
By the Rules de Staab, Elisabeth

de Staab, Elisabeth - Género: English
libro gratis By the Rules


He thinks I want him because of the rumors around town. Because I think he’s easy. I want AJ, because he’s AJ.

No liars. No suits. Absolutely no straight guys…

Fabin’s list of rules keeps him safe. Since getting kicked out of his
parents’ home and attacked by a former escorting client, his rules and
his life in the tiny town of Evergreen Grove provide a quiet haven. He
may be lonely, and he may stick out like a sore thumb, but the folks
like him well enough. When he’s not dodging his old pimp, things are

Hayden Price is having a quarter-life crisis. Engaged
to a woman he can’t connect to and working a job he secretly hates, he
comes to Evergreen Grove to help his mother through a health scare.
Returning to his childhood home makes Hayden reevaluate a lot of things,
including himself. When he meets AJ and finds he can’t stand the mouthy
jerk—almost as much as he can’t stop thinking about him—he has a lot
more to change than his career.

To be together, they’ll both have to break all of their rules.

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I've been waiting since book one (At The Stars) to get AJ's story, and now I finally have!! AJ has been this enigmatic and charismatic character since the beginning, and he grabbed my attention on every page he graced. To say I loved his book would be putting it lightly. By The Rules is absolutely the best m/m romance I've read!

I've read a few male/male romances. Not a ton, but a few. And none of them hold a candle to AJ and Hayden. Why? Romance. Elisabeth Staab brought the romance. She brought the jitters, the fears, the careful and shy glances. She brought all of the things that make my stomach flutter in a traditional romance to this unly pair.

Picture AJ. He's this tall blonde force of color and smiles. He has a very checkered past, and it's constantly trying to disrupt his future. He's been shamed and hurt on every level. But yet, here he is in Evergreen Grove, developing a new family and a new network of friends. Because these new friends are his new family. He gives them everything he's got, and he gets it back. He is outspoken, brave, caring, and nurturing. He even befriends people who are completely opposite from him in every way (I mean YOU, Dante - Acts Of Creation) If you read any of these books and didn't fall in love with AJ immediately, I'd wonder what was wrong with you.

And then you have Hayden. He's originally from the Grove. He moved to the big city because he felt he would never escape the Grove if he didn't. He became a very young corporate shark. He dresses the part, his girlfriend even fits the role. If you think of a powerhouse type of man, it's him. But yet, something is missing. Hayden has had a few.... well, experiences in his past, where he touched base with other men. But he's never really gone so far as to label himself homosexual. But when he meets AJ, his heart opens just a smidge, and that's with a bad meeting. When things get good between them, you see this suit shed his city greys for a more fulfilling life.

AJ and Hayden kind of follow the enemies to lovers plot line. Even though they "hate" each other, they keep finding themselves next to the other, thinking about the other, flirting with the other. There is a long road ahead of them. One of them is scared to go forward with this attraction to see if it can be a relationship, and the other is ready to give it a try. And that right there is a surprise. Staab continually surprised me with this book, she continually made me smile. And she brought all the feels that a traditional romance would bring, even more so. The first kiss was amazing, the first accidental touch was heart stopping, and every other first these two had was beautiful.

Maybe you don't m/m romances. Maybe you have had the experiences I have had, where they just miss that special something that makes your heart flutter. I don't know. But this book is different. This couple has made me yearn to read more of their story, even though I read this entire book. This whole series has been a beautiful work of art. Each couple has separate and different storylines, and yet they all end up at this beautiful small town of Evergreen Grove. I've said it before, and I'll say it again - I'm ready to pack my bags and go there, myself!favorites mm romance4 s Donna613 7

When I read through some of the other of this book, it was amusing to see quite a few of them mention – “if you don’t usually read m/m books you should still read this one” – or something along those lines. However I’m coming at this from the opposite direction and I’m going to assure you that despite the fact the first two books in the Evergreen Grove series are m/f, if you don’t to find vagina popping up in your books, you can very safely read By The Rules as a standalone gay romance. That’s how I read it, and I didn’t feel that I was missing out on any backstory from previous books.

I d AJ instantly. He had depth and he was complex, there were so many different facets that made up his character. I loved the way his voice came across as we heard the story from his perspective. His vulnerabilities were endearing, yet his snark made him entertaining. He has a set of rules that he has created, put in place to protect himself from getting involved with a man who could potentially hurt him. The fact that he operates a run down hotel as more of a shelter for those who need help rather than a business was the icing on the I-love-AJ cake, as far as I was concerned.

