
In His Office de Sara Fields

de Sara Fields - Género: English
libro gratis In His Office


Sara Fields Publisher: Stormy Night Publications, Year: 2024

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Don’t think this is a typical billionaire romance. It’s pretty much a dominant fest with BDSM leading the way to a happy ending. Not heavy on a plot but she writes it really hot. adult-romance bdsm erotica ...more6 s Kelly_Reads_Books1,978 149

I really enjoyed this story. There was lots of hot scenes as well as little side events that all meshed together and stayed true to the story.
Morgan is hired to help salvage Hunter’s image but has found herself very attracted to her boss and the two of them embark on a whirlwind relationship that has them both feeling they found the one. But when outside forces try to make their relationship seem taboo and shameful this couple bands together and rides out the storm.
Wonderful story with relatable characters ??arc loved-it4 s Diana~ (Kiss Me Books)420 149

Hunter Blackthorne and Morgan Davis' all-consuming, explosive, and highly erotic relationship captured my attention from start to finish. In His Office is my favorite Sara Fields book to date because although Hunter was dominant and controlling at times, he was also very sweet and protective. I d that he was willing to do anything to protect Morgan—even going so far as to wipe out his opponent. Although this may have a "simple" billionaire romance formula, it worked wonderfully because of the incredibly spicy scenes and overwhelming sexual chemistry between Hunter and Morgan—which made for a highly arousing read. I would consider this an "office romance" where our two main characters have a working relationship as boss and employee. Hunter has hired Morgan's PR firm to help save his company and navigate the firestorm that his uncle has caused. As the story continues, Hunter and Morgan play an arousing game of cat and mouse where they try to resist each other but it was impossible.

“My heart beat for her, and only for her… I would burn the world just to keep her.”

In the end, I absolutely loved this book and can't recommend it enough because of the incredible sexual chemistry between Hunter and Morgan. Hunter was dominant, sexy, obsessed, and overprotective whereas Morgan was sweet, independent, kind, and innocent. While I simply adored their relationship, there were a few kinks that some readers might find uncomfortable including spanking, domination and submission, power play, and light degradation. This is a must read for fans of Sara Fields and billionaire romance readers. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is looking for a steamy love story that focuses more on the developing sexual relationship between the dominant and possessive hero and his sweet and beautiful heroine.

*This ARC was generously provided by the author for an honest review*2024-reads arc-galley author-sara-fields ...more2 s Jess Morgan28 1 followerRead

Just about every book I've reviewed on Goodreads to date owes something to Fifty Shades of Grey. its plot. And its characterizations. And its setting. And its themes. And its cover design. And sometimes its authors' pseudonyms. I could go on. In the case of In His Office by Sara Fields, we must ask where to draw the line between inspiration and plagiarism when the author keeps name-dropping the source material. Perhaps it's neither, and the correct term is simply laziness.

(looks up book entry to begin review) There are at least two other billionaire romances called In His Office here. Yup, laziness is the word.

As if we needed that confirmed a third time, the story opens with the heroine's BFF asking when she last had sex. The heroine is Morgan, no relation. The BFF is Zara, an appropriate name for someone who thinks Morgan's stitching needs to come loose. What do they have in common? Not showing, just telling. Endlessly.

"Morgan, come on, you moved across the country to start your company, Davis Media Relations, and that's no small feat. You've built something amazing here. But this," she gestures at me with a flourish, "isn't living. You need fun, excitement, maybe a steamy fling or two or ten. You know, you really deserve it."...

"I know, I know. It's just hard to think about dating. Every time I do, I just remember how he called, literally as his flight was boarding, just to say he couldn't do long-distance, and he wasn't coming after all."

Hear that, aro/ace readers? You're not living.

Cut to hero Hunter Blackwater, bailing his uncle Vincent out of prison for running an illegal gambling ring. This is yet another in a long line of PR crises that Vincent has brought to the family company. Hunter's trusty 50-something PR lady thinks she's explained this nonsense often enough, and the best way to improve the company's image is to find "a fresh face, someone young" to take over the explanations. That might make sense if we're talking about the White House press secretary. Journalists who cover the corporate world won't and shouldn't see it that way.

