
Dr. Horatio vs. the Six-Toed Cat de Smith, Virginia

de Smith, Virginia - Género: English
libro gratis Dr. Horatio vs. the Six-Toed Cat


This bonus e-only short story is the perfect introduction to bestselling author Virginia Smith's latest series, Tales from the Goose Creek B&B. Set in the years before the Richardsons launch their bed and breakfast scheme, the quirky residents of the small Kentucky town are all in a tizzy over the upcoming Fall Festival. Alison, Al and Millie's headstrong daughter, astounds everyone with the news that she's getting married—in three weeks—to a Colombian! As her parents frantically try to stop the nuptials, Dr. Horatio, Goose Creek's beloved veterinarian, is determined to solve the mystery of the six-toed kittens that have been popping up all over town.

This charming prequel will make you laugh out loud, fall in love with the delightful residents of Goose Creek, and remind you why you love reading.

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I just this minute finished reading this novella and quite honestly, I simply can't wait to read the upcoming series about the life and times of the folks of Goose Creek, Kentucky. The characters are funny and FULL of personality. I wish each and every one of these delightful people were my neighbors. The tiny town of Goose Creek is exactly where I want to live. So if I can't live there in real life, I shall live there vicariously through these books. I anxiously await the release of "The Most Famous Illegal Goose Creek Parade" I'm excited to catch up with some of my newest best friends...and see what they're up to. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/2...
3 s Rachel McMillanAuthor 25 books1,108 Read

I love novellas! They are a great way to steal into a story and settle into characters and often hold such charm you wish they could span more than their allotted pages! Such is the case In the introduction to what promises to be a delightfully fresh series. Virginia Smith introduces us to the small town of Goose Creek with Dr. Horatio vs. the Six-Toed Cat. Unique, funny and warm, I n this to Alexander McCall Smith retelling the popular small-town Victorian classic Cranford. Grant never strays toward the formulaic rather allows us to settle into a quirky sequence of vignettes while falling head-over-heels for the town eccentrics. I enjoyed getting to know all of them. 3 s H.L. BurkeAuthor 79 books536

I almost rated this a four star because while it isn't what I expected it to be, it is sort of a good version of what it is. There were a few issues that kept me from getting it to four stars, though, but they are spoilers ... so I'll deal with those in a bit.
First off: what I expected was something a lot funnier. This is kind of a heartwarming slice of life tale introducing characters, but it's not all that funny. I smiled a couple of times, but I didn't laugh out loud ever. If you are expecting hilarious hijinks or over the top characters, that's not what you're getting here. You're getting a lot of heartwarming "family and small town" niceness which I do realize there is an audience for, but I'm not it. So if you want to read about charming, real enough people going through some slight charming small town upsets ... you will probably this.
And normally a "I thought it was well done but not for me" would've been a four star, but ...

The pay off about the Colombian thing and the true owner of the cat are both based on simple misunderstandings/lack of shared information that were really disappointing in terms of pay off. I really don't see someone saying, "He's from Columbia" without following up with "South Carolina" ... I think I was really looking forward to the parents facing their prejudice and realizing that a young man from South America could be a good son-in-law ... but nope, it's okay because he's an Italian kid from the south. I think it was being played off for a joke, but it wasn't that funny. Maybe if given a lot of build up (I don't know they decide to go out of their way and welcome him with Colombian foods and music and traditions, it could've been played for a laugh) ... and I don't think the writer meant anything racist by it, but it didn't do it for me.
... similarly the cat was just "oh, if people in this small town talked this story would've been over in the first two chapters." And I thought small towns were all about everyone knowing everything about everybody for better or for worse?

so yeah, decent writing, likable characters, not as funny as I'd hoped, and the payoff left me feeling lukewarm rather than excited to read more. 2 s JessicaAuthor 32 books5,760

Utterly charming little prequel to Ginny's new series! The local vet is obsessed with finding the tomcat who is fathering litter after litter of six-toed kittens. Even the most pampered indoor female cats are finding themselves giving birth to polydactyl kittens, and Doc wants to find the culprit! Added to that, his receptionist's daughter has just dropped a bombshell on their family, and it's almost time for the annual festival!

Delightful!literaryfiction own2 s Susan Ferguson1,002 20

A preview of Goose Creek. Alison tells her parents she's getting married to a guy she met during her break in Florida - and he's from Columbia. And Doc is having lots of calls from excited clients whose cats are having kittens with six toes! One woman is afraid that the cat's habit of sleeping on top of the old TV her husband insists on keeping has caused a mutation and another is afraid her pedigreed cat has something seriously wrong. There are more litters of six toed kittens, so Doc is searching for the tom responsible so he can neuter him and put a stop to the panic. 2021 fiction nook ...more1 Stacey923

Virginia Smith offers a light-hearted look at a close knit southern community in this prequel to her Goose Creek B&B series. You meet Millie, Albert, and their daughter Allison as well as Dr. Horatio and his dominating mother, who practically runs the town. There is typical small town drama, with the curious thread of local female cats having six-toed kittens. Obviously there is a Casanova Tom running around causing a few shenanigans for the cat community as well as the residents of Goose Creek. I would call this inspirational women's fiction with a southern twist. Narrator, Becky Doughty, does an excellent job creating character voice personalities and building the voice of the Goose Creek community. I was given a copy of the audio book by the narrator. There was no pressure to read or review the book. clean-fiction contemporary humor ...more1 Jenn Mattson1,112 37

