
Angel Eyes de Shannon Dittemore

de Shannon Dittemore - Género: English
libro gratis Angel Eyes


Once you've seen, you can't unsee. Everything changes when you've looked at the world through ANGEL EYES.

Brielle's a ballerina who went to the city to chase her dreams and found tragedy instead. She's come home to shabby little Stratus, Oregon, to live with her grief and her guilt, and the incredible, numbing cold she can't seem to shake.

Jake's the new guy at school. The boy next door with burning hands and an unbelievable gift that targets him for corruption.

Something more than fate has brought them together. An evil bigger than both of them lurks in the shadows nearby, hiding in plain sight. Two angels stand guard, unsure what's going to happen. And a beauty brighter than either Jake or Brielle has ever seen is calling them to join the battle in a realm where all human choices start.

A realm that only angels and demons-and Brielle-can perceive.

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So...I read this in one sitting.
This is important for you to know. xD30 s Desiree113 22

When I was about 12 or 13 years old my parents asked me to go to church with them. Even though I had decided that church wasn't for me a few years previous to this I had decided to go because it was my dad's birthday. While there the pasture got a sneaky look in his eyes and told the congregation that the church was planning on building a coffee house geared towards youth. He unashamedly went on to say that this coffee house would lure in teenagers with it's very unreligious seeming decor and music and then once they were regular patrons the would slowly switch the music to religious rock and then eventually get these kids hooked on Christianity without even knowing it through the use of trickery. At the time I remember being appalled at this very idea. The fact that my local church, it's patrons and most of all my parents were supporting the idea of tricking impressionable teens into any belief system without their knowledge and consent was disgusting. I found Angel Eyes to give me the exact same feeling.
I know that a book focused on angels will most ly include the use of heaven, hell, the devil and god. There is a way of doing this without pushing your belief system on the readers. Angel eyes not only failed at doing this but I strongly believe that it was the main reason for publishing the book in the first place.
This book started out pretty good. I was enjoying it. The main character seemed to have an interesting back story, the heart throb was starting to make me swoon and Brielle's dad was awesome. In fact her dad just might be my favorite father figure in all of the YA books that I have read thus far. Then all of a sudden *bam* the story changed. Brielle's dad vanished on a work trip right at the most convenient time and never returned, Brielle's back story was fully revealed and was much less entertaining than the build up to it was and the previously swoon worthy heart throb became downright preachy and obnoxious. The story stopped flowing and started preaching to me about why I should change my beliefs. The dialog stopped being normal YA dialog and became an after school public broadcasting special on how not to end up in hell. The angels and demons a had four wings, yes four wings (this bugged me to no end). By the last quarter of the book I had stopped reading to shake my head and scowl at Angel Eyes so much that I strongly considered just giving up, which in my world is unthinkable. In the end I pulled through just so that I could write a fully informed review although I did skin through a few chapters in there.

On a side note this book is categorized as both science fiction/fantasy and religion/spirituality. I did not see the former until finishing the book. While this does make the whole shoving religion down peoples throats a little better, the way in which it was done by being targeted at impressionable teens was still in my opinion shady. Not to mention how incredibly bad the dialog and story telling were.

A copy of Angel Eyes was provided by the publisher via Netgalley.less-than-1-star netgalley28 s Giselle990 6,649

Angel books are not a rarity nowadays. I have read my share and even though this one didn't absolutely wow me, I enjoyed it for the most part. It starts to feel long, plot-wise, after a bit, but the characters are engaging and the angel lore is enticing.

My immediate thought was that this was going to be the same old - full of clichés - kind of story. We have Brielle moving back to her old town, starting school and meeting the gorgeous new guy who, to her surprise, seems to be into her. Sounds familiar? It's not a very unique start, but as the story progresses it does get a lot more original with some surprising elements and, amazingly, no love triangle. I was also quite surprised by the direction of the heroine herself. I had imagined the usual cookie cutter plot where the protagonist finds out she's really an angel, so I was happy to get a different sort of twist that kept this story fresh. Brielle is a well-rendered character with raw emotions. I found her easily relatable as she's an average Joe but with a heavy, mysterious past that I was kept captivated by. The story itself alternates from a few different POVs, including the villain's which I always find intriguing as we get the anticipation of seeing their plans unfolding. I did find it sometimes got distracting, however, especially at the beginning where I felt flopped around from side characters I wasn't connecting with. But It does leave us with a deeper understanding of their whole world.

