
The Studying Hours de Sara Ney

de Sara Ney - Género: Italian
libro gratis The Studying Hours


ROZZO. ARROGANTE. STRONZO. Non c'è dubbio al riguardo, Sebastian Oz Osborne è il miglior atleta dell'università ma anche il più grande stronzo. Un cliché ambulante, sempre pronto a dire sconcezze, un corpo fantastico, uno a cui non frega un cazzo di ciò che pensa la gente.
INTELLIGENTE. ELEGANTE. CONSERVATRICE. Non si cada in errore, Jameson Clarke può anche essere la studentessa più diligente della scuola, ma di certo non è una puritana. Trascorrendo la maggior parte del suo tempo tra le sacre mura della biblioteca, James diffida di guardoni, atleti e stronzi e Oz Osbourne ha tutte queste qualità. Lei è brillante, sarcastica e il contrario di ciò che lui immagina.
Ogni stronzo ha le sue debolezze.
Lui vuole esserle amico.
Lui Vuole passare del tempo con lei.
Lui Vuole farla impazzire.
Lui Vuole lei.

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4.5 stars!!

How to Date a Douchebag: The Studying Hours is one of those books that has been on my TBR for FOREVER! It’s been recommended to me so many times, but I never found the time to fit it in. Thankfully, it became available on audio, so I got to it right away! I’m kicking myself for waiting so long to read this book! It’s been a while since I’ve read a great NA/college romance and this one really hit the spot!
“Sweetheart, Oz is a nickname. Haven’t you googled me yet?”Amused blue eyes roll. “I’m sure you google yourself enough for the both of us.”
Shit, she’s right. I do google myself a lot.

Oz was seriously hilarious. He cracked me up! I loved the back and forth between him and James. They are that couple that shouldn’t go together at all, but somehow, they work.

Sebastian ‘Oz’ Osbourne is a douchebag. He’s a jock that’s a bit full of himself, but he’s got more under the surface than that. Jameson Clarke is a conservative cardigan wearing serious student on the outside, but she’s also fun and snarky. These two were fabulous together. Yes, it’s a little typical, the manwhore athlete falls for the librarian type serious student, but I didn’t even care. Their chemistry was off the charts!

This book was hella fun, and the narration was fantastic. I can’t recommend the audio book enough! I can’t believe this is my first Sara Ney book. You better believe I’ll be reading more! Diving into the next Douchebag book (Zeke’s) asap and I can’t wait!

2017-audio 2023-audio201 s A. 1,162 4,836

4 Stars

I'm finding it harder and harder to enjoy college romances (and YA in general), unless the story is exceptionally unique. I’m not sure why that is, maybe it’s because I’ve read so many of them.

Or maybe…

Anyway, I didn’t pick this one up because it was a college romance. I picked it up because of the douchebag. Love me some jerks and all that.

This book is so cliché it's ridiculous: A popular manwhore jock falls for a nerd after a dare.

Forget everything I’ve ever said about hating clichéd and predictable stories...

*puppy eyes*

Normally, I would have sprained my eyes from rolling them so hard but it actually worked out in this book. I can't explain why, I just know that I loved this book. Hard. Maybe it's because it was so fun and full of witty banter, funny situations, awesome characters, scorching chemistry…. And no OTT drama, thank God!

Clichéd storyline? Immature behavior? Who cares? I had fun, didn’t I?


Enjoyment: 4/5
Writing style: 4/5
Storyline: 3/5
Hero: 4/5
Heroine: 4/5
Secondary characters: 4/5
Hotness/chemistry: 4/5
Romance: 4/5
Angst: 2.5/5
Darkness level: 1/5
Humor: 4/5
Depth of the book: 3/5
POV: dual, 1st person
Triggers: none
Similar books: #Nerd (Hashtag #1) by Cambria Hebert, The Deal (Off-Campus, #1) by Elle Kennedy, Attraction (Elements of Chemistry #1; Hypothesis, #1.1) by Penny Reid, The Hook Up (Game On, #1) by Kristen Callihan, Sweet Home (Sweet Home, #1) by Tillie Cole

