
The Maid's Secret: Totally heartbreaking and completely addictive World War Two historical fiction de Shari J. Ryan

de Shari J. Ryan - Género: English
libro gratis The Maid's Secret: Totally heartbreaking and completely addictive World War Two historical fiction


Shari J. Ryan Publisher: Bookouture, Year: 2022 ISBN: 9781803147512

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Mila and her family were Romany gypsies, travelling from place to place, leaving when the nearby townsfolk wished them gone. Their arrival at a small clearing not far from a town saw Mila's father leave immediately to sell two horses to the family at a nearby manor. When he was there, he and the owner struck a deal which would see Mila care for the horses, also working in the big house as a maid. Times were hard with the war having recently begun and the residents of the small Czechoslovakian town were uneasy. The owners of the estate, Mister and Misses Bohdan and their four sons, were Jewish and were as concerned as all the Jews in the area.

Mila and the second eldest son, Benedikt, spent time together, working with the horses and they gradually fell in love. Mixed marriages were one of the rules the Germans were strict about, and it wasn't long before they took Ben away, to the devastation of Mila and his family. Would Mila ever see Ben again? Mila was strong and determined but gypsies were also being taken away...

The Maid's Secret is another excellent, heartbreaking historical novel by Shari J. Ryan, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Ben and Mila were well crafted characters, as were Pavel and Filip and their father. Tobias I wanted to smack, as well as his mother! A different story of the war, set in Czechoslovakia with Romany gypsies and Jewish characters - but still, the horrors were all the same! Highly recommended.

With thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for my digital ARC to read in exchange for an honest review.2022-release 3500-2022 arc ...more42 s Andrea627

Firstly I would to thank netgalley, and Bookoutune, and the author for an early copy of her book to read.

This book is a romantic story during ww11,Mila and her family are gypsy travellers and find a place to settle,her father a horse trader needing money to feed the family sells 2 horses to a family who are Jewish they make a deal for his daughter Mila to work for them to look after the horses and to be a maid,one day she arrives to the site to find her family gone.will she find her family?she falls for there son Ben will they take her in as she has nowhere to go.war approaches will they survive..a heartbreaking story with hope.would give this 3.5 rating as took a while to get into this read.rounded to four star rating. A good read.netgalley-books30 s Natalie "Curling up with a Coffee and a Kindle" Rampling1,092 105

My first Shari J. Ryan book, and I would love to read more of her work!
The WW2 genre is heavily saturated in my opinion, and I think new books need some unknown situations or facts to stand out.
A Romany maid falls in love with a Jew, and this scenario hadn't even entered my head, but this novel serves to remind us that it wasn't just Jewish people who were persecuted by the Nazis.
Ryan writes with emotion and compassion, making you love her characters and will them to survive their trauma.24 s theliterateleprechaun1,685 27

“Everything we experience in life leads us somewhere new, and maybe the new place isn’t always better than where we were before, but it’s part of our journey.”

We keep asking for unique storylines in historical fiction and Shari J. Ryan keeps delivering! Ryan’s two main characters are an aristocratic Jewish boy and a sweet Romani girl who fall in love when Mila Leon comes to work as a maid in Benedikt Bohdan’s family estate. As the Nazi soldiers get closer to the farm, the two soon discover that they’ve got more than just his family that want to tear them apart. You’ll need to read to find out if the love they share will save them or if it will be their downfall.

This book just begs to be optioned for the silver screen and Benedikt is the ultimate swoon worthy lead man. Your heart will flutter and you’ll get choked up when you read his poetic declarations of love. Mila is a beautiful soul whose life takes an entirely different path when she becomes part and parcel to a business deal. Ryan shows us that while life may appear as though it’s falling apart around us, sometimes the puzzle pieces are actually being rearranged to work out for the best. You’ll have to read to find out how Mila plays a role in saving the unliest of people.

I envied Mila’s positive mindset and Ben’s boundless determination. These soulmates have a tough journey ahead of them and Ryan invites readers along for the ride.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book.2022-reads author-gifted10 s Sydney Long234 28

Grab a cup of tea, find a cozy spot…make a little room for your dog or cat…and get ready for a marathon reading session of Shari’s latest book, The Maid’s Secret!

