
El monzón de Smith, Wilbur

de Smith, Wilbur - Género: Ficcion
libro gratis El monzón


Cuando amanece el siglo dieciocho, en los confines más lejanos del mundo conocido, la poderosa empresa naviera Honourable East India Company sufre pérdidas catastróficas a manos de los piratas de alta mar. Retirado desde hace cuatro años, el capitán Sir Henry Courtney —el héroe de Aves de presa— vuelve a la acción y prepara su viaje más peligroso: una misión de gloria o muerte en nombre del Imperio y de la Corona. La ruina o las riquezas sin igual son las dos careas posibles de la aventura. Courtney también está preocupado por sus cuatro hijos, todos diferentes entre sí y rivales en el amor y en la vida. En cada uno de ellos se juega el destino y el nombre de los Courtney.

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I seldom read the type of book referred to as a “guilty pleasure.” It’s not because I’m some beret-wearing, croissant-eating, Proust-reading snob. (The fact that I wear berets and eat croissants is coincidental). To the contrary, I’m as comfortable as the next person wallowing in the gutter drinking Yellow Tail chardonnay and reading Ken Follett. It’s just that the books I use to escape are conceptually different. When I’ve had a long day at work, I to read big fat histories on World War I or the Civil War. The subject matter may be weighty, but it excites my passions. Plus, it reminds me how glad I am we have penicillin, even though I am allergic to penicillin.

Every once in a while, though, I need a break from my own interests. That happened recently, after I finished a string of books that had, among other topics, an exploration of terrorism, and the story of an epileptic child. I needed a book I could breeze through. It had to be ridiculous, but also good, because if there’s no quality I’m just wasting my time.

That’s when I pulled Wilbur Smith’s Monsoon down off the sagging bookshelf that holds all my unread books.

Smith is an internationally best-selling author who I only recently learned existed. (In my defense, there are a lot of books in the world. Also, I drink a lot). He is probably most famous for two series of historical novels revolving around the adventures of the Courtney and Ballantyne families and their adventures in and around Africa. I had randomly read one of his books, Triumph of the Sun, enjoyed it, and had picked up Monsoon on the advice of some Wilbur Smith fans.

It should be noted that Monsoon is not the first book in the series. It should also be noted that this doesn’t matter. Though Smith’s Courtney and Ballantyne novels have some overlap, my near-absolute ignorance about Smith’s “mythology” did not hinder my enjoyment in the least. The plots are self-contained, and though I may be missing out on a bit of psychological shading, I feel confident expressing the notion that Smith’s novels are not fueled by deep-seeded character traits.

(I am a bit mystified as to the exact sequencing of the novels. Wikipedia has a lot of un-sourced information, if you are interested. Frankly, it took me five minutes of reading before it hit me that I didn't care).

Monsoon tells the story of Hal Courtney, the hero of an earlier novel, Birds of Prey. Hal is a doughty old privateer turned merchantman who has built himself a laudable commercial empire. He has four sons. Tom, Guy, and Dorian all have the same mother, while their half-brother, Black Billy, was born of a union between Hal and an Ethiopian princess. In terms of defining character traits, Tom is the oldest, Guy is kind of boring, and Dorian is the youngest. Black Billy is the bad one, but you should have guess that because his nickname is Black Billy.

This is a 600 page novel, plus change, and there are a lot of things going on in it. I don’t think it gives too much away to say that the central narrative involves Dorian’s capture by an Arab pirate named al-Auf off the coast of Africa. There follows a breathless series of chases, escapes, duels, love affairs, betrayals, and battles.

Everything is high stakes, but it never really feels it. I enjoyed this novel without ever loving it. It didn't grip me. I never cared for the characters, so I never worried about their fates. Everyone is drawn so broadly. For example, Tom is the “good” son, eldest and dutiful. Despite his youth and inexperience, it takes him five minutes to become the best sailor, swordsman, and lover between Cape Agulhas and Bombay. Then there’s Aboli. What do we know about him? Well, he’s loyal, and he seems to have no ambition other than to serve his master. That’s it. There are good guys and bad guys and no in-between guys. Moral complexity is not one of Smith’s strong suits. And in a book this, moral worth correlates strongly to plot outcomes. Sure, sometimes one of the good guys bites the dust, but it doesn’t take a genius to figure out the big picture. If there’s trouble, the main characters are ly to wriggle out. This is the kind of book I could read right before bed and never have to fight to put down. It is filled with cliffhangers that I found easy to leave.

