
A Son of the Shadows: The Earthborn Saga Vol. I de Steven Bissett

de Steven Bissett - Género: English
libro gratis A Son of the Shadows: The Earthborn Saga Vol. I


Steven Bissett Year: 2023

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Steven Bissett’s “A Son of the Shadows” introduces readers to an interesting universe, which is populated by thinly spread human colonies ruled by a dystopian empire. In its furthest reaches, we find the snowball world of Delta-13, an ancient world previously inhabited by the Kol-Prockians, a now extinct alien race. Through the ruins and devices they left behind, the inhabitants of Delta-13 scavenge to survive as the government bends Kol-Prockian technology to serve a dark purpose. Can Rex Hunt, with the discovery of a latent, menacing ability, shed his doubts and prevent galactic enslavement? Who will take the charge, and in the end, will it be enough?

“A Son of the Shadows” hosts a dynamic cast of characters, each of which have their own unique strengths and motivations. One of the most unique characters isn’t human at all, but a medallion sized AI remnant from the Kol-Prockians. Gromyko, another standout character, brings levity to nearly every situation. Despite being continually chided for his self-aggrandizing behavior, he proves his worth to Rex and his allies again and again. Rex himself undergoes a large shift after unlocking a powerful gift. While these characters do stand up on their own, other characters, including the main antagonist, seem to fall by the wayside, and their histories aren’t fully explored. This causes the reader to walk away from the climax of the story with unanswered questions, and it diminishes the potency of the book’s ending. While these questions may be answered in other books from the series, it would have elevated my reading experience if they were more fleshed out in “A Son of the Shadows” instead.

Delta-13, an icy rock with an equally chilling reputation, hosts the penal colony known as Midway, which serves as the main stage throughout the novel. The author establishes it as a fringe world on the outskirts of the Empire, fitted with pirates, a black market economy, and a government operated prison which ensures non-compliant individuals conveniently disappear from public view. It’s best to toe the line here. If you happen to be out past curfew, take care to avoid the sentries at all costs, lest you desire to disappear yourself. Bissett explores some intriguing locales, especially as we delve deeper and deeper into Kol-Prockian ruins late in the novel. However, we mostly find ourselves departing from and returning to the same locations, which often feel domestic, mild, or somewhat unexplored. The prison itself, while often described as a desperate and oppressive place, feels it doesn’t get the right kind of screen time. For example, while we get glimpses of the prison through the eyes of Doctor Lily Tselitel, a main character, it feels she spends more time in her apartment and the woods outside the prison than she does inside of it. Last, Bissett’s dialogue exchanges do most of the world-building work. These conversations dominate the book, and they offer a rich and imaginative lore for this universe. While the history is interesting, I felt somewhat drained by receiving most of the information from dialogue alone. A little more dungeon diving and discovery would increase the reader’s enjoyment by tightening up longer sequences of dialogue and strengthening their connection to Delta-13.

Bissett’s writing style is mainly characterized by banter, and the writing often is comedic in tone. One-liners and certain character descriptions often made me chuckle. This is especially true if Gromyko is involved, and thankfully he becomes integral to the plot later on. The author also excels at explaining the world and the mechanisms that propel the plot, and I enjoyed their deep dives into psychology. At times, though, the style gets trapped in itself, and dialogue can feel repetitive. This was a shame, as I enjoyed the wealth of themes at play in this book. Indeed, the author felt “in the zone” when discussing the relationship between the conscious mind, the unconscious mind, and the ego, which are key to various characters’ abilities. Again, more engaging scenes and events rather than monologues or explanations would have increased my enjoyment and understanding of Kol-Prockian history, the characters, and the abundance of themes that are apparent in this work.

