
Hunter de Sam Crescent

de Sam Crescent - Género: English
libro gratis Hunter


Hunter is not a nice man.
He is used to enjoying the fruits of married women—they are easy to leave and don't expect any kind of relationship from him. Harlow is one of his club brother's little sisters. She's young, and he should stay well away from her.

Only, he doesn't.

Harlow doesn't know why she is drawn to Hunter. She doesn't even like him at times, but he's her secret crush, and not only that ... she has fallen in love with him. She knows it's a recipe for disaster, but she cannot control her feelings.

Hunter knows it's getting serious, so there is only one thing he can do, break it off with her, and that is exactly what he does.

Devasted, alone, and in danger, Harlow knows she can never tell anyone what happened between her and Hunter. She has to deal with a broken heart. The only problem is, someone else does know, and when they make the club aware, it destroys everything. Harlow has no choice but...

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MC romance-------check
Second chance -----Check
Plus size h-------- Check
grovel (supposedly)--Check
and written by Sam.--Check

by all accounts this should have worked, I've been waiting for this book ever since I fell in love with Smokey (the book that is, not the character cause what he did is still a big NO NO)

I loved the first three books and novella, so this should have been a no brainer
but I don't know what happened

The book felt rushed, unplanned, diluted and catered.
It felt as though it wanted to avoid all the shit, that I personally loved but others had problems with, in Smokey

SO here is your Spoiler warning

we first meet Hunter and Harlow (I accepted the first letter initials untel Hailey who will be matched with Kinkey... [image error]

anyway, we first meet H&H in Smokey. He is the womanizer older VB, she is the virgin vegan who happens to be the younger sister of a MC brother. Three books in and it is obvious they are attracted to each.
In this book, Hunter cant resist anymore so he propositions her. She wants to lose her V-card so she agrees.

They both set the term to their fling.
nobody knows
she literally told him "I'm not looking for love. I'm not looking for forever. All I'm looking for is now. I do not want to marry you, Hunter. I don't want to spend the rest of my life with you, but for now, I would to have a little fun with you..

and here is the other thing, we get nothing after that showing that their relationship blossomed or something. they did not talk, they did not share, she knows nothing about him, he knows nothing about her. Add to that, he always reminded her that this is temporarly.

so, I blame her for being a drama queen when he ended it. And then she expected him to prove that he is sorry???? what? she is allowed to change her mind about the "no feelings" rule in their relationship but he is not allowed to change his mind that he wants her????

the double standards in this book!

Then something terrible happens to her and for over six chapters we do not get his POV, we do not see his torment or regret but we are expected to believe that he suddenly loves her!

and get this! how did he say he is sorry? he sent her flowers and waited all day for her to send a "Thank you" message. When she didn't he barged into her shop asking why she didn't say thank you [image error]

I love this author because she writes about a plus-size woman getting their man. And sometimes these women are vegan. but sometimes even this becomes too much. the word vegan was mentioned 25 times! We got it the first time, we don't need to know that the fries are vegan and the salad is vegan and the hot chocolate is vegan!
and you need to tell me that there are 10 MC men who each would get a book and everyone is a heterosexual who will fall for plus-sized, shy, body-conscious women?????

maybe I am over dramatic and still looking for that feeling Smokey gave me 2-february-202414 s2 comments Viv “BookVixen” Gutierrez 1,399 343

I d this one, but it wasn’t my favorite. I felt it lost its way midpoint in the story, when the hero & heroine break up. Instead of being focused on the two of them, it kinda veered off into the weeds with the heroine becoming friends with her female boss. Nothing wrong with some learning about the secondary characters, but it just overshadowed the romance

However I really loved that the heroine was 100% claimed by the hero, absolutely no sexual bonds with another man had been forged. That at least brought the swoon. The hero starts off callous, convincing himself and the heroine he wants nothing but sex from her. And while I loved that he fell hard, it took him a while to come to his senses

Still, overall a solid story, despite minor annoyances. And this authors writing has improved dramatically, so she’s either investing in an editor nowadays or she’s cleaning up her own work. So yay for that!!

