
A Curse in Kyoto: a Mystery-Thriller (Hunter and Higashi Book 1) de S.J. Cullen

de S.J. Cullen - Género: English
libro gratis A Curse in Kyoto: a Mystery-Thriller (Hunter and Higashi Book 1)


S.J. Cullen Publisher: Hadeda Press, Year: 2024

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Thank you, NetGalley and Hadeda Press, for the ARC of "A Curse In Kyoto" in exchange for an honest review.

This YA mystery-thriller begins with several uncanny counters at the British School of Kyoto (BSK) after a koto (Japanese musical instrument) arrived at the school from the museum for the Jidai Matsuri exhibition.
It was believed that the koto had been cursed by Otake Okimi, a very talented musician who was born in Kyoto in 1853 during the Edo period when Kyoto was still the capital.
Otake was only twenty when she came to the attention of a nobleman, Minamoto Sojuke. Minamoto became obsessed with hearing her play and could accept no other musicians, no matter how skilled. He commisioned the finest maker of kotos in Japan to craft the best and most beautiful koto anyone had ever seen.
Jealousy from Minamoto's wife and other geisha had taken Otake's life. Before her death, she is said to have given her very last money to the priest so that he would befall all future owners of the koto and tragedy hadn't just struck one or two of the koto's owners, but all of them.

The missing of the school star student, the appearance of a geisha's ghost wandering around the school at night with the background music of the koto being played, and also the mysterious symbol 'OO' which has been covered in several places at the school had cause consternation among students and teachers of BSK.

Incidents that happened had elicited Jessica Hunter, a new student at BSK, to investigate it further as she believed that all these chaotic situations were due to someone trying to give a bad reputation to the school. Jessica speaks to Kenta Higashi, BSK's football star, and involved him in her fledgling investigation. Long story short, the investigation by this duo young detectives had led them to the act of vengeance by the former student of the BSK which all had been set up by involving a few students and also the 'syndicate'.

I they way on how the author vividly describes the resplendent view of Kyoto city and some historical details in this story while the detective mode is turned on. And also, I am excited for the second book!netgalley4 s Gabrielle (belle.bookcorner)735 179

I really enjoy this YA mystery set at a British high school in Kyoto, Japan!
I really the writing style, especially how it describes the setting of the place (Kyoto) beautifully and vividly. The author did a great job in researching the setting which actually made me feel I was back in Kyoto.

Told in multiple POVs mainly from our two main characters – Jessica and Kenta which seem to be the only one interested in solving the mysteries happening at the school - one of the student went missing, a phantom geisha and an antique koto with a dark past.
I really enjoy seeing Jessica and Kenta playing detectives, they made such a great team together despite their differences!

The last few chapters are quite intense with Jessica and Kenta finally in action to stop the culprit once and for all. It was action-packed that comes with a few surprises!

Overall, this fast-paced debut novel was really good which makes putting it down is the last thing I want to do!
I’m looking forward to read the sequel – The Osaka Syndicate since things are far from over for both Jessica and Kenta!

I received an advanced review copy for free through Netgalley, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. Huge thank you to the author and publisher!arc asian-setting contemporary ...more1 Book Nerdection177 35

The key to creating a mystery in fiction is to build up tension and also have a clear idea of where the book is going to head toward. In that regard, Cullen does a considerably good job with A Curse in Kyoto, establishing a very clear mystery while also setting up nice character arcs and showing a lot of Japanese culture at the same time.

Cullen has a very clear understanding of Japan, and that elevates the quality of the story in question. The Japan in this book is an immersive and captivating read, which is something that makes the journey the characters go through feel a lot more interesting and appealing.

Speaking of the characters, Jessica Hunter is a very interesting case as a protagonist, especially considering that she follows the fish-out-of-water archetype in fiction. Truth be told, I found her hard to at first but she grows and becomes a much more captivating protagonist, especially when the murder mystery plot kicks in and she has to get involved, making her show the best aspects of her character and becomes a very compelling read in the process.

Kenta Higashi is similar in that regard, although I also have the perception that he was meant to be a deuteragonist and foil to Jessica to some degree. Granted, that is my point of view and could be wrong, but is worth pointing out that Kenta becomes a much more compelling character as the story progresses and develops a very fun dynamic with Jessica, especially near the final third of the book.

The book has a very accessible narrative and that is shown from the mere structure of the paragraphs. They are easy to read, they are not that long, and Cullen doesn’t spend a lot of time meandering about details that don’t add to the narrative. It is the type of book that can be a very good starting point for those who want to get into literature and also want to read something that is fun and exciting.

Perhaps the biggest criticism I can give this book is that it felt a bit short near the end of the story. It is a very good read and has a lot of considerable value as a story, but it could have benefitted from having more pages as it would have allowed a much better flow. That is a common issue with writers who are just getting started or might need a stronger editorial presence, which is necessary for any author’s growth in the early stages of their careers.