Hayden on the other hand, well I was kinda prepared not to this guy. I thought he was going to be the one with all of the usual “but I’m not gay” relationship issues, but instead that was AJ, and it made so much more sense coming from him. Hayden first presents as a bit of an uptight, serious, non-compromising kind of guy but in fact he’s exactly the right sort of person for AJ. He’s non-judgmental, patient, and most importantly brave enough to talk about feelings!

All of the secondary characters were well developed, even those who haven’t had their story told in previous stories. Mrs, Choi was a particular favourite, because though she’s only in a few scenes, her personality just bursts onto the page. Hell, she picked up an abused, young prostitute and carried him away to safety. That woman has a huge heart and some serious balls.

The chemistry between AJ and Hayden was scorching. The fact that they hate each other during their first few meetings just adds some extra spice to their encounters. Hayden broke through all of the boundaries that AJ had erected to protect himself, and when they finally hit the sheets I may have squealed just a tad. I d that despite AJ having much more practical experience at sex than Hayden, he was the one who came across as nervous and awkward. The author does a great job of using the sexual relationship between the two characters to further highlight just how damaging AJ’s past was, and how Hayden’s affection is helping to heal him.

I think that most readers will this story. It’s distinctly mainstream, and by that I mean there isn’t anything that requires content warnings. The angst is low and the awww moments are liberally scattered throughout. On top of that the writing is polished and the story flows at a perfect pace.

I won’t say that I’m going to rush out and pick up copies of the m/f stories in this series, but I definitely hope that we see another m/m romance pop up in the town of Evergreen Grove. Perhaps Deputy Haas could get his happily ever after?

Reviewed for Love Bytes Reviews

love-bytes m-m3 s Franjessca1,429 92

Full Review posted at Book Lovin' Mamas

By The Rules was everything I expected and more because hello…it's AJ's story. AJ has been a favorite character of mine in the Evergreen Grove series since book one. I was anxious to find out who Elisabeth was going to hook AJ up with because he deserves every bit of happiness too.

If you haven't read this series yet, I highly recommend you do. If you are a fan of M/M romance, you'll definitely enjoy the third book in the series. I give this book 4.5 stars and look forward to diving into the fourth book, when it releases. I'm loving this series from Elisabeth Staab.3 s Talk Supe1,344 96

4.5 Stars

By The Rules is awesome! my favorite in the series so far! I knew AJ's is going to be an awesome MC & Hayden us a great match for him. The best part is how EStaab didn't make this angsty and wrote drama to make us weep. I did shed some tears but only because its so sweet and heartfelt. Who's next?20163 s Jeanéva ChristieAuthor 3 books104

‘Life is short, break the rules...

I have no idea why MM romances appeal to me, but they do. Why do men always seem to fantasize about two women together? It’s a mystery I’m not even going to try to answer. Suffice it to say, I enjoy reading about two hunky men and all their maleness (and sometimes not so maleness) being all over each other and in love. Perhaps part of the equation is being able to relate to them even more than I do when I read an MF romance. Rather than connecting with the heroine and ogling, oohing and awing over the hero you actually take the time to connect with the male characters on a deeper level than normal.

In By The Rules you meet AJ, a former prostitute who was disowned by his very prominent family for his sexual orientation. From a very young age, AJ showed signs that he had interests of a more feminine nature. He loved playing with his older sister and her dolls… that is until his parents caught on. Things went from bad to worse on the home front when he was caught with his pants down. On the streets at an early age, AJ was susceptible to the wiles of a cunning pimp. It took one wrong client too many to see AJ running for the hills… or rather Evergreen Grove. Now he lives with his savior, Mrs. Choi and helps manage her motel as the front desk clerk on the night shift and the all around handyman during the days. In his spare time, he helps out in the community wherever he’s needed. So, it’s no surprise when his best friend’s boss, Delia ends up in the hospital, AJ pitches in where and when needed. He’s doing exactly that when he literally runs into Hayden. Hayden is many things besides annoying…

I’m betting Hayden Price’s winning grin has dropped a lot of lacy undies in its day, because damned if my borrowed boxer briefs aren’t chomping at the bit. No, I mentally instruct them. You will stay the hell put if you know what’s good for you.

Hayden left Evergreen Grove right after graduation. He couldn’t wait to shake small town living off his shoulders and get on with the business of living. He’s put every moment since living up to his father’s expectations. It’s left little to no time to discover who he is or what he really wants in life. Instead, he has a ready-made fiancee, a fast rising, high-pressure position in his father’s firm and not an ounce of happiness. Now with his mother in the hospital he’s back in Evergreen Grove trying to reconnect with his mom and manage his dad’s business concerns remotely. Things aren’t going well with his mom and it really has him questioning his values and direction. Then there is AJ. The guy totally pisses him off. He also excites the hell out of him.

