
Gypsy in Amber de Smith, Martin Cruz

de Smith, Martin Cruz - Género: English
libro gratis Gypsy in Amber


When a girl's body, neatly sliced into six individual pieces, is discovered at the scene of an automobile accident, the driver is posthumously accused of her murder.
Roman Grey, an expert in gypsy antiques and former friend to the driver, is drawn in to investigate. While desperate to avoid the sorcery and dark magic he knows would be invoked in an all-out confrontation between the police and New York's gypsy community, he is nonetheless determined to unearth the truth about the murder - no matter the cost...

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A surprising love story between two people from different worlds.

Catrina, A pampered heiress stolen from the English court and sold to the gypsies.
Dominic, A lord, heir to the Marquis of Gravenwold, but also a half-gypsy bastard who has a few stolen moments with his people before he inherits his father's title.

For me, their story has three distinct parts:
A) Their time with the gypsy caravan in Europe when they don’t know the real identities of each other and when Catrina is taught the gypsy way of life. This is approximately half the book and ends with Dominic and Catrina being in love and Catrina running away because of miscommunications.
B) Dominic and Catrina are back in England where each of them learns what the other has omitted. This is approximately a quarter of the book and ends with marriage and the revelation of the villain of the story.
C) The final part where Dominic and Catrina are married but not happy. Dominic feels trapped and has constant panic attacks, while Catrina tries to seduce him.
This is one of my favourite historical romances that includes gypsies.
If you have fallen in love with Eduardo Verástegui when you watched Ain't Funny video clip by Jennifer Lopez, I highly recommend this book.5historical-lovestories-oldtimes favorites gypsies54 s Nenia ? I yeet my books back and forth ? CampbellAuthor 52 books19.5k Shelved as 'wishlist'


rereleased-on-kindle25 s Fre06 Begum1,260 210

Read this years ago and remembered why I didn't it; hero sleeps with a woman (whom he's slept with before) straight after he meets heroine again. This guy was supposedly devastated when she disappeared and yet meets her again and then just sleeps with ow because he's horny! Three books I read by this author two which had hero cheating and another one with hero sleeping with ow after developing feelings for heroine. This author is NOT safe IMO!!This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review23 s fleurette1,489 154

God, there should be some prize for finishing this book. Seriously! I’ve started it for some challenge and just got stuck after first few chapters. With totally no intent to finish it. But then another challenge pushed me to either finish it or put it out of my shelf. So I forced myself to complete. However, I cheated and skipped some parts that are too silly or too boring.

Let’s start with good things. The cover is lovely. If not for this cover, I would probably never come up with the idea of reading this book. And I’m afraid that’s all for nice things.

Because I’m not really sure what is worse – the characters or the plot. Let’s start with Catrina. She is so inconsistent as a heroine. In the first part of the book she is a rather naïve, weak and helpless girl. Then out of sudden in the second part she is depicted as more strong-minded and stubborn. I didn’t get it, it isn’t that she matures or changes after her gypsy experience. She is just lacking consistency. And Domini(c), oh man, he is an asshole. Let me say that he intentionally hurts our silly heroine time after time. And of course she forgives him instantly.

And here comes the eye-rolling plot. First part of the book is about Catrina and Dominic’s meeting in the camp of traveling gypsies. I seriously hoped this part would be considerably shorter, more an introduction to the proper story and not one third of it or so. This whole part is rather frustrating with Catrina being a crying silly little thing while also swooning over Dominic. She does some stupid things and her constant pulling and pushing Dominic is pretty annoying.

But this is nothing compared to the second part set in London. This is one of this stories where the heroine knows better what the hero is thinking about this or that, so she doesn’t ask him and acts on presumptions. Frequently doing something excessively stupid. Dominic treats her badly, but on top of everything else she forgives him without hesitation and any second thought as soon as he apologizes. Just that, everything is forgiven and put behind. And the whole plot in this part is really ridiculous.

This book was written in 1992 and you feel it, it’s just dated. I recommend it only to those who those old-school bodice-rippers.historical-romance16 s Kate70 42

I reading romances, particularly those of the historical sort. Why? Because they let me escape from the drudgery of every day life and give me an enjoyable way to tune out for a while. I love watching a relationship unfold and await the HEA with anticipation...I don't, however, often become very emotionally invested in the stories. Usually romances are a trifle silly with improbable plot lines and characters with little depth.

That being said, this is not one of those books. This is one of the very few romances I was emotionally involved enough in to cry. That's right...I cried. I didn't always agree with the character's actions, but I emotionally responded to them. As heroes go, Dominic is an ass. But, at least he's a consistent ass who doesn't turn into a sugar puss around our heroine Catherine.

