
Piano B de SJD Peterson

de SJD Peterson - Género: Italian
libro gratis Piano B


Danny Marshal ha sempre vissuto la vita al massimo, ma il suo aspetto androgino è solo una piccola parte di ciò che è. Una sera, al party di una confraternita, incontra Lance Lenard, giocatore di football e apparentemente etero. Lance è scioccato quando si trova immediatamente attratto dal lato femmineo di Danny: è felice di essere l'oggetto dei primi esperimenti omosessuali dell'atleta, almeno finché Lance non inizia ad avere difficoltà con il fatto che, nonostante l'apparenza, Danny è un uomo.


Per tutta la vita Lance si è concentrato sul suo obiettivo di entrare a far parte della National Football League. Sa che quel sogno verrebbe infranto se qualcuno venisse a conoscenza del suo piccolo segreto. Anche se Lance è arrivato a desiderare il tocco di Danny, non vuole dare al ragazzo ciò che egli desidera: un compagno orgoglioso di amare con ogni sgargiante e sarcastica cellula del suo corpo.


La vita manda Danny e Lance in due diverse direzioni, ognuno concentrato sul proprio piano A. Ma anche i piani meglio congegnati a volte vanno a monte.

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OMG... I love the cover and the book is just Fabulous!

This is a stunningly executed character driven, emotional drama, which delves deep into souls of two very unly MC’s. Ms Peterson did not leave me wanting for a moment in this book, I eagerly turned the pages to delve into the world of Danny and Lance, poles apart, with nothing in common yet we see misconstrued perceptions change and a relationship borne of secrecy develop with both men unable to abate the attraction they have for each other. It is also a journey of discovery for our two very complex characters, putting their differences aside they find an unly friendship blossom and grow and with Lance having no prior experience with men they were a couple of teenagers experimenting for the first time, with the sexual tension between them palpable and left me holding my breath in anticipation… these two were definitely hot and heavy in the bedroom!

Danny Marshall is all Broadway and bright lights, overly confident and not ashamed of it, his attitude being – If you've got it flaunt it! So with all his eccentricities, a Frat House party was his worst nightmare! Compounded when a drunk and intense Jock left him speechless for once… was it lust he had seen in the Jocks eyes? there was just something about him and it was eating into his consciousness and he just couldn't seem to shake the feeling. Danny is selfish and doesn't do relationships, his love is the theatre with its face paints and sparkles… and if he is the centre of attention, then all the better. So obsessing over a drunk Frat Jock was unnerving and totally out of character!

Everyone has a Kink and for Lance it is men who are pretty, feminine and not afraid to display it, only Lance, who is straight, has never acted upon it and being a football playing Jock having the gorgeous creature on your arm turn out to be a man rather than a woman didn't quite sit right in the equation! But with Danny he can’t help himself, every fibre of his being is attracted to the flamboyant boy with his make up, tight trousers and spiked heels, and trying to stay away was not an option.

Danny was under no illusion that they would ever be more than Jerk off buddies! Lance had a plan which he had been working towards ever since he could remember and he was resolute and determined to achieve his goal – and that was to play NFL Football. Danny also has a plan, his being to see his name in lights in a leading role on Broadway. So mix that up with having nothing in common, sexuality confusion, secrecy, misunderstanding, lack of communication, touch of the green eyed monster and NO… Plan B! You just know it’s not going to be pretty…

The story unfolds from Danny’s POV and we stay with him right to the end, he may be brash, a bit of a smartass who loves to be the centre of attention with the clothes and make up to prove it but inside he is actually sweet and endearing, if a little frustrating and although we don’t get a peak into Lance’s thoughts, he is so affectionate and doting with Danny, I just found him adorable. But when the honeymoon period is over, what are we left with?

Danny is the biggest drama queen going, he had his pouty moments and his sarcastic retorts full of acrimony and Lance had his shockingly inconsiderate moments and they were also both selfish and driven by ambition. Yet the signs were there for them to see, but they chose to ignore them, instead preferring to accept it as casual rather than seeing it for what it was. I have to say I found them both extremely frustrating at times and some of their behaviour made me so cross, but this is a tale full of emotion and drama and I couldn't put it down… I loved it and there is a very nice HEA!

For more , please check out our blog...Sinfully Sexy Book Reviews you can now also find us on... Facebooklgbt70 s Nancy557 821

Posted at Shelf Inflicted

Danny is such a girl:

“I grabbed my new white, waist-length coat with black fur trim around the hood and slipped it on. Yes, I’d bought it in the junior girls’ section and I fucking loved it. All soft and snuggly. Loved the way the fur felt around my face when I put up the hood. I’m a very tactile, as well as visual, guy.”

But there’s no question he’s all man:

“Sure, I took some ribbing for it, a few nasty insults tossed my way here and there when I walked by, even had some old guy ask me if I was a boy or girl. I answered by cupping the bulge in my pink skinny jeans and asking, “Would you me to show you?””

After my disappointing experience with The Girl For Me, I was a little worried that I wouldn’t enjoy this story. There were lots of similarities in the plot, even in the main character’s name. It turns out my worries were unfounded. This story was told beautifully, with lots of humor and heart. Right from the beginning, I fell in love with Danny.

Danny is a busy theater major who doesn’t do relationships. He has big plans for the future, and no time for anything more than casual encounters. That all changes when he attends a frat party with his best friend, Bo, and is captivated by the rugged and muscular Lance, whose goal is to be a big football star.

Though Lance is very attracted to Danny, he sure has a funny way of showing it. He behaved terribly at the party and I’ll admit I didn’t the way he treated Danny in the beginning. But Danny’s no pushover and he gave as good as he got. I love their relationship buildup and Lance’s conflicting feelings. He’s deep in the closet and not yet ready to take the next step in their relationship. It’s too late for Danny, as his heart is now involved.