_romance first-friends-then-lovers killer-chemistry ...more146 s Jennifer Kyle2,466 5,299

4.5 Jim + Oz STARS

The hilarious title cleverly sums up the storyline for this book. The hero, Sebastian 'Oz' Osbourne, who will slowly fall and see the heroine, Jameson Clark, as his everything by the end of the book. It may sound simple yet it takes our hero a while to catch on. Taking one arrogant, sex driven, college wrestler, and have him become interested in the sarcastic, cardigan wearing girl in the library, makes for one seriously entertaining love story!

Sebastian ‘Oz’ Osbourne is a self-centered, egotistical, jock, who is a walking cliché. However, he sure becomes intrigued by Jameson Clark and that bet based kiss they shared in the library.

Sebastian says and does typical douchebag stuff all the while Jameson feels attracted to him yet will not give in since she wants more than what he’s offering her.

”James baby, I want you to ride me all the way to sexy town.” “Wait. What? He did not just say that.”

The banter and dialogue is simply hilarious as Sebastian can’t stay away from Jameson yet his budding feelings are slow to register with him. Page after page, I laughed at the stuff they said to one another.

”Sweetheart, Oz is a nickname. Haven’t you googled me yet?” Amused blue eyes roll. “I’m sure you google yourself enough for the both of us.” Shit, she’s right I do google myself a lot.”

The sexual tension between these two is combustible. A reader must enjoy the ride till their relationship progresses them to coupledom. The male pov is terrific as is our relatable heroine’s.

”Wonderful and awful,” she whispers. “Beautiful and forgettable. That’s how you make me feel, all at the same time.”

It’s well written, snarky, story that’s pacing is a bit slow at times (thus not a 5 star) yet it’s a fun read and the reward of the ending is definitely worth it. I’m super excited to see the #1 next to the title. Sara Ney has gifted the first book and couple of yet another great college series to follow!

”Do you feel that, Jameson?” he implores breathlessly. “Can you feel it beating?” I can. “That’s for you. No one else makes me feel this way; no one has ever made me feel this way. No woman. No coach. No opponent makes my heart race the way—“

124 s Corina807 2,449

2021 UPDATE: I was in the mood for one of my favourite Douchebags, re-reading made me release how much Oz owns this title - lol, because man oh man he can be jerk, same as Zeke!!!

5 unbelievably good stars

Attention: at around 56% don't give up:-)

Loved, loved, loved it.

The Studying Hours (How to Date a Douchebag, #1) was drama free, very funny, sexy and sweet. Exactly what I needed to get out of my book funk.

A pearl necklace and cardigan wearing heroine, who was sassy and snarky and gave as good as she got.

A star wrestler with commitment issues who turned out to be a perfect example for a book boyfriend.

Those two couldn't have been more awesome. They were perfectly compatible in an opposite attract kind of way, and wow it worked!! The couple had a wonderful and steamy chemistry from the very first encounter and of course lead to awesome sexy times. It was a slow burn kind of relationship. From friends to lovers. NO insta-love.

There was nothing in this book I didn't love.

I had the best of times. So much laughing, smiling, chuckling. And I can't wait for the next one.banter college contemporary-romance ...more95 s Bibi1,288 14

From my private notes: Met in the library. Jameson and Sebastian. Funny until it became tedious. I'm bored.

DNF@ 30% NMmomof41,587 4,262

3 Stars

Overall Opinion: This was ok, but I think it could've been better. Even though I did enjoy them -- it never really got all that deep into the characters. Anything of substance about their family life or background came in the form of short mentions in inner dialogue of past conversations. I think it would've been better if we experienced some of those conversations, instead of just being told about them. Otherwise, it was an enjoyable read. It was a pretty low drama, slow burn, friends to lovers story. The H is indeed a douche at first, but he comes around and ends up being a pretty good guy. There are some scenes at the beginning that I know some of my safety gals won't the H walks by h to get bj in library before meeting h, H gets hand-job in front of h ends up sleeping with OW (after the kiss but before any relationship between them), so I'm sure it won't be for everyone.

