
A Second Summertime Courtship de Sandra Sookoo

de Sandra Sookoo - Género: English
libro gratis A Second Summertime Courtship


A Second Summertime Courtship (The Hasting Sisters, Book Two)

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I'm sorry, but i didn't the so-called hero in this book at all. He is selfish.  When our heroine was asked to make a choice, he had years before,  he was nowhere near as forgiving as she had been. Mind you, I think she was much more willing to forgive than most would have been. I feel that he wanted everything his way. Not what I want in a hero. 

There is nothing wrong with the storytelling telling , it's purely that I really didn't the hero. 

I usually this author's work. 

Horrible hero. 2 s Margaret2,659 20

A lot of angst, misunderstandings, manipulations and guilt. Miss Cora Hastings loved Peregrine Wetherford until he jilted her three and a half years ago on their wedding day. Without a word, he fled back to the Royal Navy. Retired with the rank of Captain, he is working to establish himself back into society. The last person he expected to see was Cora at a ball. He had his eye on another young lady to court, but seeing Cora makes him rethink his feelings. Cora has her own problems with family and her employer. A more selfish woman you will never meet. What begins as a second chance may be destroyed by the wrong choice. Moves a little slow from complexity to forgiveness.
Mild descriptive sex.
I voluntarily read and reviewed a copy of this book from NetGalley.1 Jennifer811

A Second Summertime Courtship
This is the second book in the Hasting’s sisters series. Cora was jilted at the alter by her fiancé. That one moment set off a chain of events that has led to Cora having to take work in London as a lady’s companion. She doesn’t trust the concept of love anymore and she certainly never wants to see her former fiancé again. Peregrine is back from war a broken man covered in the scars of war. He knows it is time to find a wife but his heart just isn’t in the task. When he crosses paths with Cora for the first time since their broken engagement, he is drawn to her. Again. Will the hurt each other again or will they mend their broken hearts by finally admitting their true feelings?

This is a well written story, but it just didn’t connect with me the way the first story did. Perhaps it’s unfair to compare the two but they are part of the same continuous storyline, so the comparison is inevitable. I the base story of Cora and Peregrine working through their hurt and embarrassment to get back together. I didn’t that she repeated the same mistakes this time as the last. She might be a fallen woman already but he didn’t deserve her trust this time around after he left her at the church. Cora is bitter toward her sister after she found love and happiness. I can understand the author including that Cora felt her sister’s decision to marry a poor man has left the weight of the family finances on her shoulders but her attitude made me dis her and the author never turned that around for me. Cora’s employer is bitter and nasty. I understand why the author created a character the employer but the character went nowhere. I kept waiting for the bad guy comeuppance moment or some big shift in personality but it just went nowhere In the end, I found the story frustrating and I couldn’t wait for it to end.

This is a romance set in London in 1817. This is a second chance romance between two grown adults. While this installment wasn’t my cup of tea, I will definitely read more from this author in the future because I most of her books.
1 Anne2,543 20

A Second Summertime Courtship by Sandra Sookoo is another Miss Hasting book. This Miss Hasting was left on the steps to the church years earlier just as she was about to be married and it caused quite the scandal. The family decided to move to their home in the country where they discovered the mismanagement of the estate had left them almost bankrupt. The first sister, Amelia, had left home to find work to assist with the bills, but ended up in love with and married to a penniless viscount so the second Miss Hasting, Cora, had now become a companion to an older, decidedly unpleasant woman in London. As she was attending an event with her mistress, she ran into the man who had left her at the altar. Then things got complicated.

Cora is a very stubborn woman, first in her determination to keep Mrs. Bromington as her employer, and later to fend off the advances of Captain Peregrin Wellington when he showed up again in her life. He had left her and gone to sea because he was scared but was back now with an injury that kept him from serving. For many his scars were ghastly. He was also a strong person, also stubborn. Sookoo’s stories always include people whom society has left behind, who prove once again that anything can be overcome with determination. This was one such story. Cora stood up repeatedly to Mrs. Bromington and somehow they got along better for it. The plot included a second chance romance that appeared to be going nowhere: there were too many impediments. Sookoo has done it again, with a terrific novel!

