
Sorting Out de Silvia Violet

de Silvia Violet - Género: English
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Silvia Violet Series: Fitting In 02 Year: 2024

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3.5 stars rounded up to 4 stars

After reading Fitting In, I just couldn't wait to revisit Mason, Jack and Gray. I loved the dynamics between them in the first book, where they came together as a threesome and I was so curious to find out about how their relationship developed.

While the first part was very heavy on the sex, this part had much more plot. And that's what I really d. Problems and impending decisions, mentioned in the first book have been picked up and the couple was facing some major changes. It was very interesting to see all three of them handling the different situations; they made room for character development.

Compared to Fitting In, where the story was told out of Mason's POV, Sorting Out is focussing on Jack, who has to struggle through a difficult situation. I really felt closer to him and I d to get a different perspective on their relationship.

It was very interesting to read about an established couple in a threesome and about the way they handeled everyday life and all it's implications. All their struggles and their emotional reactions felt credible, we didn't have any over-the-top drama. Unfortunately, the sex felt a bit repetitive and I saw myself enjoyed the plot elements far more than the sex.

I really loved reading about the engagement of one of the MCs in a youth shelter. Henry was an awesome character and I hope to read more about him too.

I already got a look at the third part of the series and I was hoping to read more about these three sexy boys - I really thought that we would get Gray's POV, but apparently, the third part of the series is going to focus on a character we met in this part - Bryce, a sexy firefighter who is new in town. Together with Mason, he is working as a bartender in Nathan's. I'm looking forward to read his story, but I really hope that we will get more of Jack, Mason and Gray too. I would love to know how several aspects of this story turned out in the future.

4 stars! 2015 m-m m-m-4-stars ...more15 s Gigi2,155 1,038

I d it, but didn't love it I love the first book. Review when I get back from my vacation.mm-bdsm mm-cops-law-enforce mm-healing-comfort ...more8 s Debra2,125 256

I really enjoyed this follow up to Fitting In. The men have settled into their relationship and are very solid, but outside issues that were hanging around them in the first book are about to come to a head.

This part of the story is told from Jack's POV. We came to know Jack as the solid voice of reason, always able to express what Gray couldn't in the first book, but inside Jack is not so secure. With Mason back in school, and Gray considering taking the detective's test, Jack is feeling lonely and unsure of where he stands professionally. Jack has not completely dealt with what happened when Mason was held at gunpoint, and is worried about what will happen if he and Gray are no longer partners on the job. Gray also still wants to come out about their relationship as does Mason. Jack is growing frustrated and depressed, and when he is injured and out of work, he withdraws into himself and away from Mason and Gray.

While Jack is struggling, it is clear that the men are still completely in love and devoted to each other. There is still plenty of emotion combined with a lot of hot sex between the three. There are a number of new secondary characters introduced, a few of which seem to be ready for their own story. I enjoyed Jack's realistic struggle, which was emotional, but not overly angsty and I loved where their story ended up. I'm hoping for a book from Gray's POV, but would be satisfied if this installment ended their story.bdsm cops-detectives-feds-investigators m-m ...more6 s Madigan s to Read [is watching hockey]1,090 94

07/03/23 re-read.

A note on the audiobook: kudos to Greg Boudreaux on bringing these three men to life.

Look, it’s mostly porn, with just enough plot to bump it from the erotica category into romance. Issues PTSD, depression, and even addiction are tackled, but only in the most superficial way. But I’m not really here for a meaningful exploration of the human condition. These guys are sweet and they are hot, and I enjoy seeing them happy.2023 lgbtq-all-reads lgbtq-romance ...more6 s Ann1,452 130

If you d Fitting In, you'll definitely want to read this one.

This is the sequel to Fitting In, where I first read about Jack, Grey and Mason. I d that story a lot and it was hot as all hell. Sorting Out fits into the hot as all hell category just as well as Fitting In. Damn if these guys don’t get insta-boners as soon as a partner walks into a room and with a poly relationship, that’s a lot of boners. Not that I’m complaining mind you, I’m just saying, it’s a lot of boners.

I have to say I was put off a little bit in the beginning with “the misunderstanding”. It really wasn’t THAT big of a deal to warrant a sobbing hissy fit. I know it was a big deal to Jack, but it didn’t seem to fit in with what I remembered from his personality in Fitting In. When I read about a grown man throwing a pan of caramel corn across the kitchen and then slamming the door to his room so he can sob, not cry, sob, I just can’t buy it. It’s a crime against snacks and kind of embarrassing. Not for any fully functioning adult do I buy that reaction. Man, woman, panda, kangaroo, nothing. I just want to tell him/her/it/they to “sack up for cripes sake”. This is totally my own personal beef, it’s just one of those ridiculous things that puts me off. So, when there was sobbing right at 4% I was not hopeful.