Brief Summary of the Storyline: This is James and Sebastian's story. Sebastian joins a bet with his friends that he can get James to kiss him when they see her in the library. After some flirting and James shooting down Sebastian's advances, she agrees to split the bet money and kisses him. After that day and running into each other some more, Sebastian is drawn to her in a way that he isn't used to. They end up forming a strong friendship, and that friendship eventually turns into more...and they get a HFN ending.

POV: This alternated between James and Sebastian's POV.

Overall Pace of Story: Good. I never skimmed, and I thought it flowed well.

Instalove: No, they are friends before they have stronger feelings.

H rating: 4 stars. Sebastian/Oz. I d him. He takes a while to warm up to because he is a douche at first -- but stick with it! He becomes a pretty good H IMO.

h rating: 4 stars. Jameson/James. I really d her wit, and her ability to put the H in his place.

Sadness level: Low. No tissues needed.

Push/Pull: Yes The H pushes away a little when he is confused about his feelings for the h, but it doesn't last all that long.

Heat level: Moderate. They have great tension, and even though they take a while to be intimate -- it is hot!

Descriptive sex: Yes

Safe sex: Yes. Mentions of condom use, but I don't remember any mention of previous practices.

OW/OM drama: Yes The h's roommate goes on a few dates with the H. They don't get physical at all.

Sex scene with OW or OM: Yes There is a scene where the h sees the H getting a hand-job at a party. This happens after their kiss for the dare, it before they established a friendship. The H also has dreams of the h cheating on him with his roommate which are a little descriptive.

Cheating: No

Separation: No

Possible Triggers: Yes, but mild Manwhore H before h

Closure: This had ok closure, but I would've loved a jump ahead epilogue seeing them as an adult couple. I would call it a HFN ending.

How I got it: I paid the $2.99 on Amazon for it.

Safety: This is probably either Safe with exception or depending on personal preferences.

- Does Not have cheating
- Does have a descriptive sex scene with H and OW
- Does have the H pushing the h away
- Does Not have a separation between the h and H
- Does Not have abuse
- Does Not have OTT sad parts
- Does Not have a HEA ending3-star athlete college ...more78 s ~?AB?~974 687

????? 5 Stars ?????

College romance, what is it about these books that I love so much? Well let me tell you, this book was THE perfect example of what one should be. It had tension in spades, a gorgeous as all get out hero, who let's face it, is a douche with a capital D, and a heroine who had the absolute best snarky banter. No lie, she was amazing, and I was crushing on her big time.

Jameson AKA James, favours cardigans and pearl necklaces, loves to study a lot, and is a bit of a plain Jane.. on the outside. On the inside, however, she is funny, sassy, and has a bit of a naughty streak.

"Under the plain cardigan sweaters, the prim pearl necklace, the refined black patent leather shoes, Jameson Clark is sporting some prime, Grade A hairless pussycat inside her pants."
Sebastian 'Oz' Osbourne is the douche in our story, he's on the wrestling team and his favourite subject is sex, talking about it, doing it, he's up for anything involving it, and he makes no apologies.

"This guy is an energy-filled livewire of testosterone; he’s the opposite of what I’m looking for despite not really knowing what that is."
Opposites attract so they say, and when they end up becoming study buddies, sparks fly and chemistry ensues, and these two characters had me laughing out loud, and chomping at the bit for them to get it on.

I guess I'd describe this as friends-to-lovers, James was not up for being a one night stand and makes this adamantly clear from the beginning. Sebastian really has to work hard to get his rewards, and that was the best bit about the book.

I urge my fellow college romance lovers to pick this one up, you won't regret it. Looking forward to the next character in the series, he was an even bigger douche than Seb, so that will be an interesting ride I'm sure.

Top marks for Sara Ney, I completely adored everything about it.