Morgan is the fresh face in question, which is what gets her in his office, hyuk hyuk. Zara insists that she wear sexy underthings, because Morgan "might be walking into [her] very own Mr. Grey scenario." Morgan isn't entirely opposed to the prospect. She admits in her inner monologue that her last three clients have completely shat the bed, including hers, so it might even be to her nonsexual advantage if a man named Hunter Blackwater acts a man named Hunter Blackwater.

Zara mentions Christian and Ana over and over and over and over. theirs was the height of steaming office-based chemistry. Honestly, Sara, did we see the same movie?

Zara. Sara. Huh.

Hunter and Morgan spend their interview sparring about the relative merits of "direct action" versus "a carefully crafted strategy." The conversation sounds very suspiciously the ramblings of an author who has never worked in PR and has no idea what people would actually say in these meetings. Then Hunter tells Morgan he has "a much better use for that pretty mouth."

The meeting ends before they can give in to their mutual desire. Hunter spends the entire next chapter whacking it at the thought of raping her on his desk. I mean, he doesn't call it that, but what am I supposed to call it when his fantasy includes two instances of her screaming at him to let her go?

Morgan returns to get the phone she left on his desk. Then the exact fantasy we just read every word of plays out for real. The repeated "beautiful little slut." The belt-whipping without any regard for her comfort level with any kind of spanking, least of all spanking with props. Even her saying no when he forces his cock into her mouth! So what the hell was the point of the whacking?

This takes so long that by the time it ends, we're a full third of the way through the book. It takes another two chapters for Morgan to collect herself and get into his car, and he finds excuses to keep spanking her along the way, resulting in what may be a land-speed record for a pair calling each other "good girl" and "sir."

I should mention that this book is set in Seattle.

Ladies, if you've made plans to travel to Seattle hoping for a sexy billionaire spanking, I'm afraid you've been horribly misled. At present we only have 12 billionaires total. Nine are over 60 years old. Eight are married. Three are divorced. Two are their ex-wives. The only man under 60 is named Orion, which may sound promising, but he's pretty average-looking and in the married camp. Yes, I looked this up.

On the other hand, Morgan came here to start her own company, and she's been too busy to fuck ever since. So in that respect, she fits in perfectly.

Morgan lives at 5th and Jackson, in the International District. Not the best neighborhood, I'll grant you, but she's within a short walk of the two best dim sum places in town. And now I want some pork buns. Hunter forces Morgan to let him walk her to her front door and then to her apartment door, because there are vagrants about. Or at least non-tech, non-finance Asians, which is probably what freaks Hunter out the most.

The next day, Morgan reflects that she's already caught feelings.

She learns that Hunter volunteers for an orphanage and s it. We learn that she has an ovarian cyst that makes pregnancy high-risk for her. This probably won't matter later. Morgan rattles off a few decent PR ideas, none of which involve locking Hunter's uncle in an attic and only letting him out for Thanksgiving. They eat Chinese, make superficial small talk, think about how badly they want to fuck again, and fuck again. Morgan wonders, "If I went home with him, what would other people think?" You might ask them, Morgan. I guarantee someone heard that last hour of wet flesh slapping together, even if it was just a cleaning lady.

Hunter insists that Morgan spend the night with him at Olympus Tower. We have an Olympic Tower (all office space) and Olympus Apartments (nice but not the "sky rise" Morgan describes), but no Olympus Tower. Whatever, let's just say it's Escala. Once inside Hunter's penthouse...

Well, almost. They're interrupted by some US Marshals, come to inform Hunter that Uncle Vincent has escaped their custody. Sounds a PR crisis for the federal prison system more than for Blackwater Unspecified Business Stuff Incorporated. Hunter seems to agree, because he and Morgan decide to rest up for the day ahead instead of getting back to what-what in her butt. See, Hunter, THAT'S why you really should consider the attic option.

In a meeting with Hunter's legal team the next day, Morgan repeats the same PR ideas she shared the day before. This makes Hunter think about how pretty she is and how much he'd to "keep her." Then: eat, spank, fuck, home, spank, jeweled butt plug, spank. Or, as they now call it, Tuesday. Then a press conference happens, which seems to do the trick for the company's image, although there's still no word on Vincent's whereabouts. The Marshals mentioned his chopper was spotted somewhere near Olympic National Forest, so I prefer to assume he got mauled by vampires.

Hunter takes Morgan to Montgomery Steakhouse. Not a real place. But we do have the Capital Grille and the Metropolitan Grill, both excellent choices. They make out at a corner table on the rooftop, which certainly isn't how one conducts oneself at the Metropolitan Grill. Hunter commands Morgan to move in with him permanently, and she frets again about what'll happen to the company if anyone finds out. Should have thought of that before he tongue-fucked your face in public.

