
Death's Door de Stacey Rourke

de Stacey Rourke - Género: English
libro gratis Death's Door


Stacey Rourke Year: 2023

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Quirky and weird, in an oddly different way. Loved it! Can't wait to start book two!11 s Crystal1,096 27

When sisters Charlie and Thadia head to a psychic for a reading as part of Charlie’s bachelor party, no one, least of all Thadia, thought it would be the last thing she would be doing on earth. The next moment, she’s in Carnage Crossing, and finding out that not only is she dead, but she’s the heir apparent. You see, her father was the King, until something got rid of him completely. Now she’s in line to be Queen, but not only that, she has to deal with some supernatural being that’s terrorizing the residents of Carnage Crossing. But that’s not all. There’s also something else that’s erasing the people of Carnage Crossing from existence. It’s up to Thadia, now known as Tempest Mortem to stop it all. If she doesn’t, the residents will band together to put a stop to her. And believe me, the line started to form the moment she came to town.
Ms. Rourke has come up with a winner y’all. I mean really!! Death, pirates, a Rofenod, flying planchettes, backstabbers, this story has it all and then some! Great writing, a storyline that’s nothing you’ve ever read, and wonderful characters, this book has it all.
2 s TishAuthor 49 books756

With her usual flare, Rourke brings the dead to life in this wonderfully, macabre tale. With hints of Beetlejuice meets epic fantasy, Corpse Queen takes us on an amazing journey beyond the hidden veil. I can’t wait for book two.3 s Danneika296 7

A MUST grab and quick Read

I LOVED this book, the storyline and the characters. The story gave you Shaun of the dead/Beetlejuice feels. Very quirky, enjoyable, and an easy read. Bring on part 2.2 s Taylor FennerAuthor 12 books118

RtC!fantasy favorites indie-authors ...more1 Francie235 62

Incredible!!!! I can’t wait to start the second book! 2023 awesome-cover ebook ...more1 OneDayI'll1,445 31

Dead and not digging it

Thades is only at this tiny little slice of hell because her occult loving sister decided that visiting a fortune teller was a good alternative to a bachelorette party. Since a rogue planchette left her in a puddle of her own blood, that idea was proven very wrong. Now she's in some motel of death- no, literally, dead people and it's a hotel for the newbies- and the doorman is whispering into a phone and she's pretty sure it's about her. The new title they want to saddle her with sounds fabulous until they also tell her about the exorcisms, the veil issues, oh, and she has to get married. now. Can't a girl settle in to her grave before everything gets thrown in the hole with her?

Spoilers ahead.
Oh, this was delightful. Here is this modern woman, engaged, celebrating her sister's mysterious pop-up engagement, and then, boop, she dead. On her arrival in the afterlife, which, btw, is nothing advertised- no harps, no lake of fire- she gets told she's a queen thanks to the dad she never knew, she has to get married immediately, people are dying...the forever kind this time, and that she is the only person who can fix literally everything. No pressure right? The snark, humor, crossed wires and mayhem were very well done. The names absolutely had me rolling, especially the Rofenod. There's a fun mystery to solve, 2 if you count the suddenly here and gone mysterious fiancee. It's a little gruesome, but in a cheeky way. And, the way it ends is sure to lure you back for book 2. 1 Jennifer172 22 Read

Me, looking longingly at this book: "You had me at death by Ouija board planchette."

This story follows Tempest Mortem, a girl who dies via Ouija board planchette while visiting a psychic with her sister. As Tempest passes into the afterlife, her stop is Carnage Crossing where she finds out her father (whom she never knew in life) was Papa Legba and she must take the throne and fulfil the prophecy to save Carnage Crossing from a dire threat.

I've been through some things lately--haven't we all?--and this book got me through it. This book pulled me right into its comforting, (if dark and twisty) embrace and allowed me to forget my struggles for a while.

The story grabbed me instantly and pulled me into its colorful world, Carnage Crossing. There are the fabulously dressed dead, the not so fabulous looking dead, family secrets, a wedding, lots of coffee, exorcisms, PIRATES and a coronation all culminating in an ending that leaves you wanting for more!