The Studying Hours is a standalone New Adult romance, told in dual POV (but predominantly from Sebastian.)

Images featured in this review were created by me using stock images either purchased from deposit photo or from free stock sites.

5-star-reads-excellent arsehole-heroes-we-love friends-to-lovers ...more76 s Nenia ? I yeet my books back and forth ? CampbellAuthor 53 books19.6k

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DNF @ 30%

You might be asking yourself, "Nenia, what's your deal, didn't you know what you were getting into with the title?" The answer, gentle reader, is sort of. HOW TO DATE A DOUCHEBAG did imply that the hero would be a well, you know. However, reading books Elle Kennedy's THE DEAL has taught me that sometimes reading about jerk boys with hearts of gold can be fun. Will they contain and even perpetuate stereotypes that annoy me? Probably. Are they mindless book-cookies of endless joy? Maybe. Is reading them going to destroy my feminist principles? No.

HOW TO DATE A DOUCHEBAG is a less-good version of THE DEAL. Sebastian originally meets Jameson in their school's library. He's hanging out with his friends and getting quickies from his all-girl fan club (no, really) and she's studying by herself while watching them stealthily through her long eyelashes it's prime-time HBO she's watching with an ex-boyfriend's password.

Anyway, one of Sebastian's friends wants him to go over and see if she's his tutor because he's too lazy to get up and see for himself (no, really) and anyone wearing a sweater set and glasses has to be a tutor (no, really). So Sebastian gets up, talks to her, they insult each other, and then makes a skeazy bet with his friends that he can get her to kiss him. Which he does, after he promises to pay her half of the bet money, and it's the hottest thing he's ever felt in the history of sex. Also, they're friends now.

Here's my main issue with the book. Jameson is portrayed as a good girl and classy because she wears a sweater and pearls. BEAUTIFUL DISASTER tried that tack, too, as I recall. But Jameson isn't smart the heroine in THE DEAL is, she just studies - which doesn't make her that special in a university setting, to be honest. Everyone studies; if you don't, you fail. Badly. She's also judgemental AF and totally inconsistently characterized, but I guess that's the best you can expect from someone whose sweater collection is meant to substitute for an actual personality.

Sebastian was even worse. Everything that came out of his mouth was so hyper-sexual and he said the most demeaning, objectifying things about women. If it was a sixty-year-old white dude saying it instead of a twenty-something white dude saying it, he would be the precautionary tale in a workplace sexual harassment training video, that's how bad it was. What makes this even more disgusting is that the hero's sister was the victim of workplace sexual harassment and the company rallied behind the perpetrator, so all their money was lost in litigation. How could you have a family member go through something that and continue to gleefully perpetuate the very system that enabled someone you loved to go through so much hurt? It was so tone-deaf.

Maybe if I forced myself to finish, this book could finagle another star from me. I did the beginning, even if it was very reminiscent of THE DEAL, but the insta-friendship/lust between the hero and heroine, and the hero's non-stop spewing of crudely objectifying language, really killed this book for me. If you don't mind dirty-talking sexist pigs, your opinion may well be different.

1 starsi-came-i-saw-i-yeeted kindle-freebie-graveyard kissing-books ...more65 s Mysza477 399

College NA?

Deliciously slow burn romance.

Hilarious banter.

Perfect sexual tension and chemistry.

Awesome characters and story so well done.

Loved it! You've got yourself a new fan Sara Ney. Looking forward to the next one. favorite-read67 s Nissa | Of Pens and Pages Book Blog337 1,020

3.5-4 stars!

Review at Of Pens and Pages.

As far as new adult sports romances go, How to Date a Douchebag: The Studying Hours doesn’t have the most unique plot out there. In fact, it’s pretty cliché. The douchebag athlete, the surprisingly non-nerd nerd, a dare, sparks. But Sara Ney wrote it in a way that made it refreshing and a delight to read. She made her characters likable, the banter witty and hilarious, and the sexual tension sizzling and well-written.

