
Grave Games de Stacy Gail

de Stacy Gail - Género: English
libro gratis Grave Games


Stacy Gail Series: Gravediggers MC Duology 01 Year: 2024 ISBN: 1806212551

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Received a ARC for a honest review.

Ok first off just let me say how thrilled I am that Stacy Gail is back!!

Second, Grave Games: Gravediggers MC is a spinoff from Gail’s HOUSE OF PAYNE:Loki and you don’t have to read that story to follow this one, but it does help to know all the players. Not to mention the HOUSE OF PAYNE series is awesome itself.

Now on to Romeo and Shiloh.

Shiloh is a woman who has been through some s**t and wants NOTHING to do with anyone connected to a MC. She just wants to continue to work her waitressing job, be with her friend Heather, and go home. That’s it.

Romeo is a man in a mission, the mission is to get close to Shiloh to find her brother, but he doesn’t plan on really falling for her I think.

Seeing Shiloh for the strong survivor that she is, not to mention she is beautiful, and doesn’t just fall for his BS, is I think what makes him fall.

He doesn’t go about getting her attention the right way sure, but when there is war on the horizon a guys gotta do what a guys gotta do.

There where times I wanted to walk into my kindle and smack the s**t out of Romeo and I cheered when Shiloh figured out just how strong she really is, and I teared up at her sweet forgiving nature where family is concerned.
That’s what makes for a well written story, it pulls you in with all the characters feeling and flaws.

I can’t wait to read the next story from Gail and her Graverdiggers!1 Kelly5,155 198

We met Tyr and his breakaway chapter of the Gravediggers in Loki's HoP book. Let's just say that Tyr's Gravediggers are a very different beast from his uncle's. In other words, they have legitimate businesses and aren't raving psychos. BUT...they're also on his uncle's radar in a not-so-great way and they have to play things very carefully so things don't tip into outright war between them.

Which brings us to Romeo and Shiloh. He's one of the top lieutenants in Tyr's club and she's a woman who has suffered heartily at the hands of an MC in the past. To say she's wary of him (and everyone else) is putting things lightly. But Romeo worms his way past her defenses and soon some of the secrets Romeo's been holding close come to light. Which isn't great because Shiloh hates all things MC and it takes time and some quick talking on Romeo's part to get her to even give him a chance to explain things.

On Romeo's end, Shiloh might have started as just an assignment, but she intrigued him from the beginning. And when she finally starts letting down her walls enough to tell some of her secrets, he grows to admires her strength and fire. Does he make a not-so-great choice to find a way to get his foot in the door with her? YES, HE DOES. But I also kind of think she wouldn't have given him much of a chance without that push and, in the end, she really did need the protection he and the club provided, so I guess it all turned out okay.

Complicated family dynamics, betrayal on more than one level, unexpected friends, steamy kisses, a man who will fight for the people he loves, and a lady who doesn't realize she's ready to open her heart until one gorgeous, cocky man walks into her life. More please!

-Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal
contemporary ebooks read-in-2024 Dar3,867 79

These two had some mad chemistry between them! It took them a while, and they had several missteps along the way, to get on the same page emotionally, but the heat between them, that was there from the start. She has some triggers, and he sets off every one, whereas he is tenacious and doesn’t give up. They definitely went on a rollercoaster of a ride, with lots of ups and downs, wild moments, and anticipatory thrills, and I was happy to be on the ride with them
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