I was invited to read A Second Summertime Courtship by Dragonblade. All thoughts and opinions are mine. #Netgalley #Dragonblade #SandraSookoo #ASecondSummertimeCourtship Marion Löw219 1 follower

Wrong Decisions

I d this second chance romance, even if it doesn't come close to the first part of the series. The plot is very well told and emotional, but very complex. I d the twists and the steam but I couldn't get on with the characters for a long time, Peregrine was too selfish and reckless at first, Cora was too absorbed in her role as a victim, too easily manipulated and her feelings towards her married sister, although understandable, quickly got on my nerves.

Three years ago, Captain Peregrine Wetherford and Cora Hasting were engaged to be married, but he chose a life at sea over her and jilted Cora on their wedding day, leaving her heartbroken and ruined.

Due to her family's poor financial situation and her father's declining health, Cora feels responsible for her family's welfare and is now forced to take a job as a companion to a cantankerous old lady, Mrs Bromington.

After being discharged from the navy due to his injuries and scars, Peregrine is finally ready to settle down, open his own shop and find a wife.

When the two meet by chance at a social event, Peregrine realises his mistake and is determined to win Cora back, but he is not only fighting for her love, but also against her fearsome, manipulative dragon of an employer who wants to keep Cora for herself…

All in all an entertaining story with many emotional ups and downs!

Trigger warning: if off-scene descriptions of miscarriages upset you, you shouldn’t read the book!

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. ?Laura?2,749 27 Read

Cora y Peregrine estuvieron comprometidos hace 3-4 años, pero él la abandonó  día de la  boda. La reputación de ella se hizo pedazos, no consiguió otros prospectos por lo que su familia tuvo que irse a vivir a un pueblo; él por el otro lado tuvo una buena vida, se metió a la marina y se volvió capitán hasta que resultó herido.
En el presente él está cortejando a una chica a la que le envió una invitación para que se vieran en la biblioteca, pero Cora entró y como estaba obscuro la confundió y la empezó a besar en el cuello. Cora como la tonta que es le tomo mucho separse y decirle quien era, ademas, aprovecho para reclamarle. Peregrine se sorprendió y hasta esa noche se dió cuenta como le arruinó cualquier posibilidad de poder casarse, entonces decidió que haría que lo perdonara y sí había alguna posibilidad se que le diera otra oportunidad, la tomaría.

Me molestó lo tonta que fue Cora al perdonarlo sin hacer que se arrastrara por su perdón, pero es un libro de época y las cosas no funcionan así en estos libros.

Luego estuvieron en la misma situación a la inversa en donde ella lo dejó por el deber con su familia y él se hizo el ofendido y logró que ella se humillara por su perdón llegando a arrodillarse  y pedirle que se casara con ella.

Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC in exchange for my honest review. Janet4,352 48

3.75 Stars
Miss Cora Hasting—middle daughter of Baron Landover—is not happy. Having lived with reduced circumstances for a few years, she aspires to so much more than making her position as a companion to the elderly Mrs. Bromington. Captain Peregrine Wetherford has tried for the past three years to put his mistakes behind him. Decorated naval officer, left with scars and wounds for his service, he’s made a passable living attending various social functions and accepting coin for speaking engagements. However, during one fateful evening when he accidentally runs into his former fiancée, his past and his future collide, and this time he refuses to run. Sparks and words fly between Cora and her former beau, but while she might be willing to forgive but she can’t forget.
The second book in the series & whilst it could be read on its own I feel the series would be best read in order. A well written book with strong characters & a well paced story. I grew to Peregrine & to some extent Cora but I didn’t love them, I did enjoy the book but I found it to be a bit too angsty for me at times. I disd Cora’s employer & wanted her to have some comeuppance. I usually love the author’s books but this one left me wanting
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book; all thoughts and opinions are my own
Cherie S821 12

Fate, Complications, Hateful Dragon, a Stunning Romance:
This wonderful story begins with Cora 3 years after being jilted by her soon to be husband Peregrine.
Family difficulties cause Cora to take a paid companion position, but her heart is still broken from her lost love.
Peregrine returns after a tragic disfiguring accident that has added to his emotional state.
He admits his mistake at leaving Cora and when he comes across her in a most scandalous way things change for both of them
The story is well written with intriguing characters throughout the story.
Their path to admitting and accepting just how much they love and trust each other is filled with much turmoil., angst, many heartfelt moments,
lots of desirous passion which warranted having my fan ready.
A good solid love story with many deeply emotional situations. A gripping ending along with a nice epilogue to top the story off.
Mature Advisory:
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