Then, the outside conflict came around and the story and the characters got much better for me. Jack was really the center to this story and I understood his confusion about his job and the stress of coming out publicly at work. It took outside forces and characters to give him perspective. He starts doing volunteer work at a youth shelter and there I got to meet Andy who runs the center and Henry who Jack will be mentoring. I d both Andy and Henry a lot. They both contributed some realistic voices that the story needed. Henry is 17 and homeless, living at the shelter. He was a great character who had been through the wringer and came out wiser on the other side.

Honestly, given the conflict Jack and Grey were going through, Henry was the mature voice of reason. I purposely didn’t mention Mason in the conflict there because Mason wasn’t really conflicted on any of the issues it seemed to me. Throughout the story he was more centered, knew what he wanted and was supportive to both his partners. In the relationship, he was the rock this time around.

It can be confusing reading a book about a ménage relationship, especially during rapid fire conversations and sex scenes. I can say, once you get your bearings, this author can write dialog and sex that I don’t need a schematic and a compass for which is much appreciated. It helps that the three characters are very different and it’s easy to keep them separate in my head. The distinction is quite helpful, because sex is how these guys connect. I have to say, the dialog ran to the cheesy side, I just can’t imagine real people talking that, but they got off on it, so who am I to complain?

If you d Fitting In, you will definitely this one too. Everything was wrapped up with a minimum of angst and felt a little too glossed over, but it was good to get some resolution in their relationship and to see how far they’ve come.

boymeetsboy-review-books cops-firemen mm-series5 s Tina446 7

Not as good as the first book! I am sorry to say that there was too much sex and too little of everything else!
3-stars mm-bdsm-kink mm-college ...more5 s Woman_with_a_book255 1 follower

Sehr gute Story, aber auch wie bei Band 1 hätte ich es mir ausführlicher gewünscht. So wird vieles (Wichtiges) nur extrem kurz abgehandelt, was die Geschichte schwächt.4 s BevS2,790 2

I loved this sequel to Fitting In, and am so glad to see that my guys are now in a proper menage relationship. 4.5 stars and ???? from me.

The sex was hot as per usual, the shooting not so pleasant but Gray and Mason gave Jack plenty of space and time to work his way through the situation although he didn't seem to want to get himself together; having said that, what do I know about being shot?? I'd probably be going through exactly the same nightmare scenarios as Jack did. Loved the voluntary work Jack was doing at the LGBT centre, and Henry, oh Henry. ..you poor love, AND the coming out with kisses and everything at the bar, hehe. And as for Mason's hot new bartender buddy (and firefighter) Bryce, well Silvia assures me that he'll be getting his own story, along with possibly Henry and A.N. Other...who shall remain nameless at this stage. Many thanks Silvia.men-in-uniform4 s Sue bowdley1,446

We're back with Mason,Jack and Gray and this time we hear from Jacks POV.....He's not faring too well......They are still hot together and the sex in this one is just off the charts.....Double penetration anyone......When Jacks shot rescuing Gray it makes him wonder just who he is and what he wants to do...He's still struggling with Masons hostage ordeal from book one and he's keeping himself from his partners until Gray and Mason step in....I loved this one so much....Jacks volunteering at the youth centre and oh that coming out scene at Nathans......That was the best coming out scene I've ever read......We meet Henry and Bryce who I'm thinking will be the focus of the next book...hopefully with a third......This is a great series and I cannot wait to read Fitting In 3 xfavourites male-male3 s LauraSt1,432 47

This is the sequel to Fitting In

Jack, Gray and Mason are still together, they have settled into their three-way relationship.
This was more of a little cute little filler for me, Mason is still working as a bartender but he's back on school, Gray starts thinking about accepting a promotion as a detective and Jack struggles with the idea of being 'out' and what he wants dedicate his life to -part from his partners-

Is was in Jack's POV, I struggled with the amount of ANGST he had inside, I was stressed out and jumpy just by being in his head, nothing really captured my attention, guess i can say it was okay. bdsm-kink-agegap cops-military-mercs-fbi-bodyguard m-m ...more3 s S E. JakesAuthor 38 books1,743

I read this out of order and I wasn't confused - Silvia does a good job of catching you up quickly and easily through dialogue between the characters. Very hot, very angsty...a really beautiful story too about living your dreams / how much of your personal life you should be forced to hide, etc. And also, having people you love pull you out of a dark place. I'm obviously a firm believer in the concept of 'healing' sex - she does an awesome job of that here :) 3 s Catherine1,598 257