I love the citizens of Goose Creek and this laugh-out-loud story was an awesome introduction and companion piece to the Goose Creek veterinary practice that is a vital part of the life of Goose Creek, Kentucky.1 Reader1 review

The whole vibe about and romanticizing of „wife loves her grumpy husband who makes jokes about how your life is never yours again after marriage“ is kind of strange, in general the extremely thankful thoughts of a wife for her husband and how much she loves him are described irritatingly frequently. Plus the big relief that the boyfriend/ soon to be husband (after 3 weeks of knowing each other. ? ok) is not Colombian but AMERICAN thanks god, they are not moving to South America but ITALY thank the lord! So he is no drug lord! - feels simply racist to me. Can’t imagine this is amazing to read when your from South America. Being reduced to stereotypes and people being utterly relieved that „their daughter isn’t marrying one of those people“. To be honest, I was actually shocked that people just wrote what a nice and comforting read this was. I find this book to be quite problematic and conservatively written Pris732 81

Dr. Horatio vs. The six-toed cat was a short, funny, small town's story, full of elderly characters (and their families), as well as two main plots: Doc (the town's vet, and who's married to Lizzie), is looking to stop a polydactyl cat's amorous rendezvous with the town's female feline population. On the other hand, Millie (wife to Albert, and mother of Alison) is shocked to find out said daughter is planning to get married in three weeks.
The resolution was delightful; and while at first, it was hard for me to keep track of all the names, I ended up enjoying myself while looking forward to getting the "mystery" solved. A great prequel and I'd read the next book, just to see how these folks are doing.kindle lroa James Klabunde145

A decade before prequel

In this amusing prequel taking ten years before the b&b novels the Richardson's daughter Alison just graduated from Purdue university announces she plans to marry a Columbian in three weeks that they have never seen. Meanwhile Dr. Horatio is trying a very busy polydactyl tom cat that is being very busy with female neighborhood kitties. A fun lightheaded introduction to Goose Creek Kentucky. Recommended. LauraAuthor 38 books644

DR. HORATIO VS. THE SIX-TOED CAT is a seriously-funny e-short that will have you laughing. Between Allison's mysterious engagement to a man no one knew about to a very ambitious tomcat who fathered a lot of kittens, the town is in an uproar. Between Doc Horatio and his assistant Millie, they have to solve the mysteries. A cozy mystery in every sense of the word that will leave you smiling. Grab your copy now.

I bought a e-book copy and a review was not expected. Sandra Burns1,733 32

Great, fast read

Parents of a daughter, find out she is marrying a man she met three months ago. Also, the vet, caught a Hemingway cat, that was impregnating unfixed female cats. Warm, funny read. Andre Ferreira8 1 follower

Laugh out loud book

Sometimes I laughed, sometimes I giggled. I am a visual reader. If I can't see the story I cannot read. Reading the series will be watching a comedy series. Amanda776

The only bad thing about this story is that it's the last Goose Creek story left for me to read! This was another winner: good, clean fun with funny, believable (and some crazy characters that aren't quite so believable but are probably just as realistic), lovable (or love-to-hate) characters. QSTCMomma240

Beginning of a quick read series. Nothing amazing but a short fun light-hearted easy read boom.

However, I must take exception to the authors obvious lack of knowledge of Purdue University. If you don’t know anything about a real school then don’t write about it. Lisa Furkins82

What a funny little read!

It doesn't take long to read this one - but it's enjoyable. Light but interesting!

Much a short story which is my favorite - there's just so much to do!

I'm hooked on Goose Creek so I'll be reading more of them! Doesn't hurt it's in KY, my old home place! Cathy Bickerstaff431

Thoroughly enjoyable

I thoroughly enjoyed Dr. Horatio vs. the Six-toed Cat. The characters were delightful and the mix up about where the fiance was from was hilarious. Christy688

Interesting little tale of the six toed cat. I loved Horatio and Miss Ernie. As always Millie and Albert were interesting; my only dis was I would have preferred less of Allison's story.contemporary Pat Christie2,227 2


Sweet tale of a small town with a six toed male cat getting others pregnant and a young girl getting married in 3 weeks. Linda Elliott1,024 5

A very short entertaining story

Milly and her husband get a big announcement from their daughter. The surprise announcement shakes the family but in the end all is well. Mary Beth1,915 9

Too rediculous too count.
Trish Slyter311

Fun and relaxing. Small town antics. Cindy930

A delightful read and a fast one! Debbi Perman80

Cute book. Sweet characters. Carol70

A very fun story

Good Creek is a small town with cast of wonderful characters.

I look forward to reading more and I recommend you go for a visit! Janet467 3

Enjoyed this short introduction to goose creek. Looking forward to reading the series. Suzanne Page143 5 Read

Love the Goose Creek series!!! Janet940 12

A fun prequel to the series and explains why there came to be six toed cats in Goose Creek. Good for a smile and fills in some blanks on the other books. Terri286 2

I read this on the plane back from key west and hemimgways house was one of my two favorite places on key west...this was quick fun and good timing for me Leslie1,238 5

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