The pages (and hours) flew by as I read this. The pacing is spot on, the characters are fleshed out (well, not literally, as some are skeletons!) and relatable. The humour keeps the story light but it's not over the top and it doesn't insult the reader's intelligence.

The pages (and hours) flew by as I read this. The pacing is spot on, the characters are fleshed out (well, not literally, as some are skeletons!) and relatable. The humour keeps the story light but it's not over the top and it doesn't insult the reader's intelligence. I enjoyed Tempest's (aka Thades) character arc and how she learned to move forward and not get hung up on the past.

There is nothing critical I have to say about this book except that it's over! I am SO EXCITED to read the future books in this series. I got a strong Corpse Bride vibe from this story along with shades of Beetlejuice and a dash of Death Becomes Her. Just do yourself a favor and read this book now! Lauren Popovits1 review

Corpse Queen is the first book in the Death Diggers Handbook Series by Stacey Rourke. This fiction, modern fantasy book, is a fantastic read. The book was released in 2021 and has several references to popular culture. This story explores Thades’ unexpected death that leads her to the “middle of the road” underworld called Carnage Crossing. A confused Thades, who is now to be known as Tempest Mortem, apparently, finds out that her father, who left her family when she and her little sister were young, was actually the King of Carnage Crossing before he basically died again, long story. Now it is up to Tempest to take the title of Corpse Queen and restore order to the town that some evil has struck. With Lugosi, basically, her new best friend, who was her father’s, righthand man and is supposed to be hers, guides her along, cracking jokes, telling stories, and filling her in about the prophecy and the veil. If she wasn’t feeling the pressure yet then after Lugosi’s stories she sure did put the pressure on; can Tempest fix it all? Will the prophecy be fulfilled? Will she ever be able to move on from the love that she left behind? What does her sister have to do with all this? Can Tempest close the veil in time and save the people that are left?
This fantastic book had me on the edge of my seat, full of twists and turns you never know what is coming next and it constantly leaves you wondering what it will be next. Some moments had me cracking up, while others left me in shock, and after each one more of an eagerness to read on. The amazing character work makes me want to meet them all in real life and it even felt I knew the characters; the first-person point of view made me feel as if I was emersed in the world and really put myself in Tempest’s shoes and got to know her life.
All-in-all, if you got this far in the review you must be interested in the book so I recommend you just read it because it is totally worth it, I promise you won’t regret it.
Charlene177 3

A Fearful Funny Frolic into the Dead

Did you ever wonder about if there is life after death? Author Stacey Rourke has thrown back the veil and opened up a whole new world of fear and mayhem with her latest spookfest, " Corpse Queen" .
When Thadia Marlow gets skewered in the throat by a Ouija board planners the night of her sister's bridal shower, she does and ends up going to a p!ace just short of b-day double hockey sticks. She is informed that she must go on a quest to become the next Corpse Queen, a title her father, the Corpse King , Legba,
had before he went on to the ethereal plain. With her fellow protagonist, Lugosi, she must take the place of her father and save the dead by controlling the veil between the living and the dead, which was weakened through too many exorcisms.
Throughout the story, there are plenty of laughs and scary situations, ( the part With the best Rofenod was intense) and Thadia does get revenge on those that betrayed her and makes peace with her newfound inheritance. With inventive, interesting characters to support her Thadia continues to grow as a person, and that is one of the reasons that makes this novel unique. I loved this book and recommend it to everyone who loves fantady/horror and fun!


Tempest Mortem is destined to become the Corpse Queen and, unfortunately, you can't run from your destiny. A queen's rise to power is never easy and Tempest's is no exception. Not only does she have to deal with this newfound destiny, but she has to in a new world with new characters that are undergoing their own challenges that could have dire consequences if they aren't dealt with. Ms. Rourke brings her unique approach to world building as she lays out the world of Carnage Crossing and its residents. There were elements of Beetlejuice and other Tim Burton movies scattered throughout the story. The Rofenod beast was described in such graphic detail that you can't help but think of the possibility of it visiting you in your nightmares. The energy she puts into creating her characters is very apparent in the attention to detail and the ability to balance personalities. For me, the only thing that was really missing was the snarky side of Ms. Rourke's female lead characters. Tempest had some snark, but I feel Ms. Rourke could have amped this up a bit. Maybe she's holding out on future installments, which I am very much looking forward to reading. Diane EhlersAuthor 5 books40

I seriously don't know where to start when it comes to my feelings for this book, I can tell you they're all good ones that's for sure! It's definitely a fun, hilarious book that'll age fine wine. There's so much detail that draws you in, starting from the beginning where (spoiler alert) the main character dies. That is one h*ll of a way to go!