Bissett is clearly onto something bigger with this first volume in The Earthborn Saga. The novel’s strengths are a few excellent characters, its exploration of themes revolving around psychology, freedom, and self-discovery, and a well thought out lore. While the story’s slow pacing stumbles over itself at times, the last quarter of the book is what shined for me, despite a short-lived confrontational climax. The emergence of a new threat gives way to more adventures to come; while it could have been a tighter and more adventurous read, I believe the author has plenty of room to let this story arc really run now that the groundwork has been laid. The book would be a good fit for people that enjoy psychological themes. Fans of character-driven narratives will enjoy the camaraderie, although it may leave some desiring a bit more sci-fi action and scenery. Having read “A Son of the Shadows” as a standalone book, I rate it 3 stars out of 5.
Charlie Jubinville-Forget1 review

A Son of the Shadows is the first book of the series The Earthborn Saga written by Steven Bissett in 2023. It takes place on the incredibly cold planet Delta-13 which is home to prisoners considered dangerous and their families. Rex Hunt is the son of one of the prisoners and he has learned to make a living for himself by scavenging for alien artifacts and selling them. He discovers that he has a gift as special as the planet itself and that his destiny is to use it in his journey against the government’s secret conspiracy. Alongside friends and other members of a rebellious organization, he will dive deep into this ice-cold world and discover what causes the chilling surge of madness among the prisoners. 

This book’s world building is very intriguing and entertaining, and I think it’s its strongest aspect. From the get-go, we can sense that the world is very well thought of and that there is much to learn. It can be scary to learn of a whole new universe, but it is brought in such a way that it doesn’t feel heavy or too complicated. It was very intelligent to introduce sparingly the world-building elements of the story throughout multiple conversations. It was well-explained so that the readers don’t get lost but also completely insert themselves into the story and believe it fully. If there’s anything weird or new that is hard to understand at first, it will shortly be explained effortlessly by the story through the descriptions, conversations, or other such things. Nothing feels forced and the world feels natural even if it is science-fiction. What I found amazing is the complete description of an extinct alien population we discover and learn about throughout the book. Everything has been thought of, from their religions and way of living to even their language. It was fascinating to read. 

There are a few characters we follow in the book and the main ones are Rex Hunt and Dr. Lily Tselitel who’s been recruited as psychiatrist to work with the crazy prisoners. They’re both very different since one has a dark and harmful gift and the other has a light and healing gift. I loved how they completed each other, and it was interesting to see their different experiences from the cold and harsh Midway City to the intriguing and corrupted prison. Inside the prison we discover Lily’s assistant and the prison warden along with other workers and prisoners. While inside Midway City we discovered Weseley, an AI housed in a medallion carried by Rex, and Gromyko, the leader of the Underground organization where Rex sells his scavenged alien artifacts, alongside the members of the bigger and more serious rebellious organization called The Order. This the book’s aspect I d the least since I thought it was executed the least well. However, I still enjoyed a lot the relationships between the characters, they were many various dynamics, and I loved their conversations most of the time, especially when it had a more comical tone. My issue was more with the female characters; there were only two principal ones (Lily and Wanda) and felt they were poorly written compared to the males’ ones. They were overly portrayed as weak, and I felt we needed more power and stronger will from them. 

The book’s plot is engaging and interesting. There were many moments when I was impressed by the story and the events going on. I think it’s very diverse and has a lot of different elements I enjoyed. The pacing is sometimes a bit slow since the author takes as much time as he needs to describe the environment and the world-building which I think adds more depth to the story. It isn’t too slow since there is a lot of action going on still and the pacing is very fast in those moments. That’s why I’d say that the pacing is medium overall. At the beginning we alternated between Lily and Rex and it was very fun to see the same event or situation but from different perspectives. It wasn’t confusing, instead it was enjoyable to learn what had happened or what the other character had thought. We are lucky to see the explication or meaning of some events by this method and I found myself being really satisfied and surprised with it. 

In conclusion, this book by Steven Bissett is a solid four stars out of five and I would recommend it to anyone who s science-fiction with well-thought world-building. It only has one issue in my opinion, and it’s its female characters, but it didn’t stop me from completely enjoying the story since I loved its world and plot. I’m certain it will only get better and I’m very excited for the second book of the series since it has kept me interested to know more until the very end, and that is incredibly important.  Charlie Jubinville-Forget3

A Son of the Shadows is the first book of the series The Earthborn Saga written by Steven Bissett in 2023. It takes place on the incredibly cold planet Delta-13 which is home to prisoners considered dangerous and their families. Rex Hunt is the son of one of the prisoners and he has learned to make a living for himself by scavenging for alien artifacts and selling them. He discovers that he has a gift as special as the planet itself and that his destiny is to use it in his journey against the government’s secret conspiracy. Alongside friends and other members of a rebellious organization, he will dive deep into this ice-cold world and discover what causes the chilling surge of madness among the prisoners.