Shari has created a beautiful character in Mila Leon, a wise beyond her years Romani girl who up until the early days of WWII spent her life traveling with her family from place to place. When things start to change, to her great surprise, her father barters her away to a rich Jewish family. Whether he had a premonition of what was to come or it was just something that needed to be done to help the Leon family financially, Mila soon finds herself tending to horses and polishing mirrors in the Bohdan family estate. The Bodhan’s initially are just as judgmental to Mila as the world is to them as a Jewish family. Everyone except for Ben, not the youngest not the oldest but the one who thinks and behaves differently than the rest of his privileged family.

As the Nazi’s invade their homeland and things really start to get difficult for the Bodhan’s, Mila is the one to keep things calm and grounded. She knows just what to say and do. She smart, caring, empathetic…everything that makes Ben fall more in love with her with each day that passes. It was only a matter of time before the Nazi’s tore this family apart. Mila managed to escape the horrors of war in hiding but spent every day wondering what had become of Ben, his family and her family. She never gave up hope that they would one day be reunited.

As a fan of Shari’s, I knew this book was coming and I couldn’t wait to get my hands on it! I happily volunteered to read a complimentary copy and I can’t thank Shari enough sending it my way!2022-reads7 s Shari RyanAuthor 63 books1,895 Currently reading

I'm so excited to finally release The Maid's Secret!

Available on Amazon: The Maid's Secret

ww2-fiction7 s Sarahlovesbooks76483 12

Another beautiful book from Shari J. Ryan. The author has a way with her words that send you through a range of emotions, and I have really enjoyed the books I've read by her - this one definitely didn't disappoint.

The Maid's Secret sees Romani girl Mila working on the lavish estate of the Jewish Bohdan family, where she meets Ben. Their love is forbidden and frowned upon, but the couple are determined to be together. When the Nazi occupation reaches Czechoslovakia, the lovebirds are pulled apart - can they and their love survive the war?5 s Robin Loves Reading2,386 396

It is 1938 and everything that once seemed normal is changing in Czechoslovakia. If a resident was Jewish, no matter their age, their life was soon to be in peril. There was another community greatly affected by the changing climate in this moving story, and those were the Romani citizens doing the best they could for themselves and their families. It was not easy for any of them, either Romani or Jew.

Mila Leon had seen a young man named Benedikt Bohdan as her father sold a couple of horses to his father. Little did Mila know at the time that Ben would change her life forever. Eventually, Mila became a maid and worked for Ben's family. Ben's parents and three brothers were affluent Jews whose lives were soon to be turned upside down. While prejudices existed when it came to Mila and her community (as travelers were thought very badly of at that time), Ben saw past that. In fact, what he saw is a beautiful and kind young woman who made his heart beat faster.

Ben did not share the prejudicial judgment his brother Tobias, nor did Ben allow his mother's bitterness to affect his growing feelings towards Mila. He was drawn to her quiet and rather secretive nature. Meanwhile, Mila strove to keep her head down and to do her job, even when she experienced a sudden and great loss.

Society may have had its dictates when it came to Germans, Jews and the Romani, but Mila and Ben found a way to move forward despite the fear, loss and complete emptiness that came with the actions of Hitler and his minions. Shari J. Ryan has written a wonderfully touching book of hope and love that shone through the darkest of times. With a storyline un I have read prior to reading The Maid's Secret, this incredible story takes readers on a journey of loss, love and eventually hope.

Many thanks to Bookouture and to NetGalley for this ARC for review. This is my honest opinion.2022-reads historical-fiction kindle ...more4 s Kayla Lambert152 7

I have read every book by Shari J. Ryan and The Maid’s Secret is by far my favorite book by her so far. This story tells the incredibly heart warming and devastatingly heart breaking tale of two main characters. Mila, a Romani girl and Ben, a Jewish man.

Mila comes to work for Ben’s aristocratic family as a maid and before to long the two fall in love. Shari J. Ryan created two powerhouse characters with these two. Ben will make you swoon. He is brave, sweet, kind, loving, strong and very quickly falls as a protector for Mila. Mila is a strong willed, determined, fiery powerhouse of a woman who finds herself falling for Ben as fast as Ben is falling for her.