Since they love each other now (it's been about three weeks), Morgan shares her reproductive difficulties with Hunter. To his credit, he's grateful for her honesty and suggests they adopt if she wants kids. They celebrate with more spanky-spanks in the car. And once they have a kid, the car will be their only quiet place for spanky-spanks.

Some smarmy asshole shows up the next day, demanding a bribe in exchange for his silence about Hunter and Morgan having consensual adult sex. Here's how Hunter should respond:

Instead he wants to have the guy murdered. Morgan thinks this would be bad PR. He threatens spanky-spanks if she doesn't let him murder a guy. Ultimately she talks him down, so he just hands over $500,000. Not that it matters. He probably drops that amount every week on selections from the Hammacher Schlemmer catalog.

Hunter finds the voice recorder app on Morgan's phone working just outside his office while making the transaction. It takes him approximately a zeptosecond to conclude that she's been spying on him. Which she was, in a sense: She recorded the conversation in case they needed to bring it to the cops later. But that's not the part that makes him mad. No, he's mad because she stuck around the office instead of going straight home as ordered. So: spank, fuck. As if they would have spent the evening doing anything else.

Since her butt took his what-what more pleasurably than she expected, they celebrate with dinner at Ristorante Bella Notte. Not a real place. But if it were, it would be on the same block as La Maison Français, Kaiseki Nippon, and Old Barmy Hamilton-Campbell-Jones's Bloody Chuffed Rumpy-Pumpy God-Save-the-Queen Public House. They decided to go public with their relationship to prevent any future blackmail. Now there's a headline. LOCAL BILLIONAIRE HAS GIRLFRIEND, THINKS ANYONE CARES.

The reveal entails taking the orphans to the zoo. Sara's description of the zoo is fairly accurate, so points for that. The smarmy asshole is secretly snapping pictures the whole time. So: let's kill him, let's not, I'll spank you if you don't let me kill him, please spank me, spank, fuck.

The smarmy asshole does leak one of the photos of Hunter and Morgan... eating in a restaurant. This guy is utterly incompetent at being a villain. But at least he's not another stalker ex. Hunter calls another presser to settle the matter. Smarmy asshole is there and threatens to leak the many spanky-spank photos he has. He should have done that already! What does he want? Will Hunter have to show a sex tape of himself and Morgan on the IMAX screen at the science center first?

Uncle Vincent turns up at the penthouse. Hunter lets him "settle" the problem of the smarmy asshole in exchange for his good behavior henceforth. Here's how that happens:

"Breaking news," a news anchor suddenly announced, her tone a mix of disbelief and professionalism. "Controversial paparazzo Richard Conway was found early this morning in a local movie theater, completely naked and under the influence of unknown substances. Witnesses report he was engaging in lewd behavior before being apprehended by authorities."

I have questions.

Ah, fuck the questions. Magnificent, Vincent. Absolutely magnificent.

Hunter and Morgan get married and adopt all of his five favorite kids from the orphanage. Morgan gets pregnant anyway. See? Told you.

In His Office is bad in a lot of the non-fun ways. The dialogue and actions are repetitive, the pacing is all over the place, the climax is inconsequential, and the conclusion is sugary enough to induce a diabetic coma. But it was worth the read just for a junked-out pap caught with his dick in his hand in a cinema. I wish that sort of thing happened in Seattle more often.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review Krissy S.6

Wow! Sara Fields did not disappoint with this one. The tale of Morgan and Hunter is hot, steamy, funny, and exciting. Morgan owns her own PR firm and is recovering from a broken heart. Hunter owns a medical tech company who has a dark side and past. The two come together due to Hunter's uncle getting into legal trouble and dragging their family name into it for the umpteenth time. Hunter becoming Morgan's boss and Morgan being the employee to handle the mess it has caused and the damage to Hunter's image. The two meet and it's an instant attraction leading to a hot and steamy scene in Hunter's office allowing Hunter to show Morgan his more dominant side and for Morgan to lean more into her submissive side. The two together not only work well together but their chemistry is off the charts. As they try to avoid each other, it ends up becoming a game of cat and mouse that ends up proving to be impossible for the both of them.

