
Fate of the Argosi de Sebastien De Castell

de Sebastien De Castell - Género: English
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Sebastien de Castell Publisher: Hot Key Books ISBN: 9781471415326

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This rating pains me so much, especially for the final Ferius Parfax novel. This felt so off. I can't quite put my finger on what it was, but I found myself easily distracted while reading. I didn't feel connected to any of the characters. I didn't particularly care about the story. Which again is why this pains me to say. I thoroughly enjoy Sebastien De Castell, I enjoy the Argosi history, I this world. I don't know how this is going to be the last Argosi story because this didn't feel one. I thought we would at least see Ferius Parfax in the light of who she is in the Spellsinger series. There seems a lot more growth to be had. I guess we will wait and see what happens. It does sound De Castell has no intention at the moment to continue. This was unsatisfying, but I still very much enjoy De Castell and all his works.5 s Daphne1,109 46

Ferius Parfax is one of my favorite characters ever, I would read a whole book of her doing taxes or mowing the lawn if there was one. So I was always going to rate this book highly. I don't think this book had the best plot in this series, but I enjoyed it a lot anyway.

I am a little sad it seems to be the last one of her backstory, I feel there was still a far way to go. I d the romance between her and Arissa, though I was hoping for a bit more of a conclusion. I can only hope the author has more plans for this character/this world. But if that isn't the case, this was still a good wrapping-up point for this series.
4-star fantasy lgbt-main-character ...more2 s charlotte,3,419 1,034

Rep: lesbian mc with PTSD, bi li4-stars best-of disabilities-disorders-illnesses ...more2 s Pene Geard255 29

I love the Argosi trilogy - it’s so much better than the original Spellslinger series. That said, this probably was the weakest of the trilogy. The ending felt quite incomplete and it was missing some of the emotional depth from the previous 2 books.
I also think that given current world events, it’s hard to read about a racial genocide and people being pushed out of their lands without comparing it to those irl situations. And in that context, the solution that is provided seemed overly simplistic.
The ending didn’t really feel an ending given there is still so much unknown and unexplored.1 Two Odd Socks52 3

“Fate of the Argosi” by Sebastien de Castell - ??


Ferius Parfax has to clear her disharmonies (debts) deck before she can fully travel her Path of the Wild Daisy. While clearing her first card, rescuing the thief Arissa, she comes across another inmate, Chedran. She discovers he is the same as her: Mahdek. She saves them both from the prison, and follows Chedran to a group of Mahdek children, but when they find out one of them has been marked by Jan’Tep, a clan of mages who have hunted down the Mahdek for years, Ferius has to face what has become of her people and work with the ones who have made her suffer the most.



Warning, don’t read the blurb; it essentially tells you the majority of the plot. This one was hard to review and rate, because I absolutely love Ferius, but this book, in my opinion, wasn’t the best.

A trigger warning would have been great too.

As mentioned, I love Ferius. She is an interesting character and the Argosi people are also fascinating with how they work and perceive the world. Ferius is a fun character, but the Ferius this book presents felt diluted. The story felt less about Ferius, and more about the Mahdek. It read Ferius was just tagging along with Chedran because she felt she had to because they are her people.

Chedran is insufferable; constantly angry at Ferius for essentially nothing. He doesn’t how Ferius abandoned her people, when really that isn’t what happened. He hates Arissa, I think because she is a thief. The romance between Arissa and Ferius is being discussed throughout the book, but would’ve enjoyed seeing this chemistry develop while they were travelling.

There are chunks of this book which involve sitting around and talking. Not a lot of action appeared to be happening. The ending for me, felt abrupt. The reader has followed the Mahdek people to this new island, but the reader never fully gets to explore this island.
Hundred Acre1,152 25

We have come to the third of the prequels. Fate of the Argosi is the third title in the prequel trilogy and Sebastien De Castell continues to write with an astounding power for storytelling. This story, weaving together the strands from Way of the Argosi and Fall of the Argosi into a story that will reveal to us their fate is also simply another outstanding piece of storytelling. As teenager readers the audience this series is aimed are not really supposed to drink which means they can’t be intoxicated, at least not as the result of alcohol. That doesn’t stop them becoming intoxicated from the blend of high adventure and philosophical quest these books deliver. You may not believe it but in this third prequel book Ferius is about to face her greatest test yet, sailing into a despair that has festered over centuries and threatens to destroy her. This instalment is unmissable.