Society, Hitler, family and the Nazi’s all have their reasons why Mila and Ben should not be together. In a world that is consuming their lives with darkness, impending doom and heartache, can their love make it? You will have to read to ultimately find out but I promise the entire book is worth it.

Each chapter is told from Ben or Mila’s perspective and you get a raw, unfiltered, and heart-tugging look into the soul, heart, and mind of both of them. This book is so well-written and the author does a flawless job at making the reader feel every emotion that the characters do. So much so I thought what would I do if my husband and I were in Ben and Mila’s shoes? When an author latches onto your own heart as the reader and draws you in that deep and works your mind long after you have put the book down, than you have yourself a bestseller.3 s Continent78yahoo.Com339 14

Wow! This is an intense WWII read. People often forget that many other groups besides Jews suffered. Gypsies were very hated by the Nazis.
I enjoyed how there were different viewpoints and plans leading up to the take over in Czechoslovakia. Realists, militant, mentally unable to carry on, and more. Of course we do not know the future, but there are signs to prepare for the days ahead.
Hope is very powerful especially in the middle of suffering and the unknown.
I highly recommend this read.
I received an ARC. My opinion is my own.3 s Trudy Dowling2,414 53

The Maid's Secret was not an easy read. The Maid's Secret was not a fun read. What The Maid's Secret is is a necessary read. Grab the tissues. Take a few deep breaths and get ready to be confronted with the horrors of World War 2 through the amazing words of Shari J. Ryan.

Mila travels with her family from place to place in fear of being run from the lands. Her father is responsible for earning money for the family as a horse trader. When a seller screws him over, he makes arrangements for Mila to work for the buyer's family helping the horses and cleaning.

Mila's life is difficult. She has experienced a lot of prejudice as a traveler. After her family disappears: she has no where to go. She needs the job now more than ever even though some of the Bodhan family treads her terribly.

Ben, one of the sons treats her differently. He is friendly and helps her when he discovers her family is gone. It is because of him that Mila gains a place to stay. The only problem is that Mrs. Bodhan wants her to stay away from Ben. True love can't be stopped.

As the Germans move closer to Checlozavakia, the Bodhans begin to panic. As Jews their lives are at risk. As Jews their property is at risk. They will go to great lengths to protect themselves and their property. With each devastating chapter more tears fell. No one was safe from the Germans. Tragedy could not be avoided.

The Maid's Secret goes into great detail of the struggles. I gained a deeper understanding of the challenges and suffering endured. My heart ached for the characters, but more importantly my heart aches for the victims of the atrocities.

The Maid's Secret illustrates how easily people can be swayed to a different way of thinking. Fear an be a great influencer. Friends turn against friends. Everyone is under suspicion. No one is safe.

One by one, the Bodhams are taken away by the Germans. One by one, the Bodhams face the horrors of the Germans, first in the ghettos and then some to the concentration camps.

As a non-Jew, Mila was not taken with the Bodhams. She still isn't safe. If she is discovered to be a traveler her life will be forfeit. I had no idea that the Travelers were singled out as well. It is hard to imagine how difficult their lives were under the rule of the Germans. Books The Maid's Secret help be grasp the horrors of war. I can only hope others read books this and then make sure it never happens again.

The Maid's Secret illustrates the struggles of those in hiding Mila. The Maid's Secret illustrates the risks made by those that hid those at risk. The Maid's secret gave me a new respect for both those that needed saving and those that stepped up.

The Maid's Secret was worth every tear that fell. The Maid's Secret wasn't all doom and gloom, but the happy times were over shadowed by the evils of war. As I closed The Maid's Secret; I knew it would not be the last book I read about WW2. We all need to read more books this one.2 s marita lazarus258 51

my first read of a Shari Ryan book and it was intense. I love books about WWII, and the atrocities the Nazis committed. It is so sad to realize how depraved mankind can be, solely based on ideological beliefs. I requested this book because of the two main characters. A young Jewish boy and a Romani girl. who risk everything for their love. The Nazis invade Czechoslovakia and take away Ben's family and Mila manages to hide away. The story is told from both Ben and Mila's pov.

