
Lost Man's Lane : A Novel de Scott Carson

de Scott Carson - Género: English
libro gratis Lost Man's Lane : A Novel


A teenager explores the darkness hidden within his hometown in this spellbinding supernatural thriller from bestselling author Scott Carson.
For a sixteen-year-old, a summer internship working for a private investigator seems like a dream come true—particularly since the PI is investigating the most shocking crime to hit Bloomington, Indiana, in decades. A local woman has vanished, and the last time anyone saw her, she was in the backseat of a police car driven by a man impersonating an officer.

Marshall Miller's internship puts him at the center of the action, a position he relishes until a terrifying moment that turns public praise for his sharp observations and uncanny memory into accusations of lying and imperiling the case. His detective mentor withdraws, friends and family worry and whisper, and Marshall alone understands that the darkness visiting his town this summer goes far beyond a single crime. Now his task is to explain...

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Lost Man's Lane is just about perfect and I was hooked from the opening lines. It reminded me a lot of a Stephen King novel – his more recent novels, that is, not the ones with killer clowns and rabid dogs and aliens (I say this as someone who hasn't read a King novel in years, so please ignore this statement if King has actually broached these subjects again recently – for all I know he has a whole series of books about rabid Saint Bernards at this point). The narrative style kind of reminded me of Joyland, even though the storylines are completely different.

This book is tagged as a horror novel, and there are definitely creepy bits. But the horror takes a backseat somewhat to other life-altering events that occur as Marshall navigates the last days of his boyhood – at its heart, this novel is really a bildungsroman. The horror is interwoven into Marshall's story but isn't the entire story, if that makes any sense. There aren't any parts I can say were truly scary, but there are definitely some creepy scenes – Marshall's first encounter with Corporal Maddox was … uncomfortable, to say the least.

If you're a Xennial, you'll probably experience a whole lot of nostalgia while reading this one. There's talk of Columbine and Y2K and 9/11 and the war in Afghanistan and all sorts of other events that were defining moments for those of us who came of age in the late 90s and early 2000s.

There are some really great characters in this book. Marshall was a perfectly fine main character, but the real MVPs of the story were the side characters – Noah and Jerry and Jake and The Weller were all complex and realistic (well, maybe Noah can't quite be considered realistic, but …) and sympathetic personalities who probably each deserve a book of their own.

If you humor, there's some of that, too. Sean Weller has some particularly funny lines, but the scene in the rock climbing gym is one of the most hilarious bits of writing I've read in a long time. I might've woken up my husband in the middle of the night while giggling over that one. Even if you don't horror, this book would be worth reading just for that one scene.

And the setting? Well, I've never been a huge fan of Indiana, but this story makes it sound almost … nice? Well, except for all the rattlesnakes, that is. And the murders. But for a rattlesnake-infested murder-state, it sounds really pleasant.

Final rating: 4.5 stars, rounded up. If you creepy bildungsromane (who knew this was the plural of bildungsroman?!) with likable, original characters and a plethora of snakes, definitely give this one a read.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Atria Books for providing me with an advance copy of this book to review.arcs-and-such fiction59 s2 comments Keila1,258 51

Marshall is working as an intern with a local PI during the summer, and this puts him in the center of action. However, it stirs up some unsettling memories as well. As his mentor withdraws, is friends and family begin to whisper, and Marshall is left alone to understand the darkness that is hovering over his town. Will he be able to find understanding in it all?

I think that I am in the minority here, but this book just wasn’t really for me. I do think that had I listened to it, rather than read it on kindle, my enjoyment factor would have been higher. I have found that coming of age books are some of my favorite audios, but least favorite print, and I when I selected this one I didn’t realize it was going to lean in the territory of coming of age so much.

This was quite the genre mash-up and I’d say predominantly a coming-of-age story, told from the perspective of a teenage boy. I think that the author did do a good job of getting into the mind of a teenage boy, and I appreciated that. However, I found the book to be overly descriptive overall in a way that just wasn’t for me. I also really didn’t most of the characters, there was just something about them that didn’t work for me. I did appreciate the single mom rep, and the flash backs to the 90’s so there was a lot of nostalgia for me within the pages.

Overall, this was an intriguing read, I just wish that I would have enjoyed it more and I think it would be fabulous on audio.