Both men are young, selfish, and wildly immature at times. They make decisions hastily which creates a lot of unnecessary turmoil in their relationship, but what can you expect from 21-year-old college students? Since this story was told from Danny’s perspective, I could feel his emotions keenly, reminding me of the confusion and chaos of my own young life. I loved Danny and Lance, Bo and his girlfriend, Katie, and all the fully developed colorful supporting characters. The tense, heartbreaking and sad moments made the ending so sweet and satisfying. This story was a joy to read.e-books erotic-romance hearts-on-fire- ...more63 s * Meli Mel *856 672

??? 4.25 STARS ???

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

"Sometimes Plan B is the real dream come true."

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?

I could see it in his eyes. He was seeing
me. Not the dolled-up feminine façade he'd first been attracted to, but me, without makeup, and stubble on my chin. He saw me, Daniel Anderson Marshal, man.

?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?

Meet Danny Marshal...

He was a totally different character to what I am use to when reading m/m. He loves makeup, hair, accessories, and of course, his passion, which is acting in theatre. And I loved him to pieces. The story was told in his fun pov. He may look quite "feminine" on ocassion, but he is still very much a man. His biggest dream is to be a big star on broadway, which is why he doesn't mind being the centre of attention. Danny is confident, flamboyant, selfish, sarcastic, a drama queen but also such a great friend.

His carefree life is turn upside down when he meets a jock, Lance Lenard at a frat party. Lance will not stop staring at him, and after the first words that come out of his mouth are insulting, Danny hopes to never see him again. Yet, he still can't shake off the weird feeling his stare caused. Lance soon pursues him in hopes to apologize and become friends. Danny is not interested in his friendship, but soon gives in. They start hanging out with each other but the attraction becomes too strong for both of them to deny.

?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?

"I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared, because I am. I don't know if I am as brave as you are or your friends. But I'm done being miserable. I'm done missing you and wondering where you are. Driving myself crazy wondering who you're with." He brushed his lips against mine and spoke with our flesh touching. "I do know that I love you, all the rest is just details."

?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?

Then there is Lance Lenard...

the jock with the dream to make it into the NFL. He will do anything to get it. But he has a secret. He is attracted to feminine men. This information could mean the end of his career before it has even started. So he hasn't revealed it to anyone. When he crosses paths with Danny in his glitter, tight clothing, and six inch heels, it is lust at first sight. He can't stay away from him. And even though he has never tried being with a guy, Danny makes him want to try with him.

Lance was a bit hard for me to at first because I didn't understand him. I didn't get what his intentions were with Danny, did he want to fuck him or did he want more? I wasn't sure. He was lost and hadn't come to terms with the fact that he was gay. He hid the truth behind his relationships with girls. Danny agrees to help him with experimenting with him to see what Lance feels. Soon after, they become jerk off buddies.

?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?

"You panic when I get a paper cut or stub my toe."
"That's because the thought of anything marring this perfect body drives me insane."
"You mar me all the time."
"Those are love marks, which only enhance your perfection."
"You're such a big sap."
"But I'm your sap."
"Yes, you are."

?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?

As more time passes by, the more closer they seem to get. But Danny still guards his heart, after all, he doesn't do relationships. I loved how tender they were with each other, and how much passion there was between them. The sexual tension was always high and they seemed to not be able to control themselves. It was so cute how they would snuggle with each other. Again, I had a hard time liking Lance when it seemed that he continued to want to keep Danny as his dirty little secret. I know he was afraid, and I get that he had a lot to lose, he had worked so hard to get where he was at, but I wish he would have been less of a coward at times. I mean, Lance didn't even have a Plan B if football failed, that's how determined he was to make his dream happen. Danny got that. He knew their arrangements was with no strings attatched. But soon, feelings started growing. And because they don't communicate, things start getting bad between them. They become jealous of misunderstandings and hurt each other. My heart broke for them, I just wanted them to be together.

?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?

" stupid jocks who don't have a Plan B."
"Do you have one now?"
"Yeah, I do." Lance took our joined hands and ran them down my cheek. "I want to be as happy as my sister and Bo are... I can only do that if I have you in my life. You're my Plan B, Danny."

?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?

There were a lot of emotions that I was feeling while reading this. I felt happy, sad, mad, and frustrated. I so badly wanted things to work out for them. There was a separation period and my heart was hurting for how much time had gone by. But it was really necessary. These two characters had so much growing up to do. They were both selfish, did things they shouldn't have, were ambitious, but under all that, they genuinely cared for each other. That is what kept me turning the page and had me not wanting to stop. They were adorable together. My only wish would have been to have a few chapters in Lance's POV. That would have made this book better. But overall, I really d it. The ending was super cute. I really loved their HEA conclusion. I actually wish it would have continued, I loved it that much. I also want to mention that Bo was such an awesome best friend to Danny. I really d him. It was such a great sweet and sexy emotional read.

hot-guys-that-play-sports i-am-not-gay-or-am-i male-pov ...more45 s Tanu Gill574 263

Danny, you rock!

I fell in love with the awesome character of Danny, and I really felt for the helpless Lance. My heart was beating super fast for the entirety of the book, because it seemed as if there was no end to the tension and that I would snap at any second.

The push and pull that was Lance and Danny's relationship went through so many ups and downs, I feel as if I've had a couple rounds in my washing machine.

I loved Danny and Bo's friendship. The way they were always there for each other just made me deliriously happy and remember my own great friends, who've been there for me in every big moment, be it a celebration or recovery.

I love the way the moment of HEA just dragged till the end. It was so much sweeter for that. My heart broke for Danny, for the sheer amount of pain his heart went through, and for Lance, for how he couldn't be with Danny despite the intensity of his feelings for him.

There is just one thing that irked me. Danny and Lance got a very abrupt HEA. I wanted Lance to elaborate his Plan B, but the author made do by saying that Danny being Lance's first priority was his Plan B. And it felt a bit unfinished to me. Also, there was no mention in the epilogue of what Lance ended up doing. I would've d to know about it.