That is more negative than I mean to sound. Monsoon’s pacing and breathlessness nullify such quibbles, making them akin to critiquing the construction of the barrel that is carrying you over a waterfall. At his best, Smith does an extraordinary job walking a genre tightrope. On the one hand, he has created a painstakingly researched novel that is firmly rooted in a fascinating historical context. On the other hand:

[Aboli] swung the axe in a wide, flashing arc. It took the man full in the side of his neck, severing it cleanly. His head toppled forward and rolled down his chest, while his trunk stood erect before it slumped to the deck. The air escaped from his lungs in a whistling blast of frothy blood from the open windpipe.

Smith’s novels are punctuated by graphic, over-the-top violence, occasional sex (not nearly as graphic), and several scenes designed to be deliberately provocative (an adolescent boy gets circumcised; a woman is tortured by having packets of chili powder inserted into… well you get the picture). The result is something that is half-throwback (sea chases! swordfights!) and half modern (ultra violence! torture porn!). In a way, it’s watching an X-rated Errol Flynn movie.

The main villains in the piece are Muslims. I mention this because we live in a world where such things are going to be noticed. It bears mentioning that the Muslim characters share the exact same moral spectrum as the English characters. That is to say, they are either good or evil. The good Muslims don’t have much agency, besides being helpful to the English characters. Then again, most of the characters lack true agency; their destinies are controlled by the storyline. As in Triumph of the Sun, Smith displays a keen interest in Islamic traditions and culture.

One thing I’ve noticed in both the Smith novels I’ve read is the effort that Smith has gone to in creating them. He’s not a slouch. To be sure, his characters are thin, and his plot tends to lurch in places (some major threads take hundreds of pages to resolve; others only a couple), but he is an ambitious craftsman.

I’m not ly to sit down and read Smith’s entire series any time soon. This is a function of limited time and limited speed-reading abilities. That said, it makes me really happy that these books are out there, waiting for me. Waiting for the moment when I need them.
historical-fiction64 s El lector de l'antifaç110 25

"El Monzón" es un libro escrito por Wilbur Smith y publicado en 1999. Se trata del tercer libro de la saga “Courtney”. La edición en castellano corresponde a la primera parte del original, “Monsoon”, habiendose editado la segunda parte del original como “El Juramento”. "El Monzón" narra las aventuras del protagonista Sir Henry Courtney de vuelta a las costas africanas con sus hijos, fundamentalmente, su segundo hijo, Tom.

Wilbur Smith (1933-2021) fue un prolífico escritor de novelas de aventuras sudafricano. Sus obras se agrupan mayormente en cuatro series, Courtney, Ballantyne, egipcia y Hector Cross, aunque también escribió otras novelas fuera de las cuatro series.

Despues de estar viviendo varios años en su casa de Inglaterra, Sir Henry Courtney ha de volver a capitanear un barco en una nueva aventura en las costas de África. "El Monzón" relata esta nueva aventura que Sir Henry vivirá con sus hijos Tom, fundamentalmente, Guy y Dorian ya que el primogénito, William, se quedará a cargo de la hacienda en Inglaterra.

Una vez más, Wilbur Smith, vuelve a atraparnos en una narración llena de intriga, emoción, acción y pasiones desde el principio que no cesan hasta el final. El autor domina perfectamente este estilo de novela en el que los principales protagonistas serán Sir Henry Courtney y su segundo hijo, Tom. Así pues, la narración esta exhaustivamente documentada, el ritmo no decae y los personajes estan bien desarrollados.

