
The Cafe de Sarah Pond

de Sarah Pond - Género: English
libro gratis The Cafe


When Laurel had happened to glance out of the window at that precise moment, she couldn’t help but hold her breath for a moment, and the smile that followed was so natural. She idly wondered how many times in life this sort of thing happened. That one person could look at another, and be so captivated by someone, whilst the other continued with their life obliviously.

Reseñas Varias sobre este libro

This was a nice short story with a lover to lover romance, one keen, the other reluctant. Laurel and Amy see each other at a cafe by the beach and there is an immediate attraction. But the argy bargy takes nearly the entire book for a will they, won't they feel. Also the constant changing of points of view and narration in nearly every paragraph, it sometimes becomes convoluted. But a nice story about two nice women who end up together in the end. 19 s Jess M1 review

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