This book’s world building is very intriguing and entertaining, and I think it’s its strongest aspect. From the get-go, we can sense that the world is very well thought of and that there is much to learn. It can be scary to learn of a whole new universe, but it is brought in such a way that it doesn’t feel heavy or too complicated. It was very intelligent to introduce sparingly the world-building elements of the story throughout multiple conversations. It was well-explained so that the readers don’t get lost but also completely insert themselves into the story and believe it fully. If there’s anything weird or new that is hard to understand at first, it will shortly be explained effortlessly by the story through the descriptions, conversations, or other such things. Nothing feels forced and the world feels natural even if it is science-fiction. What I found amazing is the complete description of an extinct alien population we discover and learn about throughout the book. Everything has been thought of, from their religions and way of living to even their language. It was fascinating to read.

There are a few characters we follow in the book and the main ones are Rex Hunt and Dr. Lily Tselitel who’s been recruited as psychiatrist to work with the crazy prisoners. They’re both very different since one has a dark and harmful gift and the other has a light and healing gift. I loved how they completed each other, and it was interesting to see their different experiences from the cold and harsh Midway City to the intriguing and corrupted prison. Inside the prison we discover Lily’s assistant and the prison warden along with other workers and prisoners. While inside Midway City we discovered Weseley, an AI housed in a medallion carried by Rex, and Gromyko, the leader of the Underground organization where Rex sells his scavenged alien artifacts, alongside the members of the bigger and more serious rebellious organization called The Order. This the book’s aspect I d the least since I thought it was executed the least well. However, I still enjoyed a lot the relationships between the characters, they were many various dynamics, and I loved their conversations most of the time, especially when it had a more comical tone. My issue was more with the female characters; there were only two principal ones (Lily and Wanda) and felt they were poorly written compared to the males’ ones. They were overly portrayed as weak, and I felt we needed more power and stronger will from them.

The book’s plot is engaging and interesting. There were many moments when I was impressed by the story and the events going on. I think it’s very diverse and has a lot of different elements I enjoyed. The pacing is sometimes a bit slow since the author takes as much time as he needs to describe the environment and the world-building which I think adds more depth to the story. It isn’t too slow since there is a lot of action going on still and the pacing is very fast in those moments. That’s why I’d say that the pacing is medium overall. At the beginning we alternated between Lily and Rex and it was very fun to see the same event or situation but from different perspectives. It wasn’t confusing, instead it was enjoyable to learn what had happened or what the other character had thought. We are lucky to see the explication or meaning of some events by this method and I found myself being really satisfied and surprised with it.

In conclusion, this book by Steven Bissett is a solid four stars out of five and I would recommend it to anyone who s science-fiction with well-thought world-building. It only has one issue in my opinion, and it’s its female characters, but it didn’t stop me from completely enjoying the story since I loved its world and plot. I’m certain it will only get better and I’m very excited for the second book of the series since it has kept me interested to know more until the very end, and that is incredibly important. Book Reviewer2,583 220

A Son of the Shadows by Steven Bissett transports readers to the frigid, dystopian realm of Delta-13, a planet under the iron fist of Earth's empire. This narrative skillfully intertwines the plight of Rex Hunt, a man condemned to eke out an existence in the harsh town of Midway due to his father's rebellion, with a richly woven backdrop of political intrigue and survival. Rex, ostensibly a greenhouse worker, leads a clandestine life as a scavenger of alien artifacts, aiding the Underground resistance, spearheaded by his charismatic friend, Antonin Gromyko. Intriguingly, the story also introduces Wellesley, a snarky AI housed in a medallion from the ancient Kol-Prockian civilization, adding a unique technological twist to the tale. The plot thickens as Rex discovers increasing turmoil within the Underground and hears rumors of a new technology enabling authorities to penetrate their defenses. Concurrently, a mysterious illness strikes prisoners, drawing the empire's attention and the arrival of the unconventional psychiatrist, Lily Tselitel.