En definitiva, un libro fácil de leer que engancha al lector y le proporciona una buena dosis de evasión y emoción. Totalmente recomendable para amantes del género.


“El Juramento“ es un libro escrito por Wilbur Smith y publicado en 1999. Corresponde a la segunda parte d”El Monzón” ya que el original “Monsoon” se editó en castellano en dos partes: “El monzón” y “El Juramento”. Así pues, “El juramento” constituye la segunda parte de la tercera entrega de la serie “Courtney” y es, como la primera parte, un libro de aventuras con los hermanos Tom y Dorian Courtney como principales protagonistas.

Tal como había juramentado, Tom Courtney ha de regresar al África a rescatar a su hermano Dorian. De esta forma comienza un relato de aventuras pleno de acción y emoción, amores y traiciones, por los mares e interior del continente africano, en la línea habitual de su autor Wilbur Smith.

Cabe reseñar la excelente documentación llevada a cabo por el autor, así como el notable elenco de personajes desarrollados, de manera que “El juramento” no desmerece en absoluto la primera parte, “El Monzón”, por tanto, resulta una lectura tan rica y emocionante como esta. Muy recomendable, por tanto, para amantes del género.31 s Richard Derus3,143 2,071

Rating: 4* of five

The Book Report: Second chronologically in the Courtney family saga, Monsoon covers Hal Courtney and his sons' efforts to end the scourge of piracy plaguing the East India Company, and their inexorable, inevitable removal from an England too small and too meager to hold the family's talents, abilities, and personalities, to a colonial future in the Cape Colony.

The multipolar world of southern and eastern Africa, its long-established power dynamics, and the astounding riches of India, south Asia, and Arabia, are all economically and still excitingly delineated by the Courtney family's arrival and conquest of and by this gigantic, extraordinary prize they seek. Their family dynamic, a violent and competitive and bitter one, is brought to several surprisingly exciting climaxes...it's not one can't see the events coming, but Smith's ability to tell a tale is such that the inevitable feels a shipwreck in progress.

After an amazing set of adventures in the clutches of people whose self-interest marches against the Courtneys', the family's future is firmly established and their connection to Africa becomes, by the dawn of the 18th Century, unbreakable.

My Review: Of all the Courtney family saga, this book reigns supreme in my affections. Hal's sons are a quarrelsome, angry, fascinating lot, and their well-roundedness makes even their worst traits and meanest actions feel real, comprehensible, and emotionally powerful.

I've read Wilbur Smith books since I was eleven, and I've only seldom felt let down. This book was not, in any way at all, a let-down. It was as violent as the monsoon it takes its name from, and still, that monsoon, it gave life and comfort to its recipients. Powerfully imagined, powerfully written, passionate and real and engrossing. Don't miss it.19 s Inderpreet Singh45 12

That was one hell of a novel I just finished reading. I read at quite a good pace of 100-150 pages daily. It was the longest movie I had ever seen. Now I have a really fresh vocabulary related to ship, pirates and voyage. I felt I am too voyaging with them while reading word to word which was so eloquently presented. It was enchanting to read how it started, how they fought, killed, died and finally united. And also wonderful description of love intermittently throughout the novel made it more craving to go on & see what comes next and complete it that very day. It took time but it was fruitful. Feeling smug as if I have achieved something. "Monsoon" is a must read, its a beauty !!11 s Ivana Books Are Magic523 238

How does one goes around reviewing a book one disd? I'm tempted not to write about it at all because there is not much to discuss. In my view, this is a low quality book. It is hard to start your review with positives (or anything really) when all you can think of are the negatives, but I'll give it a try and write what I did about it. There were a lot of historical details in this book and as someone who enjoys history, I d that. Whether the author has got all these historical details right or not, I can't be entirely sure, but at least they were interesting and if he did I might have learned something new. At any rate, I learned about King Billy as the Dutch ruler of England was known by some- I don't think I heard of him before. The irony of England being ruled by a Dutch man, the author pointed it out well. Moreover, there were a few passages in the book that were touching. One African character ( Hal's friend) wasn't portrayed in a bad light. His characterization was a bit stereotypical (the side kick servant) but bearable. Some of the descriptions of the sea life were well written. The book itself didn't offer much else. The opening of the novel was terrible and it didn't improve much with time. The characters were mostly portrayed in a shallow and a stereotypical way, particularly the female ones that were presented in the worst possible light. The author must have had a very sad life if this novel reflects his opinion of women. All things considered, this strikes me as one of the most racist modern novels I have read. If you have read this novel and d it... tell me: WHY????HOW????