“I believe you’re a nice guy. So you’d call your fashion style—what? Rebellion in neon?” “Rainbow. I’m a Technicolor unicorn, and fuck you if you have a problem.” I get it. Strangely, I the way he looks even more now because of his reasons. He always looked good to me. I especially that he isn’t simply about standing out some kind of brightly feathered toucan. AJ’s color and accessories are his armor, my power ties are when I walk into a meeting.

Hayden has had his moments of curiosity in the past. This is so much beyond curiosity. He feels AJ on a visceral level. If only he could connect with him… but, AJ has some kind of chip on his shoulder that has him pushing Hayden away at every turn.

After a rough few years in the escort business, AJ has made a set of rules to live by. Hayden breaks all those rules. For cripes sake, the man is a suit. If that’s not bad enough the guy was engaged so obviously he’s straight… a big hell no! He has reasons for his rules…

I look up, begging with my eyes for her to understand. “Cass, I almost got killed once. Those rules are all I have to keep me safe.” “No, sweetie. Those rules keep you lonely

I think it was Mark Twain who said ‘Life is short, break the rules...

Then AJ’s world is totally rocked off its axis. Not only is he falling for Hayden but his past has dished a major surprise that promises to be life altering. It’s time to reappraise just where his life is headed and if it has room for love.
Hayden, on the other hand, is pretty darned sure just what he needs in life…

Twice now, I’ve woken up with my arms wrapped around AJ. It’s... It’s pretty fucking nice. He feels strong in my arms. Vital. Solid. His body fits against mine a part of me I didn’t know I’d lost. I thought it would turn me inside-out, giving in to this want. Instead, I finally feel whole.

By the Rules is a powerful tale of discovery, establishing boundaries, breaking the rules and finding love. I couldn’t put it down. If you you loving in any flavor it takes, then this is a must read.
*****Reviewed for Xtreme Delusions*****2 s Sharon394 17

I know, this isn't our usual read, but...Elisabeth Staab is one of my favorite authors. She wrote The Chronicles of Yavn (vampire PNR) and the Lone Wolf series (werewolf PNR) then she went off the rails and started writing contemporary romance. I really don't enjoy F/M contemporary romance. I got my reasons and most of them have to do with the female leads. My exception is gay (M/M) contemporary romance. No time to go into all the reasons, but I love the dynamics and emotional conflicts more than F/M stories. So when Elisabeth wrote a M/M book for her Evergreen Grove romance series I was all over it!

First off, the town of Evergreen Grove is set in NC! That's my state, so right off the bat I was happy. It didn't take long after that for me to fall in love with A.J. and Hayden's story. The story alternates between A.J. and Hayden's first person POV. This kind of threw me before I got a handle on their personalities. But A.J. is a beautiful technicolor unicorn onion! Okay, stay with me on this one...by onion, I mean he has many layers that get revealed as the story progresses. While we get equal POV time from both guys, A.J. is the star of this story. You could tell Staab had a strong connection with this character and was very comfortable with him.

The story has just about every gay and straight romance troupe out there...but they are all my favorites and avoid being cliche. Just when I thought I knew where the story was going, it went the other way. Sometimes in subtle ways and a few times in the "BAM, didn't see that coming" way. Plus there is a lot of humor. By the Rules pushed all my buttons! The good ones...

Don't want to spoil all the subplots and relationship highs and lows, but the story left me with all sorts of warm and fuzzies. If you've been M/M romance-curious this is a good one to try.

Here are some of the ways Hayden describes A.J. before he really gets to know him:
"The coffee that I nearly spilled on that bullet train masquerading as a colorfully-dressed asshole."

"Are you some kind of rainbow ninja or something?"

"The technicolor jerkoff is killing me."

4.5 "Curious" Sheep
http://www.ismellsheep.com/2016/01/bo...2 s Joyfully Jay8,083 470

A Joyfully Jay review.

5 stars

This is the third book in the Evergreen Grove series. The first two in the series are M/F romance stories in which AJ is a secondary character and now we get his story. For those of you who are not fans of M/F romance, no need to despair, this book can be read as a standalone. I hadn’t read the others in the series before reading this and didn’t feel as if I missed out on anything.

