
Thrift Store Trolls de Shawntelle Madison

de Shawntelle Madison - Género: English
libro gratis Thrift Store Trolls


Something wicked is coming to South Toms River, New Jersey.

Selling haunted trinkets and witches' wands is just another normal day for the delightfully neurotic werewolf Natalya Stravinsky. From one day to another, as the new South Toms River Pack alpha female, she tries to keep finicky supernatural customers placated while managing her underhanded goblin boss and eccentric supernatural co-workers. Her life is complicated further when competition rolls in: a peculiar troll-owned mart with subpar haunted knick-knacks and deadly antiques appears.

A powerful fairy path veers off course, heading towards South Toms River, attracting the attention of a deadly, shadowed force. Mysterious steamer trunks from the 1920s pop up all over town, unleashing horrific beasts. Natalya must find the inner strength to bring her pack together to uncover the culprit before her enemies threaten everyone she holds dear.

This is the first book from the Flea Market Magic Series! You...

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2.5 I really struggled to get into this book. I did not know it was a spin off of another series. There are many references to past relationships, conflicts and events that affect things here that are talked about but never reviewed. I felt lost, didn’t understand why these characters had issues with others, and there was a lot of history spoken of. Forbidden things, they knew about but I had no memory of where mentioned. I really struggled, I wanted to enjoy this.
The writing style had too many similes. Weird ones, that just made me stop and say, what ? There was a lot of jumping around in the story. Told in first person with the MC’s thoughts everywhere at once. From this one book I will not be continuing on with this series. Perhaps my experience would have been better if I’d read the previous books,
I can not recommend this book unless you’ve read the previous series.
I received this book from the publisher for an honest review10 s SophiaAuthor 5 books364

It has been a while since I, with regret, farewelled the Coveted world when the last book came out. Imagine my excitement to see that the author had returned to that world to begin a fun second series for Nat and her friends.

Thrift Store Trolls opens with Nat sending her werewolf alpha mate, Thorne off for a meeting out of town, and heading into work. Naturally, trouble finds her in the form of a mysterious trunk that isn't full of goods to be sold on the variety store shelves, but a killing monster that seems intent on getting Nat. When more mysterious trunks and more of what is inside them start going after the werewolves, Nat's authority as alpha mate, hard-earned as it was, is put to the test. Her rivals are waiting for the OCD Nat to fail, but she must rise above her tendencies and fears to do her job and protect the pack and then find out what has the fairies afraid about the woods and who is sending the mystery trunks.

Thrift Store Trolls jumped right back into Nat's life. It had a 'what happens after the happily ever after' vibe that I enjoyed. I appreciated that Nat won the challenge to be Thorne's mate, but that didn't suddenly make all her issues go away. She still gets challenged and her OCD is still there, but over the course of her previous adventures, she is no longer the cringing werewolf who can't get past her fears and anxieties. She sees her own worth and powers through her struggles. I also enjoyed several of the familiar faces Nat's quirky Russian family, her besties from her therapy group, her boss Bill the Troll, and of course time spent with Thorne who backs her play all the way.

I was primed to love this one from page one and I did to a certain extent, but I also felt somewhat disconnected from the characters and the story even when things got exciting. I felt I was waiting for more even when it was delivering on the action and characters. I don't remember struggling with this before when I was reading the original series so perhaps it is a mood.

I also want to point out that, though this seems to be the start of a new series and it is, I think readers would get way more out of it if they treat it a spin-off series or even a season two. There are several references to the past that might drive a new reader nuts to know more plus some references assume the reader knows who the character is or what the situation was before and then there is not appreciating Nat's growth since a lot of it took place in the earlier books.

In summary, I am tickled that Nat and her gang of friends are back and there is a new threat to the wolves, the other supernaturals, and the humans needing to be vanquished over the course of the series. This is lighter, but action-packed and character-driven urban fantasy that I can encourage fans of the genre to give a try starting with Covet.

I rec'd this book from Net Galley to read in exchange for an honest review.net-galley-reads pnr3 s Jen (That's What I'm Talking About)1,548 305

Thrift Store Trolls kicks off a new urban fantasy series, which is a spin-off from the Coveted series by Shawntelle Madison. It starts roughly six months after the conclusion of the third Coveted book, Compelled. The new series continues to share the tales of the South Toms River werewolf pack from the perspective of its Alpha Female, Nat.