The novel opens at an English estate where Hall lives with his four sons. His eldest son William (nicknamed Black Billy by his brothers) is of mixed racial ancestry. Hal's oldest son William is his favourite child, from a brief marriage with an Ethiopian princess (who died tragically and seems to have been Hal's great love). I didn't how this William character was portrayed. William is supposed to be an accomplished and intelligent young man but he is described as not only cruel and violent but also murderous. Not saying that psychopath can't be accomplished or intelligent (sadly they sometimes are), rather it was the racial implication that I found offensive. William abuses his younger brothers despite the fact they pose no treat to him (it is often stressed in the novel that in England the oldest son inherits everything). every other character of mixed race in this novel, Hal's oldest son has psychopathic characteristic because 'it is in his blood' apparently. Do I need to explain why I found this offensive? I didn't have the problem with the sibling rivalry but I often it offensive that it is hinted that William has murdering and sadistic tendencies because of his mixed ancestry. More than hinted of, actually. It is clearly written into the book with several passages referring to the 'dark African streak' in him that his father loves and knows can't be changed. No comment.

It is also said that the oldest boy William is Hal's favourite because 'he is a hard men himself'. Hm, there is a difference between being a 'hard man' and being a 'psychopath'. Hal practically saves one of his sons from being killed by William and seems to be alright with it. When Hal is offered a noble rank and fortunes for capturing a pirate that has been bothering His Majesty, Hal decides to take his other sons with him because he is sure that his eldest son would kill them if he didn't. As in really kill his siblings. His favourite son, may I add? Hal doesn't seem surprised by the fact that his oldest son inspires such fear in his younger siblings and when his younger sons beg to be taken along, Hal realizes there is truth in their fears. Hm, what part of this Hal doesn't find strange? I'm pretty sure it was never considered normal for an older brother to actively try to kill his younger brothers- not in colonial England either. At one point in the book, William says to his younger brother that he shall inherit everything, even the noble title- and he does it before his family even has a change of winning the title, before such a request and reward is even made to Hal so how William could have predicted the future that. A little mistake on the part of the writer. There were a few other mistakes that wouldn't bothered me if the novel had been any good, but this way they did.
Moving on. Besides William, Hal's got two twins, Guy and Tom as well as the youngest boy Dorian. In a way it could be said that this novel follows the adventures of Hal's sons, William, Tom, Guy and Dorian. Hal is there with them, but he is not the star anymore. His character is not consistent. One moment he seems decent, the other he is killing people without a just cause. Hal's sons are all different in character but him, not one of them is convincing or appealing. They do somewhat develop through the books, though not much. Everything is so stereotypical in this novel, every character and description. It was a rather painful read. Anyhow, Hal sets onto his adventures. There is so much foreshadowing before every event that you don't have to guess what will happen next- you can be fairly certain. Zero surprises and a painfully evident plot are among the main characteristic of this novel.

Anyhow, they (Hal and his young sons) sail on in the pursuit of this pirate. Hal actually starts behaving an honorable man who cares about his crew, this won't last long but at least it is something. We also learn something about his past. Tom and Guy develop a sibling rivalry of their own. Tom has fun with Guy's love interest Catherine and apparently this is enough for Guy (his twin) to decide to kill him at all costs. When they fight for their life, his father doesn't see it fit to make them stop because it is ultimately impossible to do so. So, he watches as his sons try to kill one another- as that is totally normal.