This story is told in alternating points of view between AJ and Hayden, two souls who are complete opposites of one another. One a former prostitute/escort who is an out and proud, flag waving, glitter-wearing gay man while the other is a corporate businessman who wears designer suits and is engaged to be married to a woman. The only thing they have in common is Hayden’s mother who owns the business where AJ’s best friend works and who has always gone out of her way to make him feel welcome. When Hayden’s mom is rushed to the hospital and Hayden comes home to take care of her, the two strike up a love-to-hate relationship.

Read Wendy’s review in its entirety here.

wendy2 s Karen1,427 112

I really d this one!

Lots of drama but I loved how it was written. The author tackled some very dark issues but the story still felt light and hopeful, while still giving weight and respect to those issues.

I'll have to go back and read the previous two books. I loved the authors writing style. alternating-pov-s favorites-2016 lbgqtia ...more2 s Wattle331 26

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Why I read it: I got an email saying this was up for a blog tour and I read 2 sentences of the blurb, went 'SOLD!' and signed up ;) M/M romance has a dear place in my heart, I don't read enough of it. I DO read fan-fiction and struggle to find published work I love as much, which is why almost all my romance reads are M/F *sigh*

But this? I had a feeling it'd be one of the good ones.

Plot: AJ is living and working in a small town, hiding from his past under a false name but still not managing to avoid his ex-pimp who tracked him down. He is openly gay, big into rainbows (and unicorns) and doesn't give a shit what anyone thinks about him.

Hayden is a corporate high achiever, all power suits and glory. Except he's unhappy in his personal and professional life, so when he returns home to the small town where his life started to care for his mother, he takes the opportunity to re-evaluate his life and what (as well as who) he wants from it.

My Thoughts: I know, I know, the plot sounds cheesy and predictable and you've heard it all before. I went into this expecting it to be just that (I predictable sometimes! Especially when it's well written), I thought I'd enjoy it and it; but I was not expecting to love it as much as I did!

I stayed up way past my (admittedly, often ignored) bedtime on a work day for this novel. By the Rules is the third book in a series, but can definitely be read as a standalone - I haven't read the first two and it was fine!

AJ has a past and Hayden has a chip on his shoulder, they made a great combination and there was no instalove in sight. In fact it's the rather fun frenemies to lovers trope (yay!) where they are both attracted to each other and try to ignore it...and fail (more yay!)

I (and AJ) thought Hayden was a bit of a dick at first. He has a bad relationship with his mother (which is entirely his own fault), his fiancee is hard work (although he didn't really try very hard) and he still feels he's under his father's thumb.

AJ on the other hand was lovely from the start. I've never been a fan of the 'was a prostitute' trope, really, but it worked well here. Some of it was a little silly, but for the most part his storyline was engaging and interesting, even if the plot-twist did make me swear a lot. One of AJ's ex-client's is looking for him, and I won't say why (because spoilers), but it's one of my most hated twists and *shakes first* no. I'm in the minority though, most normal people seem to things that - and it did become cute, much later on lol

Anyway. Yes. So, the banter in this book is good fun (it's dual POV, so you see what they think of each other). And AJ and Hayden both grew as characters (for different reasons); I found them both pretty easy to relate to, and the secondary characters are good too - there's some pretty funny scenes in this book that made me giggle because of them!

Staab's writing is great and the pacing was well done, though it did seem to dip in the middle for a short while - just long enough for me to think 'is this going to start dragging?' and then it picked up again. There's a few steamy scenes (hence the flame rating) and discussions/thoughts about sex. They're not fade to black scenes but they're not full on either, so somewhere in between with the heat level.

In Brief: While I did love reading this novel, and it made me happy sigh at the end; one plot twist did get in the way of my enjoyment so it's not a 5 star read; but it was a fun story for the most part. By the Rules is worth a look if you're into M/M romance.
contemporary for-review lgbtqia ...more1 Laura Roberts 90 1 follower