As the start of the new series, Thrift Store Trolls can be read without having enjoyed the original series. It’s been a few years since the last book was released, and the author does a good job of adding information to help both new and returning readers understand the key events and details that happened prior to the start of the book.

Nat is not your typical urban fantasy heroine, and I love this about her. In fact, she struggles with severe OCD and is prone to panic attacks. She’s not the biggest and best fighter in her pack, but she’s carved her place as the Alpha Female because of love. While she is more confident in her place now than she was during the original series, she still has doubts, thankfully one of them is not Thorn’s love. I found myself annoyed on a couple occasions because I don’t want to see Nat have to prove herself to the pack over and over, but luckily, it doesn’t happen too often. And when she makes the tough calls, Thorn backs her up one hundred percent.

This time around, someone or something is leaving trunks filled with dangerous basilisks at Nat’s work, The Bend of the River Flea Market aka. The Bends. Moreover, these creatures know where she lives and seem to be coming after her. When the threat bubbles over into human areas and threatens someone close to Nat, she must work with her friends outside the Pack, and she must unify her Pack to follow her lead.

Overall, I enjoyed returning to South Toms River. There is something about the stories and characters that resonates with me. Nat has grown a lot, yet still remains a work-in-progress. She’s learning to trust others, even those who tormented her in the past. She’s on her way to becoming her true self. While there are a few problematic and/or confusing scenes, the fun of the book outweighs my mild annoyance. And I am super happy to see a follow up book is coming in 2021.

My Rating: B d It -- Recommend
Review copy provided by NetGalley
Originally posted at That's What I'm Talking Aboutcoveted-series shifters urban-fantasy3 s mari255

ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I can’t. I struggled a lot trying to read this and understand everything that was written but I couldn’t. I’ve just found out this was a spin-off from another series so it clearly means everything I did not understand, the characters’s past, issues with others and any other references to the other books, was related to the books I have not read.

If I have to be completely honest, this book was not good. Maybe I am biased because I did not understand a thing due to being oblivious that this is a spin-off, but I am just explaining my experience.

I didn’t understand so many things, and this is why my reading experience with this book has been low. really bad. I don’t think I could ever continue reading the series after having struggled so much with this one.

It should really be more specified that this is a spin-off so, in order to fully comprehend and understand and be able to enjoy this book, you need to have read before the others.

The writing style was simple. And it was understandable, for someone who’s not a native English speaker but there were so many things that were associated with what happened in the previous books. The book description says you needn’t have to read the other series but it is clear as the day that you must, because if not, this book practically makes no sense.

I’m afraid I won’t continue this series and I wouldn’t really recommend this book to anyone unless they’ve read the Coveted series from the same author.

Thank you, NetGalley and the publisher for providing me an ARC in exchange for an honest review.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full reviewarcs2 s Marta Cox2,690 205 Read

Imagine a Werewolf with OCD and you begin to understand that's really quite a big deal. Slobbering, shedding not to mention the desire to keep everything straight and tidy ! So yes Nat definitely has issues but as Alpha female of her Pack she knows she has to deal and frankly I do think she's come a long way in her journey. Now she's working at what I can only describe as a store that sells magical antiques but when a mysterious trunk shows up pretty soon the monsters follow !
I've previously enjoyed this authors work but this time it just didn't quite click for me. An interesting plot with numerous supporting characters and yet for me something was missing. I d the idea that changes were coming ( sorry cannot say exactly what or who ) but I think I really wanted more of a feeling of love and romance between Nat and her partner Thorn. So sadly not my favourite book by this author.
This voluntary take is of a copy I requested from Netgalley and my thoughts and comments are honest and I believe fair

2 s Vintagebooklvr3,561 53

3 1/2 stars. A solid urban fantasy that is the beginning of a new series which is a continuation of another series with the same main character and other characters as well. While there are many references to the events that happened in the previous books it is not necessary to read them to outstand what is going on; I figured it out easily enough though this is the first time I have read the author.