Sure, maybe when you stop a suicidal person from killing themselves, they end up doing it after- but still it is only HUMAN to try to make them stop? When you see two boys fighting to the death, you try to break them apart somehow- because watching one of your sons try to kill another is not something any (normal) parent could stand. Honestly, Hal's actions make no sense. I suppose that doesn't matter for all that you need for book to pass as a novel these days is to put together a third rate adventure story, thrown in a few big words to make one seem eloquent and you're all set.

Honestly, it started to feel their voyage will never end. There are a few graphic description of intercourse between Catherine (if I remember her name right) and Tom that sound more a rape. Apparently, this young girl says no to Tom while they are making out and stuff, but he forces himself on her because he is obviously stronger and than it is all great because ....? I honestly don't get how that could work. Later on in the novel, when Tom falls in love with Catherine's younger sister Sarah, she is ready to risk all to help them because Catherine LOVES Tom. How could she not? He raped her and put his finger down her skirt while she was singing opera in front of everyone. No girl could possibly resist that. Almost all the female characters in this novel behave as nymphomaniacs. Seriously, I don't know when I read a novel that portrayed women in a worse light.

Moving on. Catherine and Tom are forced apart when Guy spies on them and brings his father to watch. Hal, as usual, does nothing because that is what his parenting is about. Tom and Guy don't kill one another in that fight that followed on the ship because the novel needs someone to be after Tom's life, you know for drama and because William is so far away. Eventually Catherine and her family leave the ship and take Guy with them- he doesn't take to the sea and decides to become a clerk or something. We don't really get to know much about him because the author doesn't do characterization but it is obvious Guy will be back and trying to kill Tom because the plot needs it.

Meanwhile, Hal has a brilliant idea to lure the pirate ship to attack his ship. He stops at a particular port, feigning his boat needs repairs and then makes it known he is carrying a treasure. Hal prepares for the battle in secret. Very convenient all of it. He also paints his face brown and with the aid of his fluency in Arabic (mentioned about 10 000) times in the novel, he gets information he needs from random Arabs who don't suspect he might be English- because he has painted his face. Eye roll. One of many. Hal's boys wear turbans and can thus pass as Arabs slaves as well. You see they got a tan now so it is ok. Another eye roll. Was this novel really not written centuries ago? Hal then sets to set his trap and capture the Arab pirate everyone is talking about. A sea battle is on horizon and what you know, there is another 'adventure' on its way.

Sweet Dorian is bound for some tragedy followed by a miraculous escape- the author makes endless hints to imply that. Hal takes him to the most dangerous of missions because he cannot resist Dorian's cuteness. Ah, how convenient. Dorian is captures by Islamic pirates but just before they slit his throat, they notice he has red hair and it seems they are suddenly inclined to worship him because in their many centuries of owning and keeping white slaves they have never seen a person with red hair and fair skin? Not one among the many British sailors they killed just a few months ago? Dorian is then adopted by an Arab prince because- cuteness factor. At times, the author does tries to keep us in suspense over Dorian's fate for a white- but he fails miserably. He is obviously too cute for anything bad to happen to him.

What else? Oh, it doesn't get more interesting from there. Dorian falls in love and so does Tom. Stuff happens. I roll my eyes over and over again. I wonder countless times: Is this for real? Who reads these kind of books? Finally, the end. The book ends on a romantic note. Needless to say, I probably won't read the next novel to find out more. This book has left me so battled that I did what I usually don't do- googled the author's private life. Apparently he is estranged from his sons. Gee, I wonder why. If he is anything the man he describes in his books, I can see how his parenting skills might not up for the challenge. Apparently Wilbur Smith motto is to write books for himself, not the readers. Why publish something you only write for yourself, though? Keep it for yourself.

..."Do not write for your publishers or for your imagined readers. Write only for yourself." This was something that I had learned for myself. Charles merely confirmed it for me. Now, when I sit down to write the first page of a novel, I never give a thought to who will eventually read it.

