
Ghoul Interrupted: A Lady of the Lake School for Girls Cozy Mystery de Sarina Dorie

de Sarina Dorie - Género: English
libro gratis Ghoul Interrupted: A Lady of the Lake School for Girls Cozy Mystery


Sarina Dorie Publisher: Amazon.com, Year: 2024 ISBN: 9798878281881

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Vega faces two new problems in this latest book in the series- her boyfriend turns out to be the fated true love of another teacher at the school and a new
student displays behavior that reminds her of her friend and roommate she knew five years ago after she graduated from Lady of the Lake and went to college who also suffered a similar attack but who survived her assault but then disappeared.
Vega is trying to deal with both issues and as she delves into the first she realizes there is more than one victim involved and it involves very powerful,
influential Fae families that the school doesn’t want to let know what happened. Vega being the clever witch she is is able to see a way around a loophole and point the mother of one of the victims in the right

Though she doesn’t want to she knows she must break up with her boyfriend since he is the true love of her coworker and she sees how he reacts to his true love even though he tries to tell her he doesn’t care for her. She wonders why fate is so fickle to always snatch her fleeting bits of happiness away.

Vega’s life has been one of loneliness for the most part, shunned and ridiculed by her peers and her parents. The few friends she has made have died for the most part so she keeps herself from forming attachments knowing something is bound to happen to ruin any possible new relationships.

She has friendships with two teachers at the school and rekindled another one in this book but circumstances are such that they may not see each other again or if they do it’ll be sporadic at best. Perhaps these constant set backs finally do change
Vega and make her into a more cold and unfeeling
person in the future.

In the past she has always seemed to bounce back from the tragedies but I wonder this time if having them so close together may change that. Guess the
next book will tell the tale!

I have enjoyed this series and I do enthusiastically recommend it to you for your careful reading and pondering. It once again covers a topic of sensitivity the previous couple of books though, so it’s not one to be read lightly! It’s one to be read thoughtfully and one to contemplate about as well! Bullies and even members of families can be guilty of causing harm as depicted in this book. Hopefully such behavior can be recognized and stopped before it escalates before it reaches the stages it does in this book! So if you see or know anyone in this situation please intervene or get them help before it’s too late! Stan Hutchings921 9

This is the 23rd book in the series, it would be best to start with Book 1 and continue consecutive books for the full backstory and world development. For those waiting for this next book, it’s a gem; full of mystery, exciting events, humor, pathos, grief, romances begun and ended, and a fascinating look at Vega’s college years. If you’ve enjoyed previous books, you’ll love this one. It starts off with Vega catching her boyfriend, Izidro Medina, kissing Karen Kazmere. Then a mystery when a student is found dead, which leads to a look at Vega’s college days and the true friend she lost under similar circumstances. Then two more murders are revealed. Could the murders be related? Vega will find out and make sure the guilty parties pay.read-ebook Roger4,602 17

Ghoul Interrupted: A Lady of the Lake School for Girls Cozy Mystery (The Vega Bloodmire Wicked Witch Mystery Series Book 23), my thirty-first read from author Sarina Dorie and the twenty-third book in The Vega Bloodmire Wicked Witch Mystery Series. A well-written tale with unexpected twists throughout. So enjoyable I couldn't turn the pages fast enough and read it in one sitting. Just an enjoyable morning read. A trip down memory lane into Vega's younger self. “I received a Kindle copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review." The gifting of this book did not affect my opinion of it. I look forward to my next read from this author. (RIP Marley January 20, 2014 - July 24, 2018). Phthon1,852 4

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