
Jaws of Death (Octavia Hollows Book 3) de Stacey Rourke

de Stacey Rourke - Género: English
libro gratis Jaws of Death (Octavia Hollows Book 3)


Stacey Rourke Publisher: Anchor Group Publishing, Year: 2023

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As with all the previous books in this series, I am left speechless after finishing Jaws of Death. The author has done it again, so many emotions, so many twists and turns. Love the tidbits she sprinkled in for foreshadowing and that helped bring the story full circle. Her writing is so smooth and her ability to build this world inside this book is truly phenomenal. We pick up with Octavia and Reid on page 1 and my heart is already hurting, breaking and aching. This book starts with the throttle open wide and never lets up. Hang on tight because it’s gonna be a bumpy ride! The author seamlessly goes from one catastrophe to another with her words as we watch Octavia deal with her losses, figure out clues, connect different parts of the same puzzle and finally bring it all together to see the big picture. I love when all the pieces finally click into place and I’m “I knew it” about something I had suspected the entire time. I ride this roller coaster willingly, knowing I would be emotionally spent at the end and I wasn’t wrong. Even then I am so in love with Octavia and Reid, Dina and my all time favorite, the Warrior Pig Bacon. This author is also the QUEEN of cliffhangers and Jaws of Death is no different, bring your tissues and your favorite snack cause it’s gonna be hell of a ride!! Marissa523

Before picking this one up, readers are strongly encouraged to read the previous installment Fate Worse than Death as this story begins where that one left off. The snarky necromancer Octavia once again finds herself having to make difficult choices for those closest to her. This time around, a voodoo wrench gets thrown into the mix and Octavia navigates the world of werewolf politics. Octavia is tested throughout this story when it comes to protecting her family and Reid. Never one to give up, and with her porky sidekick, she faces these challenges head-on, but at what cost?

After finishing this book, I can confidently say that Ms. Rourke is one of the riskiest authors I have ever read. She knows what her readers love and while she will do everything she can to nourish that and keep her readers wanting more, she also isn't afraid to stretch those boundaries to create situations where her readers are just completely gob-smacked and need some therapy. Sure, there are cliffhangers, complete 180s, points where characters have to make unimaginable choices, etc. in other books, but Ms. Rourke takes this to a whole new level. I absolutely respect her for it because she always has a method to her madness. Of course, this one ends on a cliffhanger, but it's very much worth it. Jenny Zimmerman1,586 71

What can I say....I have no words...Once again this author has left me speechless.

But maybe.....Let's start with the characters. Still the same amazing characters that I have fallen in love with from the beginning of this series of books. Octavia is still so awesome and one day, I'd to be just her when I grow up. And with her is my favorite little porker sidekick, Bacon. The story isn't anything without Bacon, right?

The storyline is very well written and Rourke pulled out all the stops with this story as per usual. There was action, suspense, laughter and sadness in this story. One minute I'm sitting on the edge of my seat and the next either laughing or crying. And that ending....Yeah, warning, it's another cliffhanger with a wicked twist that I never saw coming!!! But if you think a pink haired necromancer that rides a scrambler with a little potbelly pig for a sidekick is for you, then this is the read for you and I highly recommend it!! Karen Pearman246 7

Sheesh, where do I begin with this review? Should I begin telling you about the tears I cried, the laughs of joy that rang out, or how she slashed my heart and left me with a loss of words? If you have ever read any of her books, then you are familiar with how she will throw you a curveball from the right and then another one from the left. She leaves you on the edge of your seat from chapter to chapter up until the very end. And most of the time you are left foaming at the mouth at the end of the book waiting for the next installment. Once again, this is the case. The author is a wonderful writer and does not disappoint you the reader. While it’s not required that you read these books in order, I do highly recommend it. You will find more joy and knowledge starting from the beginning. No matter how you read it, just read it! You will find you love her work and can’t wait to read more from her. Gwen Shafer1,918 29

This is the third book in the story of Octavia and her side kick Bacon. But now she has an additional side kick Reid. Right off the bat Stacey sends you on the start of the emotional ride that you always go on with her writing. She sends you on a tailspin. Something happens to Reid. Will Octavia make the right choice? But Stacey does an amazing job of taking you on quite the adventure with these three. Nonstop page turning action and adventure that will have you gripped wanting to finish the book in one setting which of course I did. Because how can you not when it comes to one of Stacey's books? I love Octavia and how strong she is no matter what she goes through. She loves her family and will do anything for them. This one of course has a cliffhanger ending. But that is Stacey's style, leave you hanging wanting more. Highly recommend reading this one and all of them in the series. Theresia26 6

I found this series earlier this year and was just floored at how much I LOVE Octavia and her pet undead pig, Bacon. Yes...that's right...she's a necromancer who keeps a resurrected pig as a pet. Even carries him around in a baby carrier. And I'm not gonna lie...he steals the show time and time again.

As I was saying, I binged the first 3 journals, and the 2nd and 3rd book and I became obsessed, so when I had the opportunity to read an advanced copy, I felt I had won the lottery!! And let me tell you, this book DID NOT disappoint!!!!! It's if Stehpanie Plum and Dexter had a baby and that baby born a necromancer, and was completely surrounded by the supernatural. It's hard to write this review because I sound so vague, but I don't want to spoil even one minute of the book. Kelly Mccurdy874 17

Stacey has done it again! Octavia, Bacon, and Reid are in for another adventure. But things aren’t what they seem. Blossoming love, voodoo, and raising the dead, what more can a girl ask for? This book kept me invested. As soon as I work up and had my coffee made, I started reading this book. There is so much mystery around Octavia and that mystery just keeps getting bigger and bigger. I can’t wait to see what happens next with those three.

