
The Wild Swimmers de Shaw, William

de Shaw, William - Género: English
libro gratis The Wild Swimmers


High tide. Nowhere to hide...

If only Alexandra Cupidi had turned south instead of north, she would have found the dead woman.

Instead it is her vulnerable daughter Zoë who stumbles across Mimi Greene's lifeless body on the shoreline. A regular wild swimmer with a group of close friends, it's out of character for Mimi to have been swimming alone, especially in bad weather. DS Cupidi starts to suspect this is more than just an accidental drowning.

Meanwhile, her friend and colleague Jill Ferriter receives a mysterious letter from a man who claims to be her father. Stephen Dowles has been in prison for the last twenty years, convicted of two brutal and senseless murders.

With Cupidi obsessed by the death of Mimi Greene, Ferriter must lean on Bill South to uncover the facts around Dowles' conviction, revisiting old colleagues and criminals.

The Wild Swimmers is an explosive return to the DS Alexandra Cupidi Series, where the shores of the south Kent coastline expose deadly secrets.

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DS Alexandra Cupidi #5
A report comes in of a dead body at Pen Bars, a shingle spit on the south side of Dungeness which Alex fully expects to be the concrete man abandoned there in the 1990’s and nothing more sinister. Sadly, she’s wrong as it’s the body of a female swimmer which is discovered on the shoreline. This is the start of a difficult and perplexing case that appears to be linked to an online dating app, a group of female wild swimmers and someone from DC Jill Ferriter’s past. For the latter, Jill relies on the help and support of ex-policeman Bill South, a friend and neighbour of Alex, who tries to uncover potentially uncomfortable truths with disastrous consequences.

I this series and the characters in it and yet again William Shaw has set his readers an intriguing and entertaining puzzle to try to figure out. It’s a multilayered plot and for a long time it’s hard to see how the different strands will conjoin but they do, and do so well. The plot is really interesting and immersive, it’s fast paced and full of well crafted characters who contribute to the storyline with varying degrees of truthfulness. It’s a tricky investigation with several dead ends but it ignites in places and how. It’s full of twists and there are several suspenseful cliffhanger chapter endings where breathe is held and fingers crossed for a positive outcome.

I love the settings and as some are familiar to me that always makes me further invested in the storytelling. The Folkestone area, Hythe, Romney Marshes and Dungeness and so on are described so well that it evokes a strong atmosphere to accompany a good plot. I love the wild swimmers element from Hythe which I’ve seen for myself but rather them that me!

Overall, an entertaining and gripping page turner that holds my attention throughout. Hope there’s more of Alex et al to come.

With thanks to NetGalley and especially to Quercus Books, riverrun for the much appreciated arc in return for an honest review.43 s30 comments Irene118 15

"The Wild Swimmers" is the fifth installment in William Shaw's crime series featuring DS Alexandra Cupidi. its predecessors, "The Wild Swimmers" is an intriguing read with multi-dimensional characters and a fast-paced and immensely gripping plot. 

There are two main strands of plots, which at the beginning don't seem to have anything to do with each other but merge at the end of the book. DS Cupidi and her team have to face many dead ends during their investigation, there are quite a few unexpected plot twists and - to my utmost delight - Bill South plays a major role again in this book. The grand finale by the way is really breathtaking.

For me, the DS Alexandra Cupidi series is one of my absolutely favourite crime series. I love the main character Alex, who comes across as a very strong woman. She moved with her teenage daughter Zoë from London to Dungeness on the south coast of Kent to escape from an unhappy affair at work. There she bumps into Bill South, who she sent to prison in the prequel to this series, "The Birdwatcher". As neighbours, they slowly become friends. It's especially Alex's daughter Zoë, who befriends Bill since he is a kind of father figure for her. What is more, they both share a love for the wildlife on Dungeness.

Another thing I love about this crime series is the detailed description of the setting. The author successfully conveys the special atmosphere of this place -the flat salt marshes and the rich and diverse wildlife - to the readers. To me, this place has become so familiar that it almost feels home. That's one of the reasons why I can't wait to go back there in book #6!