You know what, Wilbur Smith? I believe you. You go on writing books for yourself, just don't expect me to read them.9 s Frank1,968 26

Another epic tale from Smith! This is the followup novel to Birds of Prey which I read a couple of years ago. It is also the second chronologically in the Courtney's of Africa saga by Smith. I really enjoyed this swashbuckling story of Hal Courtney, the hero of Birds of Prey, and his progeny. This novel takes place in the 1690's...about thirty years after the end of Prey. Hal Courtney is called by the king to rid the African east coast of a deadly Arab pirate who has captured several English ships. His sons, Tom, Guy and Dorian accompany him on this quest while his oldest son William remained behind in England to watch over the estate. Tom and his twin, Guy, fall out over a woman on the voyage and Guy ends up in India with a mortal dis of Tom. William pretty much despises the whole family and is only after money and power. While Tom and Dorian remain true to their father and each other... But Dorian is captured by the Arabs and put into bondage before finding favor with the Caliph of Oman.... Lots and lots of action, adventure, despicable villains, beautiful women, and brave heroics. But most of all, Smith throws in a lot of history including the Omani wars with the Ottoman Empire, the brutality of the slave and ivory trade in Africa, and descriptions of exotic locales such as Zanzibar. I'll be looking forward to reading more in this series and I would recommend Smith to anyone who s adventure with their history.adventure historical literature7 s Daniele Palma150 12

Mi mancano una ventina di pagine ma incomincio ad esprimere il mio parere su questo romanzo extralarge di W.Smith, è un parere purtroppo negativo dettato dalla enorme diluizione di concetti elementari, di inframezzi "tanto per allungare", di una lettura che si inceppa ogni quattro righe.
L'idea di fondo si basa su ciò che facevano nel seicento gli inglesi della Compagnia delle Indie Orientali nei mari tra Africa e India: erano dei pirati avidi e senza scrupoli, assetati di oro, avorio, schiavi e ogni altro tipo di merce che portasse un profitto; per esprimere tutto ciò credo non siano necessarie a seconda della versione dalle 700 alle 900 pagine scritte "alla viva il parroco".
Sarò abituato male, ok, ma anche uno scrittore popolare come King è più intenso, più psicologico, questa storia è quasi imbarazzante e questo potrei accettarlo ma non che si debba perdere tempo con oltre 700 pagine, ci vuole anche un po' di rispetto per il lettore, che attende, attende, attende che succeda.... Un bel niente.

Ecco, finalmente ho finito e mi trovo obbligato a confermare il giudizio negativo, posso promuovere le ultime 10 pagine dinamiche ma, purtroppo, prolisse.
Il problema di questi romanzo è, secondo il mio modesto parere, la diluizione o annacquamento credo a fini commerciali infatti ci sono alcuni passaggi che sembrano inseriti con il "copia incolla" ma vabbè pazienza; tra l'altro non c'è un ragionamento che oltrepassi la banalità, faccio un esempio ci dovrebbe essere una profezia legata al protagonista che è piuttosto scontata e banalmente intuibile ma ne vengono dedicate decine di pagine credo per il solo piacere di "annoiare".
La narrazione è macchinosa, a scatti, non è il Wilbur Smith egizio che si legge tutto d'un fiato. Credo che abbia contato molto nel mio giudizio negativo il fatto che si parli di mare e navi con molti termini tecnici. Avevo sempre evitato i romanzi del mare sospettando una delusione ma mai così cocente avendo già letto almeno una decina credo di opere di Smith.5 s Donna Dieckmann160

Wilbur Smith wrote his novels in his own timeline.
I am now reading his stories on a historical timeline, which to me, means a lot more sense.
No matter what, Smith writes a great story!
Keep it up Wilbur!
On to the next.....20185 s Dora444 16

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3.5 Stars. Zambian-born, bestselling author Wilbur Smith usually specializes in colorfully entertaining fiction about southern Africa. Monsoon, his 27th novel, is the tenth in the adventurous series about the bold and daring Courtney family. This time Smith develops some of the early ancestry of the family made famous in previous novels.