In the end, I loved the book and can't help but to recommend it to others. Hunter and Morgan's sexual chemistry showed not only in the office but also in select instance outside of the office. They were the perfect balance for each other. Hunter was attractive, dominant, protective, and independent while Morgan was not only independent but also kind, caring, and smart. Their relationship was not one of the ordinary due to some kinks such as light degradation, dom/sub, power play, and spanking. Don't say you weren't forewarned lol
Due to this story, I am now interested in reading more of Sara Fields' works. Can't wait to read more!.

I received a free copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review. Karen Nastasio2,433 16

Wow this book was hot and I loved the storyline and the hot and steamy scenes that had me up till late to finish it. Morgan Davis owns and runs Davis Media Relations when she is hired by Hunter Blackwater who needs his company’s image fixed and when she meets him he is gorgeous and takes her breath away and she wants to be with him but not a notch on his bed post but she must put this a side for now and focus on the job at hand. Hunter Blackwater is in desperate need to have his company’s Image fixed after his Uncle Vincent who has ties to the mafia and is now incarcerated so he hires Morgan Davis thinking it was a male but is quite shocked and surprised that he was wrong and the he is a gorgeous female instead and the attraction to her is off the charts but he fights to remain professional but that doesn’t last long and soon they are steamy up his office while they try to fix the company’s problems but not long after photos turn up of them both in a compromising position and are being blackmailed to keep them out of the media. Hunter and Morgan are furious and will stop at nothing to find the person responsible. Do they fix his company’s image and do they find the blackmailer in time and what does the future hold for them as well..

I received a free copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review. Jan1,756 9

Morgan Davis needs the job. Her PR firm, Davis Media Relations, would do well to do damage control for Hunter Blackwater company. Hunter was not expecting a woman. He thought it would be a fresh faced just out of college young man. That certainly made things a bit heated. Morgan was temptation to him and he wasn’t sure this would work. Are these two going to cause more damage or will sparks fly?

Ok I wasn’t sure if the story was a fantasy in his head or real. But we learn that things can take a turn and boy do they. You have to give it to her bestie, Zara she had it pegged right. When she said FSG, that was what popped into my head. And you can see the sort of match. But this was more in your face right there and now. And things take a major turn. It starts out with Morgan doing PR to push Hunter’s association with his uncle out of the way. Their chemistry is instant and things move quickly for them. You would think HEA. NOPE. Things get start getting messy. Now it is Hunter trying to safe Morgan. I do love the dirty talk and kink. That is so much fun and hot. I loved the ending too. Miracles do happen.

I received a free copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Marsha Jones169 2

In His Office is a Dark Romance by Sara Fields. This is Hunter and Morgan's office romance. Hunter Blackwater's Uncle Vincent had got himself involved in things not on the up and up in the eyes of the law. Hunter had worked hard to get his business where it was today. Hunter's Uncle Vincent was his only living relative and he had bailed his Uncle out of a lot of bad situations. The last one is getting him out of jail. Hunter has had to pull a lot of strings to get him out. Hunter's business is feeling the effects , because of his Uncle Vincent. Hunter has decided to hire Morgan Davis of Davis Media Relations. They will work together to get Hunter's business image back where it needs to be. When Hunter and Morgan meet for the first time there attraction is instant. The characters are really written well, there are a lot of steamy scenes and the best friend Zara is so funny.

I received a free copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review. Stats23461 11

If ever there was an apropos title, this is it. Everything really starts exploding off the pages when Morgan and Hunter first come face to face in his office. Morgan is a successful, confident and self-assured professional in the PR field. When Hunter interviews her to take on a specific role for his company the stage is set. Hunter is a very dominant CEO and is VERY aggressive in his treatment of Morgan. Their first encounter is very graphic, and in many ways very concerning. I’m not really sure that anyone who is sensitive to sexual violence will enjoy it. However, as the story progresses the relationship that develops has much sweetness and even some tongue in cheek humor to go along with the steamy sex. There are a few subplots to the story but the real crux of it is the torridly hot sexual relationship that develops between them despite their best efforts to keep it a strictly professional one. I’m going to give this a 5 Star rating as the overall story, taken in its totality, is really quite good. What I did not care for, and this is a personal thing, is the overly frequent use of the word “slu*”, a demeaning term for a woman’s sexuality. 1 Nicole Henderson808 14

I received an Advanced Reader Copy and am voluntarily reviewing it. This book reminds me of some of Ms. Fields earlier books. It is intense and gets intense fast. Readers will be in for a real ride with this one. Hunter Blackwater needs help. The stock in his company, Blackwater Technologies, is dropping due to a connection with his Uncle who was recently arrested. Hunter's Uncle is in the mafia. Hunter does his best to distance himself from the family business but there always seems to be blowback on him and his company when something happens. Hunter needs help.