Jake could be seen as Brielle's savior. In him she finds a companion to whom she is able to open up to and move on from a place of sorrow and grief. It's a sweet, natural relationship that I would simply call nice. It's not filled with pulse pounding chemistry, nor is it monotonous, it's the kind of relationship where they just fit, balancing one another. It's not swoon worthy but it's satisfying.

Struggling with the death of her best friend, Brielle is questioning her faith and the existence of God. From someone who is not religious I wasn't too enthused by the strong religious undertone in this novel. Nevertheless I understand the importance of its addition in the story; it serves its purpose. Obviously, being an angel book I was expecting it, but this one can get particularly heavy in that department. I also appreciated that it doesn't force any belief system on the reader. It's merely commonly asked questions and reflections by someone who has been through such a devastating loss Brielle.

There's not a whole lot that you can do to make angel lore original while keeping it inside common beliefs. Dittemore does stray from the usual notions, but by re-imagining, not necessarily recreating. The realms, the spiritual warfare, the angel's purpose, and my personal favorite - the halo, all have the common assumptions at their core, but with an added creative flair to leave it mysterious with some exciting twists. I thought it was all wonderfully described, keeping me fascinated - which has not been accomplished by many angel books to be honest. The pacing itself could have been better, especially at the beginning and end. It takes a while before we start getting some answers, then the ending feels overly prolonged. Otherwise, though, it flows nicely.

An enjoyable addition to its genre, Angel Eyes delivers beautiful angel lore with three-dimensional characters. Even though it didn't absolutely enchant me, fans of Angel stories will most ly find this one surprisingly up to par with the most recent popular angel titles today.

For more of my , visit my blog at Xpresso Reads arc ebook15 s Rebecca433

Changing rating to 5 stars. Cannot stop thinking about this book. I have actually started re-reading it less than a month after I finished it. I never re-read books that soon!! I just can't get over the beautiful writing, and the amazing story!!

Original Review:
4.5 stars

This book really surprised me. I'm not sure what I was expecting, but I d it more than I thought I would. Maybe four and a half stars is a little generous, but this book gets points for exceeding expectations! :)

The Plot:
I was drawn in right way to this small town. There was an element of mystery surrounding Brielle's past and the new guy in town. The pacing was perfect. It was nice and steady, but gradually because more interesting as the story progressed.

The Protagonist:
I really Brielle! She was realistic and her emotions seemed real. She was also very intelligent. She struggled with her belief in the Celestial realm, but as her eyes were opened, she was willing to learn more about it.

The Love Interest:
I absolutely loved Jake! Not the I must have him for myself kind of loved him, but he was perfect for Brielle. The mystery surrounding him made him even more interesting. I also found him to be incredibly patient. He loves Brielle, but is not pushy about it. He seems fine with taking it slow.

Favorite Character:
Canaan!!!! Well, first off, he's an angel. So of course he is awesome!! There were times I wished we heard from his POV more.

The Writing:
The writing was beautiful. Very lyrical. I'll admit it took me the first few pages to find the flow and get into the story, but after that I quite enjoyed it. Then there were the cringe worthy pop culture references that seemed forced, and some other clichés, but nothing that can't be overlooked.

I didn't want to put the book down, but I also didn't want the story to end!! I'm glad this is the first book in the series. It does not have to end with the conclusion of this book! :Dyoung-adult13 s Victoria ScottAuthor 61 books2,929

So, under the guidance of both my editor and literary agent, I rarely do book anymore. But sometimes...sometimes I'm hit with the I-must-tell-everyone-about-this-book-or-I-will-die syndrome. There's absolutely no cure for this except to post a review. Doctor's orders.