Thank you so much to Atria books, Emily Bestler Books, and Netgalley for this e-arc copy in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts are my own.2024 netgalley netgalley-202416 s Janalyn Prude3,119 90

It has been so hard trying to figure out a way to write a clever review about this brilliant book. Lost man’s Lane by Scott Carson is about a 16-year-old boy named Marshall Miller his mom is a local weather woman and a single mother he has a second family with his best friend Carrie and her parents Jerry and Gwen Flanders after a run-in with an abusive police name Maddox it is also when he spots a girl who he will find out is named Meredith Sullivan and when he learns her name he will also learn she is missing this is when he meets Noah storm in become his assistant but nothing can account for the strange things that start to happen in Marshall‘s life. From the 4 foot long black and white rattlesnake to the reoccurring dream of the barn with no doors or windows to the mistaken sighting that becomes front page news and as all this is happening he is starting to have feelings for the girl he’s known since they were in diapers. I know this is a horrible review and may not intrigue you to read this book but just know this book absolutely 100% reminded me of something that would’ve been written by Stephen King… It is that awesome! There is so much I want to say but cannot because it has a reader I do not read whole summaries of books because I feel they give too much away and someone something in the book happens it is a total shock to me and this one was full of twist interns that totally had me on the edge of my seat and blew me away and had my heart palpitating more than once this is a very long book but OMG it’s so worth reading it is an awesome horror story I can almost guarantee if you love Stephen King books then you will definitely love this one… It truly is an awesome awesome read. I’ve never read a book by this author but I will definitely catch up on any books he has written and read any books he writes in the future. I can honestly say this is one of the best books I have read since Winters Myths by Gage Greenwood I love that one an equally if not more love this one. I want to thank The author the publisher and NetGalley for my free arc copy please forgive any mistakes I am blind and dictate my review11 s Courtney1,152 40

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing an ARC for review.

This was one that I'm still thinking about days after I finished it. I hadn't read anything by this author before. I enjoyed his writing, with his realistic portrayal of Marshall, a high school student in 1999. Marshall witnesses a disturbing incident when pulled over by a police officer. This leads him through a mystery that brings him to a detective, to rock climbing, to a new friendship, to a confusing love interest, and to the dark times of 1999 (Columbine, Y2K panic, etc.). There were supernatural elements, which is what I'm still thinking about. It was an interesting story with quite a few twists!arc e-book fiction ...more8 s1 comment Momma Leighellen’s Book Nook887 258

If William Kent Krueger and Chuck Wendig had a baby it would be this book. ??

Historically immersive and engrossing spooky.
I loved it.

Detailed review to come. Totally worth not sleeping. 7 s1 comment Rachel the Page-Turner429 5

It’s hard to find (my kind of) horror on NetGalley, so when I saw this book and saw the already high ratings on Goodreads, I had to check it out. This is a coming-of-age horror story, much Stephen King’s “It” or Robert McCammon’s “Boy’s Life” (both of which were mentioned in the book!). This is horror with heart, my made-up favorite horror genre, and it is STUNNING.

The scene? Bloomington, Indiana. The year? 1999. The protagonist? Marshall Miller, son of locally famous meteorologist, Monica. The story starts with Marshall getting his driver’s license, then getting pulled over on his first trip. The officer, Corporal Maddox, was…intense. Threatening. Scary. What was more frightening? The young girl crying in the back of his car, wearing a familiar yet out-of-season outfit. The young girl who would soon be declared missing…

Marshall finds the whole incident jarring, and being the curious teen he is, decides to do some digging on Maddox. This digging doesn’t open a can of worms - it opens a mountain of snakes. His best friend, Kerri, and her father, Jerry, believe him, and believe what he’s found, but the police and even his own mother worry that he’s having hallucinations. This leads him to finding Noah, a private detective who is willing to help him dive into the history of the town.

I don’t normally paranormal stories, supernatural or haunted tales, but this one was written so well. Characters the Weller and Mr. Doig, and the choices Marshall has to make that year, make this an outstanding read. 1999 holds a special place in my heart, so I love the time frame and all the references - especially the musical ones. The author took me back to the days of downloading DMX and Counting Crows on Napster, thinking Keystone Ice was the classiest beer possible, and the Y2K fear.

The nostalgia in this book is real, the characters are amazing, the setting is stark but beautiful, and this really pulled the old heartstrings, while also giving the reader a unique story that never got cheesy, even when it dipped into the supernatural. It seemed real, and only the best horror writers can make that possible. Five stars for this one, and a big recommendation!