He interviews PR firms to help with crisis management. His options are few. Morgan Davis needs this job. Her company, Davis Media Relations, have taken a few hits. The tension is thick on their first meeting and continues to crackle throughout the book. Hunter does not entertain relationships but there is something about Morgan that he cannot resist. Morgan craves Hunter and structure. They are perfect for each other in every way. Unfortunately they are forced to keep their relationship a secret due to their business relationship. What will happen when an unscrupulous photographer threatens to expose them? Will Hunter go back to a life he vowed to leave? This book is explosive. Readers will love every minute of it. Zara, Morgan's bestfriend, is the best comic relief. Heidi1,391 12

This was a good read and I d it. Morgan and Hunter were hot and steamy together. Morgan owns her own pr company and needs a win so to speak after the last three clients sunk her. Hunter has distanced himself from his past, but his uncle keeps getting in trouble and it casts a bad shadow on his company. His recent pr publicist says he needs a younger face to help him and she finds him Morgan. When they first meet each other the attraction is instant. What is supposed to be a one time thing turns into so much more. They can’t keep their hands off each other. He becomes very protective of her and the relationship between them becomes fast moving. There are some hurdles they have to maneuver around or jump. Hunter is going to do whatever to make sure nothing hurts or touches Morgan. This is an insta-lust/love, with D/s and boss/employee (PR publicist) read. It is a fast paced read and kept me entertained throughout the whole book. I loved the characters I got to meet along the way. Morgan’s best friend was hilarious. Leslie OBrien707 12

Sara Fields’ “In His Office” is her contribution to the billionaire romance trope and it was a fun read. From the onset, Hunter and Morgan are verbally sparring in ways that you just know will end in smexy times. And it does. Quickly. No slow burn for this story. Admittedly, it does slow down a bit as we get more of a plot and storyline—with Hunter in desperate need of saving the reputation of his company, which he built himself—and Morgan being the one to do it. Lots of things to enjoy about the story. Especially Morgan, who seems to be the voice of reason more often than Hunter was—with exceptions. While Hunter was more of a take-charge (billionaire dom) who is used to getting his way in all things. And he does, eventually, but Morgan does make him work for it. And obviously, this is a Sara Fields’ book, so you should know what to expect with their activities and those will either get you hot and bothered or have you laughing in delight. Possibly a bit of both. 1 Sue2,381

A simply wonderful read, I loved the characters and the story was simply marvellous
This was a simply wonderful read and I enjoyed every moment of this amazing book and I guarantee that you will simply love reading about Morgan Davis who has been causing him to possibly put this annoying female across his knee and spank her until she is unable to sit down comfortably.
Then when she persisted in ignoring his warnings and he had warned her he was going to take action and he found himself taking her over his desk in a fit of lust and taking her with as much exuberance as you could possibly imagine.
I guarantee that you will love this story and that you will be unable to put the book down till you reach the end and discover the final outcome.
I thoroughly enjoyed the book and look forward to reading any future publications; keep up all the wonderful writing.

I received a free copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review. Shifty Bugger 5,160 24

I received a free copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review.

Wow, This is a different book for Sara Fields and O boy it did not disappoint. This book was hot, Hunter Blackwater has problems with his uncle always causing trouble, it also effects Hunter's company so he call the person the usuallyfixes the media she declined to take on the job but gave him the name and phone number of her recommendation. Morgan has her own company she needs the job to do well, when she receives a phone call from Hunter he needs her to work for him doing damage control for his company, what she wasn't expecting was the damage control with them. Hunter and Morgan have an instant attraction between them they try to not to do anything about it, the magnetic pull is just to strong that they cave in. Blackmail stopped them in there tracks, there was bdsm, spankings, rough, raw, intense, sexual, sizzling, desire's.