When they finally achieve their HEA, I believed it. I truly felt they loved eachother and deserved eachother after all the tests and tribulations they were put through. But, don't take my word for it, read it yourself.all-time-favorite-romance-novels ebooks-i-own france ...more14 s Julz430 249


This was ok. I said in my update, I should've read this one before my last book because it paled in comparison. Still, lots to , such as gypsies. I'm a big fan of gypsies, and these were the proud (and sometimes hairy and smelly) versions that I so admire.

Things got stupid when our H&h got back to "civilization". Our H spent his every waking moment seeking revenge against his deceased father by never marrying, or at least not producing an heir, and swears he'll screw every woman in Britain in order to escape his lust for the h who's looking mighty fertile. He manages it on a small scale. Very angsty moment when he told the h outright she was a 'ho but he was taking his business elsewhere. Lasted two whole pages. All that hate and trouble just to find out his mama lied in order to keep the tethers on him.

The h was mostly likable and wasn't afraid to get her slut on, but should win a TSTL award for the way she kept bemoaning/rescuing her would-be murders. They were trying to bash your head in with a poker woman! Grow a backbone!

Other than the almost murder, the end was one of those perfect for everyone endings that just leaves the masses sighing in their happiness. I was just sighing. But then I'm a lover of wtfery for which this rates a 1, maybe 2. The gypsies make it a strong 3. Did I mention I love gypsies? This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full reviewcaptive cheating-hero family-from-hell ...more6 s Raquel375

Really enjoyed this one!historical-romance6 s Noelle347

While I'm still pretty new to Kat Martin so far she hasn't disappointed me yet. I loved this book and the adventure that she took me on.

Catherine / Caterina (h) is a wealthy lady, her father has passed but made it possible for her to inherit his wealth and title. Great for her but not so great for others. When she's attacked one night, she fights but she is completely out of her element and she is taken away in the middle of the night. Instead of killing her, she's sold to the gypsy's who are suppose to take her to a Pasha and sold into slavery. That was until one gypsy who had plenty of money bought her in stead. That is how she ended up in the gypsy camp and when the man who bought her was giving her a whipping Domini (H) intervened and bought her for himself.

Domini / Dominic is a half gypsy who is also the Lord of Gravenwold. He lives a double life, one of a gypsy wich he loves and that of a gentelman, a lord a.d that he hates . He has made a blood oath to never marry and and have children because doing so would let his father win. But now he owns Caterina and she is full of equal parts passion and fight,she just might be his match. However other than being his misstress there is no other spot for her in his life in London.

It wa fun watching these two circle each other and fight what they felt for each other. For some reason I'm a sucker for a story were the H is pushing the away at all cost,saying what ever mean thing or doing what ever it takes to accomplish that,it makes for a highly emotional read for me and I love it. lol2011-reads alpha-male forced-marraige ...more4 s Regan WalkerAuthor 29 books780

Great Classic Gypsy Love Story set in Napoleon’s France

Set in 1805, beginning in England, this is the story of Catherine Barrington, Countess of Arondale who, because of her cousin’s avarice, is abducted and sold to gypsies in France. Catherine is a survivor and manages to keep her innocence in tact, but is unable to gain her freedom. When tall, handsome Dominic sees one of his Romany band beating a beautiful, flame-haired woman, he buys her for his own.

Dominic has no idea of Catherine’s real identity and she never tells him. Nor does he tell her that he is the educated and English-raised son of the Marquess of Gravenwold. He wants her as his lover (he has vowed never to marry) but “Catrina” (his name for her) denies Dominic and plots her escape.

This is a well-told classic with lots of twists and adventure as Dominic woos the woman he wants and she resists. Treachery abounds and there are some exciting scenes to add to the love story set in the time of Napoleon. Some great characters add depth, including Dominic’s gypsy mother. While most of the story takes place in France, it does end in England.