The narrative excels in its exploration of the human psyche through Lily's professional insights and Rex's introspective journeys, delving into themes of ego and consciousness. Bissett showcases his grasp of these complex concepts through well-researched and thoughtful prose. The story's pace is brisk, with unexpected revelations that add layers of mystery and keep the reader engaged. Moments of humor and levity, particularly through the banter between Antonin and Wellesley and the blossoming romance between Rex and Lily, provide a welcome respite from the overarching somberness of their surroundings.

The book's thorough engagement with complex philosophical ideas and its use of sophisticated language offers a rewarding challenge to the reader, encouraging thoughtful pauses to savor the narrative's depth. The story features dynamic character development, including a surprising twist with a key character that adds an element of intrigue, suggesting unexplored depths that might captivate some readers' imaginations. This creative choice contributes to the novel's richness and does not diminish its enjoyment.

A Son of the Shadows is a commendable choice for enthusiasts of dystopian fiction, blending intellectual discourse, resistance against oppressive regimes, and a touch of romance set against a frozen, foreboding landscape. With its compelling characters and intriguing plot, this novel will captivate readers who relish a story that challenges both the heart and the mind. Susann29 6

“A Son of the Shadows: The Earthborn Saga Vol. I” by Steven Bissett is a different kind of Sci-fi novel. Sure, it has the good, the bad guys, and the aliens; but it also has mysticism, legends, and spirituality.
Rex Hunt is the son of a convicted “traitor,” sent to the prison on the planet Delts-13, a frozen world that houses only a prison and a town inhabited by the families of those convicted. Living conditions on Delta-13 are hard, the Empire, that controls Earth and the rest of the planets on the Milky Way, are big fans of control by fear and force.
Delta-13 is not a friendly place to live as it has only one season yearlong: Winter.
When Rex is not working at a greenhouse that grows the food for the inhabitants of Delta-13, he is a scavenger of alien artifacts left behind by an alien race long extinguished, called the “Kol-Prockians.”
The mysticism and legends play an important role in the book because the author Steven Bissett uses them as a bridge to connect events that took place a millennia ago, to what is, and might happen shortly from the present point of view of the story.
The spirituality through the plot can be compared to New Age Spirituality, as it compels us to heal our unconscious minds to improve the quality of our conscious lives, for example, on page 96 of “A Son of the Shadows: The Earthborn Saga Vol. I” by Steven Bissett, one of the characters says the following about the unconscious mind: “You need it. It balances out your conscious attitude towards the world by taking up opposite positions and stances.”
There are multiple instances through the drama of the book that relate to New Age Spirituality intertwining it with Sci-fi elements, and even a few romantic and humorous moments.
On the negative side, Steven Bissett, the author doesn’t provide us with physical descriptions, or ages for most of the characters. The reader will find out the main characters' specific physical characteristics near the book's end.
Despite this issue, the plot, the lack of typos, the general care in writing this story, and the lack of strong violence, foul language, or hot scenes compel me to rate this book as 5 over 5 stars.
Considering that Delta-13 is a character of its own and could be a frozen version of Arrakis, I recommend “A Son of the Shadows: The Earthborn Saga Vol. I” by Steven Bissett to fans of the Sci-fi and Fantasy genres, New Age Spirituals will also love this story, as will adults and young adults looking for a clean book. Sarah NantaisAuthor 1 book32

A dystopian world confined to the frozen wastes of Delta-13 where a labourers slave away under the tight rule of Earth graces our pages in A Son of the Shadows by Steven Bissett. Our protagonist, Rex Hunt, manages to create space for himself in this hostile environment he was condemned to by working in a greenhouse. Of course, there is more to our protagonist than meets the eye: he works covertly to support the Underground Resistance, as protagonists are often wont to do in series this. With his friend Antonin Gromyko and hilarious side-kick AI Wellesley, our dear Rex will soon find himself caught up in intrigue, politics, and the stuff of dreams.
A good sci-fi book will focus on the world building and the technology without making it boring. This is a delicate balance and shows the strength of the writer. If you can bring your audience in with flashes of technology but simplify how this tech makes sense in the world, then you will reach a wider audience. Bissett does a good job of balancing the inclusion of the technology without overwhelming the readers. Not all readers who enjoy science fiction are technological masterminds, so it is appreciated that Bissett caters to all in his writing.
What makes a good book for me are the side characters. You expect your leads to be engaging and interesting. We do get this with Rex and our leading lady psychiatrist Lily Tselitel. But the truly favourite character for me was our sarcastic AI Wellesley. There is a fine line between sarcastic, witty and engaging and straight up annoying. The banter between Wellesley and Gromyko made the book very entertaining for me in many ways.
If there is to be any criticism, it is that the book often relies heavily on the narrative. The chapters are long and to be met with constant dialogue can get tiring.
If you are looking for a good science fiction story where hiding beneath the surface of a frozen planet is intrigue and history, you should look no further than A Son of the Shadows by Steven Bissett. The first in a series, it does an excellent job of world building, character development and provides an excellent foundation to build upon. It will be interesting to see where Bissett takes this series and you won’t want to miss out.
Claudia A25 2

