
The Proposal de Sadie Ryan

de Sadie Ryan - Género: English
libro gratis The Proposal


What would you do to save everything you’ve built?
I love my husband so much. But what’s going to happen to us? I can’t even say the words to him because I’m too afraid of the answer.
We’re about to lose everything. Our home. Our company. Our reputation. We have no power over our own lives.
So when I meet a stranger, I'm willing to listen to what he’s got to say.
‘I genuinely want to help you,’ he says, ‘What I want from you at this moment is for you to be my companion when I ask.’
But nothing in life is that simple.
‘It’s best if it stays just between you and me. And it's best if your husband doesn’t know. I imagine you understand why.’
It's the only offer I've got. And desperation does funny things to a person.
So I accept his proposal...M.F

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When He Finds You by Sadie Ryan is a 2020 Ruby Fiction publication

Gemma and her husband, Oliver, discover a close friend embezzled all their money, sending them into a spiral of financial ruin.

Yet, Gemma and Oliver have an incredibly strong marriage and have vowed to stick together through thick and thin. But, when Gemma is approached by someone offering her a way out of all her troubles, she gives into temptation and accepts the offer. However, in so doing, she will have to lie and keep things from her husband, something she's never done before. Still, if she can get them out of a bind, it will have been worth it.

But, as her new ‘boss’ begins to infiltrate her life, threatening to expose their arrangement to her husband, Gemma slowly realizes that she’s not only losing everything she worked hard to build and putting her marriage in danger, she is also in serious danger…

When we are desperate or in a state of panic, we often make very poor decisions. We can rationalize and lie to ourselves to justify our choices. While I did question Gemma’s naïve jump down the rabbit hole, her desire to get her old life back and find the man responsible for her predicament, could have allowed her to believe in the terms her 'boss' outlined for her. If it seems too good to be true- it probably is, right?

So, okay, there are some places where one will have to suspend belief, but if you have patience another layer of the plot unfolds exploring vendettas and themes of retribution in various forms.

This is not a traditional thriller of mystery, really, in my opinion. The author doesn't stick to the familiar outlines or tropes, for the most part. There is no guessing game here, as we know up front who the bad guy is. We even learn, eventually, what his motives are, and who is in danger and why. Not only that, most of the characters, save for one, are also aware of what is going on.

The suspense comes in the form a cat and mouse game that could end in any number of ways. There are some twists, some more transparent than others, but the ending was a bit of a surprise to me. It didn’t wrap up quite the way I expected it to, but it was satisfying in its own way.

Overall, this an interesting spin on the classic tale of revenge with a healthy dose of karma thrown in for good measure.

3.5 stars

2020 e-book ruby-fiction112 s Brenda4,467 2,855


The terrible shock that Gemma and Oliver felt when they discovered a person whom they believed to be a close friend had embezzled all their money, even the separate account they had in case of emergencies, was heartbreaking and demoralizing. It was humiliating, as they had a big house, all the mod cons, everything that would tell outsiders they were wealthy. Now Gemma and Oliver would lose everything, be financially ruined – how could they face their friends and neighbours?

Gemma was going home after selling her beautiful jewellry, special pieces Oliver had given her. She called in to fill up with fuel and while waiting to pay was approached by a complete stranger. What followed – Gemma taking a “job” from this stranger to help recover some of their debts; of having to keep secrets and lie to Oliver – something she had never done before – made Gemma realise she should have thought it through; spoken to Oliver, before she accepted. Now she was in trouble, in danger – and everything she held dear was about to be lost to her forever…

When He Finds You by Sadie Ryan was a twisty, turny tale of revenge and retribution. Gemma was extremely naïve and I couldn’t work out how anyone would do as she did, but she was grasping at straws I guess, trying to find a way back. An intriguing, different kind of mystery with all the tension that causes you to hold your breath, while a game of cat and mouse continued. Recommended.

With thanks to Choc Lit and Ruby Fiction for my digital ARC to read in exchange for an honest review.
2020-release arc choc-lit- ...more25 s Becky4

The main character is an idiot. 11 s1 comment Kirsty ??923 51

Be careful who you pranks as a young person. You never know who may grow up to be a psychopath. Gemma and her husband are staring at bankruptcy when she gets a financial offer from a stranger. My brain instantly shouted 'Don't do it' but I've read far too many thrillers and if the author had gone the sensible route we wouldn't have a book! So Gemma says yes and ends up in a spiral as Jack, the stranger, becomes ever more unhinged and hell bent on a revenge for something she doesn't understand. 

It's a great thriller. We get an insight into what she may have done quite early on but there are still things that she doesn't understand. Jack gets ever more dangerous and Gemma tries her best to keep her husband safe and out of danger. I d how we get a few viewpoints from Jack. It helped gain an understanding of his motives and gives an extra charge on the thriller aspect knowing who he is up front. 

I especially loved the ending. No traditional Hollywood ending here. I wasn't quite taking to Gemma throughout the story. As much as I felt sorry for her, some of her actions grated on me but at the end I kind of d her simply because of the final actions. She's no old school Disney Princess. Gemma knows how to look out for herself. I d that. 

