
Brandt's Rule: A Legacy Novel de Sandra R Neeley

de Sandra R Neeley - Género: English
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About This Book

“You ever think you got things organized, lined up like it’s supposed to be, everything’s good in your world, and then something completely unexpected falls into the middle of your plans like a bomb, making everything scatter into a million pieces and proving to you that you don’t have control of a single thing?”
“Um, no,” Ronan answered.
“Yeah, me neither,” Brandt said.

Brandt was raised in a shifter clan. It was apparent from a very young age, that Brandt — a Black Bear shifter — would be Alpha of the new generation. He has embodied that calling through character, strength, control, and honesty all of his life. As his cousins moved on and up in pursuit of their dreams, he’s held down the fort at home, making sure they all had a safe, secure place to come back to when the time was right. He’s more than happy with the life he chose. The only thing that is still a question to him is who his mate will be. He’s watched the generation before him made better, stronger even, when they met their mates, and he looks forward to the same. Which is why he’s thrown for a loop when the female that crashes into his life manages to do just the opposite.

Tempest has been lonely all her life. Sure, she had family who adored her, but she had no real friendships to speak of. It wasn’t that she did anything to make herself stand apart, she was just too powerful. The paranormals in her community could feel it rolling off her in waves — especially the children she so wanted to play with. They feared her. Now that she’s an adult she’s decided it’s time to move on. To find the place she can be herself, accepted and not feared. Unfortunately, the place she’s chosen to settle has one thing she didn’t count on. Her mate. And he’s doing everything he can to push her away despite sneaking around her place when he thinks she’s not aware he’s there. It’s fine. She’s used to being ostracized. It’s nothing new, and nothing she can’t handle. She doesn’t need him anymore than he needs her. The fact that his friends and family welcome her… well that’s just the icing on the cake. Makes it kinda fun to push his buttons.

Flowing silver hair, emerald green eyes, and more power than any one being has a right to hold within themselves is exactly what fate has planned for Brandt. And he’s not impressed. She doesn’t make him stronger. She doesn’t even soothe him. She drives him to the brink of losing his temper. She torques him intentionally at every turn, and takes pleasure in it! How can the fates have possibly thought sending him this female was the thing he needed most?!

This book is a work of fiction. All characters, plots and circumstances, situations and everything it entails are products of the author’s imagination, except for the actual places and organizations mentioned. Those are all fully acknowledged copyrights and trademarks of the subject entities. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademarked ownership of all trademarks and word marks mentioned in this book. All else is human-dreamed, human-imagined, and human-created.

Warning: This book is intended for mature readers. This book contains situations, sexual and otherwise, as well as violence both real and implied that may be disturbing for some readers. If you are offended by these subjects, please do not buy this book.

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Happy to read Brandt and Tempest’s story

So pleased to find this book to be back with this family from Lore, Destroy, Carrik to Kaid and Delilah. Those books gave me all the feels and reading this book was such a pleasure. The author took the two powerful second generation people from two of her other series and brought them together. Tempest is the amazing and powerful daughter of Carrik (Dragon from the tree) and Lily (semi-human). Tempest is an only child and was so powerful that many children and adults avoided her. Brandt is a strong and powerful alpha. He is the son of Janie (human) and Bane (mixed grizzly and black bear). Brandt loves order and avoids chaos. Neither of these two want mates but they were put in front of one another to smooth out each other’s edges. Everyone else sees their mate auras and helps. Read On! 1 Nancy VanSpunky Reads1,037 29

I was so happy to return to this world! Avaleigh's Boys is the first series I read by Sandra Neeley and it's a favorite of mine. This spin-off (The Legacy series) is going to be wonderful! I loved Brandt and Tempest together. They really gave me Delilah vibes. (That will make sense if you read Avaleigh's Boys.) Tempest is more powerful than anyone in the clan, but she is humble with her power. We all think that because she is so powerful, she is very mature. While she is mature in many ways, she is innocent and sensitive in others. I have to say I love how their relationship grows in this story. Brandt is not really one for a relationship, but there's an immediate spark with Tempest. He is a commanding, but compassionate Alpha with his clan. Also, I loved the side stories, especially Bailey and Remi. That will be one to watch. We even get to visit the bayou and Tempest's family. Marrying these two series is seriously a work of art. The ending surprised me and I am hoping we come back to Analise and Havoc very, very soon!
4.5 stars, 3 spicy emojis

beta-read paranormal-romance shifter-romance Susan A Mishko107 1 follower

OMG can it get even better?

First we had Avaleighs boys, then Rileys Pride, followed up with the babies all grown up, mix in some Whispers and this series surely can't get any better. The intro started with Analise and Havoc and I cried so much reading that, but Brandts story has really ramped up the read. Next it looks to be back to Havoc. Please make it a happy ending for them and quickly kill that b##ch off. She deserves to be frozen by Delilah.
Don't make the wait too long. Best series ever
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