So in a nutshell: If you love complex crime novels with multi-dimensional and credible characters, fast-paced stories with twisty plots and beautiful landscape descriptions, you should definitely put this crime series on your TBR list!3 s Maureen958

The Wild Swimmers by William Shaw is book 5 in the DS Alexandra Cupidi series. It is published on 23 May. Have loved the previous books in this series, which is set around Dungeness, and was looking forward to reading this. I certainly wasn’t disappointed, loved it in fact. Alex is back at Serious Crimes after being on light duties for 12 months. She is not able to ease herself back but needs to hit the ground running. Jill, Alex’s friend and colleague, is not involved in the investigation and has her own side investigation going with the help of Bill South, an ex-copper and neighbour of Alex’s. This turns deadly as someone doesn’t him digging around. I loved the friendship aspect of the story and how the women supported each other and Zoe, who is traumatised by a body she finds. Alex comes across a group of women who knew the victim and they take Zoe, who is now 19, under their wing. The characters are so varied and such a fascinating mix too. Bill plays a bigger part in this book, and it is good to learn more about him. The story moves at a slower place initially as the clues are gradually uncovered, but when things start to happen, you end up on the edge of your seat. There is a real sense of mystery throughout, with both the threads, and towards the end, so much tension. It really kept my interest and involvement. It was a real pleasure to read.3 s Wendy Greenberg1,199 33

I thought I might have forgotten the personalities in this series but within a couple of pages I was back with old friends! I was pulled in opposite directions as to my opinions of the book.

In the positive camp. It was completely page turning, a full immersion read that was fast moving and hard to guess the endgame. I enjoyed it but with reservation.

On the negative side, I found it full of superfluous adjectives and descriptions - not a huge issue but out of place in a pacy story. I also found that a complete suspension of reality was required. Random old cases being turned over, random characters from the long past close at hand and remembering each other, full confessions for no reason (other than as a plot device). The full gamut in a can of (old) worms

Then we have the eponymous Wild Swimmers - a very small group of women with bizarre stereotypical tropes. The intense poet, the troubled young gay woman, the rich, bored housewife etc.... I could swallow it but it felt lazy to me.

With thanks to NetGalley and Quercus Books for allowing me to read and review
#TheWildSwimmers #NetGalley2 s Derek88

So great to be back with these characters and the story doesn’t disappoint - an expertly written tale with personal links to the main characters. Thoroughly enjoyed. 2 s Sophie Breese294 36

I love this series. This time we had stories about Alex and Bill. Brilliantly characterised. Beautifully written. One of the best British crime writers around. 2 s Sam ArnoldAuthor 5 books17

I would have preordered this book if I hadn't been gifted from NetGalley. I have read all William Shaw's Cupidi books, including the prequel.  

Initially, I was attracted to the books because they were written where I grew up. But that would have only gone so far. I read them now because they are brilliantly written crime novels. The Wild Swimmers is no exception to this; in fact, it is one of the best. 

Most books are made on their first lines, and this one sets the scene perfectly for what is to come. 'It came down to a choice between two directions, north or south.' The body is that of a young swimmer. Was she murdered, did she commit suicide, or was this a tragic accident?

This is the first story throughout the book to a well-thought-out ending. Although the clues were throughout the story, I didn't guess the killer. The second story that runs through is the private life of Cupidi's friend, Jill Ferriter. My favourite character, William South, investigates this additional story.

Part Two of the book changed voices, which I believe I am right in saying hasn't happened before in this series. I loved this aspect as it was told from the perspective of South. The prequel to this series, Birdwatcher, is also his story and one of my favourites.

The two stories combine perfectly to bring about a satisfying conclusion. Some would describe this as a cosy crime, but I don't think that does it justice. Shaw relies on his brilliant storytelling and unforgettable characters to tell an enthralling crime story that doesn't need blood and gore to entertain.

If the mark of a good book is one you can't put down, then I didn't stop reading this until 1 am. I read the whole book in one sitting, it is enthralling. Preorder this today if you crime set in a beautiful landscape with fantastic characters. Until it is released, spend your time reading the first four.

