
The Center de Saul Herzog

de Saul Herzog - Género: English
libro gratis The Center


Saul Herzog Publisher: AuthorContact, Year: 2024

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Good grief

Loved this series… until this one… couldn’t sustain my ‘suspension of disbelief’, which I believe is the whole point of fiction… leave the biology and the psychological imperative alone Saul, it ain’t your forte … He may be an assassin, but he’s no deadbeat dad… even if it IS only a couple of cells in some random woman’s womb… yeah, right… and all those people he kills were somebody’s child too, except they were a lot more than a couple of cells that didn’t get miscarried or aborted or… If you’re gonna try and ‘humanise’ and ‘rehabilitate’ Lance, I can’t see how you’re gonna square that circle Saul, yet keep the essential narrative going… but I guess that’s why you’re the author and I’m a visual artist… interested in how you shall play this out, so shall definitely read book 9 and hoping hell I’ll be eating my words
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