Fans of science fiction, fantasy, and dystopian novels will enjoy "A Son of the Shadows," the first book in Steven Bissett's "The Earthborn Saga." The story takes place on the frozen prison planet Delta-13 and begins with the main character, Rex Hunt, fleeing from a bear while clutching a glowing medallion with mild healing properties.
Rex, an artifact scavenger, is accompanied by an AI companion named Wellesley, with whom he communicates. Wellesley is an advanced alien AI with extensive knowledge of an extinct race. Rex's hoarding of this information violates numerous laws, particularly those governing the fringe of the empire, where tight measures are in place to suppress any uprising among fringe dwellers.
Despite the risks, Rex persists, driven by a combination of boredom, adventure, and defiance against authority. His journey leads him to hide inside underground taverns, where he aligns with rebels resisting oppressive government policies, while Wellesley remains skeptical. Meanwhile, Dr. Lily Tselitel, a psychiatrist, and her assistant Roy arrive on Delta-13, sensing a conspiracy linked to the prison housing the empire's most dangerous criminals. Amid reports of inmate madness and eerie occurrences, Lily remains determined to uncover the truth.

This isn't your typical sci-fi fare; it explores the human psyche and the intricacies of political maneuvering. Moreover, the story's unexpected twists, heartfelt moments, and genuine dialogue foster emotional connections with its well-crafted characters. Some characters’ relationships feel refreshingly unconventional, while the romantic dynamic between Rex and Lily is palpable.

The opening pages may leave you feeling a bit disoriented, but it's worth sticking with it. You'll soon find yourself connecting the dots and experiencing a thrilling adventure. The pacing may be a bit slow at times, and the length of the narrative may seem daunting, but the author's attention to detail and dedication to the story shine through on every page.

Overall, "A Son of the Shadows" offers a captivating journey through a richly imagined world. The well-rounded characters and well-researched, well-thought-out plot make it a rewarding read.

Taking place in the frozen wilderness of Delta-13, this space opera combines psychic skills and a quest for freedom that immediately drew me in. This captivating tale weaves together elements of suspense, adventure, and profound character development, making it a compelling read for fans of the science fiction fantasy genre. The way Bissett explains about the civilization is really commendable. My favorite character was the AI Wellesley, though Gromyko was also quite good. The banter between Wellesley and Gromyko made the book really entertaining. Additionally, there is a touch of romance in this story, touching both your heart and mind.

As Rex grapples with the mounting unrest within the Underground and faces rumors of advanced technologies that jeopardize their defenses, the story introduces the enigmatic psychiatrist Lily Tselitel, drawn to Midway by a mysterious illness plaguing prisoners.

Bissett's narrative shines in its exploration of the human psyche through Lily's professional insights and Rex's introspective journeys. Themes of ego and consciousness are deftly woven into the storyline, showcasing the author's ability to portray complex concepts through well-researched and thoughtful prose.

The story unfolds with a lively pace, peppered with surprising revelations that heighten the mystery and keep readers engaged from start to finish. The world-building in "A Son of the Shadows" is nothing short of spectacular. Bissett paints a vivid and immersive picture, and the character development leads to an engaging story. What makes this unique and enchanting is the mix of futuristic tech and ancient secrets. Overall, "A Son of the Shadows" is a thrilling and unforgettable ride. It's a must-read for anyone who enjoys science fiction and dystopian dramas. Trust me, once you start, you won't be able to put it down!