This story is so beautifully morbid that, just what everyone else said, if you love Beetlejuice then this book is for you! My expectations were met ten fold, I couldn't get enough! The characters forever snarky, if not the most sassy bunch from all of Mrs. Rourke works, as I had to hold back from laughing so hard while my baby napped on my lap. Their clap backs were deserving of chef kisses, I was dying. It just adds to the want to be a part of this world, even though I hope I won't be visiting any time soon haha.

Overall, this is definitely one book I'll want to revisit once the series ends! From the details, haunts, lovable characters, twist and turns this is seriously one of Mrs. Rourke best works I have read so far! I cannot wait for the sequel! Traci Otte464 5

In death shall she reign!

I read an excerpt of this book on Facebook, and it had the Carnage Crossing map on it. I loved the excerpt and was impressed with the map, so I clicked to view the book on Amazon. The description is a POEM!!! How neat is that! I borrowed it with Kindle Unlimited right away instead of letting it languish in a wish list, and I started reading it right away, too, casting aside the other book I was in the middle of (for the time being).

I loved this book so much. The map is super intricate (and skull shaped!), there's a playlist of songs you can listen to (or watch videos of, as there are YouTube links), and there's lots of snarky humor, suspense, emotion, action, and all sorts of stuff!

Don't be swayed by the number of pages the book has. It doesn't seem enough, but every page is LOADED. It did not read a short book to me. I should have ripped through 150ish pages in an evening, but I didn't. I found myself rereading things and making sure I took my time. I thoroughly enjoyed every word!

I cannot WAIT for the second book to come out and hope there will be many books in this series! Karen Chappell110 12

A wonderful book of the dead to be read during Halloween season or anytime. When she dies in a unusual way and finds herself in Carnage Crossing, she meets many unique characters and is given a new name of Tempest. The revelations and problems keep getting thrown her way from then on. She is to be the dead's queen and save them from disappearing forever. There's also a horrible creature lurking in the woods that devours any "person" that ventures out and encounters it.
I was drawn in completely after the first few chapters. Each character has a devastating background story of their death and their past life. Once Tempest tries on the crown and discovers she might actually have some kind of power passed on from her unknown father, Legba, some of her fears start to dwindle.
Will she ever be good enough to rule this kingdom of dead souls? Will she be able to stop the things that are killing her people? Is it possible to have romantic encounters when your dead?
Definitely a series I recommend. Stacey has entranced me with the Corpse Queen. Now on to part two , The Rotting Reign to see what devastation befalls our dead queen next!completed-and-reviewed Jennifer Faulkner25

Death Truly Becomes Her
Reviewed in the United States on April 24, 2021
Exceptionally well written in true Stacey Rourke flair! Think (dead) Disney Princess meets Pirates of the Caribbean meets Beetlejuice. The story follows Thades aka Tempest Mortem as she crosses from her earthly life into the afterlife in Carnage Crossings-where she quickly learns she is the heir to the throne of the dearly departed-whether she wants to be or not. There is no going back for her. The characters are quirky and colorful and the scenery is vivid and vibrant. There is barely any time to breathe (pun intended) before there is a monster chase, a shotgun wedding, a coffee break (because let’s be real coffee is life even in the afterlife), a seance, an exorcism, a coronation and a haunting to rival all horror movies. The true story is in the details as Tempest navigates moving on and letting go. It’s fast paced and just enough suspense mixed with the macabre to keep the pages turning. I cannot wait for the next book and this is not my usual genre. I absolutely enjoyed reading this. Cheree Castellanos Edits287 28

