
Icing de Stephanie Kay

de Stephanie Kay - Género: English
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Stephanie Kay Series: Denver Stampede 03 Publisher: anonymous, Year: 2024

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Loving Santa!
I LOVE THE LATEST DENVER STAMPEDE BOOK! I think Santa, Nick St John, is my new book boyfriend!
The guys on his team all call him Santa. Not because he’s round and jolly! Not because he loves Christmas! But what else would you choose for the nickname of a hockey player named Nick St John?
Anna is a successful baker with her own bakery, but she’s been recently jilted by her cheating fiancé dentist who called off their engagement just weeks before their wedding, and took his dental hygienist on their honeymoon to Bora Bora!
Her friends, who are involved with two of Santa’s teammates, “buy” her a date with him at a charity auction. Santa has no time for anything but hockey, and Anna is carefully guarding her heart!
A superbly written book about two broken hearted people who are afraid to trust again. Stephanie Kay has outdone herself in this latest book in the Denver Stampede series!1 Jenny Jackson808 4

Nick and Anna

This book was lighthearted and low angst. It had a decent amount of hockey and gave some good insight into the relationships Nick had with his teammates. There was a lot of internal back and forth for both Nick and Anna and they both needed time to work out their feelings. It was a good book for someone looking for a sweet romance with some steamy scenes.

Anna and Nick seemed an unly pair. Anna owned a bakery, was always smiling and happy and loved Christmas. Nick was the team grumpy who avoided sugar and hated Christmas despite the nickname he’d carried since childhood, Santa. In addition to their differences, Nick also had a tendency to put his foot in his mouth and that caused his relationship with Anna to have a rocky start.

While Nick and Anna were opposites, they did have some important things in common. They both came from loving parents and they’d both been burned in the worst way by the people who had pledged to love them unconditionally. Nick had closed himself off for years because of his ex, but Anna was determined to move on. They both struggled with how strong their feelings for each other were in such a short period of time, but in the end time didn’t matter.

Nick and Anna had a very sweet romance. It was fun and light and had some comedic moments thrown in. There was very little tension, and a whole host of secondary characters. It was an entertaining read and I can’t wait to see some of the other players on the Denver Stampede find their own matches. Donna1,029 11

Denver Stampede #3

Anna Martin is fresh off a break up with her fiance who broke up with her two days before their wedding and then took his employee on what would have been their honeymoon. She's not looking for another relationship but rather just working in her bakery, Sugar on Top.
When her friends talk her into going to a charity bachelor auction held by the Stampede's then bids and wins a guy for her she's not overly happy about it any more than the guy is.

Nick St. John known as Santa on his Stampede hockey team. He's grumpy and doesn't care for sugar, great for a date with a baker, lol. The date is ice skating and hot chocolate which should be fun but not so much for him. Nick has a way of sticking his foot in his mouth when he talks to Anna.
His focus has been on hockey, not dating or even relationships but there's something about Anna he just can't forget.

She always seems to be happy and it just draws Nick in. The more time they spend together he starts to fall. Can he keep his foot out of his mouth and can they work through their issues?

4.5 stars Angela Speir70 4

What can be better than a book about a not so jolly Santa and a sweet baker?

Nick, aka Santa, is grumpy - he hates his nickname, Christmas and life in general. He especially hates being paraded a piece of meat, even if it is in the name of charity. I mean, what could be worse? He’s about to find out!

Anna - our heroine - is a wonderful, sweet baker and best friend who has had a rough go lately. Her fiancé called off the wedding 2 days before the ceremony and took his girlfriend on the honeymoon! So her 2 BFFs decide she needs cheering up and “gift” her a date with Santa. And that’s where the fun begins.

This novel is a cute, quirky Christmas story but it is also so much more. The author explores the nuances of being a teammate and a best friend - and how these relationships help define your life. The humor and antics - including Nick’s penchant for open mouth, insert foot moments - bring this story to life.

I am really enjoying this series and others am impatiently waiting on Sin’s downfall - I mean story.

hockey Only.ever.books877 7

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