This story had me pulling at my heartstrings. It's a book I loved to hate. I read it knowing full well that it would make me cry, but it's worth it.2 s Katrina497 7

I had a really hard time getting into this book until towards the end and then it gets really good. But I do wish the author had picked up the pace.books-read-in-2023 fiction historical-fiction ...more2 s Michelle Wolff240 1 follower

The Maids Secret is a heartbreaking story of WWII and a family devastated by tragedy after tragedy.

Mila is a Romani, or as most people refer to her family, a gypsy, her father trades in horses and they move constantly to keep up with the money.

Ben is a Czechoslovakian Jew who has not yet felt the impact of this war.

Mika’s family pulls into a small town for her father to do a horse trade, he finds out that the family is in need of a maid and someone good with the horses and he barters for them to take his daughter on.

Mila is not treated well by most of the family, they disparage her because she is a gypsy and make comments about what she might steal and other not nice things, nothing she has not heard before. She has the relief of going home to her family every night until one night they are gone, the entire encampment has vanished and they left her behind.

The war approaches closer and closer to them and the family is beginning to get nervous as they hear how bad things are, when it finally lands on their door step the horror of what they truly face comes to light and they will struggle from then on to stick together and stay strong.

The idea of what these families all went through, the camps, the hiding, the Starvation and the loss of life is mind boggling and this book gives a good perspective with also giving you a bit of a happy ending.

Very good2 s Linda Romer813 56

I loved The Maid's Secret. A heartbreaking story about World War II. A forbidden love that endures. I loved Mila and Ben's story. Great characters with in depth personalities. I really enjoyed Mila's background as a Gypsy. Ben's Jewish ancestry and the atrocities of the Holocaust. I have read this Authors books before and she is one of my favorites. Looking forward to reading more of her work.

I give The Maid's Secret 5 stars for its heartbreaking read.
I would recommend this book to Historical Fiction fans.favorites 2 s MJLovestoRead2,040 52

The Maid's Secret is outstanding. Once again, Shari Ryan has completely gutted me with her exquisite style of storytelling, and my soul is richer for it. Talk about finding your sweet spot, Ryan writing about unique experiences during WWII has clearly become hers and hers alone and I'm here for every single word. With this newest gem, the journey that Mila Leon embarks upon as a member of a tight-knit 'gypsy' family in the late 1930s is one I didn't quite expect. As she soon becomes part of a brokered deal between her father and the wealthy Jewish Bohdan family, her role as their sole maid leads to love, loss and a strength to be admired.

With the onset of war and the cruelty of Hitler's regime taking hold, watching the Bohdan family at their estate in Czechslovakia deal with all the flurry of what is happening outside their secure walls clearly unsettles Mila. Her steadfast nature becomes the backbone of this proud crew all too swiftly, much to Misses Bohdan's chagrin. Pair that with the fact that second oldest son Ben has become smitten with the Romani young woman and tension becomes the norm on a daily basis. Their romance is sweet and charming. I have always been enamored with the love stories set during those years, partners finding each other seemingly quickly yet staying committed for a lifetime. Ben and Mila have that, but of course, any semblance of happiness is cut short as times get desperate and the world is turned on its ear.

I know what I love most in both this book and the ones before it is that Ryan gives us just enough to fully understand just how dire this time in history truly was without going overboard. As times get more intense for the Bohdan family, it's never easy to witness their separations due to the Third Reich, and my tears were flowing for all of them. The irony that Mila has been an outcast most of her life, treated quite poorly by the Bohdans early on, is not lost on me as she becomes their only hope in saving their beloved estate. A clear paradox occurring for the sadly humbled older brother Tobias and Misses Bohdan herself as the unthinkable continues to occur.

But Ryan gives sparks of light, even when brief, as evil wreaks havoc on the world. It's those moments that were needed, I imagine, just to get through another day. The birth of a foal to one of the horses Mila's father traded to Mister Bohdan gives a bit of respite for both her and Ben. Sure that sharp ray of sun might be short-lived but it is beauty amongst all the ugly just the same and offered a chance to feel good about life even just for a minute or two.