If you the rich historical detail found in classic romances, this is a good choice. And who doesn’t love a handsome half-gypsy?
early-19th-century exotic-locale france ...more4 s ?Aicha~high~on~books?95

seeing its ratings on goodreads and Amazon, i was hoping for a good time while reading it but this book has a real pig for a hero, nothing romantic whatsoever in the story where to me it appeared the hero had split personality..
he shows some TLC and then turns into a total jerk with his consequent actions.
it is totally worth leaving the book.
the 'HEA' will also end up leaving leave a bad taste in the mouth.:((
AVOID!!4 s Deniz102 10

I loved this book..
Dominic is a tortured hero and Catherine is a lovely, determined heroin
I d it that there were no big misunderstandings
I also d it that they knew each other for some time before falling in love.
This is a true love story and I recommend it with all my heart!5-stars alpha-hero bad-boys ...more4 s Julie427 39

Dominic Edgemont, Lord Nightwyck, half-gypsy, bastard, heir to the Marquis of Gravenwold comes into his title after his father's death, he vows that his father's dreams of continuing the Nightwyck line will never come to fruition. Dominic's hatred for his father has been the one driving force in his life. His goal to destroy everything that his father ever valued is finally in his grasp. He will spend his last summer with his mother and the gypsy's he has grown to love and respect over the years, before taking up the repsonsibility of his inheritance. However, it will not be to marry and see to an heir, but just the opposite. He vows to never marry and to never beget an heir. His callous, ruthless father's line will end with him. But his heart of stone is soon heated and softened when he catches one of the Romany band whipping a beautiful, flame-haired captive. His honor, not to mention, the lust she inspires soon has him paying a King's ransom to have her safe and under his control.
Catriona's life of a pampered English heiress is not only hundreds of miles away, but a lifetime, as well. Having been kidnapped and sold into slavery, she has managed to survive the ill-treatment at the hands of the gypsy's by using her wit and fiery temper. Until now, it has served her well. The tall, handsome gypsy may have bought her and become her savior, but she will not be passion's slave no matter the passionate attraction that exists between them. For when she escapes, she will return to London and reclaim what is hers including her innocence. Yet, little did Catriona expect to meet the dark, dangerous gypsy in the ballrooms of the haute ton. Will her need for revenge overshadow her undeniable passion and attraction to this man?

Wonderful tale of love, betrayal, loss, and redemption! The passion ignited the pages! Yet, the story of a love so strong it overcomes a bitterness so vast is soul-wrenching. This story had me crying both tears of joy and regret, along with the hero and heroine. Really one of the best stories I've read by Kat Martin. I, also, love the entwining of Regency England with the more wild legacy of the Gypsies. The hero and heroine have all too human weaknesses that empower them with a realism that demands empathy and understanding, if not compassion. I entirely gave my heart to both. Please read this wonderful tale! A solid five stars! favorites historical-romance regency-romance3 s Shellie223 7

4 - 4.5 stars. I so enjoy Kat Martin’s books and this one was really good! Although the whole book was good once they got back to England it really took off for me, especially d the build up to finding out who the other really was. I d the H/h a lot and thought they had good chemistry. Looking forward to reading the next one in this trio. france-french-revolution regency-1800-s series3 s Andria PotterAuthor 2 books83

3.5 ?. A decent historical romance but nothing memorable. May or may not write a longer review.2 s Darbella600

3.5 stars. Hero held on to his "vow" too long for me especially when it turns out part of his feelings towards his father was because his mom did not tell him the truth about him so that the hero would stay with her longer. I could accept that he still went to sleep with his mistress as he was falling in love with the heroine. (At least he told her it was over in front of the heroine. Was weird, but he did it). However, in the middle of the book he goes to an OW and has sex. Grrrrr! Still, I enjoyed most of the story. (The villain(s), the hero holding on to his vow against his father, and his sex with OW were the weak points for me).This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review2 s Beryl White-Bing20 2

Dark Man...neglected as a child....brooding figure...unable to accept love.....MY KIND OF ROMANCE!!!2 s 🅙𝔲𝔩𝔷924 63

Cheating 1 Rose Maria302 54


He was half gypsy.
The story was good upto middle....then draged...but the ending was ok.
I think I expected more from Kat Martin since my previous read of hers was excellent.disguised-heroine feisty-heroine hero-chasing-heroine ...more1 Missy891 25

A nice hot suspenseful read.

Poor sweet Catherine is kidnapped and sold to gypsies in France and ends up in a traveling gypsy caravan. She is about to be whipped again when Dominic steps in and buys her. He could not bear seeing such beautiful skin damaged and of course it doesn't hurt that she is also beautiful.

Even through Dominic is so handsome Catherine will not hand over her virtue. Soon they are spending lots of time together and they really start falling under each other's spell. Catherine still resists handing over her virtue. She realizes how much she is coming to Dominic and decides she really needs to escape before she is compromised. Dominic can't stop desiring her and starts planning something more....