ANGEL EYES was one of those books for me. Though angels have been done before, I assure you, they haven't been done this. I adored the main character, Brielle, and her growth throughout her journey. I loved her beau in this book, Jake, and how their relationship is both gentle, sexy, and slow-growing (no cliched insta-love here). But mostly, I loved the pacing of this story. So many YA's try to rush you so that you can hardly catch your breath. And sometimes, the result is a distancing from the main characters. It's having a gourmet meal placed in front of you, and stuffing your face without actually tasting much. But ANGEL EYES...ANGEL EYES is a cup of your favorite tea when you need it most. You take sip after sip, savoring the temperature and flavors. And then, after your cup is nearly empty, you get that sudden burst of honey against your tongue.

That's this book.9 s Tricia MingerinkAuthor 11 books398

I am not a person who normally reads Christian supernatural/angelic/demon warfare type books. Too often, those types of books stray so far from the Bible it makes me too uncomfortable. About the only ones I've ever enjoyed have been Frank Peretti's This Present Darkness books. Those felt so real, they could happen.

So when I heard several people who also don't normally read Christian supernatural books say they enjoyed these books, I decided I'd better give it a try. I'm so glad I did! This book just blew me away. Yes, it takes creative liberties with the angelic world, but all within the bounds of what the Bible tells us about angels and demons. christian-fantasy-and-spec-fic10 s Hailey RoseAuthor 5 books105

WOW. This was amazing. I read it in a day, but I feel I should read it again sometime cuz I think I missed a lot. It was SO good I couldn't read fast enough to find out what happened.

I'm usually really cautious about this genre, but after hearing so many raving , I wanted to give it a try. IT'S SO AMAZING!!! I'll definitely be finishing out the trilogy...again and again and again. :) 10 s Lisa211 232

This was an engrossing, exciting, captivating story :D It had a bit of a "Twilight" feel to it - but in a good way. If you can imagine that.

The whole thing about angels and demons was beyond interesting. Usually when books have an extra point of view - not one of the mcs' - I jump it. I was expecting to skip the demon Damien's pov as well, but nope. Too interesting. #extrapoints

I'm always a little ... careful ... reading about the supernatural in fiction ... supernatural which is real. I want it to be rightly portrayed, and in this case, I feel that it was. Obviously we don't know the details about angels' and demons' lives and much of this came out the author's imagination but the idea was right. It shows the spiritual realm + the unseen battles going on. And it's interesting, because while this wasn't "real", it is "real". (i.e. This is fiction - but such things could be taking place. I believe such forces DO EXIST. ) We don't actually know all this could happen, but it brought a good kind of awareness. Do I usually think about what is going on in the sky? #nope. And as a story - as a plot - as characters - these were fascinating and un anything I've read before.

Brielle was a nice character. It was interesting that a lot of important information about her was in her past. The story started here - but the backstory was oh, so important. It was a great character arc about brokenness and believing and healing. And she was a talented girl - and I heroines who ARE GOOD AT SOMETHING. Who have specialty. And Jake was just perfect. Sweet and good and selfless. (So maybe you'll complain about too much perfection but this time I don't care ;D)

I d those little side details along the way. About school and the classroom and her home and dad and the food and donuts and cars and photos and bedrooms ... it made it feel so everyday and real and relatable. I could visualize it so well. It brought a wonderful realism to it.

This dealed with choices and healing and brokenness and truth and eyes being opened. Great themes. And I think the themes were really symbolized and personified in Jake's and Brielle's gifts. It was pure awesome.

And the view of God + the spiritual was different that usual - because most of it was from the angels' and demons' perspective. That was really new and ... good.

The major conflict/problem had to do with human trafficking. A harsh subject but to me - a kind of awareness-raising, interesting, different, eye-opening kind of issue/conflict. And that is just how I saw it. It wasn't as if the author was blatantly trying to make her readers aware of this - it just naturally flowed out of the story. And so I am pleased. But it's a mature issue, so maybe a 13+ recommendation? If you/the potential reader is under that age use your own judgement :D

The interactions, the dialogue, the plot, the conflict, the action, the flashbacks, the mystery, the daily life, the supernatural, all wove together beautifully to create a wonderful and engaging story - slightly intriguing and a bit disturbing in a good way. It left many thoughts behind.