But all in all, a good book. I'm not so sure I'd revisit it. But if I do, it would only be for Danny.35 s Camille1,618 52

DNF @ 40%

1st person POV...terribly done.
All telling.
No GFY tension whatsoever.
Poor writing.
Weird shifts.
Info dumps.
Unnatural dialogue.
Cardboard, cliche characterisations.
Chick-lit "I can't get attached" exposition.
Manufactured drama/issues.
Boring. did-not-finish gay-for-you m-m-rom-erotica28 s Angela Bee Bee716 135

My favorite book of 2013
Plan B

"I’m not gay.” He shook his head vigorously, then stopped and hung his head.
He sounded so miserable when he whispered "Am I?"


Absolutely loved watching this straight boy lose control, and the sexy sassy flamboyant guy fall for him hard, gobsmacked and awestruck.
A bit heavy on the sex and fantasy stuff, but the romance was enough to make it work for me.

I really cared for these young college guys, struggling with their horniness and emotions and trying to figure what the heck was happening.
I was prepared for the three years later bomb. Had I not known I would have been a hot mess.

I was waiting with baited breath for every new word or move from Lance. I just d him. I want to hug him all over. Loved it.

I understand this might not be everyone's cuppa, but it's mine.

We cant chose what or who we’re attracted to, and there isn’t always any rhyme or reason to it.favorites-all-time favorites-pubd-2013 man-on-man ...more27 s Elsa Bravante1,145 199

Le daría tres estrellas a la historia y cuatro a la voz de Danny, el protagonista, pero lo voy a dejar en tres.

Danny, dueño del POV y dueño de todo el libro, gay, estudiante de teatro, fan del maquillaje, la ropa, divertido, abierto, con una vida en la que nunca se ha escondido, conoce a Lance cuyo sueño es jugar al fútbol americano y que nunca se había planteado mantener una relación con un hombre. Se conocen, experimentan y se enamoran, pero la vida es complicada...

No soy fan de los GFY, no lo era ni cuando no sabía que eran problemáticos para mucha gente, no es que me parezcan bien o mal, es que no creo en ellos. Empecé este libro temiendo lo peor, pero la realidad ha sido que en ningún momento he sentido que el libro lo fuera, para mi está claro que Lance se ha sentido atraído por hombres anteriormente, no es un GFY, es un chico bisexual que nunca había conocido a la persona que le empujase a dar un paso que le supondría que muchas cosas en su vida cambiaran y que se tuviera que enfrentar a situaciones nada agradables.

La voz de Danny es maravillosa, leer sus pensamientos y sentimientos, un chico divertido, realista y seguro de si mismo. Pero, la relación con Lance no me ha terminado de convencer, se ha centrado tanto la autora en lo que supone esa experimentación sexual para Lance, que en el camino me he perdido dónde pasa eso a ser amor. Sé que lo es porque los protagonistas hablan de ello, pero no porque la autora me lo haya hecho sentir así, solo el último tercio del libro me ha parecido que su relación destilaba emoción.

De todas formas, lo que me ha parecido más interesante de la historia es el hecho de que porque uno tenga unos gustos sexuales u otros uno de los protagonistas deba elegir entre un sueño, jugar en la NFL, o un amor. Bastante triste. Y, unido a esto lo que más me ha sorprendido es leer muchas reseñas del libro criticando a Lance por su comportamiento. Queremos que los autores nos den historias más o menos verosímiles, pero cuando nos presentan personajes que lo son, ya no nos gusta, no estamos dispuestos a perdonarles todo lo que no sea un comportamiento intachable, y no es así como somos, perfectos, incluidos aquellos que no perdonan algunas acciones. El comportamiento de Lance a lo largo del libro puede no gustar y puede no ser perfecto, pero es real, y es más, creo que es fácil de comprender. Es muy fácil decir que no hay que vivir escondido, pero es muy complicado en según qué situaciones llevar eso a cabo. Lance es un chico criado dentro de una familia tradicional norteamericana que ha estado toda su vida preparándose para jugar en la NFL, llevar públicamente una relación homosexual, ¿qué puede significar para él? Hay que ser valiente para dar un giro así a tu vida, y aunque todos sabemos qué es lo mejor y lo correcto, no es tan fácil. Por eso, me gustara o no lo que leía, podía entenderle perfectamente.

Quizás no es un gran libro, pero te hace reflexionar, no me entristece o cabrea (o sí, pero de otra manera) que uno de los protagonistas quiera llevar una relación homosexual a escondidas, lo que de verdad, de verdad me entristece y cabrea es la razón por la que quiere hacerlo, el por qué, es eso lo que está mal y hay que cambiar, lo otro es solo una consecuencia.college contemporany-romance m-m ...more23 s Macky1,905 231

Edit: First read 11/2/2013 ... Re-read 8/4/2014: I loved this first time around, I loved it even more the second! Nuff said!

From the first page I knew I was going to really enjoy Plan B. Danny is full of it - über Flamboyant, flippant and individual. Androgynous enough to be mistaken as female but far from ' girly' in attitude he's larger than life and comfortable with who he is. Out and proud he lives life with a "this is who I am, deal with it" attitude and that also applies to relationships, sex is fine and fun but relationships are not on his agenda until the night he goes to a frat party with his best friend Bo, who's got the hots for a girl ( Katie) there. At the party Danny finds himself being ogled by a brooding jock - Lance. Their first meeting doesn't go too well and for the first time his confidence is shaken but he can't stop thinking about Lance who's straight but seems to have a strange fascination for Danny .. No guessing where the story goes from that point!
GFY stories can be either hit or miss, for me this was a hit. Admittedly there are parts that you could question and the relationship does have its moments of exasperation but the chemistry and connection between Lance and Danny is so compelling that it makes it hard to put the book down!! I've read it in practically one sitting and a lot of that is to do with how much I loved Danny's persona, he's definitely a stand out character, in fact the whole cast of characters help to make this a very enjoyable read and thats why it gets 5 stars from moi!! Love the cover too. Yum!! :D
Recommended! :)

21 s Ingie1,392 168

4.5 Stars for a heartwarming, tender and very touching young love story

I love it all. I adore this two boys and their newly awakened desire and search for true love. Wow, this was "heart & pain" and a wonderful read. So very pleased!!