(Thank you to Atria Books, Scott Carson and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my review.)6 s Jill Elizabeth1,626 40

This was a fantastic story full of eerie creepiness, ghosts, secrets, and friendships in unusual places. I wasn't familiar with the work of Michael Koryta or his nom de plume Scott Carson before this, although I had heard of the former. I'm definitely now going to be seeking out books by both authors because the writing here was excellent, with spot-on pacing and wonderfully deep characterizations that had me engaged from the first pages. Carson has a fabulous way with language, teasing out incredible insights with seemingly innocuous and simple phrasing, and it makes for a very entertaining and impactful read. This was a great pre-Halloween book and I thoroughly enjoyed it!

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for my obligation-free review copy.5 s ? Crystal ? - PEACE ? LOVE ? BOOKS 2,401 285

While this story may be long it takes you on a wild journey. The story blends both elements of a mystery and a coming of age story for the 16/17 year old main character after he barely passes his drivers exam. From there his day goes to hell as he gets pulled over within hours and unknowingly finds himself wrapped up in the disappearance of a missing local teen. After realizing he was the last person to see the girl alive, he becomes determined to find out what happened to her. While other characters and storylines grace the pages, it really boils down to a MC going from boy to man and finding himself it he world-just so happens his last few years of high school will also coincide with a wild supernatural twist. I really enjoyed the side characters and how everyone is sort of in their own teenage hell. Though the hero certainly has them beat with his rabbit hole of a discovery. The authors personal connection with the town portrayed in the book really adds a deeper dimension. This is particularly true as there are a few key places of importance that the characters return to plus a slew of history on the town. Really inciteful and engaging read!
ARC provided by NetGalley for an Honest Review

2024-read-list arc-s4 s Pattyh749

Thank you for the opportunity to preview Lost Man’s Lane. This book was really good. The year is 1999 and young Marshall Miller is a high school student who lives with his mom in a college town. Things are good. He has friends and now he’s getting his license and he is really happy But an unexpected incident changes Marshall’s life. He is pulled over on his first day driving alone. He knows something is wrong with the cop and the whole situation feels eerie. But Marshall dodges a bullet and only gets a ticket. But as the cop pulls away Marshall notices a young girl in the back seat. She’s crying and Marshall thinks it’s weird but quickly forgets. When a young girl is reported missing Marshall knows it’s her. The girl in the cop car. And this starts the saga of Marshall miller a high school student on a mission but soon this interest is much more and people start to get hurt and Marshall is the center of the storm. Such a great story and the author truly has the pen for supernatural while realistic dialogue moves the plot along. I loved this book. 5 stars. If you John Connolly or Stephen King this book is for you. 5 stars4 s AndiReads1,238 136

I love a great Stephen King style read - they aren't as easy to find these days and I was super psyched to pick up Lost Man's Lane based on King's own recommendation.

In Lost Man's Lane we meet the wondrous Marshall Miller - a 17 year old senior trying to get through high school
When he has a chance to work for a private detective, he is all in, and even tempted to discover his missing father's identity. Two soon, he experiences supernatural issues that cause others to distrust him and for him to question himself. What is happening in his small town and can he save his friends and family from it?

Very King-esque with rich characters, small town story and realistic and interesting dialogue driving a story of supernatural so well told that it is believable and scary enough to make you keep the light on! This is my highest compliment! More Books Scott Carson!
#Atriabooks #ScottCArson #LostMansLane4 s Kelly PrambergerAuthor 5 books39

Great story. I d how the author crafted a likable teenage male character. Well done! Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC. Four stars.4 s Kristi927 242

Lost Man’s Lane by Scott Carson
Pub date: March 26, 2024

Marshall Miller is 16, living with his single mom in Bloomington, Indiana. He’s got a good life. His best friend, Kerri, lives right across the street. Life is good. At least until the day he get’s his drivers license and gets pulled over by a weird cop who says strange things. Marshall notices a girl in the back of the cop car, she looks uneasy and she’s crying, but who wouldn’t? It’s only later, after he finds out that she’s missing that he discovers he’s the last one to see her alive.

This is the start of this brilliantly told horror story that is so complex (in the best way, mind you) that I don’t quite know how to review it adequately without revealing spoilers. The strangeness of Marshall’s life after that day until the very end of the book is that of a teenager doing his best to live his life and all it’s challenges while also facing a terrifying horror.