The journey this book takes you on is one I won’t soon forget, and I can’t wait to see what lies ahead in the next books. Highly recommend it 5/5. Lexie Chase25 5

A Son of the Shadows: The Earthborn Saga Vol I by Steven Bissett
4.5 stars

I've always had such a strong love for Science Fiction and Fantasy, but it's been quite a while since I've actually picked a book up the category. Because of this, I've been on the lookout for a good Sci-Fi/Fantasy series to dive back into the genre. I'm so lucky to have came across A Son of the Shadows, because this is truly one of the most immersive and well thought out books I've read in a while.

If I had three words to describe this book, I would definitely say it was very fascinating, spectacular, and eclectic. Without spoilers, A Son of the Shadows follows Rex Hunt, who is the son of a prisoner that lives on the planet called Delta-13. Delta-13 is a prison planet with an extremely cold climate that houses many prisoners. I use the word eclectic to describe this book, because I truly wasn't expecting how well thought out and versatile the world building was going to be. The combination of extraterrestrials, rare abilities, romance, dystopia/political aspects, etc was absolutely amazing. I'm truly impressed that Steven Bissett was able to incorporate so many things into just the first book in the series.

My favorite thing about this book would have to be the world building (as mentioned above), but also the characters. I'm definitely a character-driven reader, and I was so invested in what was going to happen to the characters and how their story was going to progress. I went in expecting Rex to be my favorite character, but I found myself really loving Lily's character! The explanation of emotion really got me and drew me in as well. The only thing I would change about this book is the dialogue, sometimes I felt I got a little lost with the dialogue, but this very well could just be a personal thing.

Overall, I really enjoyed the book and I will definitely be reading the next book in the series! If you're a fan of Sci-Fi/Fantasy books then I highly recommend reading this! 1 K. WeikelAuthor 99 books53

I enjoyed this story and the creativity of everything involved. Aliens, living planets, and super powers? Yes, please.

This book is an amazing blend of fantasy, scifi, and political intrigue. There's some [super sweet] romance, and interesting delves into the psyche early on in the book. It's intellectually stimulating and I thoroughly enjoyed reading the history, albeit a bit hard to chew sometimes.

The world building is astounding and well thought-out, and I love the interactions between the characters. Gromyko at first was a bit too big-headed at first, but he grew on me SO fast. Wellesley was my first favorite though, the snarky AI created by aliens. It was an uphill battle to get Lily and Hunt to meet, but when it finally happened, I fell in love with their relationship.

My complaints: There's too much talking and planning and not enough doing and describing. Something would happen that had me , "Oh, no that's going to be a problem!" But in the next chapter or page, that thing is easily taken care of. I wish there was more buildup to Hunt's father, and I wish they didn't have that revelation until they actually saw him toward the end. I was really wanting the dramatic irony to build until the bubble went pop, but there was no buildup, so the delivery fell flat. I was tired of everything just working out, and I wanted SOMETHING to cling for more than a chapter.

Also, the chapters were SUPER long, and some of the dialogue was stiff. Oh, and I wish there was more of a thought process to some of the deaths/encounters.

All in all, this book is a solid read. I just wish the chapters were tighter and maybe half the length they are. The journey this book takes you on is on I won't soon forget, and I can't wait to see what lies ahead in the next books. This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review2024 scifi Daniela Vega395 21

"A Son of the Shadows" is an amazing science fiction story that transports readers to the inhospitable and unpredictable landscapes of a frozen planet, setting the stage for a thrilling journey packed with rebellion, adventure and survival challenges. The novel's strength involves its well-developed characters, fascinating world-building, and a plot that combines elements of science fiction and mystery.

The story unfolds on the world of Delta-13, a remote and dangerous outpost where the temperatures plummet to extremes. This frozen planet serves as a remote prison, creating a chilling backdrop that heightens the tension throughout the narrative.

The tension is skillfully maintained as the characters navigate the challenges of a lawless fringe world, confront government oppression, and unravel the mysteries.
The dialogue is well-crafted, offering insights into the characters' backgrounds and motivations. This contributes to the strong foundation for an engaging and suspenseful to the story. The book has topics freedom, rebellion and psychological exploration.