Now, thanks to William Shaw, I need to go and wander in the shingle to look for a concrete man I never knew existed, even though I have lived in the area for nearly 50 years. Read the book, and you will understand. 1 Hannah Paley105 2

I’ve not read the previous books in this series but I will certainly go back and do so after having read Wild Swimmers.
I love crime fiction and this book was a great addition to the list. The characters are interesting and multi-layered. The plot was good and not overly complicated. There are a few bits where you have to suspend your disbelief as always with these books but nothing outrageous. Overall a great read. 1 Kath2,688

Well... it's about time we had another book in this series and, boy, was it worth the three year wait! Although, that said, I did have his other books to keep me going - the ones he writes under GW Shaw. Which are also excellent reads.
Going back to Alex Cupidi - and usual series rules apply - I know I say that with all series, but there are some which definitely benefit from this. Character backstory and development and all that jazz. And this one definitely fits that category.
We start with Alex getting a call about a body on the beach. She is not convinced so allows her daughter Zoe to accompany her. She is in a bit of a world of her own so doesn't hear Zoe until she has been shouting a while, having actually found the body. A body which turns out to be Mimi Green, a regular wild swimmer. Further investigation reveal her to be a strong swimmer who doesn't usually go out alone, especially in dodgy weather. Alex therefore isn't convinced it is just an accident...
If that wasn't enough to get your juices flowing, we also have another intriguing investigation. It appears that Jill Ferriter has received a letter from her father. Well, one from a man claiming to be. And it that wasn't strange enough, he is currently in prison, and has been for the past twenty years, for two brutal murders. Jill tries to talk to Alex but she has her hands full with Mimi's death so she turns instead to Bill South to assist her.
Oh my days. I have really missed the characters in this book. You know when you don't actually realise you have missed someone until you reconnect with them and get that warm fuzzy feeling and it's the years apart have meant nothing... yeah... that!
And it was more than wonderful to have Bill back front and centre with his own, absolutely gripping investigation. It's a cold case so he has to dig back to the past. Reconnecting with an old friend to get Jill the answers she needs and deserves.
The wild swimming case was just as intriguing and kept my attention nicely as it progressed, delivery twist after shock as Alex peeled back the layers until the truth was finally laid bare.
And the setting, which is really kinda a character in its own right delivered once again. I am usually not a fan of over-description in a book, I find it slows my reading down too much and I do admit to being a bit impatient, but in this case, the setting is integral to the case and so is well worthy and deserved of the wonderful description the author delivers. Other than that, the writing is tight and with no superfluous waffle, allows the pace to remain high and the story to get on with itself very well indeed. Ramping up until delivering the final denouement, which left me wholly satisfied.
In fact the only downside of the book was realising that I had finished and so would have to say goodbye to the characters once again. Hopefully it won't be three years until we meet again...
My thanks go to the Publisher and Netgalley for the chance to read this book.2 s Lizzie Hayes524 26

Detective Sergeant Alexandra Cupidi, due to start back on the serious crimes unit after being away because of stress, is sent to investigate the report of a dead body on the beach at
Dungeness. It‘s a young woman, later identified as one of a group of women who go wild swimming in the area.

Meanwhile a close friend and colleague of Alex’s, Detective Constable Jill Ferriter, who has never known her father, now receives a message from Stephen Dowles claiming to be that man. The trouble is he is in prison for murder and about to be released. Jill wants Alex’s
advice as what to do.

Alex visits the beach where the women swim, the dead woman had been identified as Mimi Greene. Alex asks the other three swimmers about Mimi; they tell her that she was a very strong swimmer and would never have drowned. So begins a murder investigation and Alex and the team need to speak to Malcolm who was in a relationship with Mimi, but no one seems to know his surname.

Meanwhile as Alex is so busy with Mimi’s murder, she hasn’t time to investigate the man claiming to be her friend’s father. Jill therefore asks a close neighbour and friend Bill, a retired police officer, to help her. Reluctantly he agrees to find out more for her. However, little does he know what depths he is getting into. His enquiries lead to his life being put in grave danger when he unearths evidence of past cover ups within the police force concerning drug dealing. Corruption was rife back in the early 1990’s in his area.

As Alex looks further into the death of Mimi, she also finds connections to the past, dealing with drug trafficking. It becomes a very complicated and baffling case. Who and where is Malcolm, a person whose name keeps cropping up in connection with the murder and Bill’s enquiries? Who could possibly have killed Mimi and why?