We bear witness to so much despair as the years blend together from both Ben and Mila's POV that I felt as if I was right there with them. And Ryan doesn't hold back when it comes to loss and just how horrible it must've been to watch someone close to you lose their battle with life. My heart broke over and over again yet I still had great reverence for everyone involved to push and carry on. The descriptions of what it was in those camps are images burned forever in my brain as we get a glimpse of daily life I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. The drive to survive is beyond admirable and I'm thankful Ryan makes sure we will never forget.

What is best about all of the books in this timeframe is that Ryan finds a way through all the destruction, chaos, and desperation to make sure that love is always at the forefront of her characters' lives. Whether it's for the family you adore or sometimes simply tolerate, or for the soulmate you are lucky to have found in all the mayhem around you, it's always the love that drives these books. It's a bit of magic and I suppose some wishful thinking that miracles can, do, and did in fact happen once this horrid war was over.

My feelings for The Maid's Secret are reminiscent of when I first read The Girl with the Diary (formerly called, 'Last Words') back in 2018. I was immediately entranced from the very first few lines and wanted 100 pages more when those last words were read. It is simply superb and I am forever grateful Ryan continues to entice me with these distinctive stories only she can create. Just remember to have those tissues handy. Trust me, you'll need them.

5+++++ huge stars!2022-books arc best-of-20221 Aimee Crant-oksa551 20

Shari J Ryan has found her calling with historical fiction writing. She weaves her stories and characters with emotion, suspense and heart. The Maid’s Secret is the latest in her writings and it’s one you will not want to miss. It is powerful and beautifully written.
The Maid’s Secret centers around Mila, a Romani gypsy girl and Ben, a Jewish boy. Mila comes to work for Ben’s family and the two form a strong connection.
Ryan does a wonderful job with her characters. Ben is strong, has a kind heart, is courageous and loving. Mila is strong, bold and independent. The two can’t help their connection, even through the times they are living in.
The world around them is filled with hatred, but the love that develops between them, even though it goes against the times, will warm your heart and take you on an emotional journey.
This story shows the fear that the Jews faced, the fears that the Gypsies faced and the trials and tribulations of war, Hitler and having to hid for fear of your life. Every emotion is felt in Ryan’s writing. Grab the tissues and clear your schedule for an emotional read about love, loss, fear and survival.1 Julia2,695 82

The Maid’s Secret by Shari J Ryan is a heartbreaking historical tale that totally consumed me.
The story starts in 1938 in Czechoslovakia and takes us through the war years. It is a powerful story of heartache, family and Nazi occupation.
Disagreements and arguments in peacetime are put aside in World War II as we follow family members from their home to the ghetto to the concentration camps. Hope, and a lot of luck are needed to survive. Sometimes the disease-infested conditions just become too much. Sheer willpower alone to survive is not enough.
We see the love and loyalty of a maid to her employers. As the Nazi grip tightens, the lines between employer and employee blur, eventually being rubbed out as family is all that matters.
As the war grabs a hold, characters step up to do what is needed. Class and race barriers mean nothing to those being persecuted.
The story follows a Jewish family and a Romany girl – both are persecuted by the Nazis. They really learn who their friends are, as many suddenly become deaf and blind to their plight.
Told from two alternating points of view of the main characters, the reader becomes totally invested in both their lives. We want to see them survive and have their fortunes restored and families reunited – as with the characters, we hold on to hope.
All the characters are realistic and likable. At a time of great evil, lives burn brightly with their goodness.
I found The Maid’s Story a powerful and heart-wrenching read. It must be read in memory of the six million innocents who perished.
I received a free copy from the author. A favourable review was not required. All opinions are my own.4 s Tracey Vuolo655 17

The Maid’s Secret is written in such a powerful way that I could cope with the turmoil, heartbreak, devastation and unknown because Shari wove unwavering hope, the will to survive, forgiveness, and life changing love within the pages. This story took me on quite the journey that I wasn’t sure my heart or mind wanted the answers I was so desperate for, but I needed them just the same. Sometimes ignorance is bliss right? But by the end if I didn’t know as much as possible I was going to scream. Ben and Mila are strong, loving people that have such a positive outlook on life even though they come from completely different backgrounds and are being judged in similar ways for circumstances out of their control. They are an absolutely breathtaking couple and stand up for what’s right. I truly believe they bring out the best in each other. The Maid’s Secret is a striking reminder that no matter your place or position in life everything can change in an instant and nothing or anyone should be taken for granted. Another spectacular Shari Ryan story that I will not forget!