I can’t give much away because the story is centered around a murder mystery but it is a very good read and worth a buyer’s time and money. It reads well, it is fairly accessible, the characters become more able as the story progresses, and there are several elements worth exploring, especially with the Japanese backdrop that Cullen added into the book. Matt McAvoyAuthor 8 books76

I really enjoyed this intriguing mystery from Sean, in actual fact a lot more than I was expecting to. Most books this are pretty average to good, but A Curse in Kyoto was absolutely quite a cut above that, and I read the whole thing in a couple of long sittings. This was actually no mean feat, because the book is pretty lengthy – yet it doesn’t feel it; I was gripped and entertained throughout. With the barely noteworthy exception of a slightly drawn-out third act, this was a great-paced read.

Starting off with an ominous threat which may be supernatural, this is definitely a young adult mystery which brought to mind the mysteries tackled by Scooby Doo’s teenage sleuthing entourage, as what may be a malevolent ghost or a student in disguise haunts the halls of a school, and more specifically an ancient Japanese instrument called a koto, or a harp. At first, this premise may seem for slightly younger teens, but rather the opposite, in fact, it is actually appropriate for the more mature YA readership, as there is some pretty strong language throughout. But the violence is mild and the scares aimed at entertainment. It is a lot of fun for most mature readers, I have to admit.

I have to admit, usually seeing a tagline which hints at my current read being one of a series strikes fear into me, particularly in this genre, as they often leave you hanging on a cliff which, after 100,000 words, would have been infuriating – but that isn’t the case here at all; the story has a great arc and I really enjoyed the direction it took, with a gripping climax, too. In fact, furthermore, it actually left me looking forward to seeing what comes in the next instalment for its two amateur detectives. Jessica and Kenta are both great characters, each interesting and appealing in their own way. He is intriguingly layered and she is a very sharp heroine – you find yourself genuinely rooting for both of this endearing duo, with their valour and their resourcefulness real stars of the narrative; it is a pleasure watching them both grow into their roles. The author S.J. Cullen is also superb value. He has crafted a very satisfying thriller for most ages (albeit practising discretion over the swearing), but more importantly he respects his audience. Rather than simply jumping on the Japanese YA, creepy-girl, manga-style bandwagon, he has created his book with style. He clearly knows the Japanese culture and the language well. The adage “write what you know” has clearly been well observed in this case. I very much look forward to reading the next in the series.2 s Nicole Austin148 2

Thank you Netgalley and Hadeda Press for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

"A Curse in Kyoto" by S.J. Cullen presents a captivating mystery set against the backdrop of Japan, bringing together elements of suspense and intrigue through the lens of a British/international student and a Japanese student set in modern-day Kyoto. The mystery in this book is quite unique and sets up for potential sequels in the future.

Cullen demonstrates a keen understanding of Japanese culture, immersing you in a richly detailed setting that adds depth and authenticity to the story. From the halls of Wickwood Academy to the ancient streets of Kyoto, the vivid descriptions paint a picture of the world in which the characters inhabit, making the journey all the more immersive and enjoyable. I do wish that there was more of a focus of different locations in Kyoto. It makes sense that the main setting was the school, but I wish there was more exploration to different locations; maybe a sequel could bring that to the story.

The strongest part of the story is the characterization of the dynamic protagonists, Jessica Hunter and Kenta Higashi, whose unly partnership drives the narrative forward. As they navigate the twists and turns of the mystery unfolding around them, they evolve from mere acquaintances to a formidable team, each bringing their own strengths and vulnerabilities to the table. Their growth as characters is both believable and engaging as Jessica brings her brashness and never-ending curiosity to the pairing while Kenta, more traditional in his viewpoints, brings his compassion and desire for justice to the relationship.

The pacing of the novel is well-executed, with a steady buildup of tension that keeps you on the edge of your seat as different pieces of the mystery slowing come together, aided by the two different perspectives of the main characters as they hunted for their own clues. I found the pacing to be a bit rushed at the end, though that may be due to the set-up for sequels in the future.

Overall, "A Curse in Kyoto" is a thoroughly enjoyable mystery that offers a refreshing take on the genre, especially through the unique setting. With its engaging characters, atmospheric setting, and well-crafted plot, it is sure to delight fans of mystery and suspense a.