The characters are some of the best I’ve read, becoming invested in each of them was a walk in the park. I loved Marshall, his sense of right and wrong, the friendships he made along the way, especially with the kind hearted giant, Weller.

There’s humor in abundance and when I tell you I’m still laughing at Marshall’s rock climbing fiasco up the Terminator Tower, trust me, I laugh every time I think about it!

Definitely a highly recommended read!

Eerie, compelling, original
2024-release advanced-listening-copy arc ...more2 s Stacy40pages1,553 191

Lost Man’s Lane by Scott Carson. Thanks to @atriabooks for the gifted Arc ??????????

Teenager Marshall Miller is a witness to a missing girl investigation. Dealing with police and media is new, but nothing he can’t handle. Until something happens to kill his credibility. Now he bands together with some unly allies as he learns secrets behind his town’s history.

New favorite book alert! Once every couple years I find a book I devour page by page and absolutely love. This is the first since Fairy Tale. It puts me in the mind of my favorite book, Boy’s Life, which is funny because that book is actually mentioned as a book the main character reads. We have a great coming of age story, with some stereotypical, but necessary, characters (town bully, dense but affable and loyal jock) that really help to build a realistic journey. There are some strong supernatural components to the story, but nothing complicated or too wild. This was such a great read and worth every page (it is a long one)!

“Things that should have stayed dead in Bloomington had uncanny resilience lately.”

Lost Man’s Lane comes out 3/26. 1 Kim Young370 6

4.5 stars—Lost Man’s Lane by Scott Carson is one of those books that I will think about for years and years to come. It takes place in 1999 in Bloomington Indiana. The main character, Marshall, is 16 years old, and some weird things are going on in his town. Marshall sets out to find the answers and may find some answers that he does not want.
What follows is a mystery and coming of age story that was so much fun to read! The nostalgia was off the charts for me. Although I was in my early 20s in 1999 the current events and music that are mentioned in this book brought me back. The fear of Y2K, Columbine, just to name a couple of them. The character of Marshall was so relatable and likable to me. The friendships portrayed in this book were amazing and made me feel sentimental for the friendships of my youth. This style of story reminded me of a Stephen King or Richard Chizmar novel. I laughed and cried during this book. Do yourself a favor and read this!
Thank you to Net Galley and the publisher for the advanced copy of this book. All opinions are my own.netgalley1 Tori302 16

Before I begin my review, you should know this book contains a lot of snakes. Yes, snakes. If that’s a big NO for you, then I’d turn around now, otherwise “honk and proceed with caution.”

Lost Man’s Lane is a brilliantly written novel that contains a bit of everything - a coming-of-age story, some horror, a thriller/mystery, and a little bit of the supernatural. Dare I call it a mashup of J.D. Salinger and Stephen King?

I was hooked on the story from the very first page - I really enjoyed reading Marshall’s perspective and the side characters (Jerry, Kerri, James, The Weller, and Noah) were all larger than life. The snakes plot-line threw me a bit, but not enough to stop reading. I had to see how everything was going to come together and could not put the book down!

If you love character-drive novels with horror/mystery/supernatural elements, I highly recommend reading! Plus, the late-90s nostalgia really took me back. A very insightful and engaging read!

Thank you to Netgalley, Emily Bestler Books, and Atria Books for the e-arc in exchange for an honest review.netgalley1 Lisa Welch1,408 7

4.5 stars. I enjoyed this book more than I expected to! Supernatural elements (the book description is up front about having super natural elements) are usually a miss for me, but Carson used supernatural elements in a way that worked for me. I was totally engrossed in the plot and where it was going, and I was bummed every time I had to put the book down. I loved the 1999/2000 backdrop and how it was used to further the plot (Carson also incorporates lots of news tidbits from the time that I enjoyed for the most part, but did become a bit much at other times). I thought the characters were well developed, and I totally loved the relationship between Marshall and his mom as well as the new friendship between Marshall and Weller. I kept debating between 4 and 5 stars, but in the end decided that this is a book that will stick with me so 5 stars it is! This is my first book by Carson, but I will definitely be checking out more from him.1 Karen Bullock1,004 16