*** 2.5 Stars ***contemporary disability-disorder-or-disease established-couples ...more2 s Barbara Ingram533 10

Title: Sorting Out
Author: Silvia Violet
Series: Fitting In #2
Publisher: Silvia Violet Books
Reviewer: Barb
Release Date: December 28, 2013
Genre(s): M/M/M Menage, BDSM, Submission, Spanking, Murder/Drugs
Page Count: 222
Heat Level: 5 flames out of 5
Rating: 4 stars out of 5

Jack, Gray, and Mason have accepted that loves comes in many flavors and settled into a three-way relationship. Things haven’t been easy, and now that Mason has gone back to school and Gray is interested in a detective position, Jack is feeling lonely. His lovers aren’t around very often, and he misses lying around in bed, enjoying the benefits of living with two hot men. But Jack has secrets. He’s uncomfortable every time he puts his uniform on. He’s never recovered from seeing Mason held hostage, and he’s no longer sure he was meant to be a cop.

While stressing over his own future and facing pressure from Gray and Mason to bring their relationship out of the closet, Jack is severely wounded in the line of duty. His recovery, both physical and emotional might be more than their unconventional relationship can bear. Jack is going to need all the courage and support his lovers can give him if he’s going to bring himself back from the dead and create the life he wants to live.

****4 Scorching Flaming Stars****

This is the second book of a four part series and luckily I invested in a stronger fan to cool the flames that erupted on my kindle after reading this one! I loved that Ms. Violet switched this one to be told from Jack’s POV. Gray, Jack and Mason settle into the routine of their relationship with Mason going back to school and Gray getting promoted to Detective, which ends Gray and Jack being partners together in the police department. Now the pressure is on to “come out” to their colleagues at the station. Jack is assigned a new partner on the squad and Gray begins investigating a murder/drug deal. The plot takes a sudden twist as Jack is severely injured attempting to save Gray’s life. Now you might ask yourself, with Jack injured, that the steamy sex is out the window? No way! Gray is very creative in the bedroom, playroom, etc. and displays his dominant side towards Jack and Mason while working his magic around his injuries. As Jack is recovering, he becomes bored and decides to utilize his cooking skills at a youth center. We meet Andy and Henry at the youth center and Jack begins mentoring Henry in cooking. Ms. Violet steams up the relationship as Jack is fully recovered and my kindle went up in flames again! On to the conclusion of Gray, Jack and Mason’s story in Going Deep!

ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review. Reviewed by Barb from Alpha Book Club

2 s Denise H.3,060 247

Read 2015 Reread Feb 25, 2020
Terrifically hot and super emotions bring this story to life !! I was so riveted, I couldn't put it down. Deep thought filled characters, interesting story, and super hot M/M/M sex scenes are all here to revel in. Wow !
Mason, and his two cops, Jake and Gray are sizzling in their ménage relationship. It is a truly beautiful romance and study of what each one needs to complete their triad. Gray is an excellent Dom, knowing what his subs can take and gives substantial aftercare, too.

They deal with emotions, family, work, and their new love. This feeling romance and suspenseful tale will definitely hold your attention. In this book their story continues. Moving along nicely in their relationship, Gray gets a promotion, Jack gets shot, considers leaving the force, Mason nearly finished with school, wonderfully full story line.

Well written, well done in every way.
I loved this one !! E N J O Y !!!

=====2 s Rachel Emily4,211 345

Really, really wish I could rate this 3.5 stars. I rated the first book in the series 4 stars, and while I enjoyed this one, it wasn't quite as good as the first book, which I re-read before reading this to refresh my memory on the characters. Not too sure why, but one thing was that I actually felt there was too much sex in this book, and it seemed to just interrupt the conflicts and plot in the story. I also had some troubles with the narration and which character I was following as I read. I love this trio of guys, especially Jack and his storyline. bdsm-and-kink-m-m coming-out-m-m contemporary-m-m ...more2 s Lavenia15 1 follower

I rated the first book and I said that I would recommend it but book 2.... nah. First of all Jack was a real whiner in this one. He seemed much stronger in the first book and in this one he just could not deal with feelings. He continued to whine and be unsure of himself and it was really unattractive. The only reason this book got two stars for me was because of the really hot BDSM scenes. Wow! they were hot but the rest of the book failed for me.