How do I even begin to describe the amazingness of this book? From the very first page you are captured, you can’t put it down.
A completely unique take on what happens when we die in true Rourke style, making you laugh your butt off in all the right and completely wrong place, and instantly attached, not just to the amazing characters she’s given us, but everything about this book.
These characters are my new dream for dead friends. The world Stacey Rourke created here is her best yet, and that is a feat. Carnage Crossing is an amazing “purgatory” with fun quirky places and even more fun and quirky residents, and one hell of a problem!
I have so many hopes and guesses for what comes next for Tempest and her gang, and the newest visitor to Carnage Crossing… oh, yes… so many guesses. I can’t wait for the next installment, but will find myself going back to this book for a long time, and then the series.
Karen Pearman246 7

THIS IS A MUST-READ BOOK THAT NEEDS TO BE ON EVERY PERSON’S LIST! I couldn’t put this book down once I started reading it. This book has everything, and the author pulls you into the story immediately. I was so immersed in this story that I was living it through the main character. The author did a phenomenal job with all the description that she put into not only the characters, but the entire town of “Carnage Crossing”. I wasn’t expecting the main character to die right from the start but that’s what the story is about and how she became a “queen” after death. I laughed so many times throughout reading this book. If there is such a thing as purgatory, then this is where I want it to be! I can’t wait for the next book in this series and will in fact probably read these 3 or 4 more times before it’s available. And please, let someone pick this up and develop it into a movie or television series! Nite0wl29352 56

"The Queen whose heart is darkened by the grave will make Carnage Crossing her tortured slave. Only by embracing the monstrous ferocity of love will the ruler we deserve rise above."

I picked this one up at Apollycon on a whim, not knowing a thing about it other than its loosely inspired by Beetlejuice.

I was expecting another smutty monster romance with little plot however that certainly wasn’t the case. This story has its moments of wholesomeness with a bit of crack thrown in. I was NOT expecting to love it as much as I did and now I’m super excited to continue the trilogy. Good thing I picked up the rest of the series after that ending!!

If you’re looking for a new series to read that’s fast paced with a ghoulish/gothic atmosphere and a slow burn romance with a silver-haired LI, highly recommend giving this series a shot! dark-fantasy paranormal Wendy542

This is a fabulous start to a series. Wonderful world building and great characters. Thadia dies unexpectedly while using a Ouija board at her sister’s bachelorette party. In death she finds her self in Carnage Crossing being told she is the Corpse Queen and she must marry. There are several twists and turns with family secrets coming to light. Thadia must leave her old life behind, including her name. She is now Tempest. It is heartbreaking when she can visit the townhouse, she was living in with her finance Ambrose. People are going missing from Carnage Crossing and only when Tempest takes her throne will she be able to stop it from continuing. This book is well written with humor thrown in to ease the heartbreak and tension. Very much looking forward to book 2 to find out how the twist at the end plays out1 Cristie Alleman130 5

Beware of Flying Objects they may be the death of you.. I'm sure Thadia Marlow wish someone gave her that advice..
When she "awakes" in Carnage Crossing after what was supposed to be a fun night with her sister, will she actually come to terms with the fact she is no longer on e of the living. Thadia's link to this town of Souls will be revealed and she will learn what she must do to save them all. The choice will be hers.
I really enjoyed Corpse Queen. It was such a fun read. All the characters of Carnage Crossing are well written and have such depth. I love that each one brought such uniqueness to the storyline. I love a book that gives you an air of mystery with humor and a touch of romance to boot..
I need book 2.. Now!! Cindy Fong1,777

What a fun premise of a story! Another great world from the twisted mind of Stacey Roarke. Where do people go when they die? Well, if you are a middle of the road person you get sent to "Carnage Crossing".

