
Cat Running de Snyder, Zilpha Keatley

de Snyder, Zilpha Keatley - Género: English
libro gratis Cat Running


An award-winning, thoughtful, and moving glimpse into life during the Depression

Cat is the fastest kid at her school—and with Play Day is coming up soon, she will be able to show off her speed to everybody. Unfortunately, her old-fashioned father forbids her to wear pants, even while playing sports. So Cat refuses to race, and Zane, an Okie boy whose family works on a nearby farm, wins. Cat is furious that Zane is so fast, and angry that he was able to beat all the sixth-grade boys, even in his bare feet.

Though Cat hates Zane at the start, soon the two become friends. They are the school's best runners, after all. But while Cat's family is doing well, Zane's family has lost everything in the Depression. All Cat can offer Zane's family is sympathy and friendship . . . until Zane's sister gets pneumonia and Cat and Zane are forced into a race for the little girl's life.

This ebook features an extended biography of Zilpha Keatley Snyder.

Reseñas Varias sobre este libro

This was a very quick read but well worth the time. I enjoyed the setting, taking place during the depression, and the characters. I have read and enjoyed Snyder’s other children’s books and did this one too.1 Carrie67 2

I picked this book up at the Goodwill, not really knowing what it was about other than running, which I have an interest in. Surprisingly, it was about the Dust Bowl era, my current topic of particular interest! Therefore, I may have d it more than I would have otherwise. But all in all, it was a very good story, with a nice moral without being preachy about it, or overdoing it. At first I thought the story sounded too much The Bridge to Terabithia (written 20 years earlier), but was pleased that the author was able to write a similar story without seeming as if she were just copying. Very realistic characters, a lot of personality was given to them with very little descriptions, more with actions and words. Enjoyed this book a great deal.1 Shanna622 13

Set in Northern California during the Great Depression. Cat is the only child of her father's second marriage, several years younger than his other two now-adult children. The father is overbearing, the mother is a weak people-pleaser. Cat is feisty but generally well-behaved. The older siblings see her as an inconvenient add-on at best. Cat spends a lot of her time on her own. Cat is the fastest kid at her school, but hates that her father won't allow her to wear pants, as the other girls are starting to do. Cat finds a cool hide-out, but discovers it is being visited by some children from the nearby "Okie" camp of poor migrant workers. Cat at first is outraged, but eventually her heart warms to the five-year-old. This is a sweet, funny, enjoyable story. 21 historical-fiction Jill789

During my time at NIU, I used this book in a unit that I planned..... I never read it, I just pretended. With the guilt hanging over my head even now, I decided to tackle this bad boy.

It was a pretty good book. My major complaint is that it was verrrrry slow-moving, especially for such a short book. There was a lot of background information about Cat's family, which I felt was pretty boring.

However, it did bring up a lot of good things that could definitely be useful in a classroom. For example, it was intended to be a book about the Dust Bowl and the "Okies" that came to California trying to find work. Already having read The Grapes of Wrath, it was just a review for me. What struck me was how easily this book could be used to talk about race relations in the United States - namely, people's reaction towards Latinos in our country. Being prejudiced against them, calling them dirty and lazy, and referring to all Latinos as Mexican (although many Spanish-speaking people come from other countries) - all of those things happened to the "Okies" as well. Even though the main "Okie" family came from Texas, no one cared - just my dad..... "How's your Mexican friend?" "She is not Mexican, she is Puerto Rican." "Whatever, same thing." Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... okay, I'm getting off-topic...

Anyway, a fine book. I'd use parts of it in a classroom but probably not the whole thing.great-depression Dawn356 8

This book is my other favorite historical fiction find this year besides Jip. Z. K. Snyder is a prolific author who is famous for books The Egypt Game. Cat Running may be less well known, but I loved it. Cat is a girl growing up in Northern CA during the depression. She is the fastest runner in her class, but her gruff, old fashioned father insists that she always wear a dress even when racing, which Cat resents. But soon she becomes caught up in things which matter much more than her dress. Some "Okies" come to town, refugees from the Dust Bowl just trying to survive. Cat has not experienced much kindness or compassion in her family, and at first she is harsh in her judgment of the newcomers. As she gets to know them however, her perspective changes. At a crisis point, she and a friend will run a race upon which someone's life depends. I enjoyed the setting which I could well imagine since my mother grew up roaming hills and exploring canyons in Northern CA. Cat's tenacity regarding the things she cares about reminds me of my mom. I also appreciated the history lesson. Most of all, I savored the way Cat matures and learns about love, compassion, and what truly matters. And so we learn with her through some intense and touching experiences. I also d the hopeful ending. This is a real quality story which I highly recommend. Miss Amanda883 11

gr 4-7 138pgs

1930s California. 11 year old Catherine "Cat" doesn't her stepsiblings or her stepfather or the way her mother never takes her side. The one thing Cat does is running and exploring in the woods near her house. Cat has always been the fastest runner in her school, but when a new family of "Okies", Dust Bowl "refugees", show up at school, the oldest boy Zane is a runner too and just might be faster than her. When Sammy, another member of Zane's family, discovers Cat's secret cave, Cat is furious. It seems this family is taking away the few special things she has. Cat is determined not to them.