Danny s to add a little eye shadow on the eyelids, paint a little lip gloss on his lips and challenge with a little feminine touch. Lance is the straight football guy who is attracted to his opposite. Two guys at Collage entering a partially secret acquaintance who might be a future relationship ....

This novel offers a wonderful story - it's great emotions, heat, happiness, tears, pain and betrayal. Two guys who are both incredibly strong but also so weak sometimes. For me, it feels realistic and life. Sometimes is it maybe a little sentimental told, but I'm a romantic girl who want big emotions.... One from me now herewith, to you M/M or NA lovers, recommended sweet NA romance about two lovely young men and grand love.

I enjoyed it all the way to the last word - almost perfect score! Rounded up to five strong stars because I'm so proud, happy and grateful for a M/M book with such a great looking book cover. Finally - classy and just super!

I - huge!

books-i-read-2013 c-amazing-5-stars-2013 romance-m-m-novels22 s BevS2,780 2

I loved this book 4.5 stars

Danny, a flamboyant student, who sounds as though he looked absolutely fabulous whenever he went out, and Lance, college jock, in the closet and afraid to come out, who was completely bowled over when he first met Danny, and I think, lost his heart there and then.

Again, many have been done giving this book the highest praise, and I'd to add my voice to that praise, a wonderful book featuring believable characters. I was so glad they overcame their problems and I had my HEA!!feel-good hot-as-hell in-the-closet ...more18 s BWT2,193 237

This book has been on my radar since February of 2014 when I read a particularly great review for it. Then I read the /ratings of my other friends here on GR and it was all four and five stars.

Everyone raved at what a sweet GFY this was; in fact, out of all of my friends and acquaintances only one person gave a less than stellar review/rating and two starred this (Andrew - WTF, dude? No review? You could've saved me...) So when this came up in DSPs Dollar Deals I was SO EXCITED!! And then I got a whispersync deal...HUZZAH!

I started it right when I left for work. So, so excited.

The story starts with Danny Marshal, an unapologetically out and proud gay 20 year old theater major at the University of Michigan, getting dragged by his best friend Bo (Bogart Humphrey *snicker*) to a frat party so Bo can put the moves on this girl, Katie. Danny's pretty upfront with all his snarky thoughts, sarcasm and attitude. While at the party Danny keeps getting the feeling he's being watched. He finally spots the guy responsible for setting his spidey senses a'tingling and the guy's a big hulking jock.

The jock turns out to be Katie's twin brother, Lance Lenard. Lance who is drunk, has been staring at Danny, has made Danny spill his beer all over himself, tops off his assholery by then asking Danny in front of everyone, "Do you suck dick?"

So great start, right?

Turns out Lance is a great football player with one goal - to get to the NFL. That's it. No plan "b" (get it? *nudge, nudge*). Lance is also really curious, he's had one encounter with a drag queen stripper, so he's beginning to realize he s the boys that look girls.

So he and Danny start hooking up. Surreptitiously you know...on the down low. So down low not even his sister or Bo are aware of it. Or anyone else.

At this point it's always Danny doing most of the giving - giving all the concessions, blow jobs, pleasure...while Lance mostly takes. Sure he's gets in on some mutual jerk-off and hand job sessions, but is his mouth anywhere near Danny's dick?

At the 45% mark is when this completely went off the rails for me. You can scroll down and look at my status updates, because, seriously? At one point I thought I was going to have a fucking aneurysm.

After some more complete fuckery Danny decides to break up with Lance because this obviously isn't going anywhere. Because Lance is all about getting to the NFL - and the NFL doesn't gays.

So they break up. Eventually Danny goes to a smokin' hot club on his 21st birthday to get laid. And ends up leaving with Lance. And finally Lance reciprocates!

Danny gets some cock choke karma payback in...and then, after spending the night with Lance, leaves without a note, goodbye or explanation.

Then the story time jumps THREE YEARS. Three years later...Danny is dating some dancer named Kyle (who lives in Chicago) but Danny is living in New York...and I cannot convey to you the amount of fucks I did not give by this point.

Danny gets a big part in an off Broadway play and decides to break up with Kyle. Then because Bo knocks up Katie, Danny ends up seeing Lance again. Who has realized that now his NFL career is on the way out (shoulder injury) he can love Danny openly now. Then they get back together and live happily ever after. The end.

This contained several things I hate:

* Hiding who you are
* Miscommunication
* Unnecessary angst
* Breakup for your own good even though it's killing me
* Weird time jumps

Is this well written? Yes.

Is this narrated well? YES. Andrew McFerrin does a fantastic job.

So did I enjoy this? Nope.

Would I recommend this? NOPE.

Did everyone else (except Andrew) love this? Yep.

This is just another case where I'm in the minority again.2015 audiobook mm-fiction16 s Sara 1,505 154

Sometimes Plan B is the real dream come true.
Ack! Why the hell did it take me so long to read this? This was perfection. This was amazing. This was romantic and hot and swoony and heartbreaking and agnsty and I fucking loved it!

Danny Marshall is a boy with flair whom I adore. Oh how I love this boy. I loved his friendship with Bo and how being that friend led him to a boy with steel-grey eyes who asks the most insane and inappropriate questions at parties. Danny is fabulous if he is dressed to a T or simply in a T with seats and a baseball cap. He is just one of those boys that have it. What Danny doesn’t have or know he wants at the time is a JOB; a jerk-off buddy. Of course we don’t always get our plans handed to us the way he want and Danny gets his over coffee. I fell for Danny instantly and felt each emotion he was going through. Even the spine tingling ones that had me squirming as I read them.
His body felt so good against mine and he was so gorgeous in his pleasure that I could have come just from watching him. I didn’t want this moment to end, but I couldn’t not move and I couldn’t look away.
Lance…oh good lord, Lance! What a disaster of a boy he was at times and yet the things that could come out of his mouth were so honest it was impossible to not feel for him. From him telling Danny he d his other look better to his retelling of his lap dance, this boy had my heart in a vice. I wanted him to figure out what he wanted, needed and could handle. Yes, he made me beyond frustrated but I wanted him to be okay. I wanted him to be with Danny.
I promise you, Danny, all of you is part of my fantasy.
The attraction between Danny and Lance was done so well. I bought it hook line and sinker and was floating on a cloud of pure happiness and good while reading their story. This being my first book from the author I am impressed by the work of this wonderful story. I still have a big fat grin on my face and love how it all ended.