4 1/2 stars. I highly recommend :D2017-reads 5-star-books paranormal ...more9 s R.F. Gammon651 215

Updated review: still 4 stars, but gosh, this is darker than I recall. I'm going to listen to the sequels now that they're available to me because JAKE. That is all.

Brielle has just returned to her small town of Stratus, Oregon, after a life-changing disaster in Portland rocked her world. Broken-hearted and unable to shake bitter cold, she goes back to high school in an attempt to normalize herself.
Here she meets the new boy, Jake, who's kind and charismatic and has the warmest hands she's ever felt. He tells her of an alternate reality: one with angels and demons and spiritual warfare. And only Brielle can see it.
As the mystery of what happened that night in Portland becomes unraveled, Brielle must question all that she believes - but how is she to judge what is really happening in her life?

-Brielle. She was a strong female character, but not so overly strong that she came across as unrealistic. Her gifts had good explanations, and she sees what is happening in her life in a way that feels very realistic to what someone in her shoes would feel.
-Jake. He's just so sweet and - not perfect, but pretty close. That's the kind of boyfriend I'd want someday. (Just sayin'.) He understands better than Brielle what is happening, and I d the way he ran off in the middle of a conversation to go pray.
-The writing was gorgeous! Sure, the dialogue was somewhat unrealistic, but it made sense with the writing style of the story. I'm not complaining.
-The mystery's pacing was great, and the unreliability of Brielle's narration in not knowing what was going on made the twists really come out of nowhere.

The biggest problem I had with this book was the lack of God. It openly advertises itself as a "Christian book", complete with angels, demons, supernatural signs, and other such things. But God himself (especially Jesus) seems incredibly absent. This was troubling, especially with the premise being what it was.
That was about all I didn't !

There's my review of this book. It was really a sweet story and I need to get my hands on the rest of the books in the trilogy. I totally recommend it! Just take it with a grain of salt if you're looking for Christian fiction with Jesus all over it.4-star-books christian-fiction fantasy ...more9 s Katie Grace174 5

AHH I honestly wasn't expecting to this book so much? I've never been the type to be intrigued by books with Christian paranormal elements, but all my friends who read it simply ADORED it so I gave it a shot.

I read it in one sitting. That hasn't happened for a looooong time. This book has a little of everything -- it starts off as a contemporary, keeping you curious about what happened to the main character's last. Then the love interest comes in, but something /different/ about him. (And not the typical cliched "ohh but his eyes are chocolate, not just a wooden brown!)

So then the paranormal aspects come in, and then the action and adventure, and a touch of romance, and some humor, and basically this book has everything.

This book is a Christian fiction book, and it had some very poignant and thoughtful messages. Usually Christian messages don't strike me as much, but this one did. And I didn't find the angel characters very odd -- they were done carefully and the author handled it well.

Now I need to buy the second two in the trilogy right away. Amazon here I come!5-star christian-fiction9 s ShantelleAuthor 2 books372

4.5 stars

Really good! Angel Eyes reminded me a bit of Chuck Black's YA series about angels and demons, and I'm super excited to read more!

With plenty of excitement, danger, and emotion, a tender, stirring love story, and what is making out to be an unapologetic faith theme, this speculative fiction novel is worth giving a try! It delved into some harsh but relevant happenings such as sex trafficking and other evil, and is so much more than just a sappy, teen romance. Though more of a heavy read, I can't wait to see how this story turns out.christian-fiction contemporary gruesome-violent ...more7 s Zac46 70

This is a review for the entire Angel Eyes trilogy

This series was absolutely amazing. My mind was (and still is) totally blown away. I'd heard good things about it before, but I never really took it to heart. But now I wish I had. My copy of Angel Eyes sat on my shelf, gathering dust, for almost two years before I actually read it. *shame* *head desk* Better late than never though, right?

Okay, so here's the short version: The Angel Eyes trilogy oozes with uniqueness, gorgeous prose, flawless writing, and characters so real you feel what they feel, hear what they hear, see what they see (or rather, don't see). Shannon Dittemore has really outdone herself with this debut trilogy. Not to be missed, and highly recommended!

Now for the long version. I will be breaking it down by reviewing (somewhat) briefly each book individually. Okay *rubs hands together* here we go.


