
The Beast Emerges: The Earthborn Saga Vol. II de Steven Bissett

de Steven Bissett - Género: English
libro gratis The Beast Emerges: The Earthborn Saga Vol. II


Steven Bissett Year: 2023

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The Beast Emerges is the second book of the series The Earthborn Saga written by Steven Bissett in 2023. The story continues immediately after the first book when we learn that the whole galaxy is under attack by terrible and violent aliens called the Devourers. Our dear crew of characters (Rex Hunt, Wellesley, Lily Tselitel, Antonin Gromyko, and Milo Hunt) must find a way to save everyone, nothing less! They’ll find surprising allies in even more surprising places while trying to get to the bottom of cryptic legends and ancient prophecies. Stakes are high and the journey will be draining and difficult for the entirety of humankind.

The world building of this series gets even more refined and intricate within the second book as we explore new planets, and I still think it’s its strongest aspect. It was incredible to see drastic differences between planets as Rex and his crew travel to Preleteth which is the opposite of Delta-13 with its humid jungles and strange creatures. They also visit a pirate base which gives even more depth to the political differences and mentalities of the whole galaxy, everything felt so real. It didn’t feel I was reading science-fiction since everything was well connected and related to each other. We see different views on the war from the military fighting hard for the king to the pirates trying to survive on their own. This time there is also of the planet Earth which was really captivating to discover its role in the war, which is a big one since it answers directly to the king as he gives orders from another planet even though we are constating that he is getting more and more insane as the time goes by. I really enjoyed seeing more of the political aspect of the galaxy rather than just Delta-13’s side. It makes us realize how big and varied the whole galaxy is and there wasn’t one time where I noticed plot-holes or inconsistencies. It is truly amazing in a world so vast.

The characters get even more depth in the second book, and I was all there for it! Rex Hunt learns even more about his path and discovers that he is the key to saving the whole universe while working on performing even better with his dark gift. Lily Tselitel still gets over multiple of her fears while always giving support to her man and keeping him on the right track and reveals that she has an uncurable genetic defect that will kill her in a few years. Antonin Gromyko stays the same upbeat and vibrant character he was in the first book but not before getting through a though mental breakdown and inner crisis after leaving the only planet he has ever known and all his . Milo Hunt shows a new side to him that we hadn’t seen in the first book, he his considerate and works very hard with the rest of the crew which is more welcoming of him. Even Wellesley gets more depth to him as he keeps being completely necessary to the story with all his knowledge and insight on everything and he can even offer valuable information on different characters with his great perception skills. On top of that we get even more characters that are all so different from each other but still so well written, Colonel Philip Pinchon, Admiral Laura McGannon, Ivo Kaljurand and Soliana.

The plot in this book is very intense and high in adrenaline while also giving us calm but difficult conversations between different characters or even non-human entities. There is a well-constructed balance between the two. It is very engaging because a lot of the events happening in this book are very cryptic and intriguing, so we are trying to decipher every element alongside Rex and Wellesley trying to make their own theories as to what is happening and why it is happening. It is a big book, but it never gets boring because it switches often between different perspectives of side characters’ journeys while they eventually all collide with each other in a satisfying and planned manner. Since the stakes are even higher this time around, I found myself worrying way more this time about everyone and their fate. I went through very sad and moving moments to funny and heart-warming moments. There is a bit of everything in this book, but it never feels forced or overwhelming, so I think there is a bit for everyone to enjoy.

In conclusion, I think the second book of this series by Steven Bissett is even better than the first one and that’s why I gave it four and a half stars out of five and I would urge anyone to continue to series after reading the first book if it wasn’t already the case. The one issue I had in the first book is much smaller now since the female characters got better and more interesting in my opinion and I was very glad about it. I’m certain the series will only get more interesting and I’m still very excited to read the third book since I am completely absorbed in the whole adventure. Susann29 6