Safe-ish. Hero’s past is mentioned, he used to be a manwhore he is faithful to heroine after sex, nothing explicit if he’s faithful before. Heroine is a virgin and belongs only to her hero. No ow/om drama. TRIGGER WARNING: miscarriage, violence. HEA with epilogueage-gap asshole-hero-falls-hard faithful-during-separation ...more5 s Laura Jones217 15

I loved Harlow she went through so much in her life and still was able to smile. Hunter did not deserve her and I wanted to grab her and hug her until she felt no more pain from the MC. No one really understood her until Hailey and she was someone she needed in her life. My heart truly broke for her and everything she lost.3 s Michelle Claypot_Reads2,329 61

This was not my favourite from this author.

Un other readers I do actually think Hunter tries to grovel after he hurts Harlow - is it great grovel? No, but it’s an MC romance so I’m not expecting true change.

My problem was that for some reason I just didn’t connect with either the hero or heroine in this one. I finished the book in one session and enjoyed it, but I won’t be rereading I have with others in this series.2 s Doris2,826 113

Hunter and Harlow

Hunter is the VP for the HBMC and he knows the rules of not touching a brother’s sister but with Harlow’s feelings for Hunter the rules are broken. Everything Harlow goes through is heartbreaking. This was a rollercoaster ride of emotions which made it a big page turner. It checked off all of my boxes for an MC romance that I can recommend.
arc biker booksprout2 s Francesca82

Hunter - Hell's Bastards MC - Book 5 - by Sam Crescent

Finally we have Hunter and Harlow's story and it was definitely worth the wait! This is the fifth book in this brilliant series, it can be read as a standalone but i would highly suggest reading them all, it is one of my favourites by this author, the stories in it just keep getting better and better! Hunter is the VP (Vice President) of the Hell's Bastards MC, the club is his life and nothing will ever mean more to him, that is until he has a taste of Harlow, one kiss and he is hooked. She may only be 20 but Harlow is special but also off limits, but she belongs to Hunter he just takes a minute to figure it out. Harlow Erickson has always felt a bit different to everyone else, she struggles making new friends but has always been close to her eldest of 6 brothers, George or Big Dick as his chosen road name. She is protected by the club he belongs to and by being around them she was immediately drawn to Hunter and started to find friends. The fact Hunter is older, a womaniser and at times a complete a$$ is not lost on her but she can't help how she feels, the heart wants who it wants. I felt so much for Harlow on this emotional roller coaster of a read and at times wanted to Gibbs slap Hunter around the back of the head to wake him up as to what he had within his grasp with Harlow! It was so good I read it slowly as I didn't want it to end I love the world and characters that this author has created in this series. I wish the ending and epilogue were longer but probably because I didn't want the journey to end, I wanted more time with Hunter and Harlow. It was nice seeing old characters again Smokey, Ava and Raven. I look forward to Brick finding his woman and oh my goodness Hailey Valentine who is beautiful inside and out I hope her and Kinky get their happily ever after, after he does some serious grovelling! Also Larissa and George or will it be Andrew who knows after George definitely lived up to his road name in his treatment of her. So much to look forward to and so much action with Cadeon and the Twisted Bastards MC still at large! It's very exciting and I hope the next installment is not to far away! Happy Reading!

5 out of 5 Stars

Please note that I was given an arc of this book for my honest review which is exactly what I have given.sam-crescent1 Kez Marie365 21

Fast paced Biker Club romance with forbidden love, secret relationship and tons of drama.
I haven't read the previous in the series but it was easy to follow as a standalone romance focussed on Hunter and Harlow, with interconnected characters linked to the MC club and ongoing drama with rival gangs.
This had a mix of slow burn, insta love, pining and groveling with the romance, and themes including touch her and die, possessiveness and stalking, with a hot and cold MMC who can't decide what he wants, until it's too late.
Also includes virgin FMC, age gap, off limits sister, plus size FMC, and trauma. Good read with steamy scenes, lots of drama, found family elements, protective brothers, violence, heartbreak and redemption.biker-romance spicy-steamy1 Sissy's Romance Book Review 8,912 16

Hunter by Sam Crescent is Book 5 of Hell's Bastards MC Series. This is the story of Hunter and Harlow. This is a interconnecting series so it does add to your enjoyment if you have read the previous books I felt. Hunter is an older man who has enjoyed the women. Harlow is a young women who wants to get out into that world of having a casual fling. So both agree that it will be casual but each start to feel something more.