Is Bill’s old friend and colleague from the police force as straight as he always seemed? A really complex murder enquiry which turns into so much more, set in the wonderfully descriptive wild beauty and desolation of the coast around Dungeness.

Thoroughly recommended for readers who enjoy a very complicated case to unravel.
Reviewer: Tricia Chappell
For Lizzie Sirett (Mystery People Group)1 1 comment Paromjit2,961 25.4k

This is the latest in a favourite crime series by William Shaw, set in the beautiful and atmospheric location of Dungeness and the Kent coast, featuring DS Alex Cupidi. To my delight, this sees a bigger role for ex-copper and birdwatcher, Bill South, who I have a real soft spot for, he gets dragged reluctantly into an old cold case by Jill Ferriter, who on learning who her father is, finds herself mired in a emotional quagmire, leaving her with a desperate desire to know more about him. However, Bill, who connects with an old and familiar figure, the now dying ex-DI Tart, and his wife, Jenn, soon feels a welcome sense of comfort to once again be investigating, but it is to lead him into deeply dangerous waters.

Jill's messy and chaotic private life ensures she cannot communicate with her close friend and colleague, Alex. Alex is to rue her decision to have Zoe accompany her when a body is reported to be on the beach, she thinks it's a false alarm, only to have a traumatised daughter on her hands, after Zoe comes across the drowned dead body of Mimi Greene. The victim is one of a group of regular wild swimmers, women that include poet Isobel, married to Victor, the young gay Rose with her mental health issues, and the bored but wealthy Kimaya. Under her boss, DI Toby McAdam, Alex works with PC Charlie Reed, on a complex case, that includes the frustrations of trying to locate Mimi's cheating ex-boyfriend, Malcolm.

Once again Shaw showcases here his ability to write 2 well plotted and twisted mysteries, both of which I was gripped by, especially with their escalating levels of tension and suspense. There is a strong cast of familiar characters who generate a great sense of comfort as I become reacquainted with their lives. What I am hoping is that the author continues with giving a greater role to Bill, it would be such a waste if he is to revert to occupying a minor role. If you are a crime and mystery fan, I would strongly urge to try this wonderful series. Many thanks to the publisher for an ARC.crime-fiction mystery netgalley ...more34 s3 comments Richard1,979 166

The Wild Swimmers is the fifth book in this wonderful and imaginative series set around Dungeness and Kent.
Between finishing The Trawlerman, number four and starting this one, I had the pleasure of reading a short story set within this series setting, “Prospect Cottage” by William Shaw. His affinity with this area and creative ability to capture its allure and fascination was demonstrated in this short story.

The Wild Swimmers is further evidence of Shaw’s talent and storytelling skill set. I was drawn into the mystery from the very beginning. No shivering bather slowly letting the water creep up one’s costume; more the run, skip, hurdle the waves to dive (belly flop) into the sea.

A great title and an activity that has increasing interest in groups who have found joy, support and companionship in regularly venturing into open water.

This author mixes his stories with varied plots in often fresh and insightful ways. Faithful to his characters he pushes them to their limits and brings the best out of them.

This is a DS Alexandra Cupidi series in essence but the role played here by Bill South is a melodious group of violins emerging from the orchestra and leading the symphony. A tune you expected but not from the string section.

Alex has her own investigation to pursue, Bill has this unofficial nose around into an old case as well here.

I loved this cameo and the joy it brings Bill to have such an active role is clear to see. His efforts unfold in surprising ways and the charm of the man is evident. He is a favourite character of mine and his journey here makes this a worthwhile read alone.

The author has the ability to dip into modern culture and contemporary issues to cement his writing as relevant and up to date. Wild swimming aside the drug scene is again dealt with convincingly and police corruption once more touched upon.