Wealthy English landowner Sir Hal Courtney has earned his fortune as a sea captain with the East India Trading Company. He has taken up a life on his estate in 18th-century England. He has four sons from a few marriages: his eldest son William (“Black Billy”), twins Tom and Guy, and his youngest son Dorian. Upon learning that pirates are preying upon company ships in the Indian Ocean, the company asks Hal if he would take a ship and crew to protect their overseas interests. While William is left in charge of the estate, Tom, Guy and Dorian accompany their father on a new ship, Seraph, to Africa on a mission to put an end to the pirates. Once they reach the Cape of Good Hope, they learn that the pirate they seek is a Muslim named Jangiri, who has been attacking merchant shipping from a base near the islands of Zanzibar and Madagascar off the east coast of Africa. This opens the way for a great deal of fighting, shooting and maiming. Meanwhile, the twin brothers, Tom and Guy, become bitter rivals after falling in love with the same girl, Dorian is captured by slavers and sold to the Prince of Oman, al-Malik, who adopts him as his son. It seems that Dorian’s appearance leads the slavers and the prince to believe that he might be the appearance of a prophesied figure of the faith. The eldest son, William, proves to be a greedy scoundrel. Hal suffers a horrific fate, leaving Tom in charge of the ship.

Wilbur Smith has created an imposing tale of action and suspense. Despite stuffing this 613-page novel with piracy, treachery, intrigue and romance, Smith has paced the story very nicely. My only complaint is that the tale seems to be a bit of a soap opera at times. Smith also tends to portray some of his characters in rather stereotypical fashion. The Africans are portrayed as honorable but child, while the Arabs are generally a nasty and brutal lot. Very little about this book made me want to read another Wilbur Smith novel.africa fiction maritime4 s Steven Lee188 2

I did not enjoy this book. It is a lengthy good that spans a huge stretch of the world but the characters are narrow and flat. This is the first book in this series that I have read. I think it stands on its own just fine. The author goes to some lengths to highlight the connections between previous novels. I will say that it is pretty obvious where future books will build from.

The novel primarily focuses on the eastern shores of Africa in the 17th century. The main characters are Englishmen participating in privateering and trade. I was excited to read about a part of world that attracts my interest, but sadly the story did not engage me. It is written in the romantic style and glorifies England, which simply doesn't appeal to me. As with some romantic work the characters are flat, they are quite black or white. Bad characters are not simply bad, they tend to be hideous and conniving and dishonourable and abusers of the innocent. The heroes are wise perfect standards of virtue, and at worst, lovable rogues. In addition smart characters are often seem as devious and cloying as compared to the rugged and honest warriors.

I am not sure if it is the author's attempt to catch the spirit of the time or if the author himself is writing in the Orientalist frame. The "East" is depicted in the typical exotic, mystical fashion. The female characters leave much to be desired. Most of the women in the story are introduced as children and simply serve as love interests for the male protagonists.

The plot is predictable and by the end I was just burning through the pages to get to the end. I am confident some will read this book with great enthusiasm but it did not work its magic on me at all. 4 s Stuart129 29

I read Monsoon in little over a month. It is an incredible story that not just touches, but goes into great detail of so many issues. Issues that are the basis of our world today. But at the same time, Wilbur Smith never fails to spin an incredible story and excitement that captivates the reader. I've heard readers of his criticise the characters, stating that they are stereotypical heroes, who are always great warriors, and remarkably resilient. However, in my eyes, these people do exist and if Smith wrote about the ones who get shot in the head as soon as they ran into battle, the book would be finished after 100 pages.

Wilbur smith has a talent of being able to transport the reader to another time and place effortlessly. I always feel I'm going back in time and living life in the past when reading Wilbur Smith books. My only real critisism I would put is that most woman in all his book are usually very submissive to men and nymphomaniac's (high sexual drive), and the men usually always get their way with them. It's a bit derogatory and disrespectfull to woman, and I suppose some may find it off putting and offensive.

As always Smith does his research and his attention to detail is superb. Fun characters (if not always believable), very graphic and visual in his descriptions and amazing plot twist that keep you wanting to continue reading. I would advise reading "Birds of Prey" (5* review) first before reading this.

5 stars
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