I’ve not really read many male/male orientated novels. So whenever I stumble upon one, I have to admit, I do start reading with slight trepidation, not really knowing what to expect. By The Rules though….. There was no need. I actually found AJ and Hayden’s story to be completely adorable. Not sure this is how Elisabeth wanted the story to be portrayed, but I can’t help it. I fell in love with these guys as a couple.
Hayden is trudging through life, day to day, living in New York with a fiancee he isn’t really in love with, working for his father, who doesn’t give him an easy ride. When he receives a call to say his mum is ill and in hospital, he doesn’t hesitate to hop a plane to Evergreen Grove to be by her side. A place he hasn’t been back to in years. It’s so strange for Hayden to be back. The last thing he expects is to bump into a stranger, whilst leaving his mums bakery, that he ends up feeling dis but also attraction towards, another man, and that it could end up turning into more.
AJ has had it tough growing up. Being thrown out of the family because of his “ways”, I suppose being caught by his father, with his business partner in a compromising position doesn’t help. Being homeless, young and alone, AJ is easily persuaded to become an escort. This escalates, next thing he has a pimp. A near death encounter with a client takes AJ away from this life. His saviour, his surrogate Aunt, Mrs Choi. She gets AJ away, buys a motel in Evergreen Grove and they have been there since.
AJ is determined to live a life without love, feeling he doesn’t deserve it, but also, after what happened to him, being seriously hurt by a client, he is scared and follows rules he has set himself to avoid anything bad happening to himself in the future. One of the rules, steer clear of guys in suits. Imagine his dismay when he feels an attraction to all business man in a suit, Hayden. Hidden behind the dis for each other is something else. But how does that work? How can attraction work right longside dis, and how do you not realise when it disappears?
I don’t want to spoil the plot of the story by going into too much of a review as it flows and develops as you go along. There is so much to this story though that you don’t want to miss. Some serious character development, colour, unicorns, life changing decisions and suprises, pimps, venturing into new territory, twists…..the list is endless. (The list will also make sense WHEN you read this story)
If you haven’t experienced a romance that is male/male focused, By The Rules is totally the one to pop your cherry. The chemistry between the characers is palpable, but the scenes where Hayden and AJ are “together” are soft. Still great to read though. You still experience the same feelings and emotions that you would from any other romance. The anticipation, the flirtation, the build up, the hope for the characters.
Reading from both AJ and Hayden’s point of view, we hear conflicting emotions, the nerves and fears, the moments monumental decisions and feelings arise, from both sides. You totally feel the warm and fuzzies reading this story, you feel the chemistry between the characters. Some male/male novels I have read before have lacked the chemistry between the two characters. I can appreciate it must be a hard thing to write about. Elisabeth though, has written this story so well, capturing the connection, but also keeping it light and fun.
I found this story to be funny in places, with a ‘can’t help but make you smile’ romance and so easy to read. It’s so smoothly done. I would go as far to say, that it is a beautiful story.1 Brandee (un)Conventional Bookworms1,402 154

*3.5 Stars*

By the Rules served as my introduction to Ms. Staab, whom I've wanted to read for quite awhile. I will absolutely be readin gmore from her. I did not read books 1 and 2 from the Evergreen Grove series prior to read By the Rules and while I'm sure having read those would have added depth to the story with character development, I certainly was not lost.

I really d both AJ and Hayden. AJ is quite the character. I can see the compassion shining through him and that's something considering all he's endured - especially being completely shunned by his family because of his sexual preferences. He lives with a 'love me or not' philosophy in his hot pink sneakers and tie-dye shirts. And he also lives by a set of rules that keep him safe from heartbreak. I admired his desire to help others in need. Hayden was a little more difficult to get a handle on. He's come back to Evergreen Grove to take care of his mom after a medical scare. He's been working for his dad - working himself into the ground in order to prove himself and also, maybe, in order to forget what's really plaguing him.

The interactions between AJ and Hayden are fun for the most part. There was a lot of sexual tension in the snarky banter. And I ejoyed seeing them get acquainted. However, I felt the story overall had a rushed feeling. I wished I'd had more backstory for Hayden - more about why he'd left home and more about the things that had shaped who he was. I wished AJ's rules hadn't kept him from going on an actual date with Hayden from the beginning because I think he'd have appreciated a more traditional approach to their relationship. I'd have d t see more interaction between Hayden and his mom - that is why he was in Evergreen Grove - because I think that would have given more insight into his character.

Overall, I d By the Rules but felt it could have been a deeper read if there'd been a little more. I do plan to pick up the first two books in this series, though, as I'm curious about Cassie and Jake's, and Dante and Michelle's stories now. And even though I wished for a bit more in AJ and Hayden's story, I d Ms. Staab's writing style.2016-new-release arc-review coyerb2b ...more1 Katie Blythe195 4

