
Goddess Crown de Shade Lapite

de Shade Lapite - Género: English
libro gratis Goddess Crown


In this thrilling Afro-fantasy, the first set in the lush, opulent kingdom of Galla, a girl raised in secret must leave her sheltered rural home for the subtle dangers of the royal court, where she becomes caught up in deadly power struggles and romantic intrigue.
Kalothia has grown up in the shadows of her kingdom, hidden away in the forested East after her parents were outed as enemies of the king. Raised in a woodland idyll by a few kindly adult caretakers, Kalothia can hunt and fish and fend for herself but knows little of the outside world. When assassins attack her home on her sixteenth birthday, she must flee to the king's court in the West—a beautiful but lethal nest of poison, plots, and danger, overseen by an entrenched patriarchy. Guided by the Goddess herself, can Kalothia navigate this most worldly of places to find her own role? What if she must choose between her country and her...

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You know a book is good when you have to keep pausing while you’re reading to audibly say “This book is so good”

I knew going into this that Goddess Crown was going to be fantastic but I was actually pleasantly surprised how fantastic it truly was.

The world-building was beautiful and so immersive. I really found myself getting so lost in the writing that I would read four chapters without even realising it. I can’t stress enough how great this was.

I loved that it also touched on the challenges that women face in male-dominated spaces and how often, they need to work ten times harder to be respected or seen as even close to equals.

The romance subplot also took me by surprise but I loved it so much.

I can’t wait to see what this author does next.2024 fantasy favs ...more6 s Zana430 121

This fits The Diverse Baseline February Prompt A: A book by a Black author.

3.5 stars rounded up.

This started out really strong with the FMC escaping an assassination. That scene really gripped me and was definitely 5 stars.

But after that, it was typical royal court politics. If you're into that, then this might be your thing. But I was mostly bored tbh and was hoping for more action.

Kalothia is a great FMC though. Very resilient and highly adaptable to new situations. She's one of those young characters who are old souls.

Anyway, despite feeling meh about this book, I'd still love to read more from this author.black-authors the-diverse-baseline2 s Melissa42 1 follower

Unfortunately I didn’t enjoy this despite being initially very excited. It began at a very slow pace and then hurtled at break-neck speed at the end. There was minimal world building beyond letting us know that they worship a Goddess and yet function as a patriarchal society. Kalothia, the main character, rarely has anything to say/is left speechless when she encounters sexist/misogynistic behaviour and comments. In fairness, as a coddled 16yr old that maybe isn’t surprising. Overall this felt very disappointing and not as exciting and engaging as I would have d. The fantasy and romance aspects were lacking and not as well developed as they could have been, and the plot was predictable.2 s Booked.Shaye BWRT95 28

Wow. Such a beautiful face paced read with some black girl magic action thrown in story. In Goddess Crown we are introduced to Kalothia she’s 16 & we go on this journey with her. She’s brought up by guardians in a rural area basically living away from her birth parents who are King & Queen to keep her out of harms way. Kalothia is kind & smart from the very beginning. But we also get to see her use other skills & strengths when she has to prove herself in front of the Kings Court.

I follow the author on social media & she explained how the setting is Africa-inspired. And I love that ! Well done.
Thank you so much Hear Our Voices for my ARC. #GoddessCrown #HearOurVoices #HOV
2 s Brenda895 39

Goddess Crown is the kind of story that grabs your attention and won't let it go until you reach that final page. There is so much action that your riveted to see what happens next, so your flipping pages and waiting on pins and needles to see how Kalothia can escape capture and even navigate her way through the palace to avoid danger. Such a wonderful escapism read, and I was certainly in the mood for the palace intrigue. At 288 pages, Lapite really pacts in the action, and even leaves some room for a little romance, yep looking at you Nahir. Overall, I quite enjoyed the world building of the story, but I kept wanting to know more about this fantasy inspired country. Also wanting to know more about Padma, Galla's enemies whose territory borders them, and more about King Osura. There are also quite a few lords and occasionally I had difficulty keeping them straight. Going in I was expecting something along the lines of Children of Blood and Bone, part fantasy and mythology. And this isn't quite that, although there is a Goddess who comes to help Kalothia from time to time. But oh, how I did love Kalothia. Her determination, strength, willingness to break through any barrier placed in front of her. Also, her desire to help her country to begin to recognize women for their potential and all the skills that they bring. To finally allow them to have a voice. Such a wonderful story that has me eagerly awaiting a sequel. ** A huge thank you to Walker Books US for the paperback ARC in exchange for an honest review.**2023 fantasy young-adult2 s ReadingRoom444198 11


When I tell you to have a novel in your fingers that allows you to see a female character that looks you and uplifts herself through her power, strength, courage, and tenaciousness even though a patriarchal society driven by oppression of women tried to stand in her way, it’s phenomenal!!

These characters stories spoke to me with each turn of the page, and discovering how many of the characters were falsely accused because they were woman struck emotional cords that made me want to go into battle to fight for Justice in this Kingdom!!

I absolutely love an Afro fantasy and spending time in the opulent kingdom of Galla, I feel I too grew to be the Goddess Crown!!

https://www.instagram.com/reel/CwyDlp...2 s DOMINIQUE Davis463 24

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advance copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

This story follows Kalothia. On her 16th birthday her home is attacked. She loses Aunty and Teacher in the aftermath and flees with Nahir just to lose him too. She deals with the fact that the place where she flees doesn’t accept her for who she really is and the position that she will hold. I love that Kalothia is the one to shut down the old ways of forced marriage to have a man in charge. Some of my favorite quotes from the book come from the discussions between Nahir and Kalothia as they explore new feelings.

“Your skin makes me think of midnight. Dark and clear and serene.” He chuckled. “Which is funny because you are the furthest point from serene.”

“Your hair is exactly your personality. Curls, twists, strong, unpredictable, beautiful . . .”

Thank you Walker Books, and Edelweiss for the opportunity to read this ebook in exchange for an honest review. Overall 3.5/5 stars1 Brandie Shanae Bridges201 155

This book was a breath of fresh air. This book will literally keep you on your toes because there is always something happening from either a huge reveal to finding out the someone is trying to wipe out your entire family which also includes you. In this book we introduced to Zalothia who is under the care of Teacher and Aunty. As she is being cared for in the forrest and is protected by Clarit and Nahor it is Zalothia's 16th birthday and her life immediately begins to change. Everything that she was told was a complete lie. Literally as she was being raised in a forrest in the Kingdom of Galla she was told that her parents had to go into hiding from the king because their lives were in danger, but the truth was that the king that was supposedly trying to kill her parents was actually her father and he had executed her mother based on rumors of infidelity. Honestly I highly recommend this book because as the story progresses it keeps getting better and better.1 Sophie59 18

Thank you to Walker books for the arc!

This was a fun read! The main character, Kalothia, was fierce and strong despite the heartache she has endured. I loved the setting of the book and of the different cultures described. A feminist fantasy book that was well written, with lots of action as Kalothia tries to navigate her new life and the enemies that come with it. Full of twists and turns that I didn’t see coming.

However, I did want a little more interaction with our love interest. I didn’t feel as connected to their friendship and feelings because it felt not much happened between them. It would be nice if he was more involved but again, I can understand why he wasn’t as I was getting the “women don’t always need men” vibe.

I did enjoy the ending and felt it fit really well with the feminist narrative— Kalothia doesn’t need a man to rule well. It was refreshing to read!1 Liv Delinicolis292 4

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