
Buddha and Jesus: Could Solomon Be the Missing Link? de Sherman, R E

de Sherman, R E - Género: English
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Why does Buddhism resonate with many westerners? Was it truly the brainchild of Buddha? Or did it arise from his brilliant synthesis of two very different religions, one Eastern and one Western? How does Buddhism compare with Judaism and Christianity, point by important point? Are these religions somehow interconnected? This book tackles all these fascinating issues. This book explores the hypothesis that Buddha may have grafted the teachings of Solomon, a world-famous Middle Eastern king who lived 400 years earlier, onto portions of a protest movement against Hinduism (Jainism). Solomon’s ideas may have provided the context for the realizations that led to Buddha’s enlightenment, becoming the primary source of his new Middle Way and a compelling new religion. The extent of interconnection between all these religions could easily have been dramatic and breathtaking. This hypothesis could help explain numerous similarities between the teachings of Jesus (AD 30) and Buddha (525 BC). Simply put, they both were significantly influenced by their mutual predecessor, Solomon (950 BC). Even if the Solomon-Buddha hypothesis is incorrect, looking at Buddhism through this lens can help those with a Judeo-Christian background to more readily grasp Buddhism. A simple, four-step process of transitioning from Solomon to Buddha is detailed. Fourteen types of evidence supporting the plausibility of the book’s hypothesis are presented. Seven are comparative. Over 100 direct comparisons of very similar proverbs of Buddha and Solomon are reviewed. These are grouped topically and touch on every key aspect of Buddhism. In addition, seven types of historical evidence are detailed. For example, the first colony of Jews settled in India around the time of Buddha’s birth. Perhaps Buddha interacted with one of these settlers. An extensive, topically arranged review of similarities and differences in the teachings of Jesus and Buddha is also presented. The strengths and weaknesses of each religion are covered. (Each strength has a corresponding weakness.) The comprehensive side-by-side comparisons in this book are especially illuminating and thought provoking, making it an indispensable resource. Answers to numerous FAQs are included. Fictional dialogues between the young Buddha and a highly educated Jew living near him provide an entertaining summary of key points of the book. This stimulating, challenging book is a must read for anyone interested in Buddhism. About the Author R. E. Sherman has been a highly successful management consultant for nearly forty years. From 1984 to 1991, he was a principal at PriceWaterhouseCoopers, the world's largest accounting and consulting firm. He has written several professional papers, two of which won national prizes. He has written seventy articles since 1986 in a major trade magazine. For the past decade Mr. Sherman has worked with an Israeli physicist in examining claims about codes in the Hebrew Bible. He authored a book on their findings, Bible Code Bombshell (2005), which has sold 10,000 copies. He lives in a vibrant, eclectic college town, which is home to a large number of Buddhists, Jews, and Christians. He is a follower of Christ who respects and appreciates sincere followers of other major religions. He has many Buddhist and Jewish friends. He has been a serious student of the Bible for the past thirty-nine years. He graduated from the University of California at San Diego with a B.A. and an M.A. in Mathematics. He also passed three qualifying exams for a Ph.D. in Mathematics before deciding to pursue a career as an actuary. He is a Member of the American Academy of Actuaries and a Fellow of the Casualty Actuarial Society. He has served as an expert witness in numerous major lawsuits. That experience helped him to improve his skills in assessing the quality of evidence presented in support of different positions.