2024-read 4-star booksprout ...more1 Lisa Bing4,004 47

This was another fast paced MC romance for the series and this one is awash with emotions, drama and a secret forbidden love. Harlow and Hunter have had the hots for each other for a long time but she's the sister of another MC member and that's a no-no ;) Of course, they give in but there's so much going on and their secret gets out. Well, as you may imagine, this causes them to break up. Hunter, though, finally, truly, realizes what he had with Harlow and is desperate to get her back ;) Gotta love a good grovel ;D This was definitely a gritty and intense read filled with heartbreak, family found and steam ;D1 Garci’s.BooksHaven201 5

Repetitive and could’ve been shorter but don’t sleep on Sam ??unowned-and-read1 Mina586 24

Gah. I love these stupid books. The fact that he ACTUALLY grovels is amazing. Go Harlow for making him sweat and work for it.abused-attacked-heroine age-gap arrangement ...more1 Sandy S7,137 187

HUNTER is the fifth instalment in Sam Crescent’s contemporary, adult HELL”S B*STARDS dark, erotic, MC romance series. This is club VP Hunter, and twenty-one year old Harlow Erickson’s story line. HUNTER can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story lines is revealed where necessary. Harlow is George ‘Big Dick’ Erickson’s sister.

NOTE: Due to the nature of the story line premise, there may be triggers for more sensitive readers.

Told from several omniscient third person perspectives including Harlow and Hunter HUNTER follows the forbidden relationship and fallout between our story line couple. For as long as she can remember, Harlow Erickson has been in love the H*ll’s B*stards VP Hunter but when Hunter discovers Harlow’s current living arrangements, Harlow finds herself at the mercy of the man who would destroy her heart. Hunter doesn’t do relationships, and a relationship with Harlow meant betraying the men he loved brothers but an attack against Harlow, and ultimately the club, proved a potential war was inevitable with the Twisted Brothers MC. A hospital stay, a loss, and another betrayal pulled Harlow out of the club and the lives of the people she once loved, as heart break proved all together too much to bear. A new job, a new friendships and another betrayal pushes Harlow to rethink her future going forward, considering walking away from her family and friends. What ensues is the tempestuous relationship between Harlow, Hunter and her extended family, and the fallout when Harlow is targeted for sins of the club.

The world building follows several pathways including the forbidden relationship and consequences between our story couple. Pushed out and forced to walk away from the only people she had ever loved, Harlow discovers that to go it alone means to walk away without looking bac but betrayal comes with a cost, and Harlow and her friend are going to pay the price for their connection to the H*ll’s B*Stards MC.

The relationship between Harlow and Hunter begins acrimoniously as Hunter struggles between head and heart knowing a relationship with Harlow could destroy his relationship with the Club. As Harlow slowly loses her heart to our story line hero, Hunter is preparing to push Harlow out of his life. The $ex scenes are erotic and intense.

Several member of the H*LL’s B*stards return including Ugly Beast and Abriana, Smokey and Ava, Raven and Carlos, Larissa, Kinky, and George ‘Big Dick’ Erickson. We are introduced to Harlow’s boss Hailey, as well as Harlow’s large extended family of siblings.

