
Collapse: A Litrpg Apocalypse (Welcome to the Multiverse Book 3) de Sean Oswald

de Sean Oswald - Género: English
libro gratis Collapse: A Litrpg Apocalypse (Welcome to the Multiverse Book 3)


Sean Oswald Year: 2024

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I've been reading Sean's books since his first Life on Exile book. You can see the incremental improvements to his craft as he goes along.

This series is as solid as it can be. Every book is quality.

I could talk about the character development, about the unique perspective on how the world building and mechanics are implemented or about how nothing feels forced. But then you will find out about all of that when you read it.1 Zé Manel28

Great trilogy, funtastic and humorous

This is the last book of the first trilogy, hopefully there’ll be a couple more trilogies to continue this wonderful romp through a pre-apocalypse magical system introduction.

While some might say these system apocalypse all blend together, I personally enjoy the genre, and this trilogy hardly takes itself too seriously, the comedy sometimes feels a little forced, especially the Wile E. Coyote, Acme, and Roadrunner bits, but just take it a dad joke, or bad pun, groan and enjoy it for what it is.

Giving it 5 stars because of the overall trilogy, honestly though, this 3rd book could use some more editing, the typos, missing words, and occasional inconsistencies do detract from this book a bit more than the first two. Johnny1,861 65

Book three

I don't get this seemingly total lack of editing that has been going around lately.

I went back and forth trying to decide what to rate this book.

I don't see anything special about the MC for the system to have taken such an interest in him.
If you look at everything the only reason that the MC is special is because the system took an interest in him and has pretty much been guiding the MC's growth.

Between that and the horrible editing I wanted to give this a two out of ten, but the story was pretty good this time. Even with the MC being the system's chosen one. So I gave it a slightly higher score.

4.5/10 Needs editing!
Between that Alan871 3

Silas must save earth at all cost to keep it from being destroyed .

Silas is trying to come to terms with being a runner he inherited from his Uncle Dan by running the system trying to place earth in first place in the competition for earth an keep it from being destroyed . Between running missions off world for the system .Leveling up fighting monsters . Looking out for his baby sister CeCe an their mom . Looking forward to the next book in the series .recommend reading excellent series . Adam Roberts256 2

A real power jump!

Silas really gets a series of power up’s in this one, which given the state of Earth and how fast the induction is coming, is definitely needed. We get some more info on the state of the universe, and on what the other fore runners are up to. A possible romantic interest is introduced and we get the usual awesome action scenes! Also Urg is back, and he talks now! Jack Call4

Story lost its way

I enjoyed the first two books, unfortunately the story for book 3 gets too convoluted . It was not enjoyable in the least and I couldn't bring myself to finish the book which is unfortunate because the first two were good. It's a shame he just didn't follow the story arc that was established, too many characters added and his world suffers because of it. The story crumbles under its own weight. Shaun Carpenter71

Couldn't put it down

I loved this one and can't wait for the next one. The new characters, worlds/spaces, and character building was perfect. This was addictive... It came out today! Doug Lohse43

Better and better

The third volume of this series continues to accelerate things. More world building. More character growth. More characters involved. Plots and subplots. Everything you could want! Harvey20

Great book

I have really enjoyed this series And I have enjoyed the main characters growth along the way. I have enjoyed the story and the world building the author has put together I can't wait for the next book and if you enjoy litrpg I would highly recommend the series Tony Fecteau1,291 5

Silas has come a long way. He is still getting used to mana being in his world. Can he trust his fellow initiates? We see that Silas is building up a force on earth as well. Lots of action, a very enjoyable read. Johnie C1,708 6

Great read

I enjoyed reading this book very much and I recommend this book to anyone who s LitRPG and progression type of books with lots of action. Ray Ritchey891 6

Fun Read

Nice shoutout to crayon eaters. The story moved well and excellent world building. Some old issues got worked out, and a new enemy has been unveiled. Shannon Gibson39 1 follower

Excellent read!

(In my inner kid voice) that was totally awesome!!! I can not wait until the next book comes out. Now just need the Audible for this one ? Zach Hause55

Love this series

Sean killed it again, I read this book so fast. Goodness I wish I had more stories this good to read Michael Simpson8


This series keeps getting better! I can’t wait to read book 3. I highly recommend this series and hope Sean Oswald continues it for many more iterations! Jeremy Shelton 52 1 follower

This story just get better and better

I’ve become a vid fan of this series. Unfortunately, I’ll have to wait for the next installment. I’m very excited to see how the Hunt goes. Emmanuel Obi56

Great LitRPG

I continue to enjoy this series. Overall it’s quick to get hooked and stay hooked. For me the series just continues to get better. Looking forward to book 4. Colin Lawler49

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