
The Uncouth Duke of Longford: A Historical Regency Romance Book de Sally Forbes

de Sally Forbes - Género: English
libro gratis The Uncouth Duke of Longford: A Historical Regency Romance Book


Sally Forbes Year: 2024

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The author tried to make the Mmc into mr Darcy, right down to the 'ladies who are slighted by other men' comment, but he really just ends up being an asshole. I'm not sure why fmc falls in love with him, there's not much there. 2 s Reva Parks1,607 10

Andrew, Duke of Longford, is a perfect example of the perennial grump. He's been this since his father died under what he thinks are questionable circumstances. After living hidden in his estate, he finally goes to London to observe the season. At one of the first balls of the season, from his dark corner, he overhears a pair of young ladies speaking poorly of noble friends of his and takes them to task. Not knowing the duke, they talk back to him. He is later introduced to 'second daughter' Rachel Grifford and unintentionally insults her by not asking her to dance. This is another of Forbes' great stories: she makes them friends (sort of) leading to Rachel saving his life and solving the mystery of who caused his father's death and is trying to kill him. And on top of that a happy ending occurs between the two, pleasing her parents and setting her demanding sister on her heels. I recommend this book!1 Melody Tregear139

Most enjoyable read - 3½ stars!
I really enjoyed Andrew and Rachel's story. Their love grew over time, which was truly refreshing. I d Rachel's character throughout the story. Her sister...well, she was too spoilt for her own good. Andrew was not immediately likable, but he grows on you and as you learn about his circumstances, you can understand why he is the way he is...or was. Love changes us. It certainly changed him. I suspected the guilty party for quite a while before the reveal. There are some very satisfying moments, when Lord Carmichael finally puts Bettina in her place and the villain is exposed. The ending is very sweet. My one big disappointment was that the villain walked away from murder and attempted murder with a 'slap on the wrist'. The consequences of his actions demanded more. Even a lord was not exempt from murder, especially towards a peer. For that reason I have given the book 3½ stars instead of 4. Still, it is an enjoyable, clean read. 2 s Pamela Barbee388 2

Have you ever been do concerned and depressed that you found it hard to enjoy life? While this is the cause for Andrew, the Duke of Longford as he is not able to find any closure to the death of his father. When Miss Rachel Grifford crosses his path, he begins to feel things he has never felt. However when events show someone is trying to harm or kill him, what can he do when Miss Grifford offers her help. I would have given this book 5 stars, but I thought it ended too soon. I also wanted to know what happened to Rachel's self-centered sister, Bettina and also to her friend, Miss Grace Renfrew. Otherwise I would have given this story 5 stars.1 Trish205 1 follower

I loved this book. I did not want to put it down. It's about Andrew, the Duke of Longford, who was grieving the loss of his father. Thinking his father had been murdered, he isolated and was mean to anyone who was around him. When he was confronted about his unfeeling remarks, he realized he had hurt an innocent woman, Miss Rachel Grifford. On top of that, he was aware that someone was trying to poison him. All these events caused him to look at his behavior and become open to discussing who might be responsible. Miss Rachel offered her help. That is what this book is about. Sarah280 2

This was a lovely piece of mind candy. The story is simple and more or less predictable. I felt the characters had a lot of potential but were not quite fleshed out enough for the story to be totally believable. Friendships are made and romance started with little to actually show for it. The plot points happen very quickly and this felt a bit more a novella than a full novel.

Reading this was a pleasant way to spend an afternoon. It isn’t going to keep me pondering or coming back to reread it again. NelleRenn375

There is a little mystery here. The hero is dealing with grief over his father’s death/murder?. He also feels he is being targeted so he pushes people away. The heroine is a neglected second daughter. They become friendly as soon the hero opens up. Will they be able to discover who might want the hero dead in time? It was a good read with enough suspense to keep my interest. Carol901 7


The story is fine, the writing is poor.
The Duke comes across as naive and immature, with little perception of others’ feelings, particularly Rachel’s.
The dialogue is awkward, much of it is far too ‘wordy’.
It’s a shame as the storyline is a good one, sadly the execution of it is poor.
Read if you think you can put up with the writing.
Jan Dahle5

So lame

This was probably the least romantic "romance" novel I have read. The dialog was stiff and unnatural . The way the sister acted was ridiculous. The story was predictable. I knew who the villain was half-way through the story. I ordered the second book in the series, but I won't bother reading it. Barbara Cardin65

This book is well written and I would recommend this book to anyone who s to read and buy this book. I give this book 5 stars

Barbara R Cardin Pat Babcock814 2

an Uncertain Future

Andrew was in a black place after the murder of his father until his friend strongly encouraged him to come to London for the season. His life changed for the better when he met Rachel. Well written story which I enjoyed Margaret Connelly750


I suspected the culprit because of inheritance but it was revealed in an interesting way. Rachel certainly had a difficult family situation. The Duke was clueless at the beginning. His friend helped him to see himself. Jane65

The uncouth Duke of Longford.

Excellent example of greed
And with this evil come hate! And the love of friends comes help! I recommend this book to adult and youth. Learn a lesson! Mary Kranz3

Not worthy of your time

A contrived and stilted novel that offers little in the way of originality. The characters are painted in extremes that make them almost comical, with a plot that is so thin as to be almost nonexistent. Not worth the time it takes to read it. M155

Good but Predictable

I d the story and the characters, and I think the author is talented. There is a "but" though... But all of it was so predictable for me. I guessed the villain and the reason for the villainy very early, and this in part made the book a bit boring. DENISE I.363 2

I’m liking it. I’m sure I’m not going to give it a 5 star rating but 4.8 ish; some of the other reviewers were a bit too harsh. The story wasn’t too long. It wasn’t drawn out. You get a decent view and background of the h and h and why they are the way they are.

- [ ] The sister was a spoiled heifer
- [ ] The cousin was greedy and self serving
- [ ] Two broken people coming together. Healing and empowering one another. 1 Mary J2

Very good, kept me interested until the end. Sandra Driver59

The Depressed Duke

A sweet story in which all ends well, however much has to be learned before the truth is told.

Watch your proofing. Cyndi21

Great read.

The opening was great, and the storyline kept me engaged. The book is well written with solid and well developed characters. Thanks. Kashelia B. Jackson125 1 follower


So his cousin walks away Scott free? And Bettina never really gets what's coming to her? I confess I'm a little dissatisfied with this book. Diane Pope646

A saving kind of love

Rachel was the true hero in this story. Thank goodness the Duke realized how wonderful she was. Betina was a bitchy sister. Phylis Collins2,565 7

What a great read with suspense, some action, intrigue. The storyline was easy to follow and the characters and story flowed well. My free opinion. Thanks. Anastasia16 1 follower

A fantastic story of a man who undergoes a dramatic heart change, and a woman who is finally seen as worthy and valuable. I loved all the main characters in this book and found each of them charming in their own way. As for the villains and the secondary characters, they were well used and moved the plot along nicely. A lovely regency era book with a happily ever after, and nothing more than a few sweet kisses. Georgia23

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