
The Llangollen Killings: A Snowdonia Murder Mystery de Simon McCleave

de Simon McCleave - Género: English
libro gratis The Llangollen Killings: A Snowdonia Murder Mystery


Simon McCleave Publisher: Stamford Publishing, Year: 2024

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Have loved every book in this series. Loved the way each book ties up any "loose ends" in the book before. Loved the twists in this book - and the ending.... roll on the next book...1 Elizabeth326 8

Calm down and wait for the next one

I nearly read this book in one sitting but at 2am decided I wouldn't get the best impact of the final chapters unless I got some sleep.

Simon is extremely good at shock and awe when he leads his readers to the denouement. I was gutted when Ruth was shot so I thought I was ready.

I am so glad I decided to sleep this morning otherwise I think I would be scraping my kindle off a wall whilst cursing a sailor.

I will not repeat what I shouted this morning for fear of a term in kindle jail.

Simon McCleave is a damn good writer but with a very nasty streak. I was not expecting a Happy Ever After but is it too much to ask for a wee bit of empathy towards his characters (all of whom he has taken time and effort to make believable) and to his readers who have become invested in them?

Joanie Hinton486 25

Not the best story in this series, but still a good addition. Ruth and Nick are called to a murder and before they can get started there is another murder and then two more. Are they all by one killer or more than one? As the team hurries to find the killer or killers before more deaths, things take a strange turn for them and they lose one of their own before justice can be served. Anne Walker37

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