Natalya is the new alpha female werewolf after marrying her love, the alpha, and attempting to settle into her new role after a rocky road here. The previous series may have been a lot about their epic love but this more about Natalya becoming comfortable in her role, getting the pack to accept her, and of course dealing with some personal issues as well as a pesky basilisk problem that might just kill the whole pack. She is a quirky and unusual heroine. She hoards Christmas decorations, has OCD and works in a magical flea market. It's great to see a heroine who is working on her problems, has to work at an "ordinary" job and still able to kick butt.

There's plenty of action in the story but there is time to see Natalya with her friends, dealing with her OCD and at her job. You get a chance to know her as a character. I'm interested in reading more about Natalya after this and before this.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for a free copy of this ARC in exchange for an honest review.
urban-fantasy1 Penny2,436 67

I have read this author before, but it has been a few years. I saw this new series starter by her and had to check it out. This book contains characters from her other series, but you don’t need to have read those others to enjoy this one. I dived in, and I kept remembering characters from her other books which was fun. I loved seeing them again. This was an interesting book with an interesting plot, and I think I’ll even eventually Erica in time. The reveal of the wolf helping the Basilisk King was a little bit of a letdown, but other than that, I enjoyed this book from start to finish. I can’t wait to read the next book in the series. Recommend! I was provided a compliment copy which I voluntarily reviewed.1 Melissa Izquierdo149

I received a free copy of this book from Netgalley. I am leaving my honest review This book is a spin off from the author's Coveted series. That series doesn't have to be read in order to follow this book. However, there are many, many references to prior events. Rather than simply explanatory, these references interfere with the ability to get to know the MC, Nat. I didn't get invested in the story until it neared the end when Nat sprang into action. The series holds promise and I will continue on to the next book when it cones out.1 Bobbie Kirkland649 13

Through NetGalley, I received a free copy of THRIFT STORE TROLLS (Book 1 of Flea Market Magic) by Shawntelle Madison in exchange for an honest review. This appears to be a continuation or spin-off from another series because the characters seems to already have established backgrounds of which the reader should already be aware. During the prior stories, Natalya Stravinsky became the alpha female of the South Toms River Werewolf Pack. Natalya has a potty mouth, an anxiety disorder, and a hoarding habit. When a rare event, the rerouting of a fairy path, initiates, one of the horrors of that road begins to hunt Natalya. Natalya must stop the horror before it eats her and before his pet horrors eat the local populace.

As I mentioned, this was an established set of characters interacting with an established world. I recommend you read the prior series before starting this one. Urban fantasy, mystery, adventure, werewolves, goddesses, basilisks, and foul language, oh my!

#ThriftStoreTrolls #NetGalley
Carrie2,365 18

This was certainly a unique read, and set in my own state! I 100% did not realize this world was already established before reading this book, but the author does a nice job catching you up throughout the story.

Nat is a werewolf, works at a flea market (that caters to supernaturals), and is trying to find her footing in the pack as she has newly become the alpha's mate officially. Pack dynamics aside, she's also got a little bit of a problem with smelly trunks showing up and barfing up magical baddies. Gross. There's a bad guy lurking around doing bad things to supernaturals in her neck of the woods, so she jumps in to defend her "territory" even when it gets her gooey and gross.

Overall, these characters were fun to meet for the first time and felt pretty natural in this world. I even enjoyed the ornery new neighbors to the flea market. As a paranormal book it was a really interesting world to dive in to. I wish there was a little more romance to meet my usual reading preferences, but it was still super enjoyable.2020 Dallass2,039

A quick fast paced read.

It wasn’t until I got to the end of the book that I realised that I’d come into this series/troligy without any of the backstory (ie, reading the first trilogy). However, that wasn’t really a barrier to following what was happening in this story, but it sure does help. I d Natalya, she is resilient, loyal and although she is more than a bit frustrating at times with her OCD and other neuroses (this falls back i to not having read the first trilogy where you get her full backstory), she is a memorable character who is more powerful than she realises. Thorn had his moments. He loves his mate, and is a very practical and more stoic character. But apart from these two, I really wasn’t that fussed with many of the other characters and developed a particular dis of Rex and Erica (again, helps to have read the first trilogy).