5 stars. Very interesting and well written. This book gripped me from chapter one and I simply couldn't put it down. I enjoyed reading something that explored a new (to me) culture and also the diverse environment of the BSK and how kids of all backgrounds interacted in that environment. I thought the characters were very well done and had their own distinct personalities. I also d that there wasn't a forced romance or anything, but it took their relationship at a realistic pace and focused on building a foundation for their partnership, which is important regardless of whether or not romance comes in later. I thought the mystery was very original, and while I have an eagle eye of my own so I kind of clocked who the "insider" was, I think it was very well hidden and not obvious at all (I just read too many mysteries). The complexity of Yudai/Kenta's relationship was so interesting and added a lot of depth to the story. I also really d Jessica and the writing of a female character her, who is very headstrong and stubborn and can take the lead. This was a real page turner. I am very eager to read the second one and, if the publisher is reading this, please feel free to add me to an ARC list for book 2 (and 3, and...). I hope to keep up with the story and I'm excited to read more by Cullen.

-- Thank you to NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review. :)This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review Annabelle178

My love of mysteries dates back to the first time I got a library card and walked up to the shelves where (younger) kids were allowed to pick their books without needing a parent to approve. I discovered a long shelf full of books with yellow spines and started solving mysteries with Nancy Drew. Those books served generations of kids exciting adventures and puzzles to figure out, but perhaps it is time for an update to the crime solving sleuths for middle grade and young adult audience. Welcome this arena Hunter and Higashi, a team that proved in their first outing, A Curse in Kyoto, that they are up for the challenge. The story was an interesting read and I followed along the plot developments, guessing where some of the clues lead and intrigued by other curves the author threw in. The writing style was at a level where preteens and teens would find accessible but not too juvenile for an adult to enjoy. In fact, I rather enjoyed this mystery more than the last "adult" mystery written by a prolific best-selling author that I read. I wholeheartedly recommend this book to sleuthing fans of any age and an looking forward to the next Hunter and Higashi mystery.
I received advanced access to this book thru NetGalley (for which I want to thank NetGalley, the publisher, Hadeda Press, and author S.J. Cullen) for an honest review. The opinion expressed here is my own.ng Athala60

I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange of an honest review. Thank you!
As I browsed the Catalog I saw this book and the title immediately brought me back to my honeymoon in Japan. Our favourite city is Kyoto so I had to request this ARC.
First it begins as a cozy YA mystery crime novel. We meet Jessica, the new girl and Kenta, the football star and a pretty good student at the British School of Kyoto (BSK). Kenta's genius friend, Yudai disappears after the day a very old and valuable koto (Japanese instrument) got exhibited in the school. Jessica suspects a connection and starts investigating the case. She speaks with Kenta and involves him in the search.
As they find out more and more, the story gets a dark twist and it isn't a cozy mystery anymore but a thriller!
There were some parts which were too detailed about school stuff and the story gets a little slow at that time. But mostly it is an intriguing novel with some interesting historical details and little more than basic informations about the culture. I really felt being there in Kyoto again and walk the roads with our characters.
I felt that it was realistic how the police handled the students observations and detective work.
I give 4,5 * because of the occasional "boring" school stuff but in total it was an exciting story and I can't wait to read the next book in the series! Ria2,445 9

Jessica and Kenta are students at the BSK, British school in Kyoto.
Jessica is reluctantly there as she has to keep moving due to her parents job.
Kenta is a star football player.
They don't know each other well but are soon drawn together in spooky goings on at the school, they have a cyber attack, a sinister Geisha figure is stalking the school after a temporary exhibit of an instrument, a Koto is on loan to the school from the museum then Kenta's former friend Yudai goes missing.
Supposedly the Koto is cursed so is this the effects of it being on the school grounds?
Or is there some human agency behind the goings on?
All that is certain is that the school is under attack of a malicious vendetta and as no one will believe them it's upto Jessica and Kenta to solve the puzzle.
This was absolutely fantastic, exotic country, history, supernatural elements, all great ingredients for an intriguing mystery.
Just my sort of read and am so pleased to see at the end of the novel there is another one due out soon.
Already marked my calendar.
I received an advance complimenary copy of this novel from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. Valeria Galvan4

I received an advanced reading copy that the publisher sent me for an honesty review. Thank you so much! “A curse in Kyoto” By S.J Cullen offers a captivating mystery set in modern-day Kyoto, Japan. Through the perspectives of a British/international student and a Japanese student, the novel weaves elements of suspense and intrigue. Its unique storyline sets the stage for potential sequels.

Having grown up abroad and attended multiple international schools, I was intrigued by the plot. I had rarely seen authors explore the experience of being a third culture kid, so I often found myself reflected in the book. At the same time, this made it easy for me to immerse myself in the story.

As I started reading the book, I found the writing style to be quite simple, making it an easy read. Combined with the creative plot, it keeps the audience's attention throughout the entire book.

As a fan of YA novels, I recommend this book to anyone in a reading slump. Its creative concept, contrasting characters, and simple style make it the perfect book to binge-read with a nice cup of tea. I cannot wait to see what’s next not only for this iconic duo, but for the author too! Emily16

I loved this book! It was well-written and beautifully paced.