Tracey, Reviewer & Blogger @Life Reads With Friends1 Angela DeMarco385 4

The Maid’s Secret is a historical fiction written by Shari Ryan, she continues to amaze me with each story she creates. This story is about an aristocratic Jewish boy Benedikt Bohdan (Ben), and a Romani girl Mila Leon. Two complete opposites, from different worlds, connect and form a special bond in a world of turmoil. I will never comprehend why people were treated that during World War 2. It's utterly heartbreaking and disgusting.

“We will always have our memories. You will survive this. You are braver than you know.”

Mila and her family are gypsy travelers, her father makes his money for the family by trading horses. He has a business arrangement with a Jewish family to sell two horses. Unbeknownst to Mila, she becomes part of a business deal. Mila will work for the Bohdan’s as their maid and will tend to the horses on the estate. With her life being torn apart, she tries to stay positive for her loved ones. But silently she’s afraid for what is to become of the world around her.

Ben is the second-oldest son in his family, he’s different and sees things differently than his parents. He is brave, courageous, loving, and a true hero. There were parts of his story that I cried and made me angry because of everything he endured.

When the Germans reach Czechoslovakia, the two are pulled apart. One by one, the Bohdan’s are taken away as they face the harsh cruelty of Nazis and concentration camps. Mila, a non-Jew wasn’t taken, but she still isn’t safe. As the war rages on around them, lives will be torn apart, death will loom at their doorstep. Who will make it out alive and who will perish? Two soulmates who have a tough journey ahead. Their love is forbidden and frowned upon. Is there love strong enough to survive the reality of war?

The Maid’s Secret is a different and emotional read, but one that everyone should read. It will open your eyes to the evil that lurked during the war and the regime of Hitler.read-arc-beta-read2 s Rhonda Ziglar3,974 41

5 BEAUTIFULLY WRITTEN STARS!! I do not read much historical, but this author has won me over with her beautiful storytelling. These characters will be in my heart forever....I absolutely needed this story right now.1 M L489 14

20 ??’s……this book will absolutely rip your heart out! It is gut wrenching but you will not want to put it down. The atrocities of WW II are brought to a vivid reality in this story. Families ripped apart, lives taken and for what? The foolishness of man. This is a beautiful story of life, love, strength and perseverance. Of realizing what is important in life and never letting go. 1 Sammye2,765 15

What an emotional story! I was sobbing my heart out! And there were happy moments, as well! This is a beautifully written love story. I enjoyed every word. *this was a complimentary copy and this is my honest review*1 Aria Harlow1,443 53

Every book that I have read by this author has blown me away and this was no exception, I loved it, I couldn't put this down, it was so emotive and made me tear up and feel frustrated in equal measure and I took some of the charcaters to my heart. A fantastic read.1 Emma Crowley941 158

The Maid’s Secret by Shari J Ryan provides the reader with a really deep insight into how those who were targets or victims of Hitler’s needless persecution coped with the dreadful circumstances they were forced to endure throughout the duration of World War Two. I have read a lot of historical fiction books where Jewish people were the focus, detailing how they suffered but here a slightly different angle was presented to the reader as another sector of society featured. That being the Romani/Gypsy community and although I had previously read brief mentions, in a line or two, of the Romani community being sent to concentration camps I had never heard specifically from their perspective and that’s where our main female character, Mila, comes into play. It was fascinating to read of how Mila, from a marginalised sector of society herself marries into the Jewish community and she in fact becomes the one who seems to have the upper hand so to speak when it comes to the persecution of those not deemed worthy by Hitler to walk upon the earth.

September 1938 and Mila travels with her family through Bohemia not far from the Czechoslovakian boarder. They have reached their stopping point where other Romani families have set up camp. She has one sister and two brothers and her father is a horse trader. When his latest deal is complete he returns and says he has found work for Mila at a local estate for a Jewish family. She must tend to the two horses and act as maid in the house. Mila, although perturbed by what her father has asked her to do seeing as she is so used to the nomadic lifestyle, doesn’t seem that overly worried that her father volunteered her for this job. From the outset, I found Mila to be wise beyond her years. She had a good, solid head on her shoulders and could view life from many perspectives. She hoped that one day people would learn from their past mistakes and that people wouldn’t be treated differently because of their race or religion but times are tough with the new race laws introduced in Germany and soon German occupied territories and the family Mila goes to work for find themselves the target of said laws and their lives are changed forever.