2 s Yoshi206 3

This is an OK read. Whenever the guys were home, they fucked.
Too much sex which I skipped most of them.m-m2 s Anke2,481 98

That was fast, might be because there wasn't barely a story in between all the sex scenes.2 s Sylvia1,433 12


This story was hot but
there were too many sex scenes and too little of a story in my opinion.2 s Melissa Mendoza2,551 54

Title:Sorting Out
Author: Silvia Violet
Series: Fitting In, Book #2
Publisher: Silvia Violet Books
Release Date: December 28, 2015
Genre(s): M/M Menage Romance
Page Count: 130
Heat Level: 4 flames out of 5
Rating: 4 stars out of 5

Jack, Gray, and Mason have accepted that loves comes in many flavors and settled into a three-way relationship. Things haven’t been easy, and now that Mason has gone back to school and Gray is interested in a detective position, Jack is feeling lonely. His lovers aren’t around very often, and he misses lying around in bed, enjoying the benefits of living with two hot men. But Jack has secrets. He’s uncomfortable every time he puts his uniform on. He’s never recovered from seeing Mason held hostage, and he’s no longer sure he was meant to be a cop.

While stressing over his own future and facing pressure from Gray and Mason to bring their relationship out of the closet, Jack is severely wounded in the line of duty. His recovery, both physical and emotional might be more than their unconventional relationship can bear. Jack is going to need all the courage and support his lovers can give him if he’s going to bring himself back from the dead and create the life he wants to live.

“Gray’s special ideas had led to some of the hottest sex Jack had ever had. He was very creative when it came to finding ways to make Jack and Mason surrender their very souls to him.”

4 love to share stars!!! I love Gray, Jack and Mason sooooo much!

Second installment of the book Jack, Gray and Mason have puttered along and started their three way relationship. But every relationships, there’s bumps in the road. Jack is lonely now that Mason has started going back to school and Gray is applying for a detective position at work. Without them around Jack is bored and lonely, he’s used to lounging around all day with his hot boyfriends. And while being alone, he’s left with his thoughts and deep secrets that plague him. Everytime he puts his uniform on he’s uncomfortable and brought back to when Mason was held hostage. Under pressure from Gray and Mason regarding their relationship and debating what to do with his future, he’s injured in the line of duty. Now Jack, Gray and Mason are under stress with his recovery and their relationship, will it be their undoing?

Having Jack’s point of view regarding his life and relationship was refreshing and exciting. I think most people have been in Jack’s shoes where you come to a crossroads in your life, whether it be relationships, career, etc and trying to figure out what you want to do. This book was compelling, dramatic and hot in all the right places!! Definitely worth the read!

ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review. Reviewed by Melissa from Alpha Book Club alpha-book-club1 Keri602

Title: Sorting Out
Author: Silvia Violet
Series: Fitting In #2
Publisher: Self Published
Reviewer: Keri Tabor
Release Date: December 27, 2013
Genre(s): M/M/M, BDSM, Police Officer,
Page Count: 222
Heat Level: 5 flames out of 5
Rating: 4 stars out of 5

The interesting thing about this story was that it felt as if it was being told from Jack’s point of view. That was awesome, b/c I adored Jack in the first book. This book showed how Jack needed things he didn’t know he needed in the bedroom and outside of the bedroom. Mason, Gray and Jack are coming to terms with being a threesome and what that means for them outside of the bedroom.
Gray makes a career decision that impacts Jack’s future and their future as a gay couple. One bad decision leads Jack to a hospital room. Jack is faced with some soul searching and finally figures out what he wants, but is something that he can voice to his partners? Will they be accepting?
I loved seeing Mason be able to have a dominant face at some points.
This book is heavy with spanking, DP and other BDSM things that may not be suitable for the faint hearted. In the end, I think I wanted more romance between these three, I wanted to “feel” them make love and see it. But that’s just the romantic in me! :)
Review Copy of Sorting Out provided by the author for an honest Review.
Reviewed by Keri from Alpha Book Club

alpha-book-club1 Arch BalaAuthor 4 books41

This is the continuation of Mason, Gray and Jack’s story. After their declaration of love in the first book, the three are now settling together. This time, Mason is now attending college while Gray also applied for a promotion. Jack however was on a limbo. After the robbery incident from the first book left him still reeling and feeling the pressure of coming out from Gray and Mason, he just doesn’t know how to deal with it. After getting shot in the line of duty, he finds himself withdrawing from his lovers. With Gray becoming a detective and Mason studies – both becoming extremely busy, he feels he’s drifting away.

Now the funny part about this book was the reversal of roles. Jack’s now having a hard time communicating his feelings towards his lovers. He suddenly became oversensitive and way too submissive. I’m still ignoring Gray in this book because he’s still an hard-ass but this book clearly focused on Jack which isn’t a bad thing at all, I just thought that it would’ve been great if there’s an alternate POV between him and Gray since we got Mason in the first book.