Plan B was what I needed at the exact right time. I needed to feel. I needed to fall in love with two boys who were fun, who were flirty and who were so head over heels for the other even when they were so stubborn it was worth it to get that end. Sigh. I am in a wonderful place right now. Just…yeah.
“I admit I was a little freaked out after seeing you.”
“I have that effect on people, I’m kind of freaky.”
“I wouldn’t use that description.”
“No? What description would you use?”

boys-who-love-boys can-t-miss-book cover-love ...more16 s Karel279 65

Pretty okay book.

Just wanted to comment on Lance's creep level, which is pretty high. I mean, shit, this guy scares me. He first appeared with bloodshot eyes. Stalked Danny around. Showed up at his theater performances without an invitation. Called him. Texted him. Stared at Danny. Stared a lot at Danny. Zoned out mid-party and stared vacantly at stuff. Followed Danny into his room and refused to leave.

The only thing stopping this from being a crime novel is the lack of a dead body, and it's definitely not from a lack of opportunity.

Good thing I love stalker creeps.

In novels, I mean.

I would call the cops on such a person in real life.

nomance17 s Papie751 157 Read

DNF at 25%

Is this one of those books that didn’t age well? Because homophobia and transphobia are not hot. Dude. Not even one bit.

First encounter. Lance, big straight jock, to Danny, wearing makeup and flamboyant clothes: “Do you suck dick?”

And not because he was offering…

Me: …

Third (fourth?) encounter.
Lance, telling a story about a hot stripper giving him a lap dance. He keeps referring to her as a chick. And then.

“That stripper ground against me.” He pressed a kiss to the side of my neck and I had to stifle a moan. A moan that caught in my throat when he said, “His dick was nearly as hard as my own.”

Me: And I’m out of here. dnf17 s Sheri1,413 180

There are many reasons that I fall under the spell of an enticing story. Sometimes it’s a stormy plot. Often it’s nail-biting angst. This time I was lured in by a captivating and bright soul named Danny. His sassy and smart mouth made my lips quirk, as did his bold personality. I adored his honest heart, was drawn in by his brassy wit and longed for his happiness. Our first impression of Lance isn’t quite as glorious. However, he immediately regrets his behavior and strives to turn things around. You see, he is just as enthralled by Danny. He finds Danny tempting but can’t allow himself to take what he wants because he has this pesky thing called….a plan. His plan is simple. It’s straightforward. It doesn’t permit any detours or alternate routes. He must keep his eyes on the endgame. He’s worked too hard to lose sight of his dreams when he’s this close. But his heart won’t listen and yearns for something and someone who he can’t have on his current path. Maybe it’s time for him to embrace the power of another option. Plan B has never looked so good. And I can’t wait for you to join along on this fabulous ride.

What's to : Being a Michigander myself, I enjoyed the setting immensely. I’m more of a green and white girl but that doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate blue and gold as well. From their everyday campus living to their road trips, I thought things were presented true to form. Not that I necessarily enjoyed a certain road trip but it served as an important catalyst. Lance is spreading his sexual wings and Danny is more than happy to guide him. The sexual awakening was seriously steamy. I enjoyed how the sexy was balanced with sweet. There is heat but there is also romance.

What's to love: This story is powerfully driven by spunky and spirited characters. I adored their passion and was devastated when I thought the original plan was going to remain in effect. I loved Danny and Bo’s relationship. I thought Katie and Lance were bubbly and charming. I love a tightly bound pair of siblings, and they warmed my heart. I was fascinated with Danny and his pride and courageous heart. I ached when the crossroads took them in different directions. And I was flabbergasted when the time-shifted forward. But! I was so happy I could hardly feel my face by the end of the book. So of course, I felt guilty for doubting Peterson. Bit of a rollercoaster by wow, what a journey!

Beware of: Hurtful words and a poor first impression. Denial and self-doubt. Self-discovery and acceptance. And a press of the fast forward button that may leave you fumbling. Never fear, the future is a bright and beautiful place to be.

This book is for: If you are drawn to young love and enjoy endearing coming-of-age stories, this contingency plan might be just what you need.

Book UNfunkboyz-luvin-boyz luv-2-reread still-smiling15 s Mirjana **DTR - Down to Read**1,418 778

***4.25 Never Apologize for Who You Are Stars***

I don't hide behind the flair. I thrive and feel free within its folds.

This book was such a pleasant surprise. I was a little worried this was going to be HEAVY on the angst, but it was just perfect. Told entirely in Danny's point of view, you get to feel every bit of the roller coaster of emotions he's going through.

Danny was such a great character! He was comfortable and confident in who he was. He was a bit androgynous with a flair for funky hair and wild makeup, who dreamed of being a Broadway star. But underneath all that pizzazz and color he was all man....man with some sass!

...even had some old guy ask me if I was a boy or a girl. I answered by cupping the bulge in my pink skinny jeans and asking "Would you me to show you?"

No matter what reaction I got, I'd still rather be an individual dressing the way I want, than a sheep that follows the rest of the crowd.

Danny meets Lance at a frat party. Lance is a little drunk and says some very inappropriate and harsh things to Danny. Danny lashes out with his usual spunk and snark and leaves. But then, Lance spots Danny out and apologizes for his behavior. Danny is reluctant to accept, but does so because Lance seems genuine and there's something about him that Danny just can't shake.