Meet douchebag #1: Sebastian “Oz” Osbourne, the team captain of the university wrestling team. He’s arrogant, self-assured, and can make panties fall with a wink or a smirk. He knows how good-looking and famous he is, and hasn’t been shy about using it to get laid. He’s pretty confident he can get anyone to sleep with him.

Meet girl who won’t sleep with him #1: Jameson Clarke, one of the most diligent and prim and proper-looking students at school. She wears cardigans, her pearl necklace, and has no tolerance for, wait for it… douchebags. And so when Oz approaches her in the library, she isn’t even fazed. In fact, she barely even looks at him. A first for Oz Osbourne.

Oz and his friends first dismiss Jameson as a prude, but she proves them otherwise a bet and $500 later. Oz wants to jump her, but she wants nothing to do with him. Serendipity and a very persistent Oz leads to more library and school campus encounters, and soon, the two are study buddies. Not exactly the type of buddy Oz wants, but he’ll take it. Jameson is surprisingly funny and relatable.

The chemistry between the main characters is amazing! And not just in bed. Their friendship and library sessions (get your mind out of the gutter haha it isn’t that at first) made me smile. Oz, most NA heroes, is pretty much a horndog who has sex on the brain almost 24/7. He never loses his sexual attraction for Jameson, but I loved watching him become friends with her. Almost as much as I loved when they were finally together.

I would have wanted to see more about Jameson’s life. She’s a snarky and sassy woman who effortlessly dismisses Oz’s advances, she’s ace at snowboarding, and her grades are above average. I would have loved to know more about her life before college the way Oz’s was shown. I thought we’d see more about what her life’s before Oz, especially since the author put much intrigue regarding her pearls and outfit (which have been addressed, if a little abrupt and anticlimactic). Other than that, I loved the book!

How to Date a Douchebag: The Studying Hours is a standalone NA Sports Romance told in dual POVs. It was fun, angst-free, and satisfied the slow burn fan in me. If you’re looking for a light and funny friends-to-lovers romance with a lovable a-hole and a sassy heroine, you might enjoy this one!

Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram2017-reads college contemporary-romance ...more58 s Maria??Steamy Reads Blog??662 2,696

?I'm not entirely sure what kept me away from reading this series for so long. Ok, let's face it - there are just too many books. T.T #bloggerproblems But I've been doing a lot of catching up on older releases lately and I've stumbled upon these audiobooks, picked this first one up... and the rest is history. I don't even know what to say about these. Lately I've been sucking at this reviewing business, so bare with me... ok, here goes:

?It's been AGES since I've read a great college romance. Rachel Van Dyken's Wingmen Inc was probably the last one that comes to mind. But anyway, if you love new adult college romances then you absolutely will love these books. They have humor, steam (soooo hot!) and even a good dose of angst.

?Sometimes you just want to be in the head of some slightly immature person who doesn't have a care in the world except discovering themselves etc etc and all that awesome shtuff.

?Oh, and on top of it being a NA novel, it's also sort of a sports romance (not heavy on sport) and you will probably enjoy ogling hot wrestlers even if it's all inside your head. So yeah, enjoy the visuals :D
new-adult sports-romance59 s Sabrina3,598 2,289

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I'm equal parts kicking myself for not reading this sooner and grateful to my friend for talking me into giving it a shot. I have no clue why I thought this series was set in High School but that's what was keeping me away and I was so wrong. Yes, I can admit when I'm wrong.

I ended up really liking these characters and their stories. James kind of proves that what you see isn't always what you get. Oz took one look at her and assumed she was some dowdy girl that rarely leaves the library. But when he gets to know her he learns that she's always up for some fun - just not with him.

Oz had to work his way into James' life and getting to see that was very intriguing. It made me fall for both of these characters and I was their own personal romance cheerleader cheering them on. They had a great banter with one another that drew me in also. I d that they could both be witty and fun mixed with the sexiness they both brought to the story.