*This book was given to me by the author in exchange for an honest review*

AJ Fabin tries to live a quiet life. He is a gay man who has had a very difficult past. After being kicked out of his parents’ house, he had to make a living so he did anything and everything to make money. He’s since put that behind him and he works as a handyman in a rundown motel and is always ready to help a friend in time of need.
Hayden Price is only in his old hometown Evergreen Grove instead of New York because his mother had a heart attack and he is back home helping her. He left behind a job where he works under his father, and most of his coworkers think he is only in the position that he’s in is because of him, and he left behind his dancer fiancé who may or may not be cheating on him with a fellow dancer.
Once AJ meets Hayden, he immediately diss him. He thinks that Hayden is just a rich pretty boy with a snob attitude seeing as he’s from New York. However, AJ has known Hayden’s mom a long time and will do whatever he can to help her including trying to tolerate Hayden. The more they talk and hang out, the more AJ’s dis goes away and their attraction grows for one another. With AJ’s past though he’s very reluctant to be with anyone seriously. Hayden also has many secrets that include feelings he’s had in the past for certain people that he isn’t sure if he’s ready to admit to just yet.
I thought this was an interesting story. You delve into a little bit of AJ’s past and see little by little why he is so against being in a relationship. AJ is a completely different character by the end because he has so many things coming into his life one right after the other and he is terrified by the changes and he needs to either step up and be there for the people who need him, or run away from the people he loves the most.
Hayden was never living his life for himself. He always had to please someone or try to work harder than anyone and prove that he isn’t just skating through life, and going home he has a chance to be himself and see where things in his life are going and decide if he wants to change things or go back to the way things were.

***Review has been done in conjunction with Nerd Girl Official. For more information regarding our please visit our Fansite: www.facebook.com/NerdGirl.ng***1 Jamie DeaconAuthor 5 books71

‘By the Rules’, the third book in the ‘Evergreen Grove’ series, is this author’s first full-length foray into the male/male genre, but I sincerely hope it won’t be her last. There’s something so compelling about opposites attract romances, and the heroes in this story are as different as two people can be, at least on the surface. In addition to featuring vibrant characters and snappy dialogue, this novel explores the folly of making assumptions, and the importance of taking the time to get to know someone inside as well as out.

To all appearances, AJ Fabin couldn’t be more comfortable in his own skin. Though he flaunts his sexuality in the close-knit town he has adopted as his own, his rainbow clothes conceal a wealth of scars, both physical and mental. Therefore, when the sexy businessman arrives in Evergreen Grove, AJ chooses to ignore the chemistry that flares between them. Men this, closet cases blinded by money and influence, have only ever used him for their own gratification, and AJ has no intention of allowing himself to get hurt again.

When his mother falls ill, Hayden Price leaves behind an ambitious fiancée and his position in the family firm to return to his home town. It should be a wrench, but Hayden discovers he enjoys the slower pace, making friends among the locals and rebuilding a relationship with his mother. The longer he stays, the more he learns about himself and what he wants from life. Most confusing of all is AJ. The arrogant punk infuriates Hayden no one else ever has, but still he can’t stop thinking about him, however hard he tries.

Rarely have I come across two heroes so destined to be together and yet so stubborn in their refusal to admit it. The sparks fly from the moment Hayden descends on Evergreen Grove, almost colliding with AJ in the doorway of his mother’s bakery, their blatant antagonism veiling a powerful mutual attraction. Elisabeth Staab does a wonderful job of developing their relationship, gradually stripping away both young men’s protective armor to reveal the vulnerability beneath, and stretching the sexual tension between them to breaking point.

Written for Rainbow Book Reviews and Boys on the Brink1 Tracy965

Oooops, I did it again..... I read a book from a series without realising it! I really do need to pay attention when I sign up for ARCs - but when I was offered the chance to read Elisabeth Staab's book by Anna over at Herding Cats & Burning Soup I jumped at the chance 'cos the gal hasn't steered me wrong with her book suggestions before now!

Anyhoo, the small fact that I hadn't read the first two books didn't in any way detract from my enjoyment of By The Rules and has given me another series to go back and start from the beginning, even knowing how things have turned out for the respective lead characters. I'm definitely gonna check out more of Elisbeth's books when I clear my ARC list 'cos I really her writing style.

I've read m/m before and for the most part enjoyed it - especially those written by some of my fave authors - and if I'm being honest, By The Rules kinda surprised me, in a really good way.
There's something hot and sexy about two guys falling for each other and getting together. Hayden & AJ's story was no exception but there was more to their story than just sexual attraction, heat and sex!

AJ is a larger than life, confident mouthy guy who doesn't care what people think of him or his brightly coloured trainers. Hayden is a confident, successful control freak who lives to work. Or are they?!?!

By The Rules is a story with depth. It showed how people can often seem to be one thing when they are really something completely different.

Most of the focus of the story was on the guys actually getting to know each other. Hayden had so many layers to peel from the rainbow unicorn that was AJ to find the 'real' Mr Fabin while our sparkly blonde had to overcome his dis of, and preconceived ideas about, the 'Suit'.

There were a few twists and unexpected turns that kept me wondering just how things were gonna go for our couple. The story flowed really well, had some excellent banter and one liners which had me laughing out loud at times.