Jack’s characterization was obviously altered here which I didn’t at all. The plot turns improved a little and the sex still plenty – some good, most forced into the story. It was they just need sex to solve a problem.

Overall, I think this was a great conclusion to the trio’s story when some life-altering decisions were made. At least they’ve got some sort of a happy ending which I’m okay with – sort of. bartenders bdsm law-enforcement1 Bronwyn *not getting notifications*1,233 26

My initial read in 2015 was a 4 star read. This time I got very bored and am only giving it 2 stars. It really felt Jack had a complete personality transplant. Even Mason felt different. Gray was the only constant.

The first book was told from Mason’s POV. This time we get Jack’s POV. His head was not a peasant place to be in and I didn’t him very much. Most of this book was depressing and boring. Even the sex scenes were off. The BDSM is more prominent here with ball gags and nipple clamps being used. I wasn’t sold on the initial scene where Gray was trying to get Jack to scream and open up. This was not accomplished with the small yelp that Jack finally let out at the end, but they were all happy about it. What? That was not a release. That was a bandaid over Jack’s issues.

The best part of this book is when we meet Henry, though he doesn’t hold a very significant place as a character in future books.

I remember enjoying this series so much 6 years ago and I finally broke down and bought the last two books a few days ago. Needless to say, I am truly regretting that purchase and wish they had been available in KU instead so I didn’t waste my money. My advice? Stop reading after book one. (Although book 3 deviates from Mason/Jack/Gray, and we get a different threesome before it’s back to Mason/Jack/Gray for the final 2 books.)bdsm-or-ds military-law-enforce-first-respnd1 Shelley Chastagner2,575 37

Enjoyable followup to Fitting In. I loved being able to see Jack, Gray and Mason further into their relationship. While the first book focused mainly on Mason and his working towards fitting into Gray and Jack's existing relationship this book focuses on Jack. He has huge changes looming in his life. Jack, Gray and Mason have now established their relationship and are trying to figure out how to make it work in their public life. Mason is openly gay but keeping his relationship with the other two under wraps until Gray and Jack can make the transition. Jack is afraid to come out, especially at work. Admitting to being a gay cop is hard enough, but to lose Gray as his partner scares him. Gray is sick and tired of hiding who he is and who he loves but he and Jack seem to have hit an impasse. The ups and downs of the emotional interplay between the three of them is intense and feels very real. The author has two more book in the series. I would love to know how their relationship plays out with everything out in the open and especially what happens with Henry. That kid is a whole lot of wisdom in a very sweet young man. I would love to see Henry receive his own book. I'm off to read the rest of the series.
Adult readhave-it reread1 25 Readings Or More702 154


In this chapter we see how Mason, Gray and Jack have settled in their new life together.
Between new job opportunities , the need to not hide anymore their bond, an almost death experience, and a quite deep crisis, there's a lot at stake...
Sorting out focused more on Jack.
He is the one who is insecure and scared about their coming out and his job...
He struggle a lot, but his partners are there for him.
Their bond is one of the thing I really about this story. It's strong and intense. You can really feel their love and their chemestry.1 Mercedes1,128 95

I think I may have d this better than Fitting In. I think it was because the threesome was established plus I felt there was more of an authentic and believable plot line going on.
Also, this does have a lot of sex and for a change I did not mind that at all! I fact all the sex was scorching hot!

I am going to be rereading this one. But I am also ready for more and if that happens to be Henry or Bryce's stories I will be happy too!bdsm mm-romance poly1 Suze3,592

Probably more 2.5* for me.
I have read book 1 and was fine with that.
This one I didn't think really developed their relationship more.
Jack was very insecure and whiny - can't recall that from book 1. He almost veered into TSTL a few times.
Mason was centred and got to help top at times and Gray was still grumpy Dom!
Lots and lots of sex, would have d more of a story to hook through than Jack.
1 Sabrina509

Hmm....I dint really got into this one I did with the first one. This felt more a bad marriage past their honeymoon phase. The sex scenes were still hot but I’ve been trying to finish this book for months now and I read a few pages and then I get bored and close it again. I just skipped this and went straight to the 3rd one. Maybe the new couple will be better and a breath of fresh air.dnf1 Amanda621 14

So good reading about Mason, Jack and Grey and how heir relationship has progressed. Jack was shot and is having a hard time but seeing how Jack and Grey pull him out was beautiful. Now to read about Bryce :-)mm-law-enforcement1 Tammy1,192 30

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