But it is the humanity and frailty of individuals that stand out for me and undoubtedly these qualities display the hand of this fine and under appreciated writer.netgalley-to-review Jaffareadstoo2,723

The Wild Swimmers is now the fifth book in the DS Alexandra Cupidi series of crime novels and whilst I hadn’t read the previous books, something I aim to rectify, I was soon able to pick up some of the back story, especially as this sees DS Cupidi returning to work after a short leave of absence. The story starts off as it means to go on with the sad discovery of a woman’s body on a remote Dungeness beach. With the dead woman having links to a group of wild swimmers, Cupidi and her team have a difficult task of determining whether Mimi Greene’s death was accidental or deliberate.

With a series of complications pulling the investigative team in all sorts of directions the mystery surrounding the dead woman deepens especially as Cupidi also becomes drawn into a parallel story which affects her friend William South and her colleague DC Jill Ferriter. The involvement of the group of women who make up the wild swimmers was an interesting plot-line and I enjoyed wondering where they would all fit into the story. I didn’t know any of these characters at the start of the story but by the end they all felt old friends and I enjoyed watching them find their place in the plot.

The eeriness of the Dungeness setting, which soon becomes a character in its own right, and with the investigation pulled in all sorts of convoluted directions, some of which happened in the past, there was much to consider and ponder over. I didn’t see the ending coming, which is always a good sign, and I finished the book wanting to know more about DS Alexandra Cupidi, so it’s now my intention to catch up with the previous books in this series. Maine Colonial731 192

Another winner in this terrific series. DS Alexandra Cupidi is investigating the death of a woman found drowned near her oceanfront home on Dungeness, the south coast of Kent. It was Alex’s daughter Zoë who found the body, and the usually fearless teen (young adult now) has become afraid of the water and is reluctant even to leave the house. A connection is found between the drowned woman and Alex’s friend and police partner, Jill Ferriter, which requires Jill to stay away from the case. That leaves Jill with time on her hands, which she uses to cajole Alex’s neighbor and former police detective, Bill, to help her investigate a man claiming to be Jill’s father, whom she never knew. All of this threatens to dig up a dangerous past for a number of people.

The threads of these separate stories weave around each other seamlessly, against the background and atmosphere of the wetlands and coast of south Kent. Over the course of this series, I feel I’ve come to know Alex, Zoë, Jill and Bill so well that they feel real. And what’s especially nice is that there has been so much growth in each character. It’s a real pleasure to read a series that blends such great characters with consistently engrossing plots.

I can especially recommend the audiobook versions of these books. Jasmine Blackborow, who is also an actor, reads with feeling and meaning, and she does well with varying vocal timbres and accents. She gives Jill an accent that makes her sound a little Adele—not surprising considering that Blackborow and Adele are both originally from North London. Alex, Zoë and Bill have more standard English accents, but Blackborow makes them easily distinguishable, as she does with all the characters.audiobook british favorite-authors ...more5 s Nigel893 130

Briefly - Another good one in this series - I do really the characters.

In full
This story starts with DS Cupidi taking her daughter Zoë with her when she goes on a job to check on a body in the dunes nearby. As there is a piece of sculpture there which is a body, Alex is sure that this will simply be a the usual false alarm that they get from time to time. However it is Zoë that finds an actual dead body. Both of them are left very unsettled by this. As the person was a wild swimmer Zoë is not at all happy when her mother decides to join the group of wild swimmers while investigating the case.

In addition to this thread Bill South has been talking to Jill Ferriter about the man who claims to be Jill's father. He is not that happy about it, preferring peace and quiet these days, however with Alex (Jill's normal confidante) occupied he has little choice. The man who is claiming to be Jill's father is a known career criminal currently in jail for murder. Again reluctantly Bill agrees to find out more.

The book follows these two different threads by initially taking Alex's side of the story and then changing to see Bill's investigations through his eyes. It's fair to say that I am a fan of this series and have read and enjoyed the previous books. There are other good crime novels out there however I do really the main characters in this series. Alex is very good and here interactions with Zoë (& vice versa) and good. I really Zoë 's development as a character through this series. Bill, ex cop who has served time in prison - do read book 0 in the series - is also an excellent character for me. Put the three of them together and I will definitely continue reading this series - I would really prefer none of them to be sidelined!