Whoa. *grasps for reality* THIS BOOK. I think it's my favorite of the entire trilogy. It just has the first-book adrenaline, you know? I said it before, but this book sat on my shelf for nearly two years before I read it, and that is one of my biggest regrets. I could have discovered this series so much sooner !!! Gah!!!

So, here we're introduced to Brielle, an 18-year-old professional dancer who's coming back home to Stratus, Oregon after a tragic event her pregnant friend Ali was brutally murdered Her life is crumbling around her, and emotions are on the fritz.

In comes Jake. The overly friendly and uncomfortably attractive guy who's really hot. But not "hot" hot. Heat literally pulses off his body. Brielle can feel it without even touching him. Why is he so warm?

Fast forward a little bit. A creepy guy named Damien HE'S A DEMON, LOOK OUT BRIELLE! enters Stratus, Jake's guardian Canaan is an angel, and Brielle has obtained a glowing halo that makes her see into the Celestial, an angelic, heavenly realm. Things are getting pretty whacky. Then comes Marco Ali's supposed killer. Now things are seriously ballistic. And the story is full-blown addicting from thereon out.

I found no flaw with Angel Eyes. It was, to me, about the closest a novel could get to perfection. I never wanted to stop turning the pages; my attention was always gripped the moment I cracked the spine till I closed the back flap. Encore! 5 stars to Angel Eyes.


Fast forward about six(?) months. All is well in Stratus, in the Celestial, and in Brielle's life. Her and Jake's relationship has bloomed into something beautiful. Brielle hasn't loved anyone more in her life; she wouldn't trade what she had with him for the world.

Well, this book starts out pretty happy--and actually stays that way, surprisingly. Only a few bumps in the road (a mysterious woman that rubs Brielle the wrong way named Olivia Holt has come into town, and Brielle's dad is drinking again) keep this from being a fluffy read.

Then we get to about page 30. No, I'm kidding. But seriously. Gigantic angels called Sabres have come down from heaven, and they're tearing down the Veil between the Celestial (angelic realm) and Terrestrial (earthly realm). Their worship and song is beautiful, but what will happen once the Veil tears and the realms collide?

And to add onto that, Damien and the Prince of Darkness himself (Satan) are after Brielle and Jake for their supernatural gifts.

I really didn't care for the ending. A cliffhanger, but not an emotionally gripping one. It literally just left you hanging. Almost this book and Dark Halo were originally one book, and were separated to make a trilogy. Hmm.

Altogether, I didn't enjoy Broken Wings as much as Angel Eyes, but it was still fantastic nonetheless. Dittemore's writing remained punchy yet musical, and the characters and situations felt real as ever. Bravo! 4.5 stars to Broken Wings.


Book 3. The finale. As soon I cracked open the spine, I could my heart strings being tugged. This was it. The ending to the trilogy I'd read throughout the summer. It was very bittersweet.

Dark Halo picks up right where Broken Wings left off. Jake and Brielle have been separated--Brielle in Stratus, Jake taken by Damien to the Prince of Darkness. Brielle is heartbroken, desperate to have her true love back. Her faith that's grown so strong throughout the series is dwindling. She's losing hope. What if she and Jake were never meant to be together after all? there is a subplot involving this throughout the trilogy and it is. Heart. Breaking.

But then Brielle receives instructions from the Throne Room (the place where all instructions, etc., comes from in Heaven) that lead her to Jake.

So Brielle and her best friend Kaylee (who I've failed to mention up to this point it seems) hit the road, intent on rescuing Jake.

But they're walking right into a trap. Now Brielle is stranded in a desert with Satan himself. And he's offering her another halo--a mirrored ring that will destroy her Celestial vision.

Will Brielle trade the beauty of the Celestial to taste the feeling of being ordinary again?

Okay, enough summary. This was probably my least favorite book in the trilogy (but holy hot sauce, definitely my favorite cover! I MEAN LOOK AT IT!). There wasn't anything wrong with it, I just prefer it least overall. Maybe it's the grimness of the story? I don't know. It was still a marvelous book.

And the ending. Well, more the last 50 pages.