I'll definitely be reading on in this series and can't wait to see what else Sara Ney has for us in the form of some hot douchebags.college-new-adult-romance sports-jocks-fighters56 s TheCrazyWorldOfABookLover362 892

Even though I enjoyed this book and found some parts quite funny, it felt it was missing something pretty much the entire way through. The characters felt very immature and over the top crude and were severely underdeveloped - the author only ever touched the surface, never showing any real depth.

The writing was pretty good (ignoring the good amount of editing issues I noticed), I found the chapter quotes very funny, and there were some rather sweet moments. But for me it really lacked the wow factor. This one was cute, but nothing in it blew me away. Will I read the others? Maybe. But this author's writing seems to be something I'll have to be in the mood for.

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Instagram ? FB Page ? FB Blog ? Blog ? Twitter46 s Carmen Rae1,536 180

Now that is how you write a college sports romance. Oh my god I feel I have been wandering the desert looking for water waiting to read this book. All the ones I have read recently have been so hit and miss and sadly more miss than hit that by the half way mark of this book I was almost scared to keep reading incase it was all going to go to shit because I am sure I would have broken down into huge, ugly, fist wailing sobs (not pretty people) but damn did Sara Ney nail this so hard.

I don’t even know where to start with this one just damn. It ticked every one of my boxes as well as tickling my box ;)

Sassy, smart arse non virgin heroine
Sexy, douchebag, man whore hero
Sexy sports uniforms that leave little to the imagination
Dirty talking douchebag

I honestly could just keep right on ticking off things I loved about this book, in fact there was very little I didn’t . I mean there was one moment there were I was about to have a hissy fit but then when I realised Sara hadn’t crushed all my hopes and dreams of a five star read I actually felt she earnt a high five for giving me a heart attack.

All of the characters were just perfect, even the arsehole secondary ones that I loved to hate and I am so signing up for the rest of this series. I had laugh out loud moments, I had soaked panty squirming and head palm, eye rolling I just couldn’t put it down. The Texts From Last Night hashtags had me laughing so hard I had to read them all out to hubby. It was so well rounded with sexy, sweet, funny in perfect quantities. I seriously loved it all. I could just keep right on ranting.

Check out my here
2016-faves a-rr-review amazon-reviewed ...more45 s Rhea_Sways480 105

I know!!! I KNOW!!!

What was I thinking? Seriously did I have my brain replaced with piss?

Just look at the fucking title I should be running away...

I apparently thought it was a great idea to read the damn thing

I do not know if this is normal.. However, sometimes I get this incredibly violent and disturbing thoughts..
You know those of aggression and insane frustration which makes me want to force the other person to understand the extent of my feelings..
this idiot:

or authors who blatantly display sexism, perpetuate assault as a joke, bigotry and just shame human beings with their work

I should get that looked at by a doctor..the condition

I do not provide examples because they just anger me so I do not highlight nor bookmark such dreadful material.

I will say this..
...it happens.. really because you have not ever been to one ever!

Living in bumbfuck middle of nowhere... naturally there aren't many universities nor normal education.
Your ideas on men's acceptable behaviour is quite evidently shown through your work which is questionable

one more thing .. who in this fucking day and age wears pearls everyday? A university going woman with the Kardashian and Jenner era...??

Where according to your pea sized motherfucking brain it is normal to criticize and degrade a women on her choice of clothing, sex practises and breathing...

I see no connection between the MC's, the fucking plot is just ridiculous. The author's attempt at foreshadowing or really use of any literary device is laughable!

The author has no limits for decency..


P.S: If ANYONE has issues with my opinion..please kindly fuck off. I mean any part that displeases you I can talk about it but I am stating basic concepts here and if you have issues with that... It tells me a lot about you. Thank you for taking the time to read!done-with-the-author feminist-in-me-says-no fuckall-douche-hero ...more45 s Mali Mor ?? The Romantic Blogger433 576

instagram photo downloder


No one s douchebags, but for some reason, we're attracted to them anyway... this series is just that, a bunch of douchebags, and the women who go out with them.
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