Ben lives with his parents Hanna and Josef and brothers Tobias, Filip and Pavel. They own an estate and have lived a very comfortable life. Mila must keep secret that she is a member of the Romani community as certain members of the family show their prejudice very easily. But how will they feel when the tables are turned on them and they became the focus of racial hatred all because of their religion? There is a sense of uncertainty and foreboding throughout the book. Yes there are light moments as Mila and Ben grow closer and initially keep things secret from his family and the time they share stolen moments with the horses but overall there is a lot of darkness as the threat of Hitler extends ever further and more and more ludicrous laws are introduced.

When Mila discovers her family have disappeared, her heart is torn in two and now she knows she is on her own but Ben steps into the breach and is there for her. He is the complete anthesis to his other family members. He seemed more down to earth and willing to accept people for who they were. I do think their relationship was very rushed, it was they met and married all within a few chapters and I questioned would this have happened in real life and would someone from the Romani community really have married into a wealthy family?

As soon as Mila became a family member it was clear that she would face a difficult road and really all the characters that featured due to their religion or race and the way the war was developing that pain and suffering were ahead of them. As the family’s world grows ever smaller due to the laws and restrictions Mila took on an important role that would hopefully save the estate and she deserved nothing but admiration for this. Given how Tobias especially viewed her if it had been me I wouldn’t have been so selfless but it really did show the love she had for Ben. Their love became all consuming but fate was to tear them apart. For simply being Jewish Ben was arrested and taken to a camp. I felt Mila really stepped up a gear here in her role within the family. Other circumstances meant that Hanna fell apart and it was up to Mila to step into the breech and take control. Again this is where I felt she was mature beyond her years as Hanna could be very cold, bitter and spiteful. Mila rose to the occasion and made many sacrifices all because her love of Ben was deep and true. But whether they can survive the tempest they find themselves in and the horrific conditions of the camps full of death and disease well you will have to read this interesting and emotive story to discover the answers.

The book overall is quite slow and doesn’t ever build a huge momentum but still despite this it is a good read. The last quarter or so of the book it did feel that details were rushed through quickly. This seems the opposite to what I have just said but it’s not that the pace picked up and the story became full of twists and turns it’s more that I found years seemed to pass within a page or two without anything specific happening or else it felt details were glossed over as if the author knew the book needed to come to a conclusion and she had to get the characters to a certain point quite quickly. But I will say the epilogue made up for this and it provided a good amount of detail as to what happened next and I was glad I wasn’t left in limbo with many unanswered questions. It helped provide the reader with a satisfactory ending and showed some good did come out of the most horrific situation.

The Maid’s Secret is a story of forbidden love and going against the rules and regulations of society in a time when it was very dangerous to do so. The characters show immense bravery, courage and strength and do their best to keep going when all the odds are very much stacked against them. It was a good read although perhaps some of the previous books by this author would be my favourite.1 Renee4,298 61

I received a copy of this book from the publisher/author to review.

In the mountains of Bohemia, Mila, a Romani, works as a maid for an aristocratic Jewish family. They have no idea that she and their son Ben, with his amber eyes and kind smile, are madly in love-it is expressly forbidden. In the arms of one another, Mila and Ben try to forget that their village is close to the German borders-and could be invaded at any second. But as they huddle around a crackling radio, ice runs through their veins as news of the war gets grimmer by the day. Nothing can stop the Nazis from their brutal attack. Nothing can stop soldiers from storming the estate and arresting Ben for no crime other than being Jewish. No amount of Mila's begging can save him as he is shoved into a wagon, bound for a concentration camp. Her heart shattered, Mila goes into hiding. It is only a matter of time until the enemy comes for her. As the SS hunt her down, she knows that Ben will be fighting for his life. Will she ever see her beloved again? And when fighter jets soar through the sky, the air raid siren blaring and the ground shaking, will Mila and Ben's love for one another be the thing that saves them-or kills them.