HUNTER is a story of betrayal and vengeance, secrets and lies, power and control, heart break and dissolution. The premise is emotional and dramatic; the romance is limited and secretive; the characters are broken, determined and charismatic.

copy supplied for review

www.thereadingcafe.com3 s **Elle**Bee**Double U**2,199 25

It breaks my heart that I'm giving another book in this series less than 5 stars...
Ugly Beast (the first in this series) was one I didn't too much either. However, after reading Smokey and then Raven's books I was
in these characters! The author tried hard to hype this book up on social media sites and said she wasn't sure who was worse (I'm assuming who hurt their woman more) Smokey or Hunter. Although if I'm being honest Hunter wasn't on any level with Smokey in any way shape or form.
I think what annoys me most about this book though is the heroine. Harlow really grated on my nerves. I just couldn't understand why she was so butt-hurt over Hunter ending their relationship when he did. She was warned before they began their affair, agreed to the terms with her own as well stating she just wanted to get laid and lose the v-card not marriage, and then she was CONSTANTLY reminded by Hunter and hell by herself that they were only a s-xual relationship. Unless there was some off-the-page acknowledgment of their "evolving" relationship, I'm not sure why Harlow was so demanding of Hunter to prove himself and his feelings.
Overall, this one was not my favorite and I'm sad to say the wait and hope for the next in this series was a big disappointment.
I'm holding out hope for Kinky and Hailey and maybe Big D and Larissa?
Kinky has already messed up so we'll get to see some grovel right away.

I received a free copy of this book via Evernight and am voluntarily leaving a review.mc-motorcycle-club older-male-younger-female second-chance-romance ...more ALR240 2

Hunter is the VP of the Hell’s Bastards MC and knows full well the last thing he should ever want is his MC brother’s little sister Harlow. She’s supposed to be off-limits, but what if that’s the very last thing that Harlow herself wants? This is another great part of the Hell’s Bastards series and although you don’t have to have read the others, for greater enjoyment I recommend that you do as there are many familiar characters and the story arcs do overlap a bit. Hunter is the typical MC alpha male who’s used to getting any girl he wants, but as he’s getting older it’s all starting to get old too. Harlow is sweet and fresh with that air of innocence, especially as she never really felt she belonged growing up, and although Hunter originally tries to steer clear of her he soon falls, but makes sure to let her know it’s just casual. The heat from their relationship starts off with a bang but when their secret gets out things start to implode and Hunter has to learn to apologize, something he never really had to do. Was he a big jerk, yes, but did I expect any less of him, no. I honestly had a harder time forgiving B.D., Harlow’s brother. The only thing is the last third of the book, while having a lot of drama, lacks the heat and intensity between the two leads that the first two thirds did. Still a great MC read. I just want to mention there is a trigger warning: miscarriages. 4 stars. Thank you to the author and BookSirens for the opportunity to read and review this book. These are all my own thoughts and opinions.age-gap booksirens mc-romance Jan1,756 9

Harlow is George aka Big D's little sister. She totally off limits to anyone in the club. One kiss during Christmas from Hunter has wetted the appetite for them both. Hunter knows to stay away. He is VP doesn’t need to cause issues with one of the brothers. But he can’t stay away. Harlow is temptation. When things go wrong, Harlow walks away. But someone it out to take her and the club needs to get her back. It may be too late for Hunter to realize Harlow is his everything.

OMG, this going to go down almost as bad as with Smokey. I wanted to stop reading and not see what happened next. Harlow is a sweetheart. She tries to be independent and not ask for help. Yes, she made some mistakes and she also knew the deal she had with Hunter. But man, I was not happy with Hunter or even her brother BD. First Hunter acted this was nothing till he kept on stringing her along. Then when it all fell apart, he really was cruel. Yes we had a MC group out there looking for cause problems, Twisted Bastards. But they didn’t protect all the women. So Harlow was a target. THEN everything comes out. I was in tears. I was so frustrated with Hunter and BD. Harlow is one savvy woman. She knew what the club was worried about but she was also hurt by the club. I wonder what is up with Kinky and Hailey. And is Larissa the preachers daughter going to be with someone from the club or Andrew.

I received a free copy of this book via Evernight and am voluntarily leaving a review.1 Elisabeth Copeland349 13

This is Book 5 in this MC series. While this can be read as a standalone, it is recommended you read the complete series as characters from previous books are present and there is an overarching storyline that ties all books together.

