
The Godless Kingdom de Sheila Masterson

de Sheila Masterson - Género: English
libro gratis The Godless Kingdom


A king ripped from his throne. An imposter wearing the crown. A court balanced on a knife’s edge.
In the wake of a violent rebellion, Cecilia and Xander are trapped behind enemy lines under the thumb of a cruel tyrant. It’s impossible to know who to trust with the culture of fear Vincent has instilled in the Argarian court. Clawing back the power he stole requires slow and careful progress. The vicious king needs them both alive for now, but one wrong move will land them in tower jails or worse.
Outside the castle walls, Evan enlists his network of spies to help his friends escape. But moving through town freely and accessing the castle grounds requires accepting help from an unexpected ally.
In the heart of Vincent’s court, Rainer is rendered from an aching past he can’t remember and is desperate for the glorious future he’s been chasing his whole life. Torn between his duty, his honor, and his heart, Rainer must decide what he wants most and what price he’s willing to pay for it.
They all walk a perilous line and one misstep will cost them their lives and the chance at the happily ever after they’ve fought so hard for...M.F

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This wrap up to The Lost God series was everything you want in a conclusion to an epic romantic fantasy.

The series spans 4 books with The Godless Kingdom being the last book in the COMPLETED series.

If you aren’t already familiar with this series then I will implore on you to pick this series up or add to you TBR. It is a must read for lovers of fantasy romance but prepare to be taken on an emotional rollercoaster.

Ok all you that have not read the previous 3 books divert your eyes or better yet go read my review on The Lost God. Although I try to keep this spoiler free it is book 4 in the series.

Sheila’s writing style, multi POV storyline and emotionally deep characters have captured my heart. The character growth for Cece, Xander, Rainer, Evan and Sylvie was so anxiety provoking, heartbreaking, joyous and exciting to watch. They each ended up exactly where they needed to be and I could not have asked for a better way to leave these beloved characters.

I love the meddlesome Gods that just can’t keep their hands out of everyone else’s business and really Sheila is your reading this… a Sylvie, Evan and Samson bonus scene would be nice.

I have always been team Xander and always will be BUT I love the relationship that Xander and Cece were able to build together. I love that their flirty nature never truly went away and their banter was certainly a highlight for me through the story.

Rainer, ok fine I him now (insert eye roll). In this last book we have the amnesia trope in the forefront. With that this book is a thick one, I was worried that it may be drawn out or start to feel more of an annoyance. I should have known better though. The amnesia piece was so well done. I never felt it was bragging on for too long and the resolution didn’t feel far- fetched or too quickly resolved.

Although The Lost God series has now come to a close, I am soo excited what else Sheila has in store for us readers.4 s Megan Rose108 11

✨The Godless Kingdom✨

TGK is one of those books where after you finish, you just simply sit and think through the series they’re your own memories, your own loves, your own family…

And this book, this SERIES, is one that’ll stay with me through my lifetime. I’ve NEVER had a book that wrecks me so throughly that I’m completely put out and mindless in daydreaming I am with this series from @sheilareadsandwrites . It is a heart song kind of book. One that goes deeper than the simple joy of reading.

We enter back into Cece’s world where there is little to no hope given to us after the ending of The Storm King. Our found family is split between being imprisoned in the castle and locked out with the rebels. Rainer and Cece have a BIG hurdle they have to climb in their relationship that is almost worse than death. It’s far from easy and they’re targeted in ways that capsize your soul, but Sheila did a great job navigating through these hoops with realism and poise that was very difficult but understandable, especially because those topics and acts are so difficult to come back from if not done well. I still love how Cece always clings to courage, hope and love in spite of losing it all. I was frustrated for and so so proud of Rainer- his outspokenness and open questioning was refreshing. Xander, as always
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