I give By The Rules 5 sparkly unicorn stars!!! *****
1 Amber BelldeneAuthor 15 books174

Full disclosure--Elisabeth is an author friend and we first connected when she was writing really great, fun paranormals. I missed the chance to beta read this one, and so I can write a purely objective review!

I have to say I am a fan of her contemporaries even more than her awesome paranormals! Her writing is top notch and her characters are so lush and multi-dimensional. Across this series, they have great sexual chemistry, but it translates into soooo much tenderness and care with each other--the characters fall in love, wounds and all, and find ways to express that love that are truly romantic.

I was surprised a few other reviewers said there was a lot of drama in this book, because I'd actually thought the exact opposite. I don't have much tolerance for excessive drama and uber-emo books, but this one was so character driven, every obstacle and misunderstanding so natural to AJ and Hayden and small town life that I found it plausible, amusing, and compelling.

AJ's snarky little addresses to the reader could have been cliche, except instead, each one just lays bare his vulnerability to the reader, and the fact that he knows himself so well, has so much insight into his wounds, makes him delightfully sympathetic. While he paints himself as selfish and bitchy sometimes, his every action is generous and caring to others and that paradoxical combination made me love him so much. In the same way, Hayden is just layer after complex layer, almost all sympathetic and kind and contrary to the expectations Elisabeth sets up for us, so that we are constantly delighted by his little revelations to us.

I highly recommend this book for all romance fans, not just M/M readers!1 Melissa Woods11

What did I think of By the Rules?

Hmmm....The only thing I can think of to describe it is (in typical AJ fashion) Oh-Em-Gee!! I was so excited to read this book, because c'mon you know that AJ is your favorite too!! I just could not get enough of this story!!! I will not give anything away, I'm not a spoiler kind of girl! I will warn you that if you're put off by the idea of 2 gay men expressing their love then this book might not be the one for you. Me? I couldn't care less. We are all equal in my eyes, we all breathe the same air and go to the bathroom in the same toilet (albeit just not in the same way!). I'm a HUGE Elisabeth Staab fan and I have enjoyed each one of her Evergreen Grove books, but this one was by far my favorite, and I think it will probably be yours too!! Elisabeth has done it again!! You just gotta read this book! And tell your friends to read this book. And tell your friends to tell their friends to read this book. And also the other 2 books if they haven't already. ;-)

"Reviews help readers and authors both, and if you enjoyed it I’d be so grateful if you could leave an honest review at your location of choice and tell all your friends. If you hated it then please recommend it to all the people you dis." ~Megan Hart~
evergreen-grove1 Heather387 1 follower

Finally! AJ's story, and it was magnificent. I loved that I have read every book in this series, but still had no idea where this book was going to go. I knew I wanted to know more about AJ and his problematic past. I knew that it was most ly going to be very emotional and probably painful, but I also knew it would be fantastic. It was better than I could have hoped for. I wasn't expecting Hayden at all. Elisabeth Staab flawlessly brought him into the story, and not only made it work, but gave him a powerful story as well. It would have been easy to let Hayden be overshadowed by AJ, but that didn't happen in this book. Hayden had one heck of a story on his own, and when you add in AJ, it was explosive. By the Rules had the surprises, sarcasm, and emotional roller coasters that I have come to love in Elisabeth Staab's writing. They make you laugh, cry, and leave you wondering how in the world these characters make it through, but they also make an impression that sticks. I received this book in exchange for an honest review.1 Janette Lopez377 2

It is no secret how I love Elisabeth Staab books but she has outdone herself on this one! AJ is basically the towns eccentric do-gooder. He has a big hart but has been hurt one time to many. I was in love with him from the start his bigger than life personally won me over.

The hurt he carries with him got to me. As this story progressed I was really rooting for his happiness. This book was amazing and I tell you I never wanted it to end! I can't wait for the next in the series!! 1 Emily101 3

AJ and Hayden are my favorite boys right now! By the Rules was sweet, emotional, sexy, and funny AF. I've never used the highlight function on my kindle app, but I used it three times. Three times! I'd just read a certain line and I thought, "Yes. This. So much this."

I've been a big fan of Elisabeth Staab's work ever since I read King of Darkness (sexy vamps...rawr! Check it out!!), and now that she has entered the realm of M/M? Be still my literary heart.1 JANET FINLEY88

Awesome read

I became invested in AJ's story reading the first two books in this series. I wanted him to find someone to love him as he so deserved. I became so wrapped up in the storyline that I spent the last 20% or so of the book dreading the knowledge that it was coming to an end. This straight girl wanted the story to continue forever.
I1 Erzabet BishopAuthor 169 books398

This book hooked me at the start. I really d the world the author has created and the chemistry between the two characters. Spicy hot. This one is a keeper and I can't wait to read more of the series.

contemporary-romance mm spicy-read ...more1 Rita4,025 28

The characters are well developed and grow throughout the story. The relationship felt very organic, not rushed or forced. Really enjoyable story.1 Terri Jones2,416 44

This book!