This installment is the story of Harlow and Hunter. Harlowe is the sister of the VP of MC club has been declared off limits by her brother. Hunter, a friend of her brother and a member of the club, wants her. When Harlowe turns 21 he makes his move; but he has rules. There will be no love or commitment, it is just s3x, and it must remain a secret.

Harlow has always noticed Hunter and she agrees to his terms. Plus, she wants to get rid of her V card.
When Hunter feels he is getting too close, he ends quits taking her calls and ends the relationship in a brutal fashion. Devastated, Harlow makes a move remove herself from being around the club and the club wives.

However, several attacks by a rival club makes everything worse.

Harlowe goes through h311 both emotionally and physically. Hunter is OTT possessive with a side of alphahole. You will love him, h@te him and love him again.

I love this series. It is gritty, brut@l, vi0l3nt and spicy. This author has built a dark world that you cannot help but revisit with each book. I cannot wait to read the next installment. I will be anxiously waiting to see who the next couple will be. Deborah Durand294 5

This is a story about a very raw, brutal and unapologetic group of people. It is also an age gap romance between a biker and the sister of George, another biker member. The plot was intriguing between an innocent, potty mouth Harlow and a womanizer, Hunter. It was heartbreaking that although she knew that this was a superficial relationship that had a deadline, Harlow still felt devastated. She grew up without friends and no male interests whatsoever. Before her affair with Hunter started, Harlow made friends with several women who were married to bikers or worked at their club. Unfortunately, she pulled away from them all including her big brother, George, when the breakup occurred. There is also an undercurrent of a rival biker club destroying shops and shooting at their members, including Harlow and her new boss Hailey.

The story has a lot of moving parts and will hold a reader’s interest, but I thought that there was an overindulgence of profanity. The author does a good job with the characters and personalities that are consistent with people who live their lives on the fringes of the legal system. I was a little disappointed that there was no resolution to the rival biker gang. Maybe the next story?

Will Harlow allow Hunter back into her life? Will she forgive George for calling her “Stupid” about having an affair with a club member? Read this interesting biker story. Danielle Graves863 21

I enjoyed reading Hunter, and while it wasn't quite as dark as some of the earlier books in this series, I still enjoyed it. The betrayal and hurt in this book were more emotional than physical, in earlier books, but it didn't lessen the effect and still left plenty for the main characters to work through.
The things I enjoyed the most about the book were Harlow's character and the introduction of Hailey. Both women were quirky and unique; Harlow was plus-size and a little bit awkward and struggled to form friendships and relationships, and I related so much to that. I could also understand why, as someone with no experience, she had stupidly agreed to a no-strings-attached relationship, not understanding just how much her emotions would be involved.
Hunter is a bit of a gruff character, and other men in earlier books, he'd put the club first, sacrificing his own happiness for the sake of them, but gradually in this book he comes to the realisation that there is something more important, or in this case someone, and although not the best at grovelling, he shows up for Harlow and tries to make amends, and I appreciated him for that.
There is still drama from a rival MC involved, and I'm glad that story is continuing. I can't wait to see what happens when it all comes to a head. This book also hinted at other couples who may get their own book, and if I'm right with my guesses (not just Hailey and her love interest), then I'm excited for what's to come. Ashley187 2

I d the story, lots of action and drama. Good length. It works fine as a standalone but is interconnected and although I got by fine not reading previous books, I think reading them would have helped me understand and enjoy characters and situations a bit better so I'll probably go back and start the series. I especially want to read Ava's and Raven's stories. I also looking forward to future stories. Hoping to see BD/George and Kinkys stories. I think we see who they're interested in but they are dumb jerks Hunter and refusing to admit to their feelings. Hunter also ticked me off constantly telling Harlow to stop being childish after she had every right to her feelings and dealing with her traumas. Not to say she didn't have her moments of being stubborn and annoying too. Readers should be aware of possible TW involving a miscarriage. Overall this was a good read. Had many facets so the book wasn't just one toned. It had a good plot even though it wasn't all wrapped up at the end, spicy scenes, good characters, and evoked different emotions. I enjoyed the read, will go back and read the others and future books
I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily Carmella649 2

Hunter doesn't really have much use for women, they're only good for one thing and that is sex. He actually had preferred them married. His #1 is his club and will do anything for his brothers.