After reading this book I went back and read Coveted and the nuances became clearer, so I’ll finish the following two books before picking up the second book in this trilogy. Heidi1,260 6

This book was a good solid urban fantasy. It’s light on the romance and definitely doesn’t fall on the paranormal romance side of the line. I did look up the author on fantasticfiction.com because I was left curious enough about her other books to see what she’s written. By the amount of clothes on the covers I’m presuming about half her stuff is paranormal romance.
This heroine is married but her husband is off busy with work or pack duties much of the time. She's suffering from OCD but is under treatment and manages her life ok. The illness makes her a more sympathetic character because she’s not all powerful and overly kick ass even though she’s a werewolf. The big weakness of this book is that even though it’s a book one in a new series it too often refers to past books and leaves a big feeling of “previously on!”. All in all it’s a solidly enjoyable fast read and I’d read more by this author.2020-books-read wonderfullyweird88720 14

This book is a spin-off of another series that I have not read. I was completely lost. There is no introduction to the main character no background. There are events mentioned that must have happened in previous books. Not knowing anything about the characters and universe completely turned me off reading this book. If the author wishes to draw in new readers there needs to be a better introduction to this series. The blurb states the previous series does not need to be read but it truly does if you stand a hope if enjoying this book.
While I did not enjoy this book its writing style pace and interesting plotline will definitely appeal to someone who has read the original series. I would have loved to have a deeper knowledge of the characters to actually enjoy this book.

I received an arc of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own. fantasy were-wolf Kylie206 36

With thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for my ARC.

I loved the blurb and the premise for this book, and I read a lot of series, so I’m used to continuing stories, however, when the book jumped straight into the story without introducing characters etc. At this point, I began to suspect that this was a new series following on from a previous series and I was correct. The Flea Market Magic series follows the Coveted series, the Goodreads blurb does mentions this though. For me a short intro of a few pages to recap the major points of the previous series would be an improvement from grasping at snippets of information as the storyline develops.

Other than the slight blip of being somewhat confused by assumed background knowledge initially, I enjoyed the story, the characters and the world.

A strong 3.5 stars. fae friends magic ...more Reece502 6

ARC from NetGalley

I hadn't read any of the previous books in this series, but I don't know that it was necessary. The book is advertised as the first book in a new series, but it didn't read that way. That said, most history and references were clarified as they pertained to the plot. Unfortunately, this book was boring and in desperate need of another round of edits (ARC though, so plausible). You would think that a book about werewolves, wizards, witches, et al being hunted by a big ol' baddy would be exciting, but it felt nothing important happened. No one important died. No new romance. I mean.. we end up pretty much in the same spot at the end as we were in the beginning. And I have to say, Nat is the most wimpy bitch alpha I have ever come across. I want my time back. Roswita288

A really enjoyable read filled with werewolves, witches, wizards, trolls, and goblins. If you supernaturals with your adventures, this is the story for you. The heroine is flawed and able. She pushes through her personal issues to try to do the right thing. Even though she doubts herself, she bolsters herself with the support of he family and friends. Her motto could easily be “Nevertheless, she persisted.” I recommend this story and this author. Rebecca Goss1,509 4

Natalya must work to keep her pack safe from strong and dangerous forces. Pack loyalties are questioned and politics threaten their safety. Natalya is an interesting character that is strong but battles mental health issues. She has a cohesive group of friends and a loving mate who support her. I loved how this book embraced and respects older members of the community. I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Wendy541

A great start to this series. Nat is the female alpha of the pack now with the love of her life Thorn. Mysterious trunks with basilisks are showing up all over town. They monsters seem to be targeting Nat and her family. Nat must figure out who is sending them and how to stop a demi God. I that Nat is flawed and has self-doubt but that the doubt doesn’t let that stop her from protecting her family and pack. I enjoyed this story and look forward to reading more by this author. 1 Emma Fearon305 2


I had this recommended from another author I enjoy, and what a great story!
Natalya is a great main character and now I have loads of new books to catch up on her back story. Heaven.

Highly recommended. A great book. Rebecca679 23

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