love, and some genuinely unsettling and daring horrors (I was surprised by some moments where he did not hold back when I thought he would). Yes, the characters are paper-thin and some action leading into the climax was more puzzling than scary, but overall, this is everything it promises to be, and although Stine is writing for a younger audience, some tastes of his style even ring with a sense of Gothic allure and tragedy, which was quite surprising. Still, I would describe RL Stine as unabashedly an author for kids, and it’s actually quite refreshing to see someone write this way, with zero hangups.
Overall, the experience was bittersweet, because now I find myself regretting never having opened one of these books when I was at the prime age to consume them. Thankfully, however, Stine’s writing really assured me that it’s never too late!4 s Austin Smith429 41

Time to go through and re-read all of the Series 2000 Goosebumps books!
Starting off with Cry of the Cat -
I remember enjoying this book when I was younger, but only have a vague memory of the actual story. It is quite a bit different than I thought and has some pretty crazy stuff happening towards the end! Aside from the "solution" that saves the main characters from the climax of the story, (it was kind of silly/cheap), and a few other minor complaints (such as logic gaps in the story, but again, that's a common trait for all G.B., so no stars to really be deducted there), I really loved this book. I'm not exactly a cat person i.r.l. - at all. But for some reason, or perhaps because of that, I love cat stories, I think they're creepy and gross.
This is a great book and I'll be honestly surprised if many of the other books in the series are just as good or better than this one.
4.5 / 5
(Also, that ARTWORK though - One of my favorite covers!)4 s Zoey De Leon176

I enjoyed this one, I wasn't really intirigued on the story's journey but I gotta admit that it's kinda scary, the story was kind of , if you can't kill it, be one of them. not really but it's close. most of the parts are not necessary boring but just uninteresting with the auditorium scenes, didn't care for it. the whole climax is great for the most part

3.5/5goosebumps4 s Rosie Mccarthy8

Couldn't stop laughing from beginning to end, on of the corniest things I have ever read. I have no idea why I was frightened by this when I was younger! I'll keep reading this series of Goosebumps because I frankly find it hilarious and cheesy! 3 s Dustin Holden127 3

This one felt one of the earlier Goosebumps books to me - it moved fast but still had a fun story. The twist at the end was obvious but still enjoyable. 2 s Andrew6

Okay, so I saw the Goosebumps movie the other day and wanted to reread one of my books and recapture my childhood. Safe to say I probably should have kept the books firmly as fond memories, but to be fair, I am 30 years old now, and am no longer the target audience. Cheers Mr Stine, to a chilling childhood!2 s Noodar Yasmeen161 50


I read this book before but I guess I forgot cause I just re-read it. And to me, it sucked. I used to really really REALLY goosebumps but I've lot my taste for them. The stories are too short and I said in my other , it's pointless.

I just don't it.drama hardcover-or-paperback reviewed ...more2 s Brandon190 6

This book was absolutely great until the last 20 or so pages. I have more questions then answers, still a fun read though.2 s Roya12 2

??? ?? ??? ??????? ???? ?? ??????? ???? ? ???? ?????? ? ???????? ????? ???.1 CooperTheGoosebumpsGuy71 2

Did not enjoy, it took almost a month to read
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