The atmospheric world-building adds dimension to the entire tale, it is so original. The plot's exciting twists and turns keep readers on the edge of their seats, anxious to uncover the fates of the characters and unravel the mysteries that could transform the balance of power.

This book is a must-read for science fiction enthusiasts who appreciate and amazing world-building, a great cast of characters, and a narrative that blends suspense, mystery, and rebellion. Steven Bissett has delivered a captivating tale that leaves readers eagerly anticipating future works in this promising universe. Highly recommended!
Lilly85 5

Wow! 'A Son of the Shadows' by Steven Bissett Night is an exhilarating journey into the depths of the cosmos, where intrigue, psychic abilities, and the fight for freedom collide in a breathtaking space opera. From the moment I delved into the icy confines of Delta-13, I was hooked. Bissett's masterful storytelling weaves a tale of gripping suspense and heart-pounding action that kept me on the edge of my seat until the very last page.
What truly sets this book apart is its richly developed characters. Rex Hunt's discovery of his psychic gift and Dr. Lily Tselitel's relentless pursuit of truth add layers of depth to an already captivating plot. I found myself rooting for them every step of the way as they navigate the treacherous waters of imperial conspiracy and madness.
But it's not just the characters that shine; the world-building in 'A Son of the Shadows' is nothing short of spectacular. Bissett paints a vivid picture of a galaxy teetering on the brink of chaos, where hope flickers a candle in the wind. The blend of futuristic technology and ancient mysteries creates a setting that is both familiar and utterly mesmerizing.
Overall, 'A Son of the Shadows' is a thrilling ride from start to finish. It's a must-read for anyone who loves epic space adventures filled with intrigue, danger, and the enduring spirit of rebellion. Trust me, you won't be able to put it down!
jaz ??. ?.??180 124

A Son of the Shadows by Steven Bissett invites readers into a gripping and expansive space opera where darkness lurks at every corner and the fate of humanity hangs in the balance. Set on the icy prison world of Delta-13, Bissett crafts a thrilling narrative that follows the intertwined paths of Rex Hunt, a man endowed with a powerful psychic gift, and Dr. Lily Tselitel, a prison psychiatrist unraveling the mysteries of madness that plague the inmates.

From the chilling depths of Delta-13's prisons to the corridors of imperial power, Bissett weaves a tale of intrigue and rebellion that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. The discovery of an imperial conspiracy to construct a devastating weapon sets the stage for an epic showdown between forces of darkness and the flickering hope of rebellion. As a reader who primarily wouldn’t turn towards a novel in the science fiction genre I was pleasantly surprised and impressed!!

Bissett's world-building is masterful, The characters are richly drawn, each with their own motivations and struggles, adding depth to the narrative and driving the story forward with intensity.

As the first installment in The Earthborn Saga, "A Son of the Shadows" lays a solid foundation for what promises to be an epic journey through the cosmos. With its blend of action, intrigue, and psychic powers, I am looking forward to reading the others and I am a new fan of the genre! Gigi Nally16

What a deeply charming, imaginative, thought-provoking read! 4 stars.

"A Son of the Shadows" by Steven Bissett offers a compelling exploration into a Delta-13, a planet with an atmosphere as cold as its history—personally, it’s the last place I’d want to reside, but I had a blast reading about our characters trudging through its icy depths!

Rex Hunt sets out on a classic hero’s journey—and while Rex is certainly an interesting protagonist, it is the atmosphere and intricately woven themes that really set this story apart. Bissett immerses readers in his world, painting a colorful picture of harsh surroundings, oppressive prisons, and (my personal favorite) a resistance.

Side note: I also loved the inclusion of AI, which is quite a hot topic right now! However, Bissett’s AI character was uniquely humorous. He helped lighten the mood, and I found myself even chuckling a few times.

By the end of the book, so many interesting questions were raised, and I’m glad the second story is already out…because I can’t wait to dig in.