Jessica and Kenta are both students at BSK, a British International School in Kyoto, Japan. The school is gifted with the opportunity to display a koto, a Japanese harp, by a local museum. The koto is supposedly cursed, and anyone who has it experiences dangerously bad luck.

During the same week, one of the smartest kids in the school goes missing. He used to be friends with Kenta, but they fell out a few years ago. Jessica, who is new to the school, wants to know what happened and if it has anything to do with the cursed koto. That's what brings Jessica and Kenta together. Together, they investigate what happened.

It's a straightforward, albeit somewhat unique, mystery. The chemistry between Jessica and Kenta works well. He's reflective and a little bit reluctant while she is a confident and intense loner who initiates the investigation. This book ranks up there with other well-written high school mystery novels. If you're into those, I highly recommend this book. Sara1,387 84

I'll read virtually anything set in Japan and extra points if it is set in Kyoto. So I was happy to get an opportunity to read this. As I started reading, I wasn't so impressed with either the writing or the author's knowledge of Japan. Admittedly, I am picky that way. I doubt a few wrong uses of Japanese words will upset many readers. But, they are there. And the writing style was nothing special and pretty simplistic. But when I consider the intended audience, it makes sense. And after I'd read 50 pages or so, I admit I was caught up in the story. As stories go, it is quite good and it reads smoothly although I do think it could have been more concise. Still, though I do love his intrepid duo and I would to read the next one that the author has written. So, since it hooked me, I do have to give it a welcome thumbs up! If you a very readable mystery set in Japan, this will appeal to you as well.

Thank you to NetGalley for an advance copy of this book. It's a sweet read! Puisan113 2

I didn’t think much of the book but started reading after a trip to Japan and kinda missing Kyoto…figured this book would be a great for walk down memory lane. The start was a bit slow but once it got going, I couldn’t put this book down! The story was fast paced, suspenseful, griping and the unfolding of the plot was done so beautifully. It also showed the stark differences between Japanese societal norms and cultural expectations with Western ones which made this story of the unly cooperation between a local Japanese boy and a British girl more interesting. Now I can’t wait for the next book!.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Maureen Horswell157 2

A fascinating story about a well travelled, young student, Jessica, who has had to move yet again due to her parent’s jobs.
What is really interesting is the authors ability to incorporate different cultures, seamlessly into the story.
Jessica is a loner, rarely makes friends and has moved to a school where she is not happy.
Jessica finds herself deep into a mystery, regarding a Kyoto and a geisha.
It turns into a deadly game and a vendetta against her school.
She believed it was being orchestrated by one person, but as the story progresses, it becomes clear, that she believes this is not the case. Denise Wall5

This is NOT one of the books where you think you know who did it and what the ending will be. It gets you so you can't put the book down. Kyoto and it's school, parks, streets and cafes comes to life as you read on. You're there right in the thick of it. You become Hunter and Higashi.
The author has put so much thought to this book. It makes brilliant reading. I am looking forward to the next adventure of Hunter and Higashi.
This review was based on a complimentary pre release copy with much gratitude to the author. Da Long1 review

A great read. I thought this was a really well-written, fast-paced book. I'm a bit of a Japanophile, so I loved the setting. The international school setting was also really novel and added a new element that I haven't encountered before. So, the set-up was great and then the two main characters, Jessica and Kenta, are really engaging and take you along on a wild ride.

If you're looking for a fun, highly-readable page-turner, than this is well worth a read.
5 stars.

I'm already marking my calendar for when the next one comes out. Loved the premise, the suspense in the story, the setting, and the characters. Really looking forward to see how the dynamic between Kenta and Jessica develops. Loved that the author could use his unique background to write a story with an authentic touch.

I found this book through Reedsy Discovery but purchased it during a promo on Amazon. Highly recommend! jo_withbooks134

The premise of the book was promising although it did not deliver what I expected.

It was, in my opinion too long for my liking.

The action was rushed and the beginning seemed endless.

The mystery aspect was the only thing I was interested in.

Jessica was not a character I d reading about but Kenta was enjoyable. Tanya13.8k 68

A school is being haunted and a state pupil is missing. Strange symbols are being left and no one knows what is going on. What is going on? How will they stop it all? Can it all be stopped? How will it all go? Follow them to find out
I received an advance copy from hidden gems and I want to review Nate Caetano16 2

Really enjoy the book! Couldn't put it down! Looking forward to book two! Eddie117

A very good story with a refreshing politeness about the setting . Hunter and Higashi are thrown together by a series of events at their school and follow the trail to uncover the culprits.
A good paced tale that gets quite exciting towards the climax.
review was based on a complimentary pre-release copy Paromita172 2

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