When the Devourers first arrived at Delta-13, I was worried about the “Karrakpoi,” or giant spiders because I don’t spiders. I had to picture them as four-legged creatures instead of eight. However, the plot went completely differently by following Rex, Lily, Wesley, Gromyko, and Milo into a pirate base on the planet Delta-13.
There they met Colonel Phillip Pinchon of the Black Fang Pirates, and together they depart Delta-13 for the Planet Epsilon-4, also known as “Preleteth” in the Kol-Prockian language.
Delta-13, Preleteth has a unique personality, and it is part of the “Union of Light,” something a “psychic communication network that ran through a separate dimension from our present one;” these 496 planets joined forces to vanish the Devourers during their first invasion.
Preleteth is an ancient being, not prone to answer questions, quite cranky and mysterious, but the wisdom it imparts can’t be underestimated in quotes such as “The ancestral memories were not shown to you, but rather drawn from you,” (p.158) and “Undermining yourself is a betrayal of your purpose.” (p.164)
These quotes can be seen as simple dialogue intertwining part of the plot to complete the journey through the story. That might be the case, but I believe that books can elevate the reader’s self-esteem if they can find positive messages within their pages regardless of how many sinister characters the story might have.
Over five hundred pages means that the book “The Beast Emerges” by Steven Bissett is long, but reading it doesn’t feel long; instead, I felt as if the author had taken my hand and guided me through an adventure across space and time, while visiting ancient times in an aura of history mixed with legends, and mysticism.
The only negative aspect I could find in the book is that the earlier book “A Son of the Shadows: The Earthborn Saga Vol. I” by Steven Bissett, needs to be fresh in the memory of the reader because there isn’t a synopsis of past events.
Except for some kissing scenes, the story is clean of sex scenes, foul language, or strong violence. I rate the book “The Beast Emerges” as 5 stars.
I recommend “The Beast Emerges: The Earthborn Saga Vol. II” by Steven Bissett to fans of the Sci-fi genre. Lexie Chase25 5

After finishing 'A Son of the Shadows', I couldn't wait to pick this one up!

One of my favorite things about 'A Son of the Shadows' was the brilliant character development that took place throughout the duration of the story. This book absolutely did not fall anywhere short with this. My favorite character in the previous book was Lily Tselitel, because I felt that she was relatable in a lot of moments and I really felt her character as if she were right in front of me. I absolutely loved reading (and maybe getting a little emotional) over her character in this book. However in this book, I really grew to care for Rex! I did enjoy Rex in the previous book, but it was so fascinating and powerful reading his character development in this book. I really felt I grew to understand him more in this sequel. All dialog was perfect for me and I really enjoyed it. I could honestly go on all day about how much I adore these characters, and how much this book really made me feel for them.

I really felt the Science Fiction elements in this book were more impactful and implemented than in the last one (it was great in the first one, but this one was definitely stronger in this aspect) and I really enjoyed it. I felt I was learning so much more regarding the actual Science Fiction/Fantasy genre itself which was very exciting for me! The plot was absolutely fantastic and is something that could genuinely be made into a film because of how exciting and captivating the plot is.

This is most ly one of the best Science Fiction series I have read in such a long time, and I'm going to enjoy reading the rest of the series. If you haven't picked up the first one yet, I highly recommend it! K. WeikelAuthor 99 books53

Paying close attention to the history in the first book really gave this book a boost. Learning about the aliens and the planets and their histories was truly fascinating, and it only expands further in this book. There are twists to the history told, much in our society, where history is skewed, perverted, or even fictitious in places--and these books have done such an amazing job at knowing, sharing, and delivering the importance of it.

The human race is under attack, but it's more than that. These Devourers are after the energy stored within these living planets. There's a weapon they've prepared to finally rid of these Devourers, but for some reason it won't work.

Our OG group with Hunt, Lily, Gromyko, Milo, and Wellelsey return. I love watching their interactions, especially between Hunt and Lily. The dialogue isn't as stiff as the first book, and there were many times I've busted out laughing because of these characters. They're flawed and imperfect, but they do their best to be the best they can be.

The universe Bissett's created is so intricate and fascinating. I know I mentioned it before, but the sheer amount of history he came up with for this series is AMAZING. And don't get me started on how many things I've highlighted. This series is a gold mine of quotable moments.

I loved reading this. It's quite lengthy, and the chapters are no different, but it's still a great read. Can't wait for the third. scifi Nicole McCombs38 5

Wow! Bissett has done it again in the sequel of the series! The world building and character development is incredible as Bissett seamlessly moves us into the next installment of the series following Rex and his team as they forge on an intense journey full of danger, mystery, and battles. The alliances that must be formed to succeed are portrayed wonderfully as the team push forward while the action and battles are painted so beautifully that it will keep you saying, “just one more chapter!” I cannot wait to keep diving deeper into this series with book 3 and see what adventures lay ahead as they discover their salvation!

Sci-Fi, dystopian, and suspense fans, this is a series that you DON’T want to miss! Must-read. 5/5
James113 5

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