It really was. The way everything came together i.e. Jake and Ali are twins! What?!?! was just mind blowing, and the way everyone came out redeemed...it was beautiful.

And the way Brielle (and the others, kind of) defeated Satan was so emotional, so inspiring, heroic, and beautiful. How many times have I used the word "beautiful" in this review? Probably way too many, but that word alone just sums up this entire trilogy. Outstanding! 4.5 stars to Dark Halo.

Okay, so now I just want to briefly sum up some of my favorite things about all three books.

-The writing. Obviously.
-The humor. So many times I snickered or busted out laughing. Shannon has a great sense of humor!
-The characters. Again, obviously. But rather than Brielle or Jake being my favorite characters this time (though their journeys were both so, so beautiful), Kaylee takes the spot as my favorite. She grew so much throughout the trilogy, and she is hilarious! I love her so much. Everyone should have a friend Kaylee.
-The faith. I don't even know if I should call it that. Spiritual relationship sounds better to me! It was so real. So inspiring. They way all the characters grew in or discovered God...it was it was happening right in front of me. GAH! THIS SERIES, GUYS!

So. Overall? This is a trilogy I'll be reading over and over again. My only regret is not reading it earlier. Then maybe I could've enjoyed it more! I give all three books my highest recommendation. I hope you all read this trilogy one day!2015-favorites contemporary fantasy ...more7 s NathanielAuthor 26 books196

“God chooses to use us, Jake, but really, He can do it all on His own.”

A good book. Very much from 2012. It’s a Christian version of what I imagine all those other supernatural Angel stories are . (I’m thinking of that one series from Becca Fitzpatrick especially) the plot wasn’t bad and the writing was good, but also it’s not what I’m really into these days. I only have it because I got it for free and I know that a lot of my friends books from this author. 6 s Rampion158 6

Oh. My. Goodness. I don't know what it was about this book that made me love it, but I just did. This book had beautiful writing, a great story, everything! I cant give any details about anything specific, because that would give some spoilers. So, all I'll say is, GO READ THIS, LIKE, RIGHT NOW!!! Really good! Can't wait to read book two!!

Clean rating: Some bloody fights, including some that included deaths.6 s Kara781

It takes one devastation to change the life you know. It only lasts a moment, but it can affect you for a lifetime. Have you ever experienced something that traumatized you later on? Have you ever encountered a moment where you know innocence has been lost and you’ll never be the same again? That’s what Brielle is going through when the story begins. Her best friend is gone and life will never be the same again. No matter what her friends, her father, and the community do to comfort her and welcome her home from Portland, she is still racked with guilt and grief.

This story did not immediately grab my interest because I didn’t connect with Brielle (short for Gabrielle). She has been traumatized and the first part of the book is about her coping with that grief. Symptoms of this grief are:
she’s very distant with everyone
guilt consumes her and makes her shake (especially her hands)
fear of seeing her best friend haunts her dreams/sleep deprivation
she won’t talk to anyone and she cries very easily
she panics easily
she thinks she has new phobias
she can’t stop feeling cold

It was difficult for me to endure that part of the story because of the heaviness it entails, but then I considered a time or two in my life when something broke my heart and I realized that what Brielle is feeling is normal. She’s afraid of everything, she no longer trusts her emotions or her instincts and she slowly goes back to her daily routine. She is a talented ballerina and does not believe in God, but she’s about to discover her role in spiritual warfare taking place in her small town of Stratus.

This book takes place from three point-of-views: Brielle, Canaan the Shield/Angel, and Damien the Demon/Fallen Angel

What’s it to fly with an angel? What’s it to witness spiritual warfare? What’s it learning to trust someone when your instincts tell you he’s safe? What does a human see when wearing an angelic halo? This book has all of that and gives the perspective from all three types, human; angel; and demon. The setting of this story takes place in both the terrestrial realm (earthly) and the celestial realm (spirit).

