
Minu de S.K. Ehra

de S.K. Ehra - Género: English
libro gratis Minu


S.K. Ehra Publisher: anonymous, Year: 2024

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Wow, just... Wow.
One of my rare, full 5 stars, absolutely deserved. What a journey! This book tore my heart to slowly put it back.
Evocative, atmospheric, and powerful; I loved everything of it.
The beautiful writing and poetic descriptions, the delicacy and the harshness of many moments.
The extraordinary world building, so rich and intricate I can't believe it was created solely for a stand alone novel.
The story, a bit Witcher, a bit horror, a bit mythical tale. One of a kind, hard to put a label to it, but that's what makes it unique and unexpected. For comparison, though completely different in story and themes, the vibe reminded me of Gaiman's beautiful novel, "The Ocean at the End of the Lane".
In one word, Minu is an absolute gem, one not to miss!fantasy ready-to-arc witchy-books4 s Erika Pelletier3 1 follower

(Mild spoilers warning)

Minu was such an adventure !!

Quite different from what I usually read, the beautiful cover draw me in but the story kept me captivated!

Although there IS action, I find it a slower read. But, as the author told me (I was given an ARC by her), «Books are wine, they're meant to be enjoyed in good time.» and I find it really was the case with this book ! The world building is intriguing, the prose is beautiful and the switch of POV (and tense !!) is really interesting. Instead of rushing into it I usually do, I enjoyed the read slower, taking time in the travel and the journey of the characters.

This is a beautiful story of growth and choices for the various characters, and the ending gives a great feeling a fulfilment.

I loved the « Witcher » vibe you got through it, and the Karakin’s part of the story kept me on the edge of my bed reading !!

The end opens for more questions, not on the principal characters, but others and the whole world. Will we see a follow-up book for it? I would def read it if there is one :)This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review1 Susan May588 11

First of all, I love the cover which is what drew me to the story. Secondly, a new author for me and all I can say is wow! A great readthat draws you in & keeps the pages turning. The author has a unique style that blends fantasy & horror into an intriguing read. The world building was exceptional and a wide variety of creatures which I love. Another author added to my favorites list.
Taniel ends up becoming an unwilling participant in the demon witches sickly games. She says she is helping him but leaves him damaged beyond repair. He considers himself a monster. He is held prisoner and pretty much gives up until one day he escapes. He searches for someone to help him & lets his wife Nesrin believe he is dead. She ends up finding out he is alive and sets out on her own quest to find him and bring him home. While they search for help they must also elude Karina the demon child sent by the witch to find Taniel and bring him back.
An intriguing story and I can't wait for more.1 Kim72

Favorite quote: "Second chances are never given to the deserving, are they?"

Minu was quite a lengthy read, and in my opinion, it could have been shorter, especially considering it's a standalone. However, despite its length, it delivered a compelling story with multiple points of view, each distinct and engaging in their own right.

The book truly tugged at my heartstrings, particularly with Nesrin, whose humor and sass provided a much-needed light amidst the darkness, and Taniel, who evoked genuine sympathy from me. The ending, although satisfying, felt a bit rushed, leaving some aspects unclear, especially concerning the fate of the children.

Nevertheless, the story was unique, and I found myself rooting for every character, even Minu, despite her misguided actions. Shirin's journey, in particular, left me feeling genuinely happy for her.1 Stachy12

Darker in tone than SK Ehra's previous outings, Minu is the story of what happens when heroes fail at their objectives and evil wins however, the story is not a hopeless one. The story features several characters who are left to pick up the pieces and try to live on despite the tolls of plague, loss, and corruption. The worldbuilding is excellently done and vividly described and the characters are well written and nuanced. 1 Mike3

Under the backdrop of an arcane plague born out of centuries of rage, SK weaves a tale of the real effects of woundedness, the price of forgiveness and the toll that healing takes.

Come for the page turning creepy monsters that haunt the crumbling roads of a civilization in free fall, stay to see if the bonds of family and friends can hold under so great a weight.1 OddManOut66628

I was an ARC reader for this book, but all opinions are my own.
There is some beautiful writing on display here. On a line by line level, this story outdoes a lot of other things I have read. I think there is also a strong message of trying to make a new life after trauma and loss.
I say 'I think' because much of the larger story threads and much of the lore can be very hard to follow. Nothing is explained about the world for chapters, then whole chapters are devoted to half explaining history. The overall tale is easy enough to follow, but the finer details get easily lost.
But, most of the characters are straight forward enough. Taniel is understandable and his motivation is clear, making his relationship to his wife a good linchpin for the story. Unfortunately, I didn't what to see them get back together as I was never really convinced he was a good partner. Additionally, everyone treats him an inexperienced teenager despite him being in his mid-twenties and several years into his profession. Other characters fair between, but time with him tended to bug me.
Still, there is something here for the beautiful prose and original story. Readingandbreastfeeding9

As with all the other books I review, I read this late at night when I couldn't sleep for child related reasons. This definitely impacted my relationship with the book.

The book gutted me. An exploration of grief, love, and redemption immediately after a cataclysmic widespread pandemic (sound familiar to anyone?) the book reckoned with parent child relationships and loss in several different forms. In addition to giving me some weird but beautifully themed stress dreams (the mythology and setting are compelling), it made me reflect seriously on being a mother and what that meant to both me and my child at different stages of our lives. I went back and reread some passages again in the clear light of day to appreciate them better.

I have read the author's other stuff, but this is their best yet This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review Durinfsfolk20 1 follower

SK Ehra was at the recent Williamsburg Book Festival (Feb. 24). I've finished the book and it was compelling. It combines detailed world-building (which does not get in the way of the story, but rather enhances it), a wide range of characters, and excellent dialogue.

The villain (the title character) does not view herself as a villain, but the heroine. These events are not her "first rodeo." As such, it also provides an interesting study of what constitutes villainy. The supporting characters are richly drawn and have their own story arcs. Some are heroic, others villainous in their own way.

It's worth reading and probably worth re-reading. I wouldn't say that about many books.fantasy-horror-asian-mythos1 Colleen Bursley11 2

SK has created a phenomenal fantasy which I can only relate to the writings of JRR Tolkien. The story draws you in imaginatively putting you right with each character as they put their lives on the line to right the evil that has been brought upon their world by the witch Minu.

This story has plenty of magic, evil, sorcery, commitment, and dedication. It keeps you wanting to turn the pages and stay with it until the end. For me it was hard to put down. I’ve read it twice and that says a lot as I don’t often do that. It would be well with reading a third time.

1 Bunny3

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