The writing has a good pace and the story is developed well - simply makes for good reading for me. 4.5/5

Note - I received an advance digital copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for a fair reviewarc netgalley16 s2 comments Shona304 11

When DS Alexandra Cupidi is called to investigate calls of a body found on a beach she believes it will be a hoax, her regret when she turned South instead of North means it is her daughter Zoë who stumbles across Mimi Greene, lying dead on the shoreline. A regular wild swimmer, it is suspicious she appears to have drowned, especially when she is normally swimming regularly with a group of close friends. Meanwhile colleague and friend Jill is dealing with a mystery when she receives a letter from someone claiming to be her father, a murderer who has been in prison for 20 years. Both are about to expose deadly secrets from the South Kent coastline…

This is the first title I have read from this author and I was concerned I would need to know more about the detective series but this works well as a standalone title, at no point was I confused as to who was who or what was going on. The writing style captures your attention and the characters are able, keeping a strong constant pace through the book.

The way that both storylines run parallel before being brought together helped maintain the pace, your interest divided between the two before culminating in the climatic reveals. There is obvious character development, which has evidently been built in the series previously and sets the scene to continue in future titles. I am grateful to have discovered this author thanks to Riverrun Books sending me a proof copy and will definitely read more by this author. A great crime read with twists and turns to keep you guessing! Jessica GilmoreAuthor 239 books81

I used to live on Romney Marsh and, as a pretentious teen, would cycle to Dungeness to write horrifically bad poetry in the shadow of the nuclear power station. So I get a particular joy out of the geography of Shaw's Cupidi books as the characters travel through villages and towns I once called home. And the Marsh is the perfect setting for a series, atmospheric, eerie, the sea always looking to reclaim its land.

DCI Alexandra Cupidi has recovered from the traumatic events of the last book and has returned to work, to find herself immediately investigating a murder case that is far too close to home, her daughter Zoe discovering the body. To make matters worse, her sidekick and friend Jill has a possible connection to the case and therefore can't communicate with the investigating team until it's solved. This is also a blow for Jill who has discovered some disturbing personal news and really needs her friend right now. Instead she turns to Alex's neighbou Bill, a disgraced former PC who agrees to help her. Doing so reawakens some of his old policing instincts, but also long buried secrets that some people will do anything keep buried...

The charm in Shaw's series lies in the clever plotting, the beautifully realised settings and a great cast of characters who I look forward to meeting in every new book. The Wild Swimmers is a taut, twisty and unputtdownable new installment. Highly recommended. 1 Lynda1,560 88

Book 5 in the DS Alexandra Cupidi Investigations series and reads well as a stand alone but always useful to have read the previous books for context. It’s been a long wait! A wild swimmer is found, on the Kent coast drowned, by Alex’s daughter Zoe and Alex doesn’t think it’s accidental. Told in dual POV’s by Alex and Bill this is a well written and beautifully descriptive police procedural. I feel I know the areas mentioned in the books even though I’ve never been there.

Briefly, the dead woman’s boyfriend Malcolm has disappeared and cannot be traced. Meanwhile Alex’s colleague Jill has received a startling text from Ford Prison and because Alex is caught up in the drowning Jill asks retired PC Bill South for help. He was involved in the original case. Alex has to follow police procedures but because Jill knew the drowned person she is off the case so, she, with Bill, starts their own search.

Bit by bit the investigations come together but not before both Alex and Bill find themselves in serious danger. A well paced novel with great characters and some good twists and turns that kept me on my toes. A very clever and entertaining thriller with two storylines that become neatly intertwined with shocking consequences. Great read. netgalley Sal312 5

This series has always been well written, but the characterisation and the plotting could be patchy and sometimes annoying. In the last book, the characters started to gel, and Alex started to feel a proper part of the community.
This improvement continues in Wild Swimmers. It is a genuine ensemble piece with a group of interesting characters coming together to feel real friends and colleagues. Dungeness is an evocative landscape that Alex has finally settled into and become a part of. Zoe and Jill are less annoying and more rounded; Bill continues to grow as a character as he emerges from his self imposed isolation; and we are starting to get to know other colleagues and the Dungeness locals.
The plot was pretty good, too. There were two storylines interwoven through the book, allowing different characters to link up and shine. I guessed a couple of things, but a few plot twists took me by surprise, which is always fun.
All in all, a very enjoyable read . I just wish I hadn't read it the week it came out because now I have to wait ages for the next one! Patricia Williams164 6