Great story focusing on some of the reactions that Dust Bowl "refugees" faced when they were forced to leave their homes.historical-fiction-gr-4-6 historical-fiction-over-100-pgs Susan740 3

This is a book about two families during the Depression. Cat's family is the well-to-do, leaders-of-the-town Kinsey family who live in a mansion--but who have fallen on hard times because of the Depression. Zane's family is from Texas. They lost everything is the "dust bowl" and now are known as "Okies," itinerant workers who go from camp to camp picking produce in California. They live in squalor and no "respecting" person will have anything to do with them. But Cat discovers they are people just her. It's a good book not only about a terrible time in our history but also about prejudice and brotherly love. children-s-books Dominique287

I read this book several times when I was younger and only had memories of how magical and wonderful the story was. I have been looking for this book for almost 10 years and I finally found it. As I was reading this book all I could think was that I don't really understand the feelings that I remembered from when I read it before. But at the end is when the full force of magic came to me. I found it interesting rereading it now at the age of 20 and a student of human development and recognizing all the aspects of childhood and emerging adolescence.This book it a good read for all ages and I recommend it to everyone. audio rereading year-2015 Soobie is expired6,562 131

Quando l'ho letto per la prima volta, avrò avuto undici o dodici anni al massimo. Nonostante fossi cresciuta a pane a autori americani, non avevo la minima idea di cosa succedesse realmente al di là dell'oceano. Non avevo idea di cosa fossero gli Okies.

Poi qualche anno fa guardai "Furore" di John Ford. Sì, lo so è anche un libro, ma John Ford mi ha già assestato un bel pugno sullo stomaco e non ho nessuno voglia di affrontare anche Steinbeck.

Comunque. Dopo aver visto "Furore" anche questo libro ha cambiato prospettiva. È forse uno dei miei Gaia preferiti.childhood-s-favorite collana-gaia-junior geo-usa-california ...more Wendy351 1 follower

Well-written historical fiction with an appealing protagonist. The setting as well as Cat's personality reminded me of my mother's stories of her childhood in Northern California. Although the reader sees the moral dilemma coming early on, Snyder handles it sensitively and realistically. I wish she'd write a sequel! The only book I've read previously by ZKS is The Egypt Game (excellent); can anyone recommend other titles? Josephine596 8

Snyder seems to have undergone a sea change in her writing from her earlier books, which had an element of magic...and that's what I d about her writing, at least as a child. So the fact that I'm rating this one as a two-star shouldn't turn others off from reading it. Though there is some validity to others' comments that it may serve more as a Lesson Book to fit into a teacher's lesson plan about Depression-era California.library-book Sally Trabulsi49 4

Found a list of 35 Kids Books You May Have Forgotten About on Shelf Awareness. On it was one called The Egypt Game by Zilpha K. Snyder. Didn't find that in the library yesterday, but found this one, read it in the afternoon and d it a lot. I'll be doing some more books from that list, as there are many I haven't read. Fun to look back into this genre of Kid Lit. Tami35 1 follower

This is a great book the kids and I listened to. It takes place during the depression and lets you experience some of the hardships of that time while still being overall uplifting. Amanda20 1 followerWant to read

This was one of my favorite books when I was growing up and I plan on going back and re reading it along with a few of my other childhood favorites! KateAuthor 14 books853

A good kids book, but not as powerful to me as some of Snyder's earlier books.2002 age-middlegrade historical-fiction Christina16 1 follower

Good book, not my favorite but it did hold my attention.grades-4-6 Cws11k 57 Read

JAR5-Snyjar-fiction Happycat96 3

This book is great for an early reader, it is short, but very captivating with themes young kids relate to. Frank441 15

The lady was right. It was a wonderful book. Think BRIDGE TO TERABITHIA. Anna280 2

Una storia forte, di una situazione per noi inaccettabile ma che per l'epoca non era così assurda. Fa riflettere.

Un bel libro. Katy Lovejoy5,358 4

It's not the greatest book about running I've ever read... R.245 1 follower

Meh. But I the cave. Artifice Magazine279 54

Meh. But I the cave.rebekah Emily Samuels99 2

An interesting book. I d the reference of her braid flapping her back. A great book...historical-fiction K.L. PickettAuthor 4 books2 Read

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