Stacey keeps me on my toes when I read her books. Her writing is a breath of fresh air. She makes her stories come alive. If you have never read her work, you are missing out!! stacey-roark Wendy542

The pack is unhappy with Octavia and separates association. There is someone still killing werewolves. The Alpha is shot with an arrow during a party. Monroe refuses Octavia’s help. While at the police station, Octavia is there to hear a tale from Willa Linski about her father’s past murders using the same techniques being used on the weres. Octavia does her thing with the dad and finds out an interesting twist to his story. We find that there is a betrayal at the core of the pack. It will take Octavia, the witches and Ruby to bring this adventure to a close. Looking forward to what happens next!1 Angie Ready13

Oh Octavia….

Octavia does it again. And by that I mean she really knows how to find trouble ! This time werewolves are being hunted and her wolf man is in danger.. add in a detective who is an Oracle so sees everything your thinking and a pack of wolves who mostly hate you along with a fiesty undead pig.. you get- either a complete mess or a good time. Octavia has to figure out who is hunting these wolves while staying away so she doesn’t become wolf food.. this book is so well written and is full of drama, mystery, and so many laughs! I love Octavia and her snarky humor that she uses even in the worst possible time! I highly recommend reading this book!! Paranormal Tendencies251 19

Bacon has fallen in love with his reflection! I think I love this part the best!! More bacon, more Octavia, and more yummy Reid, this series is so fun!
In this installment Octavia wonders if she accidentally reanimated a deceased serial killer. His unique killing style has surfaced in a few murders and it makes one wonder…. So, of course she has to go find out. Dangerous? Duh! Will that stop her? Hell no!
With uncontrollable wolf transformations, vain piggies, and voodoo magic this book is full of excitement!
5 stars!
witty Traci Otte464 5

Each book is better than the last!

I couldn’t wait to get my hands on this book after the last one ended. And now that I’m done with this one, I cannot WAIT until the next!

The stakes get higher as Octavia, Reid, and Bacon (okay, not Bacon, but he’s too cute to leave out) search for who’s killing people with crossbows with elaborate contraptions… just a serial killer did years ago, but he’s dead. Isn’t he?

The answer may surprise you. It sure surprised me, as did so many things! What else will Octavia have to face? I can’t wait to find out! Jen404 1 follower


Well, get ready for a ride of emotions. Lots of turns that you don't know which way the story will go. It keeps you on your toes every minute of it all. It is definitely a "do not put this story down book." I absolutely loved it, even with my emotions all over the place. This is a highly recommended book and series. The author makes this world so amazing. You get swept away so quickly. Beverly263 45

Oh my god. I waited for what happened next and I wasnt disappointed. I wont spoil anything I will say I was happy that my boy Reid and my favorite little pig Bacon was ok, But I dont think any of Octavias faithful friends truly came out unscathed and now I can't wait till the next installment to see what happens next for Octavia that girl can't stay out of trouble. So good I highly recommend this book but you really should read them in order. Sue M. Van236 6 Read

Well, what can I say about this book? It did shock me by the end. It also kept me turning pages until there were no more pages to turn. Of course it's excellent writing and story telling! Nothing new for this author. She is a great storyteller. More than anything else though, is her ability to keep me coming back for me. Great job, great story! Troid13

Stacey did it again. She pulled me in from page one. After finishing the previous book I was impatiently waiting for this one. I devoured it in a day. I was laughing out loud one moment and bitting my nails the next. The character feel old friends and it was nice to be reunited with them. Best of all Bacon is back. Only downside, I have to wait for the next one in the series. Kristen701 89

Many times as a book series goes on it gets tired and stale but this is an exception to that rule! This series continues with Octavia yet again having to rescue those she loves and putting herself into danger! Fast paced, thrilling, and cliffhanger ending! I voluntarily reviewed an advance readers copy of this book.author-arc-group-on-fb Michelle2

Bacon, the perfect side...kick to the baddest butt kicking necro out there. Comedy meets horror and suspense in the third installment of the series. Cliffhangers and tear jerker moments (happy and sad). I love what Stacey has done with the character development, and I can't WAIT for the next book! Jennifer226 2

I can't get enough of Octavia Hollows, this book totally didn't go where I thought it would but I couldn't get enough. Stacey Rourke is constantly keeping her readers on their toes. I can't wait till the next book! Belinda Clemons1,996 21

First that shocking cliffhanger in Fate Worse Than Death now this one Stacey you are amazing I don't know how you think up such things to shock us with. I'm highly anticipating the next cliffhanger in book 3 Christina A31 1 follower

Bacon-I mean Octavia is back again!

We are exactly where we left off with book 2. Octavia must face a choice when it comes to Reid. The wolf pack is in danger. Voodoo is afoot. Can Octavia catch a break?

This one was by far a nail biter from the beginning. This is a paranormal and urban fantasy but there's also mystery.

Stacey once again weaves her magic into the book and compels you to the very end. Tricia Randall133 8

OMBacon!!!! Stacey Rourke, you are a lucky woman. I was ready to wheel myself (because I'm wheelchair bound) to wherever you may be and go all Misery on you if certain things didn't go well. You know whom I'm talking about. Well, Jaws of Death was 100 times better than I expected.
The obstacles Octavia encounters, has to deal with, and finds herself in is mind-blowing. I love, absolutely love, that things aren't EZPZ for her. Octavia faces challenges with snark. She puts on her bada$$, big girl panties, then tackles everything thrown her way. Octavia is by far one of my favorite characters. She reminds me of a female version of Deadpool a lot of times. Another thing I love about her.
With lots of action, chaos, laughs, voodoo, and tears, Jaws of Death is a must-read from Stacey Rourke.
There is so much more I want to write, but long aren't my thing. Just read Jaws of Death. You won't be disappointed. Skyye Breeze346

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