
Invincible: An Epic Space Opera/Alien Invasion Adventure de Sean Robins

de Sean Robins - Género: English
libro gratis Invincible: An Epic Space Opera/Alien Invasion Adventure


Sean Robins Year: 2024

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So you remember the light hearted, silly, funny Crimson death bringer by the same author?
This is basically the same story, however nothing's light hearted about it. It's dark and gritty. It's juvenile Jim and Tarq suddenly realised they're adult now and have to pay rent on top of saving the world.
All in all it's a pretty good and goes down easy imo.2 s Jim1,089 44

This is kind of a strange book. I’m new to the author, but he states at the beginning of his book that this is a re-write of a previous book/series. The re-write was done to take out some of the “childish” humor that previous indicated wasn’t welcomed. Well, he didn’t take it all out, but he did a pretty good job of making this a semi-serious science fiction story.

We’re on Earth during a time when our planet was trying to unify into a world government. They had turned what was the United Nations into the United Earth led by Thomas von der Hagen, the first President. He was helped a great deal by his son Kurt von der Hagen who also happened to be the best friend of Major Jim Harrison, USAF. That Presidency didn’t last long because they made the mistake of appointing General Zheng as director of the Security and Counter-Terrorism Unit. The General began to amass his own power and eventually planted a bomb in the car or Kurt’s parents thereby killing the United Earth President. Zheng immediately took power and has never relinquished it since.

Kurt von der Hagen went underground and formed the Resistance and was doing quite well in assassinating key people in Zheng regime. But, he’d run into some trouble this last time and was found in Jim Harrison’s living room bleeding all over the couch. It was going to be the end of a very nice evening Jim had planed with his fiancée Elizabeth (Liz) Lopez. He had planned on proposing to Liz that very night, but things changed when he saw his best friend bleeding in his living room.

Kurt had just managed to pull off an assassination of Mike Palermo, Director of the SCTU for General Zheng. But it obviously didn’t go as well as his fourteen previous assassinations. Jim was concerned for his friend, but he was also concerned that he might have lead the SCTU to his house. He certainly didn’t want to get tangled up with those guys especially with Liz in the house. Jim assured him that he wasn’t followed so Liz patched Kurt up and then she went to bed while Jim and Kurt talked. It wasn’t long before the house blew up almost knocking Jim unconscious while he heard yelling that the SCTU had the house surrounded and they were under arrest.

Justice is swift under the Zheng regime. Kurt, Jim and Liz were all declared guilty of treason and ordered shot. Once lined up against the wall, they all assumed this would be how they ended, then the shots rang out and everything went dark.

They woke up in a very clean, all white room. A door opened and Jim walked out of his room only to find Liz and Kurt also walking into the all white hallway. Here’s where the real story begins. They meet an alien name Traq. He was a Akakie and a member of their military and went by the name of Commander Traq. His assistant was Lieutenant Barook. Both had holographic images showing them as humanoid to the humans. He had just saved the lives of Jim, Liz and Kurt while killing most of the guards and others in the prison which they had been held.

Of course everyone wanted to know why. Commander Traq had his reasons. His system and his home planet had been recently attacked by the Xortaag. This was a very militant alien civilization that was bent on destroying everyone and everything that was Xortaag. They had attacked Commander Traq’s system, but since the Akakies had superior technology they fought them to a draw. Traq knew that eventually the Xortaag would break the peace treaty and attack his civilization again and they would loose because the Akakies were not warriors. He needed warriors so he had come to Earth to find some. Only Earth was next on the Xortaag’s list of civilizations to conquer.

Since Earth wasn’t in space yet, they were defenseless against the Xortaag but Traq was willing to help but it was going to cost the humans a great deal of pain. He hoped he had found the right people to help pull his plan off and not only save his own civilization, but what would be left of the human civilization also. But nothing is ever guaranteed.

So the story is good and does have touches of humor. It is also very short. I was surprised when I had already reached the end of the book. There are two additional chapter from book 2 but they are chapter 2 & 3 which I can’t figure out why to just include those at all. I guess I’ll continue reading this series and see what happens in book 2, “Indomitable” now available on Amazon. Cmoore1,868

I went into this audiobook without any quams as had already enjoyed having listened to the Crimson Death, but I figured that it was high time I dove back into Invinciblible the gritty space adventure. I believe the author played a little dirty pool by renaming the book, but it is what it is. I knew book broke away the mold offering a new voice in the genre... and yes I absolutely loved it again! It’s a near-future dystopian novel, and yes it's a first-contact situation with Spaceships, but that's where the similarities end, with nothing else familiar, or even expected!
I seriously loved how Sean Robins wove his dystopian world (and the band of freedom fighters) into a Scifi political-drama... and this is how our freedom fighters found themselves, inducted into not only saving the world and human race from themselves, but from alien conquerors too!
The plot is so well written, so tightly woven, and so beautifully narrated, you'll find yourself glued into your headset! The story has great characters, plenty of pop-cultural references, wit, and even though it's gritty it still has lots of real laugh-out-loud moments! Plus, I found all the action that I could've ever wanted. Invincible/Crimson Death will make you forget about getting a goodnight's sleep! It's Perfect!
So do yourself a favor and grab the audiobook... and let Jade Ferifyre transport you into Sean Robins dark gritty future!
Travis2,438 33

Invincible is another in the long list of alien invasion stories, but I do have to give the author his due, he does make the story interesting. I'm not going to promise it's all that the blurb claims it to be, but if you're a scifi fan, and you're particularly fond of military scifi, then you'll feel right at home reading this one. It does indeed have some laugh out loud moments, but by the end, I was ready to punch some of the characters, and complain about others, but isn't that the whole point of a book, to get you riled up so you'll read more? It's a pretty good start, and while I can't claim the characters always acted as anyone seeing things from the reader's point of view thinks they should. I mean, if you see something coming from a mile away, why stand around waiting for it to arrive? But, we all know characters have to act a particular way to push the story along, and I have no major complaints. In fact, I'm looking to read more in this series, and hopefully things go a bit smoother in the next book. If not, then I suppose I'll complain about that too in my review. :)amazon kindle-unlimited Gwen Collins202 1 follower

The alien invasion is coming to Earth! The Xortaags and the Akakies reached a truce in their war, but now the Xortaags are heading to Earth to take over this planet. But why? What did we ever do to them? Our wonderful blue planet with breathable air, water, plants and animals just makes it too hard to resist. Besides, now that the Xortaags have ruined their world it's time to expand their horizons again. Too bad millions of the Earth inhabitants have to die to make this move happen. But on the bright side, Tarq, of the Akakies, saves Jim, Liz, Allen and Kurt moments before being shot in front of tv cameras and appoint them as leaders of the new Resistance. Now watch what happens when these three groups collide. Thanks, Sean Robins, for a fantastic book. Can't wait for the next in the series.1 Aaron Eichler419

I have not laughed so much in a book that was not designed as a comedy. I loved the Star Trek references, I heard a couple Star Wars, and other Sci-fi shows. The idea of an alien race coming to Earth and not helping the main military, but the résistance is an idea I have not read before, it is kind of a retelling of Star Wars without the Force. I am so ready to listen to book 2. Celia King78 1 follower

Unexpected and awesome

This was well written and belivable, would make a blockbuster film! I could not put it down read straight thru and can't wait for the sequels. A solid A++. More to come volumes two thru five. So look for the boxed set!!!
Space Cowgirl3,995 130

Mind Control
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