Harlow has had a crush on Hunter forever but can't really figure out why as sometimes she doesn't even him! So she is very shocked when he comes to her…

He wants sex only, no relationship, and them seeing each other has to be kept a secret. It must be kept a secret because Harlow's brother is also in the MC and he would kill Hunter.

Can Hunter and Harlow have a sex-only relationship and have it be over when Hunter says so?

There is also another club out to annihilate the club, can they keep their own safe?

Harlow is quite a quirky character. She doesn't make friends easily but has made some through her job, and they really care about her. As far as relationships, she hasn't had much luck.

I would have given this book a 3-star rating but toward the end, we really see Harlow's strength and stubbornness a. Her feelings are terribly hurt and she will not forgive freely, only when the culprit redeems himself.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. ltfrom bc364 3

I do not claim to be an expert on MC books, but i have to say I have never read about members of an MC so dysfunctional. I am not sure totally what brains the men think with, but it was so different from any other MC book full of hot, tough, alpha men that I have read. I would read something the men did and think - really? But did I enjoy it? You bet I did. I have not read the other books in this series, so it was a little hard at the start to figure out the back stories of the characters in this book. But it was a good story. Hunter the VP of the club did not realize what he had until he lost it. The question became could he get it back again. Harlow was not going to make it easy or even possible for him to do so. There is a lot of emotion in the pages of this book but the biggest being love - wanted or not. It was a gritty, emotional book that was not quite what one expects to read in the MC romance genre. But it was so good. I am now going to go back and read the other books in this series. I want to know more about the couples in them. Even though this is book 5, I am so glad I read it. Jane Holloway176 7

Hunter is the VP for the Hell's Bastards MC and Harlow has a huge crush on him. Harlow's brother is a member of the club so Hunter knows that she is off limits to him but he is drawn to her. Hunter is a total player but Harlow wants him to be her first so she agrees to a no strings hook up which is incredibly hot! When Hunter decides that it's time to break it off he calls her and says some really horrible things. Unfortunately Harlow has fallen for him and is devastated. At the same time there is a fued between the Hell's Bastards and the Twisted Bastards which had brought the women of the club into a dangerous position. Unfortunately the president of the rival mc has set his eyes on Harlow. By this time Hunter has admitted to himself that he has fallen in love with Harlow and he has vowed to keep Harlow safe and to make her want to be with him forever.It would be helpful if the books were read in order because there are characters and situations that are part of the whole story and mentioned in this book.
I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. Anne Harris2,954 21

Wow, so many emotions.

I have got to say I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Harlow, she is one tough nut. If she’s in the middle of trouble, she can work out how to get help. She doesn’t scream and cry a girl. I really d her. I really felt for her when she had the incident with the car After that, the chapter was hard to read.

Hunter is just a man he thinks we’ve one head. He is the vice president in an MC and life has come easy. In the sense of women. He’s got the hots for his MC brothers, little sister and that’s a big no no he thinks he can get in the have some fun and then walk away nothing happened. and that’s not what happened in this book .
did they have great passion oh my,, did they ever and I felt that they made a good connection I just felt Hunter had to talk himself out of playing this soft man who was controlled by a woman and needed to be home by five because his dinner was on the table . He needed to learn the hard way about that. A really good read love this one.

I received a free copy of this book via Evernight and am voluntarily leaving a review. Xratedreads 126 1 follower

I've always enjoyed reading Sam's books, and her newest release was just as captivating. Harlow is notably distinct and her strong will sets her apart. Hunter usually avoids deep relationships but can't help being drawn to Harlow. The fact that she's his brother's sister makes her technically a no-go, yet he ends up proposing a casual fling. Harlow, deeply in love with Hunter, hopes for more despite knowing his intentions are temporary. Her heartbreak is palpable when Hunter ends their arrangement, shattering her world.