The two form an unly semi-friendship...the future Broadway star and the football jock. Danny thinks he sees lust and attraction in Lance's eyes, but that can't be right since Lance is clearly straight. But as much as he tries, he just can't get Lance out of his head, or apparently out of his life since the guy starts showing up everywhere. One thing leads to another and the two share a kiss...a scorching HOT kiss.

After that, the dynamic of their friendship changes. Danny believes Lance is just experimenting and tries to keep his heart and feelings as far away from him as he can. They'll just be Jerk Off Buddies and when Lance realizes he's not really into guys, they'll hug goodbye and part ways.

Only Danny can't keep his emotions away. Lance is passionate, tender, sweet, romantic, caring, possessive and all of the wonderful things Danny's heart is yearning for...

I could see it in his eyes. He was seeing ME. Not the dolled-up feminine facade he'd first been attracted to, but me, without makeup, and stubble on my chin. He saw me, Daniel Anderson Marshal, man. The look in his eyes told me he d what he saw, and my fucking chest squeezed so tight I could barely breathe.

Except Lance is never going to admit he's gay. He's never going to be out and proud. He's never going to be okay with walking down the street holding Danny's hand. His dream is to become an NFL player, there is no Plan B.

I went through every emotion with Danny. From attraction to passion to jealousy to happiness to frustration. I loved being inside his head. It would have been nice to see exactly what Lance was thinking and feeling, but not having that little bit of information really added to the angsty deliciousness of the story. Even through Danny's eyes you could sense Lance's turmoil and inner struggle.

"I don't understand you."

"It's okay. I don't understand me either."

This would have been an easy five star read if it weren't for a few issues in the last 20%. I felt the ending was a bit rushed and certain things came a little too easy. I also feel some of both Danny and Lance's actions were out of character. It didn't ring true or feel authentic. And a time jump only added to this frustration.

After ending things with Lance, I don't believe Danny would just quit and leave college to go and lick his wounds. He gushed about the acting program at the school, and I couldn't believe he would give that all up because of Lance. I also find it hard to believe that Lance and Danny would have never seen in each other in three years, especially with Bo (Danny's best friend) and Rachel (Lance's twin sister) still dating. And I don't think in one day Lance could flip his switch and be okay with being out.

However, the sweet epilogue made up for issues that I had and ended the book on a high note. I will definitely be checking out more books by this author!4-star can-i-see-some-id mm ...more16 s Jewel1,845 271

I love this particular trope - the jock and the really out and proud gay man. I guess I love seeing examples of people so determined to be exactly who they are, without apology and finding that one person who fits with them.

Danny lives his life out loud, just as the blurb says. He doesn't "blend". He's colorful and flamboyant and proud of who he is. He's comfortable in his own skin, I guess, and I love that quality in a person. Lance, on the other hand, is a pretty typical jock. He wants to fit in and be accepted, but un Danny, Lance is willing to compromise his own identity to achieve that. Lance wants to play in the NFL and he has no plan B.

Lance is so much in denial for a good portion of the book, it doesn't shock me that it took him so long to catch on to the fact that he's gay. He spends most of his time around other jock's and he's not really attracted to other jock types. In his case, he is attracted to Danny's more feminine side.

Their inevitable breakup made me sad, and I wanted to be mad at Danny for not giving Lance more of a chance, but, Lance really wasn't ready and I don't think he would have been ready for a long time. And being Lance's dirty little secret really wasn't fair to Danny. Danny was the strong one and he did what needed to be done, even though it hurt hell.

When they came back together again, I was at the edge of my seat waiting for them to realize that what they feel for each other doesn't come along every day and to seize that chance. The ending made me happy.
four-stars mm time-period-contemporary ...more16 s Kaje HarperAuthor 80 books2,587

I really enjoyed meeting Danny, a flamboyant 20-year-old college student with a sense of style and a joy in life. His narrative voice was fun, and the writing generally engaged me. His tentative relationship with the bi-curious/closeted football player Lance progresses slowly, and with an arc that for the most part seems to fit both characters. Lance's enjoyment of Danny's cross-dressing was refreshing.

Danny is a theater major and his penchant for drama, and his immaturity, play into his tendency to arbitrarily decide things aren't working and back off, leaving Lance hanging. He is realistically self-centered and black-and-white in his world view. (A very true-to-college-students situation. It's as irritating in real life as it is in fiction.) This felt true to his character, but had the effect of making the real issue between the two guys carry a tinge of misunderstanding with it that diluted my sympathy just a bit. There is also a time-skip between crisis and resolution where I'd have d to see a little more of what happened and how Danny felt first hand. The end of the book felt a bit rushed relative to the nice slow arc of the beginning.

I think this genre benefits from having a wider array of gay men with attitudes and styles that cover the range of human experience, and Danny is a welcome addition to that group. m-m16 s *J* Too Many Books Too Little Time1,921 3,708

3.5 Stars!!

I enjoyed this one.....but it didn't wow me!

I really loved Danny. His character was so refreshing. He didn't care what anyone thought about him. He didn't act they way others would want him to. He was sarcastic and fun. He wasn't afraid to show who he really was and be who he wanted to be.

Lance on the other hand, I had a hard time liking. He meets Danny at a frat party. Danny happens to be dressed rather feminine at the time. Lance is attracted to Danny and eventfully Danny let's Lance use him to experiment.

In the process Danny develops real feelings for Lance. But Lance has one plan in life, no Plan B, and that plan is to play in the NFL. A plan where he has no intentions of coming out as gay. So where does that leave Danny?

I loved how Danny stood up for himself once he knew he had feelings for Lance. He didn't Lance continue to keep what he had with Danny a secret. He called him out on the fact that he would always choose his Plan A....and therefore Danny followed his plan and his dreams. Even if that meant he had to lose Lance.

I wasn't a huge fan of the three year time jump at the end. I felt just as things were getting somewhere, Danny and Lance took another step back. Yes, they ultimately got their HEA but I just felt there wasn't enough development of their relationship leading up to there.

