
Dead Man Singing de Steve Couch

de Steve Couch - Género: English
libro gratis Dead Man Singing


What's a rock star to do when his talent fails him and his career has withered and died? Fed up with never-ending humiliations, Dave Masters fakes his own death in an attempt to boost his record sales, walking away from an industry that turned its back on him.

But what's a dead rock star to do when he realises too late that he can't live without the stage? Dave decides to set up as his own tribute act, and starts all over, soon discovering that building a new life isn't as easy as he might have thought.

Dead Man Singing is a rollercoaster ride through Dave's posthumous life; his brushes with fans, lovers, rivals, stalkers, gangsters, the law and the most dangerous enemy of all – himself. Can he come out of the other side of death alive?

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Clever and immersive in rock music history of the 60s -70s while set in the 90s. A successful musician facing the decline of his career ends up faking his own death. Plenty of plot twists to keep you guessing with an ultimately surprising ending. Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.netgalley4 s1 comment Sarah Minchin28 1 follower

Full disclosure - I knew the author when I was a teenager (I was one of the youth he worked with back in the day) and I remember a few key things about the legendary Stevie C:
1) He loved his music
2) He could tell a really good story

When I heard he was going to release his debut novel, I was hopeful. The premise sounded great (of course it was about music!) and I was excited to support someone who had supported me in the past.

I've had several friends / acquaintances publish books over the years. Some have been excellent, some... have not. Fortunately, this one falls into the excellent category.

I really enjoyed the twists and turns of the story and really felt for Dave / Tom as he came to realise how much he loved what he had walked away from and how he wrestled with the truth. The idea of one action causing ripples that just keep spreading fascinates me.

I also appreciated that everything was tidied up at the end and the epilogue was brilliant fun (although I'm not sure if I would have been as forgiving!)

Kathryn113 2

Dave Masters career as a rock musician is dwindling and so he fakes his death to start a new life. It turns out he can't leave his love of music behind so starts singing in a Dave Masters tribute act! I loved the plot to the story, I thought it was really clever how Dave cleverly created his own backing group and a tribute act featuring himself!

Unfortunately I just found the book a little long. In the middle section I found my attention was drifting. When the tribute act were touring, it felt quite repetitive (which songs were playing in the tour bus, repeating stories of the Dave's infidelities earlier in life etc.) which meant I lost interest.

Overall, I loved the concept behind the book but unfortunately it didn't hold my interest. That being said, I think a family member of mine would really enjoy this, so I will pass it onto them.

Thanks Troubador for the copy in exchange for an honest review. Katherine89

I enjoyed reading this book.

It has elements of Daisy Jones with the rock band lifestyle with the fake death twist. It was a very easy book to read and I could understand why Dave Masters went to the lengths to wanting to start a fresh.

I d the twist of setting up the Dave a masters tribute band, I was interested to see how that would have turned out to be and it worked out well.

The book is predominantly about Male characters, it would have been nice to have had more female characters that weren’t love interests or mothers.

I actually gasped and eye rolled at some of the characters decisions in the book. So I was clearly engaging with the story.

I really enjoyed reading Dead Man Singing.
I don’t want to give anything away but I trusted my gut when reading about the characters and I was not disappointed.

I would happily recommend this book! Sambooka23489 27

I really enjoyed this book and think that Couch wrote it very well. The whole fake death situ was very interesting to see how Dave managed whilst maintaining and building new relationships.

I think Dave Masters was a fab character. I can totally see why he faked his death and from there, the story begins. It’s a very eventful read that’ll have you engaging with the characters and Dave along the way.

Couch has written a great piece highlighting the pros and cons of being a music artist and how once you’ve hit the low and the people get bored you need to restart at something else… carrying on doesn’t always work.

I thought it was a very thought provoking read - I don’t want to give anything away but it has a lot of differing themes throughout - it’ll definitely keep you guessing until the end.

Thank you to Meera at Troubador for reaching out and sending me a copy of this book. Kim Burgess1 review

An original and pacy plot and very immersive detail - definitely one for the music fans. The author clearly knows his subject! The crescendo of this book is fantastically written, thoughtful and with wonderful dialogue. I would recommend not only to music fans, who will appreciate the finer details, but to anyone who enjoys delving into relationships and friendships, with all their triumphs and shortcomings. Elizabeth Dodd7

A thoroughly enjoyable read. You find yourself drawn into the intrigue and becoming invested in Dave more and more as the book goes on. The sign of a good character, I was at times cross, frustrated and fed up with him and yet ultimately wanting him to find his peace. An entertaining read for the hidden musician/ fame seeker in all of us. Natalie P8 2

I have just finished the book and couldn't put it down towards the end! It's a brilliant premise and the ending definitely wasn't predictable. The ending even made up for all the drummer jokes! I loved the journey of the main character, Dave Masters, form beginning to end. Some bits actually made me laugh out loud. I really enjoyed it and can't wait for the next book!funny music Stuart Ayers45

This kept me keenly reading over Christmas and New Year! I enjoyed being in the world of 79s-90s music and references touched my memories of the time. Gentle humour accompanies the well written story. Alex Duncan160 538

A fun and unusual rock and roll story. Dan Lloyd1 review

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