In Tempest's case, she is a Carnage Crossing VIP and biological Queen of the dead. Carnage Crossing is "the island of misfits and monsters". This story is quirky, with morose humor that was entertaining and characters that are so "cool". As we get to watch Tempest fulfill her destiny, we get more back story into her and her old life. There is heartache and happiness to be found in Carnage Crossing if you are open to finding it. I cannot wait to see where this series will take us.
Ashley Applebee16 10

Corpse Queen is the story of how Thadia Marlow, after being skewered in the throat by a Ouija board planchette at her sister's bachelorette party and losing her life, goes on a quest to take the crown of Carnage Crossing and save its residents from the horrible exorcisms that are plaguing the town.
Thadia is meant to take up the crown that was her father Legba's legacy.
This is the story of the first part of her afterlife.
All I can about this book is: This book! This book is a sumptuous feast for the mind! It was so good that I devoured it in one night!
I can not wait to see what happens next with Thadia and the residents of Carnage Crossing!
If you are a fan of things Beetlejuice and Tim Burton, you will adore this book!!
In Death May She Reign! Kira1,259

Corpse Queen is everything you would hope it to be and more! Stacey Rourke has a talent to take something so obscure and spin a tale that will have readers reeling from page one. This is a completely unique story! In book one, we are introduced to Tempest, a willful heroine who finds herself dead and in the world of Carnage Crossing. Through many trials and tribulations, introductions to some interesting characters (both friends and foes), and hilarious moments, Corpse Queen is the frightfully fun beginning to the Death Diggers Handbook series and I am so excited for the grim continuation in book 2! Amanda80 2

This story follows Tempest Mortem, and girl who dies via a planchette to the neck. The setting takes place in Carnage Crossing and leads you on a journey of family secret, tempest learning that she is set to rule this death world and save it from a unknow treat.

One thing Stacey does so well is describing the scenery and what’s going on that allows you visualize your there. There is good character development. I found the story had a good flow and kept you turning page after page, it does end of a cliff hanger(gurg) but it is a great start to the Death Diggers Series.

If you Paranormal reads you will this.
Jennifer Treviño551 5

My favorite new series!
Rourke outshines herself with every go, but this new world has my full attention. Talk about questioning everything you ever knew! Tempest, Gideon, Lugosi, Ember, & Malaria are the perfect storm of curiosity, intrigue, entertainment, depth, & snark hurling us into the chaos beyond opening our eyes to its mysterious beauty. Every one of these characters adding a unique layer to their realm bringing us closer & closer to understanding their community. A spellbinding journey from the forest to the coffee shop to the apothecary to the waves crashing below to the Legba Manor! I have no doubt there is more greatness to come!

Linda Sanders22

Fast paced, great characters, and a wonderful start to a new series.

The idea of having a, somewhat, normal place to go in the afterlife made me curious to explore Tempest's journey. There are twists and turns that make you to keep reading more to find out what happens next. The characters are well written, but most of all, well thought out. I can't wait to start book two as soon as it is released because something sketchy is a brewing, and I wanna be there for the adventure. I recommend this book to all lovers of the paranormal; but, it's entertaining qualities would be welcome to all readers who love a good time. Sarah262 2


Another amazing story from the mind of Stacey Rourke. I honestly wish I could live in her head for a day, just to get a small taste of all the things she thinks up.

This was such a fantastic start to a new series. There was so much world building and character development, that you really get to know everyone on the island. Not once did the level of detail detract from the rest of the story. Everything flowed well, and the conflict and resolution were enjoyable.

I can't wait for the next book! Tierney Nessel2 13

I knew what this book was going to be about but yet it still took me by surprise. I love how Stacey Rourke took things that we know from this life and gave them ways that they could happen. She took a look behind the veil of death and showed us a possibility of life after death, and how our actions have consequences no matter if we mean them to or not. Thadia’s wit and determination is one not to be trifled with. Corpse Queen is a great book, an easy read (for those from a younger audience), and I can’t wait for the Death Diggers Handbook part 2. Also I found my new book boyfriend!!! Christy192 7

In DEATH May she Regin

Corpse Queen is the quirky love child of one my favorite authors. With update feel of Beetlejuice yet still uniquely its own story line, delivers everything you need
in 2021. Covering everything from laughter to tears to betrayal to love and second chances I had a hard time putting the book down. And a surprise cameo from one of my all-time favorite characters of Stacys I can’t wait to find out what
happened in the next book. Whether you’re in your 40s or you’re in your 20s this is a book you should be reading. Candy Smith456 36

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