Overall it was an enjoyable read with some sweet and hot moments. male-action15 s .Lili. 1,199 257

This was so freakin' good! I've had this one on my TBR for a while. It had been forgotten "In the Land of the Lost" that is my iPad. I ran across it by accident and decided to read it- so glad I did. This a great one to read if you enjoy N/A and GFY romances. 4.5 stars! ? m-m17 s Eugenia1,734 286

I freaking LOVED the cover to this book. LOVED IT. You see, I’m a complete cover slut. Always have been, always will be. A marketer’s dream I am.

Sadly, though, I did not love the story that came after this gorgeous cover. At times, I d the story. At times it was seriously “meh.” Here and there I came upon little sparkly bits of promise and thought, “Ok, here we go.” But the sparkly bits lost their shine very quickly.

Danny, our lovely actor who loves to wear heels and make-up is our tour guide here. Lance, our football jock who is a bit more than curious really does it for Danny. After all, Danny gets to play with a straight boy—fun for him. And Lance, well Lance gets to play with Danny and his sparkly bits.

Thing is, Danny falls for Lance. Lance falls for Danny. Lance is committed to his plan A: NFL (aka no gay Lance, no make up wearing “buddy”).

This book should have been hotter that it was. Something was missing in the character of Danny. Maybe we just heard his thoughts way too much. Maybe I shouldn’t have read this after rereading The Queen and the Homo Jock King. Whatever the case, as much as I loved his attitude in respect to his sexuality and how he looked, there was something off.

Lance was a football jock attracted to an effeminate man. He was scared shitless of being found out. Ya, that’s kinda shitty, but it’s his truth. Too bad they never really talked about this.

The writing was ok.

So, thank gawd for that cover and an HEA.contemporary gay-bi-awakening hoopla ...more14 s Anke2,477 98

At first I really had problems to get into the story as Danny's voice got majorly on my nerves, this oh-I-am-so-funny-and-witty was rather too much for me. Add to that the repetitive thoughts and actions and it was a tad difficult for me to read on. However at some point it changed - either I got used to Danny or his voice was just toned down, but suddenly I was drawn into the story and then I just had to read on. Overall a very good read, I felt for Danny and for Lance and the HEA was totally fitting and deserved. Small niggle at the end: What was Lance doing with his life besides staying in NY with Danny?14 s Natalie388

I generally enjoy the jock-falls-for-fem trope, but I spent much of this story irritated by Lance's closet case behavior and the one-sided sexual relationship. When Lance finally does see the light, it feels hollow, because he hasn't really had to sacrifice anything for it. Plus, his coming out happens off page. Frustrating.college cover-love everyone-loved-it-but-me ...more14 s ??Arianna??790 2,560

3.5-4 STARS

Danny is a 20 years old openly gay man. He loves acting in theatre and loves all the attention that comes with it. He loves make-up, fashion, accessories and dancing. His dream is to act on Broadway. At a frat party Danny meets a jock, Lance. Their first meeting doesn’t go too well, so Danny leaves the party, but he can't stop thinking of Lance. He’s drown to Lance and he just don’t understand why since he doesn’t do relationships and since he knows Lance is straight.

“It was as if he wasn’t just looking at me, but inside me. As if he could see past the flash, the flesh, and right into the very center of who I was, where I hid my secrets, desires, kinks, all of it.“

Lance’s dream is that his passion and his strong work ethic would take him all the way to the NFL one day. Beyond that, he had no Plan B. Everybody knows he’s straight, but he’s attracted in secret to feminine men. Men Danny…This secret could ruin his future, so nobody knows about it, but his attraction to Danny is too strong to stay away.

“Sometimes Plan B is the real dream come true.”

Lance wants to know Danny better. He's determined and insistent when it comes to become Danny’s friend. They become friends and soon secret lovers. Danny wants more, he doesn’t want to be Lance’s dirty secret, he doesn’t want to wait for somebody who’s deep in the closet to make a decision. What will happen when Danny realizes he fell for a man who isn’t ready to totally accept who he is?

“A simple gaze, but I felt it a kiss to my heated flesh. A tingling sensation started at the base of my skull and worked its way down my body, until my toes curled. I wanted him.”

I loved Danny’s character. He’s a drama queen, he’s sarcastic and he doesn’t care what anyone thinks about him. He’s smart, funny and a great friend. I d the fact that he knows what he wants and he doesn’t accept to be just a dirty secret to Lance, even if he starts to fall for him. I can’t say I loved Lance character, but I d him...most of the time. However, I didn’t understand why he insulted Danny at that party since he’s attracted to men him. Also he pissed me with his behavior when the rumors started.

I d Danny and Lance together. They are sweet and caring, but I didn’t that both are immature in some situations and the lack of communication between them left me frustrated.

I didn’t expect the separation between Danny and Lance in the end, I didn’t it and I didn’t understand it. Also I didn’t d that they find of solution only at the end to be together and happy. Everything felt rushed.

I would have d the story to be written in dual POV, because there were a few times when I wondered what Lance is thinking or feeling.

Overall, Plan B was a sweet, enjoyable read with able characters and a cute storyline!

13 s Mandy*reads obsessively* 2,202 332

Danny, he is a character, he knows who he is, he wants you to know who he is.
He has a great supportive parents, even if they are mostly off page, who supported and encouraged his love for theater. His best friend Bo is his opposite in most ways, which is probably why they work so well together, although I do wish I had seen more of them interacting during the story.
Lance is Bo's girlfriend's twin and he develops a strong attachment to Danny. He wooed him, even if it was in a roundabout way, and soon they go from friends to lovers, and in the beginning Danny is fine with being Lance's secret.
Lance wants a career on the NFL and unfortunately Danny doesn't fit in that plan, yet Lance can't seem to let him go.
Since the story is told from Danny's POV it makes it harder to understand and sympathize for Lance, he looks a taker, he wants Danny but he wants everything, including the NFL. He doesn't want to come out or be gay, they never really talk about any of this, it just sort of culminates in being too much for either one, they want things and it doesn't seem compatible and Danny does what he has to do.
I enjoyed this story a lot and am glad I finally got my act together and read it. I just wished I had a peek into Lance's head, I wanted to feel more for him and sympathize more for him.
The ending is sweet and I'm glad it worked out the way it did, I didn't really even have an issue with the 'break' I think they needed that time, but I still wasn't sure about Lance till practically the very last sentence in the book.