What I learned from this story…
demons sense despair and it smells salt and rust, tears and corrosion
they also sense fear and enjoy inflicting fear in humans/taunting their fears
when demons linger there are feelings of anxiety and dread
The Prince of Darkness forgives slowly, and he never, ever forgets (basically the complete opposite of God, which makes sense)
demons learn to please the Prince of Darkness by using and corrupting humans to fulfill their plans
an angel is also called a shield and there is a hierarchy of roles they fill, the angel (Canaan) in this story is assigned to protect humans

Even though I didn’t get into the story until the first 100 pages, the excitement does pick up and as Brielle learns her purpose with the warfare taking place I was very pleased with the change in her demeanor. I also greatly enjoyed her experience of the spiritual realm, the romance between her and Jake and I was relieved to discover that Jake is not an angel even though he was raised by one. Brielle has many questions about God that are touched upon and I was satisfied with Jake’s faith and patience with her. He doesn’t have all the answers, but he understands obedience to The Throne and he is patient with Brielle while her heart heals.

Here is an excerpt that I found to be an accurate description of fear and how it affects people:
It’s back: The darkness. The fear.
Canaan doesn’t hesitate. With a demon nearby, he can’t afford to. He transfers to the Celestial and turns his eyes to the room at the end of the hall.
Jake sits on his bed, facing the girl. She’s on the phone, her back stiff, the black tar of fear soaking through her shirt and pouring thickly onto the floor. A fog rises steam from the muck and settles heavily around them. From under her blond hair, the clingy substance oozes, running the length of her body. Her hands shake, desperate to be rid of it.
She isn’t alone in her distress. It’s leaking from Jake as well—his pants saturated. Fear is pooled on the floor of his room, but is not content with only two victims. a heat-seeking missile, it runs into the hall looking for someone, anyone to attach itself to.
If human beings could only see the manifestation of such a weapon, they would understand how it paralyzes, literally holding them captive with the glue of it.
every being of light, Canaan hates fear. It has little effect on him, but humans can’t make such a claim. Only celestial eyes can see it for what it is. Black and thick. tar, but icy and alive. It clings and oozes. It weighs down its victims until they are either frozen in a trench of indecision or worse—they make the first possible move, no matter how unwise, simply to rid themselves of it.
It’s the deadliest weapon the Fallen possess. They can inflict it, to be sure, but the tragedy of fear is that since the Fall, humans have held it inside their very being and can unleash it, even unwittingly, on themselves and on others.

I was very satisfied with how Angel Eyes ended. I had trouble with Brielle’s unbelief after witnessing so much of the supernatural world, but she eventually comes to understand and fight for The Throne just as her shield does. It was a clean story overall. There’s violence in the story, but I found it appropriate to the plot (one villain is shot to death, angels and demons fight, Brielle trips over a tree root and breaks her ankle, children are kidnapped, demons inflict pain and fear on the humans and it is revealed that corruption exists in this small town), it wasn’t offensive. Brielle lives with her dad who is absent throughout much of the story, but the few times he’s available it is apparent how protective he is of Brielle. He calls the police twice when she doesn’t come home in a reasonable amount of time, he encourages Brielle to find her way in her comfort and timing, and he asks her friend Kaylee to keep her company when he has to be at work. Her mom dies when Brielle is young and that is another form of grief she has to deal with despite having no memory of this parent.

The spiritual warfare reminded me of Frank Peretti’s earlier books, This Present Darkness and Piercing the Darkness. Dittemore’s writing presents the supernatural action in a different way and brings a fresh perspective with Brielle, Damien and Canaan. Despite her new approach, the author manages to bring many biblical truths to life with her debut book and it’s interesting to watch Brielle’s character transform while finding her spiritual gifts. She evolves from being victimized—to learning the truth about the God she initially rejects—to becoming a vital part in the battle for His glory. I’m grateful for authors Dittemore who don’t sugarcoat spiritual warfare yet enjoy telling a clean story for all readers to enjoy no matter what their beliefs are.

I won this book from a contest on the author’s blog and I want to thank Shannon and Thomas Nelson for sending me a copy. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.6 s Jane MareeAuthor 11 books118

I read this book in one sitting because I just could. not. put. it. down.

The concept of this book is so unique and intriguing and the story within did not disappoint!

I loved each of the characters so much. The was such depth and uniqueness to each of them and their stories were so real to me. I was absolutely sucked into their world and I couldn't escape.

Also, I ship Jake and Brielle SO HARD, OKAY?
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