AJ and Hayden separately are compelling. Together... I have never seen so many messes that left me lost - because each one has his reasons! The supporting was also good. Some m/m treats women in particular a name and a dismissive attitude are enough. Not here. They're not all fleshed out, but the important ones are, lending Evergreen Grove a nice three-dimensional sense. (I suppose, had I read any of the series, that would be even more evident.)

Highly recommended. Because yes they fail at communication, but given their issues? They were always going to have to fight for this.

(There's one startlingly garbled sentence in one of the last chapters (editing is HARD, y'all) but otherwise the formatting's good.) P3237

By the rules

This book took me a long time to finish. It did not make me want to rush back to it after I out it down. The timeline in the book was a little off, the ending was abrupt and the book felt unfinished. This is the first book I’ve read in the series so maybe I need to read book 1 & 2 to get a better feel for AJ and Hayden’s story. I don’t hate this book but I don’t love it either. Viviana Izzo383 58

I've been eagerly awaiting "By The Rules" and while this is the third book in the series, it can easily be read as a standalone.

I love Elisabeth's writing style. It comes across as simple, however, it immerse the reader in the world she created. The style is easy to follow and allows the emotions of the character to flow though the words and onto the readers. You, as the reader, connect with the characters and fall for them. When they are happy, your heart smiles and when one is going through something difficult, you cry along with them. She truly has a gift of making her readers feel.

From the moment AJ Fabinfirst appeared in At the Stars (Evergreen Grove, #1) and became a favorite secondary character in the first and second book of the series, I wanted him to have his own story and his own HEA. AJ is the BFF, the guy who is always there and the defender of those who can't defend themselves. Yet, he keeps people at a distant. Never really letting them see him deep inside.

Hayden was breathe of fresh air that he didn't seem angry or upset at the feelings he was having towards another man. I'm happy Elisabeth didn't go down that road. He was willing to explore the emotions and not concerned with labels.

I loved that this story wasn't about labels. There wasn't a need to have Hayden identify as gay vs. the fact that the was attractive and wanted to be with AJ. It was a story of not only self discovery but allowing oneself to be true and accept who we are and be happy with it.

The story was great to read because it really was a story about two individuals accepting the fact that they deserve to be loved and could be loved for being themselves.

There were a few tropes that brought a few twists and an "OMG" moment to the story. however, Elisabeth's story telling abilities are shown here were these tropes don't make the reader role their eyes but rather go "awwww".

Overall, a great addition to the series and I'm extremely happy how things played out. Can't wait to the next installment!

This and other available at Viviana, Enchantress of Books

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author, Elisabeth Staab in exchange for an honest review. This review is my own opinion and not a paid review.

I don't know how or why, but I finished it!
No really - So. Much. Drama! I don't even...
Was there romance? Well....
Was there some sort of misunderstanding? The whole book was one
Did the characters grow? Yes, after the 99.9% mark. I guess.

I could go on and on and on etc. I won't.
I'll say just this as someone who reads romance on a daily basis and who loves m/m. Also, Please note that this is MY issue.

I thought that the first 40% were okay. I wasn't completely bored but the constant push and pull was getting on my nerves.

Holy shit. What happened? Why? Where was the love? Why the many issues? What the everlasting fuck?!? I do love my hurt/comfort and getting over my demons topic but really? Over.the.top.

Yes. Now is the time to demand being called by my name. Also the worst case always applies, trust is - after all - absolutely non-existent and who in their right mind actually talks about stuff? for real?

I didn't get AJ. His pararanoia. He pushed the person who was ready to do everything for him away tootoften, only to pull him back when he had to prove a point. He's fucked up, can't trust the guy but his friends? The others? Naaa, they're not Suits. By 70& I hated AJ.

To keep it short - if you , a never ending story of "will they, won't they", too many obstacles just for the lolz and a very low key romance? Well, search no more.
I prefer a lot more feelings, a more rewarding ending, if I read such an angsty book. Elisabeth StaabAuthor 25 books259 Read


More info about By the Rules at ElisabethStaab.com.
wrote-it The_Book_Queen1,552 280

3 1/2 Stars3-and-a-half-stars arc-copy e-book ...more Nastassia175

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