
The Alpha's True Mate de Snow, Jaymin

de Snow, Jaymin - Género: English
libro gratis The Alpha's True Mate


Snow, Jaymin Series: Eternal Bond 01 Year: 2023

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3.5 Stars

I am a sucker for all fated mate stories. And complete trash for rejected fated mate stories.

All the potential for angst and groveling? It’s the stuff of smut readers dreams, folks. This had a different…brand of angst. And the heroine here got really worked over by fate. But man, I really d her and rooted for her every step of the way. All the stars are for her really.

The groveling was weak, there were numerous typos, this definitely wasn’t perfect…I could go on…but in addition to slaking my rejected mate craving, this captured my attention during a bad reading slump. So for that, rounded up stars, friends.4-stars alpha-male fated-mates ...more104 s1 comment Madison443 5,943 Read

Don’t ask me why i cried a baby the whole time i read this but i did because man i felt so freaking bad for Seline. 23 s daemyra, the realm's delight1,026 37

Decently written. One sex scene. I angst but I it more when the angst is built up and internalized, rather than have the heroine say to the hero, "I know you don't find me attractive etc." She said this multiple times throughout the story, and it didn't give me angst but it did feel repetitive, and didn't have the emotional factor. The bad guys are obvious. trope-rejected-mates21 s Vintage2,545 548

This was a lot of fun.

I haven’t read that many shifter romances as they can seem so silly sometimes, and the female characters are just such po mouth, downtrodden doormats. Well yahoo, a 4 star heroine with a spine of steel that is sick of being taken advantage of.

She’s a half-breed, half wolf shifter and half warlock. She’s had a terrible life as she was literally raised by mean wolves and her mother was the ultimate she-bitch, abusive and essentially placing the h in servitude to vampire loan sharks because she was a half breed and the mother hated her for it.

The H comes along to twist the knife, and he’s pretty bad as well for REASONS. Thank you Ms. Snow, while the heroine is hurt and humiliated, instead of naval gazing over the hero and whining about how unworthy she us, she pulls herself up and shows the H and some of the less than companions she doesn’t give a rats rearend about them.

Too many other great that detail the story so all I am going to say is 4 stars for a strong heroine, 4 stars for finally jettisoning her evil mother, 4 stars for a group of interesting characters (tough love vampire mayor, learned wizard, etc), and an evil OW that gets the ultimate in comeuppance.

And since I’ve written half-breed at least twice, I give you the shy and retiring Cher....

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z6E98...2023 abuse bad-parents ...more18 s Preeti ?? Her Bookshelves1,351 19


Been a while since I read it but this is not a flaky, tropey read that I expected.
I the h - she's strong, she's not a self-pitying whiner and she keeps going despite all the shyte that comes her way in life - her lousy, soulless, selfish, money-sucking (non)-mother, her mixed inheritance, cruel pack members, a mysterious absent father, a slimy landlord and ofc the cheery on top - a mate who refuses to acknowledge her. Let's not forget that she runs away/ is exiled when she was just 12, and is now lives in a place where she's settled and is kinda happy and then 'her' pack move into the area. (As far I knew packs had their own territories and only rogues moved.)

The alpha of this pack is of course her mate. When they realize the fact, at the outset only, while she's happy, he just goes cool on her and orders her not to tell anyone. Basically rejects the connection.
His excuse as we are told later - he's fighting for control of the pack and is trying his hardest to protect pack females from 'old-fashioned' misogynistic elders - and so wants nothing that can weaken him aka a hybrid mate. A-Hole alert!
“For the first time in my life, I allow my barriers to lower, hope and happiness filling me with a heady combination.
And then I see the expression on Austin’s face.”

He has competition in another alpha who seems to the h.

Add a skanky, mean girl gang from the pack that tries to make her life hell but she's no doormat now.
Thankfully, few younger 'pups' take to her and so it's not all bad.
“But I refuse to be a victim again. It’s a vow I made to myself all those years ago.”

This goes on plus some fae-world mystery plus murders strewn along that keep the pace going.
The H is just barely redeemed but I love the h. But a virgin at 29!
Puh-leeeeeze!_bbd _natc evil-or-uncaring-parent-guardian ...more17 s Lu Bielefeld 4,251 536

2 ?? - Meh!
The story started well, but went downhill from the middle to the end.
Too much suffering on the part of the heroine and a cowardly hero who chose his pack over his mate.asshole-alert author-hates-heroine betraying-body-syndrome ...more15 s Grisette393 53

4.2 stars

In a sea of unsatisfactory rejected mate books (with the notable exception of CCW's books of course!), I am actually deliriously happy that I have found this book. The book was mostly perfect for that trope, only missing a few items imho. Jaymin Snow is certainly an author to watch out for. Though the writing could have used more roundedness (and fewer typos, but nothing that a good editing won't soothe and none critical to detract my enjoyment and no cringey writing), I found her style honest with obviously a sincere wish to tell a good romance and with the power to hit so many right emotions for an angst enthusiast me. I think that for most of the book, my heart was squeezing tight, with more than a few tears in my eyes. Really thank you Jaymin Snow for such an experience!

I loved the h, Seline a lot. Although she hurt a lot (really a lot), she had a fierce and independent core within her that was admirable. She was the epitome of the h on the wrong side of the tracks who struggles each day of her life with little in return, but who despite her tough shell, still finds it in her heart to help others. Not only she had the most sh*tty upbringing, but she has never felt loved and has been made to understand by everyone around her that just because she was an hybrid (something she cannot help!), she was unlovable, unwanted and not enough. Yet she survived, still with a glimmer of possible better days in her heart.

When Seline found her fated mate in Austin, for one second she thought love was within reach, only for her heart to be crushed by the ugly words Austin flung at her (on more than one occasion!). And still, she struggled to stand up. It was only the perverse (magical) effects of the rejection that finally slowly ate away at her physically and spiritually. Yet, inspite of her weakened state, she still struggled on and on.... So, I don't blame her at all when Seline kept throwing back vocally the ugly words at Austin. She certainly had it rough all her life and I can imagine that piling hurt upon hurt, rejection over rejection, demeaning over demeaning justifies her to sound whiny and bitchy all she wants.

Now, who says angst from rejection, also says huge grovel in my books. Was there a satisfactory grovel? Is the H, Austin even redeemable? Well, for once, I did not need a huge grovel because the reasons why Austin said and did what he said and did were on the genuinely noble side. When all is said and done, he may come across as a big wussy who cared for his weak pack members too much to even sacrifice his (and Seline's) happiness in favour of their protection from archaic and powerful elders. However, as events were explained, I could admit that Austin found himself stuck in an impossible situation that opposed his personal wishes against the 'greater good'. And for his defense, he did not know about the fatal effects of the rejection on Seline. I d how Jaymin Snow resolved the situation with pack members getting some cojones and Austin being fed up and getting his priority right. So I don't really blame him, though he could have probably thought up a better strategy to let down Seline. I loved how Austin grovelled simply but sincerely to Seline for her to give him a chance to repair what he broke. In her place, I would have said yes too. And I d how even when they get together, it is mentioned that she still has anger bursts for what he did, and that Austin is more than happy to let her vent on him. It felt so much more realistic than them being all forgiving and cuddling because of their bond. So, yes, the grovel was enough.

About the spicy scenes: there were only two and they were quite hot, but the focus of this book is not about primal lust and dirty thoughts. Which for once feels refreshing. The story had a lot going on already and too much sex focus would have disserviced it. Lol, I can't believe I am saying this, but it is true
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