Once they spend a passionate night together, Dominic desires more and puts forth his idea to Catherine. She is deaply offended and in the dead of night she escapes back to England. Dominic wants her back and even hires detectives to look for her but doesn't get far with just her first name...still he doesn't give up.

They will end up meeting again in the most unly of places....to find out that the fire is still burning bright. They will have to let down their walls to trust each other as someone is still after Catherine. With her life at stake will Dominic finally be able to say those special words or will it be too late?

This was a nice well written read with an adventurous storyline, loads of passion, danger, and intrigue. It was interesting to learn more about the gypsy way of life and honor.historicals1 Jultri1,125 5

Overly dramatic plot to milk angsty emotions out of the reader. While I'm not fully enamoured by her writing style which seems slightly superficial, the book was entertaining enough. H was quite the alpha make, a half gypsy peer, who was taken from his Gypsy mother's care in a rather abrupt fashion by his Marquess father. He struggled his whole life with his misplaced sense of belonging and for acceptance in either environments and remained resentful towards his father for his totalitarian treatment of H as a child as well as his rejection of H's mother. The heroine is of a rare breed, the actual heir of her father's earldom and one of the wealthiest women in England. She was abducted and removed from home and country to France and sold to wandering gypsies. Ownership exchanged hands and eventually she was bought by H . Even though she clearly was an English gently reared lady, he conveniently ignored her right to freedom and decided to keep her as his mistress. Both neglected to tell the other of their aristocratic backgrounds. Passion and mayhem followed as they battled each other, their pasts and futures as well as some baddies along the way.abduction angsty forced-into-marriage ...more1 Lucy Qhuay1,257 152

I have a big issue with romances where I don't feel the hero and heroine are equals in rights and dignity and this book was one more example of it.

I know Catherine eventually broke free of her 'slavery' and that, even before that, Dominic acknowledged she was more than a peasant woman, a Gadjo or someone outside the Romani people, he had bought for a king's ransom, but that situation still messed with my reading experience and made me quite frustrated sometimes.

If I don't feel the man and the woman aren't on equal footing, I don't feel that sense of rightness when they're together. Even if that's not quite what is actually happening, I feel that the man is taking advantage. It's not a pleasant feeling.

'Gypsy Lord' had some of the things I love the most in historical romances, gypsies, tortured heroes, secrets vendettas and unknown villains, yet it wasn't as enjoyable for me as the first book I read by Kat Martin, Innocence Undone.
historical-romance kickass-strong-heroines revs-my-engine ...more1 AnneAuthor 1 book50

I must admit, I loved this book. Domini is just the type of man that I , blur-black hair, dark eyes and sexy. The heroine I d also, a feisty redhead that would not let any man use her, even if it meant a whipping. But she needs to find out who sold her to the Gypsy caravan where she is rescued by Domini(Dominick) a 1/2 gypsy, 1/2 English Lord who has notr decided yet where he belongs, and has such hatred for his well born father that he swears never to marry and give him a heir. The adventures of these two will keep your interest from page one until the end. FRecommended.england europe historical ...more1 Haley575 12

theres something about gypsys...historical-romance1 Pam177

This is the story about Dominic the gypsy and Catrina. A great story.1 ? Miss Jennifer ? 36 4

This is without a doubt one of my new favorite Kat Martin books!!!!! Loved it!! favorites1 Natalija1,043 14

Just couldn't finish it. I was part way through when I realized I didn't care what happened to any of the characters. I just got bored! Maybe i'll try it again one day.storici-europa1 BlebeTanja434 51

I love gypsies!come-to-momma-bad-boy hero-droolworthy neither-wow-nor-meh1 Ana823 37

Scorching! Somebody dump me in ice, please. ;D1 Robin733 11

I have found a new love for Gypsies..hot, hot, hot. 1 Angela569 30

I don't know which is best: see the movie then read the book, read the book then see the movie?? Most of the time, I see the movie first, which is what happened with Gorky Park. I then read the book years ago. I had toured Moscow & Leningrad (St. Petersburg now) in 1977 so I appreciated the author's characterizations. In 1977 there was no way to really get to know any Russian, since tourists had limited contact and (yes) we were constantly watched. I love Renko's methodology and his commitment to the truth. So I keep reading the novels that star Arkady Renko and hope that Martin Cruz Smith keeps writing them. To date I have finished "Stalin's Ghost", "Stallion Gate", "Havana Bay", "Polar Star", "Red Square", "Wolves Eat Dogs"--and I even read "Rose" which is not part of the series and not as compelling, but it took me to a mining town in Victorian England and an unly mystery. Bravo Martin Cruz Smith. Dana63 2

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