I received a free copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review. Laure2,388 6

Morgan Davis is young, but she owns her own PR company. She is on her way up, and if she manages to land a contract with one of Seattle's tech billionaire's she feels her success is guaranteed. She is also aware of the owner's reputation and is determined to keep their interview professional. Hunter Blackwater is in desperate need of a PR company to help change the public's perception of himself and his company. The last thing he expected was the instant attraction feels for the smart and beautiful young woman whom he hopes will be able to help with the bad publicity his company has recently received.
The characters are well written, fascinating, and regularly engage in some deliciously dirty activities, in the bedroom and in the office. This is a very steamy read with some interesting twists in the plot that kept me engrossed in this book. I love this author's books and I highly recommend this one to other readers.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book. Michele1,603 4

You’ll practically combust from over the top steaminess!
I feel Hunter’s frustration of finding himself in a jam yet again from his uncle that has him needing Morgan’s PR company to get his company’s image above the fallout. I love Morgan’s friend for putting the whole “Christian Grey” scenario in her mind for her must win big client to turn around her company’s trajectory of recent failures. Yet from the start of their meeting, to say the innuendo pulls you in the wrong direction wouldn’t be wrong. Then Morgan forgets her cell and the whole “for propriety’s sake” is blown out the window! While Hunter realizes from the start that Morgan is not a one night type of person, Morgan is all for not being in the limelight that is Hunter’s pedigree. Fate plays a cruel trick on them, but Hunter will go to any length to keep Morgan sage. Will the two have their happily ever after? You have to read to find out! Nikki Parker369 3

Hunter Blackwater has a problem, his Uncle's criminal activities are damaging his company and reputation. He has worked hard to keep away from the darkness of his family and he has no intentions of letting them destroy what he has built. When Morgan is asked to do some damage limitation PR work for Hunter, her reaction to him is off the scales. Knowing that any relationship would be bad for both of them, they find that they can't keep away from each other. When their relationship becomes a source of blackmail, and Hunter's Uncle causes more problems, difficult decisions will have to be taken to ensure that they are not dragged down with it all. Full of drama and twists and turns, this very hot and steamy read has everything in it you can expect from a book by Sara Fields. It is certainly a book you won't be able to put down.

I received a free copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review. Terri Trawets696 5

Morgan is a PR representative, just dumped by a three-year fiancé. Hunter is a businessman looking for new and younger representation to save his emerging company’s reputation. During their first business encounter, both Hunter and Morgan engaged in some verbal sparring. Yet, for some reason, they are both unexpectantly attracted to each other. How will this attraction play out?

When Morgan returns for her phone, they were both gripped by passionate desire and tumultuous feelings. But, this is only the beginning! As a strong and forceful Dom, will Hunter be able to fulfill both their strong desires? Will he be able to bring Morgan to exquisite ecstasy? Will Morgan be able to save Hunter’s company from destruction?

I definitely recommend this naughty, intense, and erotic book. I truly feel it is my very favorite story (so far). Read it and enjoy!
Clara Atkinson1,002 53

In His Office follows Morgan Davis and Hunter Blackwater. It's an instant attraction/smexy action story.
Hunter's company is suffering from negative stories concerning his family. He needs his PR team to work their magic but they explain he needs to bring in a new team with fresh inventive ideas. That's where Morgan and her PR company come into the picture. What he wasn't expecting was that Morgan was a female and a stunning one at that. He's immediately intrigued by her beauty, quick witt, back and forth banter and how she doesn’t back down. What happens when all they can think about is each other? Will they risk mixing business with pleasure? There's a storm coming that could ruin them both. Will they risk everything for their growing attraction or walk away?

I received a free ARC through Booksprout an I'm voluntarily leaving my review.

4 ?? ?? ?? ?? Susan Cox512 4

She’s his office sl&+

Morgan’s PR firm suffers several setbacks. She needs another job to turn her company reputation around. Hunter is a PR firm’s nightmare. He has a habit of ruining every PR firm’s work. So, he hires her. Oh, but wait office s@xapades occur prior to her being hired. Will this ruin their business relationship? Hunter is an overly dominant alpha a@@hole. His sadistic side shows Morgan all the pleasure she can handle. This book is very heavy in spanking, very intense scenes and hot loving. If you don’t hot and heavy books don’t read this one. If you have a darker side, you're gonna love it. Christina73

I received this book for arc review. Great taboo office romance Christian Grey style without the kidnapping. She owns a PR company and he needs her to fix his companies rep after his uncle's mob ties and behaviors put his company at risk. Spice level is
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