Three years, now I can live with that, BUT had Bo and Katie not gotten married, had Lance not busted his shoulder and was still very much an able bodied player would he have EVER gotten back into Danny's life? To me it seemed well, I can't play ball and now I get to see Danny..so I might as well go for it.
I get he loves him, and I am glad he got to try put his dream of the NFL, BUT, it really seemed well, nothing to lose, no career and so I can get with Danny.
Had Bo not married would he have gone and tried to win Danny back? Would he have gone to NY and put it on the line?
Had his shoulder been great and his career thriving would he have wanted to have Danny in his life as his lover? Those niggles just won't totally go away for me. I did that he proposed publicially, hence showing he is really OUT and proud of his love to Danny, but that didn't erase my questions.ebook-owned feel-good-read friends-to-lovers ...more13 s DaisyGirl1,204 68

4.5 Stars

Danny Marshal is flamboyantly gay. Out, proud, and fully accessorized, Danny is a dolled-up twink and happy theater major. One night, he meets Lance Lenard (football jock and apparent straight guy) at a frat party. The sparks fly and Danny is ecstatic to be Lance's first man-on-man experiment. That is until Danny starts seriously falling for the sweet, reserved jock while Lance remains firmly in the closet as he struggles to come to terms with his sexuality. Chasing their respective dreams (Danny to pursue a career on Broadway and Lance to play for the NFL), they part ways. When their paths cross again, they come to learn that sometimes Plan B is the real dream come true.

I really enjoyed this book. It was angsty (oh, the angst!), sexy (yum!), and engaging. Danny took some getting used to. He's a bit over the top and a little (or a lot) self-centered (but admittedly so). The entire story is told from his POV so it was an adjustment for me. On top of that, I soooooooo wanted to a glimpse into Lance's head. I never got one, but by the end of the story, I was absolutely enamored with Lance. His trials and tribulations were heart-wrenching, for him as much as for Danny. I was absolutely engrossed in their story and could not put this book down. It was a hard fought battle to reach the end, but that just made the reward so much sweeter.

Bottom-line: a worthwhile journey for a hard-won HEA. What more could I ask for? Recommend!angsty funny genre-romance ...more12 s Eli EastonAuthor 68 books2,722

I was in the mood for a gfy story and so I surfed the listopia list looking for a ly-looking candidate I hadn't already read. (here's the list, FYI: http://www.goodreads.com/list/show/25...)

I settled on Plan B. It's my first read by SJD Peterson, and I was impressed. This book rates 5 stars from me for a few reasons.

First, the writing was very good, which I always appreciate in a solid, sexy m/m book.

Second, I loved the character of Danny. Though he s to wear make-up and sometimes a piece or two of girl's fashion, he has no desire to be a woman and is just as comfortable in sweats and stubble. He just has his own sense of style. I loved that he had no angst or trauma with his parents or his school and was just positive and out and happy to be himself.

Third, there was a nice amount of sexual tension in the story and the sex scenes were realistic and therefore, sexier than usual. For example, closeted, curious Lance starts out fairly slow in the sexual exploration department. The level of their activity ramps up slowly. I always find it so annoying when a virgin or first-time-with-a-guy character ends up bottoming in the first sex scene. No problem with that here.

The main angst/plot in the story comes from sort-of-curious, closeted jock Lance coming to terms with his attraction to Danny at all (firstly) and then the decision whether or not to be public with it. Though this is not a new theme, nor was the progression it took especially unique, it was a solid take on the theme and the writing and characters made it an enjoyable read.

A few things -- the entire story is 1st person from Danny's POV. So we never get to see Lance's friends, his football side, or anything about his family other than his sister. So it made the problems he was facing and the fact that he was stuck in the closet feel rather remote. I also felt the epilogue, though cute, left a lot unanswered about what had happened to Lance and what he was going to do now that he was ex-NFL and living in NYC

I definitely recommend Plan B and look forward to reading more from this author.10 s Eva363 177

Tender and very touching young love story...

"Yeah, yeah, so we both seem to be attracted to each other. Question is, what are you going to do about it."

The storyline is sweet and realistic. Both Danny and Lance are adorable. I loved a bit of everything: unsure feelings, a healthy bit of angst, overcoming the odds and finding they way.

"Sometimes Plan B is the real dream come true."
I loved that Danny wasn't willing to compromise what he needed or who he was. He was willing to walk away from a relationship that wouldn't work for him long-term. Bravo Danny!

And when Lance finally found the courage to be true to himself and Danny my heart swell a big time.

Highly recommended sweet YA M/M romance. I enjoyed it more then I expected.

I also have to say, I love, love, love the cover!angst favorites gfy-ftl ...more11 s Jilly1,838 6,366

When you see a fictional or real couple and you hate one of them, but love the other one crazy, are you really hoping for them to end up together? Or do you wish they would hurry up and break-up so you can find the awesome one someone else who is better than that loser?
I mean, the Roadrunner and Wile E. Coyote - do we wish for them to get married and release all of the obvious sexual tension there? Of course not! We aren't psychos. We all want Wile E. Coyote to finally catch that beeping bastard, to pluck his stupid feathers, and roast that mother fucker. Right? sane people.

So that is the problem with this book. Danny, our most amazing, beautiful man is allowing Lance, the human pustule, to keep him as his down-low fuckboy. For reasons unknown, the author sadistically decided that Danny would be hopelessly in love with a guy who has the personality of a moldy potato forever. Didn't it. Didn't buy it.

That's right, Queen!

Only Danny is worthy of any stars. Nothing else about this story.male-male-romance11 s Candice932

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