Ferius is eighteen years old and has faced more trials and tribulations than anyone should have to in an entire lifetime. Now though she is at last ready to set out on her Argosi path. As always in Ferius’ life there is a problem to be overcome. There is a deck of cards holding her back. The cards show each of the debts she owes to the people she has harmed in her short life. If she wants to follow her destined path she must first make restitutions. The problem is one debt leads directly to another. In attempting to infiltrate a notorious prison in order to free Arissa, a young thief who became her friend years ago, Ferius has to face a cold-hearted killer who presents her with an even bigger debt. This is the one she owes to the Madhek clans who raised her and who are now facing imminent extinction. Teaming up with a band of young mages Ferius has to guide the remnants of her own people to their new homeland before despair destroys them all and everything she has worked for. A masterful piece of storytelling.
fantasy mystery ya Moises8

Unfortunately, the weakest of the three books. Half of the book is Ferius going "woe is me, things are going to be dramatic" and then things aren't as bad as she thought. One of the secondary characters is super competent, good at everything, and seems to have no lingering effects from the trauma she supposedly suffered. And the book just kind of ends, there having been no real conflict, and a ferius only really changing the outcome of events in the climax.

Spoilers ahead

If ferius hadn't been there, the images would still have talked to the kids, convinced the elders, and taken the trip. They may have died in the attempt, and Chedran and Arissa may have died in the prison, but Arissa already had started trying to escape. She's competent enough to do it, and Chedran can die with no consequences to the story. Ferius does save these characters, and changes what would have been a tragedy into a success, but the plans are always someone else's plans.

I feel if the self pity party that Ferius insists on throwing was cut down, this would be a short story instead of a full book. Also, Arissa is insufferable and makes every situation worse.

I hope there's a 4th book, since Ferius is still not the Ferius we meet in Spellslinger. She's got a lot of walking on her path left to do in order to get there.

Quadlopo and Conch get full stars. They are perfect. No notes. Amanda97 1 follower

Another excellent book about the best character in this whole universe. It's so interesting watching Ferius transform from the scared, angry little kid she is in the first Argosi book into the confident, wise, and kind of crazy woman she is in Spellslinger.

As always, this book has great characters, both human and animal, and an interesting plot. I think Reichis would either love or hate Conch, and if they were in the same time period, seeing them interact would be so much fun.

I really d the way Ferius kept remembering and imaging things that she was taught by Durrel and Enna or things they'd be ly to say in a given situation. Besides just being interesting, sweet, funny, etc., I thought it was a really nice parallel to things that go through Kellen's head in Soulbinder and Queenslayer.

The only reason I'm not giving this 5 stars is that somehow, I was never able to get quite as emotionally invested in it as I have in the other books. Don't get me wrong, I was invested, and it was a fun read, but I just didn't get the same emotional depth as I've come to expect and appreciate.

Really though, a fantastic book. I'm not sure if there will be more Argosi books or not, but I really hope there are! Wide Eyes, Big Ears!2,169

18 yo Ferius Parfax has pretty much hit her stride as an Argosi, that group of mystical misfits who wander the lands alone setting the world to rights. But when she seeks to clear a debt, she find herself face-to-face with some of the last surviving members of her people, the Mahdek. her, they have been hunted to the brink of extinction by the Jan’tep mages, so she isn’t expecting a few renegade mages to offer to take the remaining Mahdek to a magical haven. Is it a trap and are the odds of success so small that only a reckless gambler Ferius would take them?

I’ve loved all the books in the Spellslinger universe but this one failed to hit its mark. Despite the great premise, the epic fate of an entire race in the balance, and a magical pirate ship, I found my mind wandering. The quasi-Buddhist ‘Way of the Argosi’ is woven throughout these books but there seemed to be extra-long screeds of philosophy and psychological analysis in this book that kept pausing the story mid-action. I guess it was to demonstrate how far Ferius has come and how much she has learnt but it just detracted from the plot.
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