TLDR: I’d describe "A Son of the Shadows" as a cold lemonade on a hot day—the book is a refreshing delight in the sci-fi/dystopian genre. Nicole McCombs38 5

“A Son of the Shadows” is an incredible sci-fi read full of adventure and the writing makes you feel you are right there with the characters! Bissett does a tremendous job with developing the world of Delta-13 and the characters that will get you hooked quickly and keep you wanting more! The way that he blends the sci-fi with fantasy goes together seamlessly; one of my favorite parts of any fantasy book is the world building and I could picture it so well in my mind all the way through! While reading through this book, I found myself resonating with the characters so much that it felt I was along for the ride with them and I could hardly put it down as I was reading and NEEDING to know what happened next. I can’t wait to read the next one and see what new adventure awaits!

If you love science fiction, mystery, suspense, and a dystopian theme, this book is for you! 5/5 Steven Finkelstein296 1 follower

Welcome to a strange and eerie sci-fi dreamscape where nothing is as it seems. A Son of the Shadows is about Rex Hunt, who is trapped in a prison colony for daring to defy The Empire. Now, he and prison psychiatrist Lily Tselitel must learn what is causing fits of delirium in the other prisoners. These two share a destiny, and they have more in common than they realize. They must use all of their intelligence and guile to figure out what The Empire is planning and put a stop to it before the galaxy suffers unimaginable harm.

This is epic science fiction storytelling at its finest. Author Stephen Bissett is an imaginative and brilliant writer. Every new page of this novel yields new and unpredictable twists and turns before leading to a jaw dropping climax.

Píaras CíonnaoíthAuthor 124 books159

A Dystopian Adventure of Epic Proportions...

A Son of the Shadows: The Earthborn Saga Vol. I by Steven Bissett is a chilling tale of survival that unfolds against an imperial conspiracy. Rex Hunt's psychic discovery shatters the galaxy's power balance, intertwining with Dr. Lily Tselitel's quest for truth. Amidst a frozen wasteland, rebels clash with a sinister empire, unaware of an ancient threat looming over humanity. Steven Bissett's intricate world-building and character depth plunge readers into an atmospheric odyssey, blending sci-fi, fantasy, and political intrigue. While the narrative brims with suspense and action, lengthy chapters occasionally hinder pacing. Nevertheless, Bissett crafts a compelling debut, promising a thrilling journey ahead.
science-fiction Maria Paula Castellanos Monroy357 8

this is a book to question humanity.

It propels readers into a futuristic empire embroiled in chaos, set against the backdrop of a frigid prison world hiding secrets. Rex Hunt's newfound psychic ability holds the key to humanity's salvation amidst civil strife. Bissett's rich world-building blurs science fiction with fantasy, captivating readers with well-crafted characters and promising a thrilling saga ahead.

If you are looking for a text with an impeccable narrative full of science fiction and relfexions disguised as events in the book, this is perfect for you! James113 5

This is a fantastic, engaging, and incredibly interesting read! Despite being very long, I was hooked the entire time, and I already have the urge to give it another go. I flew through it so much quicker than I could have expected, and I bet that it's the same for everyone else; it's just so hard to put down. It's extremely well-written, with an intriguing, gripping plot, and fits my taste exceptionally well. I look forward to the next volume! 5/5! Alejandro Sureda105 3

A Son of the Shadows by Steven Bissett takes us to a planet that is part of the Earth kingdom, where its main character, Rex Hunt, has a parallel life fighting against the tyrant regime with the help of Antonin Gromyko, Wellesley an AI and Lily Tselitel. The discussions of philosophical ideas, added to the intrigue and plot twists, invite us to constant reading in order to know what the end of this story is , more than captivating and generating the need to read more about future stories.
1 Margarita Garcia506 11

Great story!

If you are a fan of science fiction books, this is the series you should consider. ''A Son of the Shadows'' is the first book in the Earthborn saga, where you will have an incredible adventure when a group of people seeks to free themselves from the imperial power that has control of the galaxy and threatens to consume vast humanity. This is a captivating story that you will enjoy from the beginning, as I did. Daniel Moreno345 6

A Son of the Shadows: The Earthborn Saga Vol. I is a captivating space opera by Steven Bissett, set in a futuristic empire and an icy prison world. Rex Hunt's discovery of psychic abilities intertwines with galactic rebellion and looming threats, creating a suspenseful narrative. The author's adept world-building and character development promises an engaging saga for science fiction fans, blending action and intrigue in a richly imagined universe. I highly recommend this book. Brenda942 16

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