It takes Hunter losing Harlow to realize he's lost the most important thing in his life, but he's clueless on how to mend the break.

Sam's storytelling is engaging, weaving a tale filled with emotional depth, conflict, and drama. This book is a brilliant addition to her series, enriching the world she's created with more heartache and passion.


*age gap
*MC romance
*plus size FMC
*Club brothers little sister

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. Merilu Keenum649 6

Hunter and Harlow fit perfectly except for the part where he doesn’t know how perfect. I love Sam Crescent’s style, her characters have flaws, and the interactions reflect their personalities. Harlow has crushed on him for a while, she knows he’s an unrepentant horn dog but it hasn’t changed her feelings about him. Their relationship is fast, furious, and insanely intense: she’s innocent, half his age, and he told her up front that it wouldn’t last.

There’s action, danger, and enough heartbreak throughout this story to stay mad at the MC. Club first is their mantra, but it’s very sad to live with the knowledge she and the other women are second. Harlow is a firecracker, has a heart full of love, and she’s tired of being left out. Hunter is knocked for a loop when he figures out how badly he messed, how much he loves her, and how much he needs her. I hated the journey to their HEA, but the epilogue was divine!

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. Curvy Girl Book Nerd (Jen S)1,582 14

Hunter is Book 5 of Hell's Bastards MC series. It's a steamy, OTT, age-gap, curvy girl gets her biker romance. Hunter is an older, hunky, silver fox who is the VP of the club and a notorious womanizer and jacka#$. Harlow is a sweet and innocent curvy virgin and the little sister of George "Big Dick," another member in the MC club. Harlow has had a crush on Hunter for some time. Hunter thinks she's cute but is young, off-limits, and too innocent for him. Harlow ends up convincing Hunter that she just wants to lose her v-card with no strings attached. They do the deed, but of course, she loves him and ends up hurt and leaving. I don't know, I love this series but didn't feel the connection as much with these two. There was a lot going on in the story and not as much steam. We do end on a happy note, and Hunter does some groveling, but this one is my least favorite in the series so far.

I received a free copy of this book via Evernight and am voluntarily leaving a review. Rhonda3,344 65

We're back in the world of the Hell's Bastards MC and this is Hunter and Harlow's story. We've met both before as Hunter is part of the MC and Harlow is Big D!ck's little sister. She's knows about the history with members of the club and while she's always had a crush on Hunter, he's never acknowledged her, until he does! But when he messes the whole thing up, she walks away! And that puts her in danger! She's attacked and loses something she didn't even know she wanted at the time. Hunter is beside himself over the guilt but can he work his way back into her life? I loved that she made him grovel a lot more than Ava made Smoky grovel.................although I think Ava still holds that over his head to get her way in a few things! LOL I loved this story and loved seeing characters from the previous books! Andra Shaw961 7

Hunter is the fifth book in the Hell's Bastards MC series. It is very much a page-turner. Hunter is the VP of the MC, and Harlow is his MC brother's little sister. Those two getting together is a big no-no, and what ensues as a result is high drama. There is also lots of steamy romance, suspense, intense MC action, betrayals, heartbreak, family drama, and more.

The book ended on a happy note, but there are hints of other blossoming relationships that will be full of complications. There is also the threat of the elusive Twisted Bastards MC looming, which will surely be a part of the storyline in the next book. With all of the near misses in Hunter, I can hardly wait to see what happens in book six of the series!

I received a free copy of this book via Evernight and am voluntarily leaving a review. Melissa Houpt166 4

Hunter- this is book 5 in the series. However this is the first one I’ve read and it was easy to catch onto. The POV is 3rd person which isn’t my favorite but that’s a preference thing. I loved the plot and the characters. I absolutely LOVE Harlow!! She maybe innocent but she took no
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