Wild Swimmers by William Shaw is book 5 in the DS Alex Cupidi series. I have read all of these so far and was delighted to receive this one pre publication for review. I enjoy his descriptions of Dungeness, an area I know very little about living as I do in Northumberland. Shaw makes the area very appealing and makes me want to visit. Alex's relationship with her daughter Zoe always makes me laugh as well. Try as she might she can never get it right but she doesn't stop trying. Somewhat unusually for male authors William Shaw's female characters are very believably written. A thoroughly enjoyable read. Well plotted with plenty of twists and red herrings. Recommended as read alone or as a series. Martha BrindleyAuthor 1 book29

I am a great fan of William Shaw's books and this latest read in the Alex Cupidi series is another excellent read. The characterisation is strong in this multi-layered plot and the descriptive passages always transport me right to the Kent coast. I really Bill and I look forward to seeing where his character goes next in his relationship with Alex. Zoe is coming into herself in this episode and I would to see more of her. Everything is neatly wrapped up at the end, with a tiny cliffhanger to keep me intrigued for the next in the series! I highly recommend the series to lovers of crime thrillers. Thanks to Net Galley for my ARC. Cathy Beyers397 5

Cleverly constructed around two storylines, this fifth instalment doesn't disappoint. The first mystery centres around the drowning of a wild swimmer, the second one digs deep into the past of one of the other protagonists. It is unnecessary to explain the plots, just know that they will keep you guessing and only towards the very end do you get some idea as to what is going on. One of this series strengths is its description of the landscape and the way in which it becomes part of the story. If you have read the other ones, you will probably enjoy it more because you have a better idea of how the chatacters relate to one another. A great read for traditional crime fiction fans.crime Miki Jacobs1,189 8

Alex is asked to go and find the body of a reported drowned swimmer. Thinking it's a hoax, she takes Zoe with her and unfortunately Zoe is the one that finds the body of a woman. At the same time Hill wants to speak to Alex about her long lost father who has been in touch. As usual things are a lot more complicated than they seem and because she doesn't get the opportunity to ask Alex before Alex gets embroiled in a murder case, she asks Bill to help her. In turn this puts Bill in a vulnerable place and as time does on, things take a dangerous turn for everyone involved.
A real page turner of a book. Janet405

This is the fifth book in the wonderful series featuring DS Alex Cupidi. There are two separate storylines and both are totally gripping. As with all the previous books, it is the characters that make these such an enjoyable read. Bill, in particular, is excellently done. This is a really fast-paced read and highly recommended.
I received a free review copy of the book from the publisher in exchange for my honest and unedited review.2024 netgalley there-will-be-a-sequel AtomicBooks708 5

I am new to this series and really enjoyed meeting the characters. There was obviously some history that I had missed from not reading the previous books but it didn’t spoil my enjoyment of this one. This is a good police procedural with good range of characters. I d the two storylines and how they developed although not related they did work alongside each other. The setting for this story was perfect, I loved the bleak empty atmosphere and the cold beach and sea. I will happily look forward to further books in this series.2024-books-read Caroline634 5

This is a compelling read with interweaving stories that left me guessing to the end. I d the compelling effect the coastline and isolation of the location have on the story it truly is a case of geography as a character, this is a fascinating addition to the Cupidi series and long may it continue 4.5* from me Chris Nolan705 24

It's good to have Alex Cupidi back after William Shaw's diversion into the thriller. His police procedurals are always a joy and DS Cupidi is an excellent lead. Dungeness provides an ominous backdrop and the plotting is as good as ever. The only slight blemish for me was the way in which the two separate plot threads felt a little too separate. Karen42

I really enjoyed this book. All the main characters were following their own unconnected investigations. I didn’t correctly predict any of the outcomes, which is always good. Great character development and I’m really looking forward to meeting all again and seeing how their lives are panning out. Ann120

I raced through this book even though I wanted it to last longer.

William Shaw writes very engagingly and keeps the quality high. The characters are well drawn and the series has made me learn more about the Dungeness setting.

Looking forward to the next episode. Sharon Williams527 7

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