This is the story of Mila, whose family were Romany gypsies traveling from place to place, leaving when the townsfolk wanted them to move on. The next place they come to in a clearing sends Mila's father to the town to sale horses at manor. There he strikes a deal for Mila to take care of the horses and when she isn't doing that she will work in the big house. After all times were hared and only getting harder because the war has begun and the people this small Czechoslovakian town were super uneasy about everything. The family Mila is working for now are the Bohdan's and their four sons who were Jewish and really concerned as all the other Jews in the area were. Mila is grateful to have the opportunity she does but her and the second eldest son, Benedikt spend a lot of time together working with the horses which is the way they begin to fall in love. However mixed marriages were not allowed and the Germans were as strict as strict can be about this rule. Once found out it wasn't long at all until Ben is taken away and Mila is devastated but she also knows that the gypsies were also being taken away. Would she ever see or find Ben again?
You have to read to find out but I loved this story. I really sucked me in and I did not lay it down till it was over. Mila was a great character and my heart broke for her and Ben. I was scared. A nervous wreck and the horrors of war just never fail to break my heart and make me feel sick at the same time. I loved a lot of characters in this book but I will tell you that if I could have slapped Tobias and his mom up the side of the head I would have. I so could not stand them. This is a story that you do not want to miss. It is so well written you feel you are in the world and time period of the book and Shari Ryan never fails to write a story that is so well written you just feel it all deep down to your very soul. Do not miss this book. Caroline|Page~Turners445 8

Czechoslovakia, 1940: This was such a trying and horrible time for so many people. People that were Jewish during this time lived in immediate danger, and feared for their life. Mila Leon’s father had sold a couple of horses to Benedikt Bohden’s father and Mila and Ben became friends. Eventually Mila became a maid and she worked for Ben’s family. Mila and Ben grew closer together and their only hope was each other. His family was Jewish and his life was about to change forever. Every day they would listen to the news on an old radio. At every breath they feared for their lives, wondering if they would survive the night. One horrific night the Nazi soldiers come knock on the door and they usher Ben into a wagon headed to a horrible camp. Mila is beside herself, with the love of her life imprisoned with thousands of others. But Mila refuses to give up hope and is hanging on to the love that they have for each other, knowing that is what brings them through surviving another day.

I was absolutely humbled by this amazing story. I was completely broken by this story written so vividly with such emotion. I was full of hope for Mila and Ben and I felt I was the only one that was rooting for them, the only one that was on their side. I felt such pride with them and I loved their courage. This story grabbed me from the very beginning and didn’t let my heart go until the very end. I was so completely emotional and so heartbroken. By far a complete favorite of mine, I’m actually speechless. This phenomenal unputdownable book is a must read and I highly recommend it.

Wow, thank you so much, Shari J. Ryan, for such an amazing, incredible and indescribable story. This is one I will never forget. I loved it. Cheryl167 1 follower

I love author, Shari Ryan's style of writing. She grabs you from the very beginning to the end. During World War II, the Romani people were also hated along with the Jews. The Romani's were also referred to as 'gypsies' and were looked upon as liars and thieves. They were a nomadic people who traveled from one place to the next.

This story begins in 1938 in Czechoslovakia where Mila Leon, who is Romani, and Ben Bohdan, who is Jewish, meet. Mila becomes employed by the Bohdan family as a maid. The Bohdan family are a very wealthy Jewish family. Mila and Ben connect to each other right away. As Nazi occupation begins, many changes happen that are beyond the family's control. Soon Mila and Ben fall in love and secretly get married although it is forbidden for a Jew to marry a nonJew. Their families are separated and taken to the ghettos and concentration camps. Will they survive the war and find each other afterwards?

'You will survive this. You are braver than you know. Remember that always.'

I was glued to this heartbreaking story of courage and love. Ryan brings each character to life and I felt engrossed as their lives were torn apart. It is beautifully written, powerful, and emotional. Highly recommend!!

Thank you NetGalley and Bookouture for an advanced reader copy in exchange for a review. Opinions in this review are completely my own. Lisa23

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