
In Times To Come - Displaced de Scott B. Williams

de Scott B. Williams - Género: English
libro gratis In Times To Come - Displaced


A glitch in time and a one-way trip…
Back from his final deployment with the U.S. Marines, Alan Carson is hiking across New Mexico’s Gila Wilderness to ponder his future and put the war in his past.
When his best friend and squad leader, Sergeant Kurt Timms, took a Taliban bullet because of bad intel, Alan made a promise to his dying friend. He would come here to see the rugged mountains that were Kurt’s boyhood stomping grounds, even if the horseback hunting trip the two of them had planned would never come to pass.
After paying his respects to Kurt’s wife and daughter at the ranch his buddy had called home, Alan loads his pack for a week and heads into the Gila, finding all the splendor and solitude of which Kurt so often raved. But deep in a trackless canyon, miles from any trail, Alan finds something else: The body of a dead man at the foot of a cliff… an ancient cave dwelling in the rock face above… and a mysterious passageway too intriguing to ignore.
Alan Carson has come to the West to contemplate the next chapter of his life, but the future into which he emerges is beyond imagination; and the world he’d known before is changed beyond recognition. Can he ever come to grips with this new reality he must face? Can he ever return to the life he knows and understands?..M.F

Reseñas Varias sobre este libro

Nice clean apocalypse time travel yarn

A former marine on a hike of back country finds himself thrust in the future with no friends and the country he served changed. As a nice clean story without the usual messy bedroom scenes this was refreshing.2 s Dan1,322 72

An OK read, slow.2022 just-did-not-hold-my-interest3 s Maggie Deaton539 5

Outstanding time travel and cautionary tale of political dangers!

A new author for me and a series I have already preordered the sequel. The author has his fingers on the current political clone of unrest and its possibly cataclysmic results for this country. Time travel is thoughtfully presented, action is nonstop and characters live and breathe! A winner!1 john r. reeves117

John boy says

The story starts out a little slow but it picks up it interest pretty quickly. For me I gave it four stars, but I'm sure other readers who time travel syfy will find it a defined 5 star. 1 Sean76

This book provides an insight that the US Government would sell off national park land to pay debt owed to foreign nations. That was a twist on dystopian apocalyptic possibilities that I had not heard of before.1 Joann Palmer53

I d it

It kept my interest enough that I hated to have to lay it down. Going to get the second follow up book asap...1 Dannan Tavona673 4

Devil is in the details

Alternate universe, time travel, dystopia
Aside from the distasteful country-folk-good, city-folk-bad or misled theme running rampant, it has a few good parts. But they don't make up for the odd slips. Carson gets an old mare, gives her a name, and never once does he water her or make sure she gets food. The MC doesn't know about horses, but surely growing up in rural West Virginia, he would know that animals need care? When he exits the cave, he chambers a cartridge in the Winchester, never fires it, and three pages later chambers it again. Not only did this Marine forget, we find out after three full tours, he mustered out as an E-3? What kind of screw-up was he? It's not until the last ten pages that the MC realizes he really has traveled in time? Hello? And the girl he just met wants leave everything and to go back and time travel with him? Should I be grateful he got the weapons right?

Some of the writing is decently good. But then inexplicably characters act stupid. And all the things that supposedly happened? Rampant corrupt government conspiracies? Kill switches in all electronics? There's suspension of disbelief and there are really tall tales Munchausen d to tell; this was definitely one of the latter. A lot of people enjoyed this book. I'm wondering what I just spent my afternoon reading. If you enjoyed it, go for it. For me, the characters weren't believable and the premise too over the top. I'm done. Andrea Payne694 5

Keep reading!

In Times of Come - Displaced is Book 1 of the In Times To Come Series. While not an actual cliffhanger, it did end in the middle of a high energy scene with no real resolutions or conclusions.

It was very hard for me to stay involves in this book. It's very much a slow build up. The first 50%+ really dragged out. I was really intrigued and have read and thoroughly enjoyed this author before so I kept reading. I'm very glad I did!

I would absolutely love this book and am headed to Book 2 right now! Ella Short344 2

The future

The building of the characters and story line. When I read I infusion some of the story and different paths it can take. That's the intriguing part for me. Coming out of cave and finding the backpack gone started me thinking something happened after touching crystals. Then next I knew what happened now to find my friends. Can't wait to see what happens in book 2. Emz460

I really don’t know what to say about this book, neither dull nor exciting, but it kept me with just the right amount of interest to keep going, which was clever of the author. I supposed I d it but can’t really say why. The story was OK,the execution was OK, characters were OK, therefore it was…..OK Stanley118 1 follower


The dystopian environment is believable considering current political events however the method of time traveling is simplistic. Too many loose ends and unexplained occurrences by the end of this first book. It is a clean quick read however and worth the several hours it takes to digest on a lazy Saturday morning. John OBrien78 1 follower

awesome, and dragged a little bit

Very good book it drags a little bit, and the author repeats himself a couple times, but I find it very intriguing. I think it would make a good movie or TV service. I can’t wait for the next book to come out. Debby McDonald26 1 follower


This is a different time travel book that will definitely leave you thinking! I d the angle this book leads you and is a page turner. Can’t wait to see what happens next! Paul Eastley118 2

Great book and had me from the get go. Read it in a couple of pickups. Already pre-ordered the next one. treat yourselves. Susan McReynolds243 2

Just okay. Not really my cup of tea as I'm not so enamoured with firearms. Alex O Reilly70 7

the book ended at half the story David SherwoodAuthor 6 books3

Interesting premise. The main character spends a lot of time by himself. When he does encounter others om his journey the dialog between them doesn't flow.

A fantastic read nonetheless. Emily6 1 follower

Good characters

Good characters but wordy to start with. Redundantly states the characters motivations too many times. Otherwise enjoyable read. Looking forward to next one Kelley677 22

I enjoyed it

I enjoyed it and plan on reading next book in the series. I read it in only a few hours. My only complaint is that the action is slow moving.apocalypse kindle-unlimited kindle-unlimited-2023 kathy pittenger702 2

in times to come

I gave it 4 stars for use book because it did keep me reading till the end. Will try the next book. Loretta Hart3


Looking forward to the continuing story, couldn't put this down!
Have been looking for a good read,I think this is it.
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