An astounding coming of age story that enlightens the reader about small town midwestern America and the life of main character, Marshall Miller.
This story is told to us from Marshall, his point of view as best he can recollect, from his life altering year back in 1999.
Impacts in his life from driver’s license at 16, to his first ticket, minutes after; the visual of a strange girl who he finds out later is listed as missing, even though she was in the back of the cop car, the very same cop no one could identify.
An ostentatious job working with a P.I. That Marshall seems to bond with as sort of a stand in father figure.
This story is long and a heady endeavor but so worth the time!
Time to witness the shy reserved kid blossom into an intelligent young man, who’s not afraid to voice his opinions, nor show his pure terror that has bound him to the missing girl.
One of the BEST coming of age stories blended into a suspenseful, paranormal-esque page turning story.
Highly recommend!
Thanks to SimonandSchuster for the arc! All opinions are my own.1 Kristin361 60

Short Review: This book completely blew me away. A perfect genre bending book. It's got a little bit of everything - coming of age, mystery, murder, romance, horror, and self-discovery. If I could give it more than five stars I would.

"The difference between boy and man. Some night you're going to need to be the one who carries the shovel."

Long Review: What a ride. This book will stick with me for a long time. The writing and story are absolutely captivating. Honestly, the supporting characters steal the show. Kerri, Jerry, and the Weller. Oh the Weller, how I love you! You just show up and don't ask questions. You are what every friend should be. 1 Shanereads153 9

Lost Man's Lane was an excellent read!

I thoroughly enjoyed this story and didn't want to put it down! Marshall is a 16 year old kid who gets pulled over by the cops less than 10 minutes after obtaining his drivers license. After bragging about the cop not filing his ticket to his friends at a keg party, Marshall comes to realize that girl in the back of the cops car has been missing, and the cop was an impersonator.

This is a thrilling, suspenseful and supernatural read, and I am excited to recommend it!

Booksellers this is a great hand sell for fans of Stranger Things and The Unmaking of June Farrow.

This digital review copy was provided by the publisher in exchange for a fair and honest review. Huge thanks to netgalley and Atria for my review copy!arc-giveaways1 Amber Reu54 10

I heard Joe Hill recommend LOST MAN'S LANE several times during a weekend convention, and knew I had to check it out. To no surprise, LOST MAN'S LANE does not disappoint. A coming of age thriller that quickly turns to horror, LOST MAN'S LANE is one of those books that you have to recommend by saying "I can't explain it, but trust me, you want to read it". There are parts of this book that are so tense you feel as though you are there, and there are genuinely scary and unnerving parts. But, Carson has also built in a lot of heart - I laughed and cried while reading.

Thanks to NetGalley and Atria Books for an advanced copy.2 s Stacey KadeAuthor 16 books1,586 Read

I was not expecting this one to make me cry! Read this non-stop over the last day and a half. Loved it! read-20241 Kerry Crabbs76 1 followerWant to read

I have to read it because it's set in my hometown of Bloomington, IN.1 Jeff634 11

16 year old Marshall is returning home from getting his driver’s license when he??s pulled over for speeding. The entire encounter feels “off” to Marshall, especially when he notices a young girl sitting in the back of the police car. His instincts were right when days later he sees a missing persons poster featuring the girl he saw in the police car. Lost Man’s Lane is another outstanding supernatural thriller by author Scott Carson, and the focus is on relationships in this coming-of-age story, and doesn’t rely on gimmicky ghosts (although this IS a ghost story) to further the plot. The reader is firmly behind Marshall and his friends as they peel back the layers of a seemingly haunted town, and Marshall holds the key to unlocking the mysteries that lie within. I absolutely ripped through this in one sitting, spellbound by the deftly woven tale that spans generations, totally engrossed by the storyline and characters. Loved it! I received an ARC of this book from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.1 Leisa454 2

4.5 stars.
?This is coming of age tale that is equal parts tender and nostalgic, intense and unnerving. Throw in some laugh out loud humor, and you have a winner.

?The storytelling is very King-esque in that it masterfully blends small-town creepy folklore with the wistful longing of nostalgia. First loves, unly friendships, teenage antics and terrifying goings on make this a convincingly spooky trip down memory lane.

?It’s also a fascinating historical snapshot of 1999 pop culture with mentions of Y2K, Columbine, Napster, AIM, The Matrix, No Scrubs, The Sixth Sense and more.

?The author effortlessly weaves elements of thriller, horror, mystery and romance for a real genre-bender of a novel.

?This is a long read, but I enjoyed all of it.

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