Overall I loved the changes to the thriller format and I look forward to Sadie's next book8 s Angela502 13

What a brilliant story line this was. Unfortunately I found myself getting more and more frustrated with the idiocy of the main character, to the point where I was verbally expressing my discontent out loud. It was just a tad too far fetched for my liking5 s Shalini (shaliniandbooks)2,586 214

I d the concept of the book. Revenge was the base of the plot and the characters acted in accords to their karma. Both Jake and Gemma were great with their own stands; both were terribly damaged. So their actions felt understandable.

But some scenes became too far-fetched and though thriller-y, they didn't feel logical. I was left stranded in the middle wondering if I loved the book.

It had the potential to be great had Gemma been etched stronger. I was left too frustrated by her and her action. They belied logic.

So I think it was an enjoyable book in most parts. 4 s Mellisa537 152

A prank from the past has terrifying consequences for Gemma as past mixed with the present with a dramatic showdown.

Wow. I d how this book came together, the twists were subtle but made a big impact. It really made me think, everyone has made mistakes and silly pranks when they were younger, imagine if that ended in your life being destroyed.

Definitely would recommend!4 s Lynn18

I thought this book started really well and I was really enjoying it. I d that the setting was fairly local to me and I recognised descriptions of some of the places things were taking place.

Then the storyline started getting very far fetched and unrealistic. I felt shouting at the main character to tell her husband or even the police, it became totally ridiculous!

I was also disappointed with the ending too! Again would it really happen….no! This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review4 s Isabelle D364

A new book by the author of Behind Closed Doors, with new characters tangled in new troubles, but the same kind of very "high tension" atmosphere at which she obviously excels. To quote my previous review:
I wanted to finish it quickly to reach the end of [the heroine]'s nightmare and stop feeling so upset but at the same time I did enjoy the story. It's so powerful.
In this case, I felt even worse for Gemma's husband than for her but still, no matter how stupid what she had done with her friends years earlier, they obviously didn't deserve such a revenge from the victim of their prank. With the point of view of that deranged man alternating with Gemma's, the reader gets some idea of how deep in trouble she is before she realises it, but nothing that would ruin the twists. I did guess one (which is not necessarily a bad thing) but not because of that.

I received an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.2020-choc-lit-ruby-ebooks choc-lit-and-ruby-fiction3 s Phoebe111 1 follower

This book was enjoyable. I’ve found recently that I’m not a huge fan of mystery books but this one was an exception. It was unpredictable but also felt realistic. My main issue with most of the mystery books I’ve read recently at least is that the solution is so insanely implausible that it ruins the ending (which is meant to be the best part of this genre).

I cared about the protagonist although less so about her husband. It’s clear from the very start that their relationship is dysfunctional and I think that added to the story especially when discussing her past.

I probably won’t read it again because the main reason I d this book was because I wanted to know what happened next and knowing what happens would probably make it pretty boring but it was a good one time read. 2 s Donna Mallery524 46

I really enjoyed this book! I got frustrated at the protagonist’s idiotic behavior but it was needed to keep the book going. She does keep digging deeper and deeper. I’ll admit that parts were sad, and I hated that part of the book (why I docked a star). But, still, I thought the writing was good.And the protagonist’s husband was even better. A real sweetheart!2 s Sarah770

This is honestly one of the worst novels I've ever read. I can't think of one redeeming feature about it. Well, maybe that it was cheap. As soon as I received it I knew it would probably be garbage. The cover design is a GSCE, at best, project by a student who really does not get book cover graphics and ignored the project until the last second, pulling it together and saying that will do. If this cover was paid for then the author/publisher was robbed. The book is also weirdly heavy. I don't mean the subject matter, I mean it's physical weight. It felt it should contain a gold bar but no, just this utter dross.

Now let's move on to the writing which is essentially the first fan fiction someone wrote when they had no clue what they were doing. Every character was unable except perhaps Oliver who was just dense. The main character was absolutely certifiable and not in an interesting way either. What a rag-tag bunch of personality traits in a human topped off with a smattering of an intellect made of dust thrown in. Almost every action she took was one no human woman would ever take. She was a narcissist and a complete moron in one (thin because of course) package.

To save others from reading this and potentially being traumatised there is a really badly written rape scene and descriptions of childhood sexual abuse that were shown the finesse of a block of lard. The central character's inner monologue after she has been brutally raped in her own home was this:

Was it something in her that caused men to rape and beat her? Maybe, subconsciously she gave out something a scent that dragged them in to her pool of life. Maybe her ballsy attitude provoked them and they couldn't help it. Maybe she drove them to hit and rape her.

That is a genuine quote from this book. Please save yourselves from this absolute nonsense.2 s Vicky Clapinson27

Couldn’t get on with this one at all. It seemed to drag on and on with no end in sight. Very repetitive story line, and was the horrific rape scene at the end really necessary to the story? And after everything, they didn’t even stay together. So very bad! This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review2 s Kerri Elizabeth 243 4

Gemma’s business is on the brink of collapse, her and her husband Oliver are about to lose everything they’ve ever worked for.
A stranger offers her an offer she can’t refuse, a small price to pay to get her life back.
Only If things seem too good to be true, it’s often because they are ….

I enjoyed the story, although the main character Gemma, was a tad annoying. Luckily the creepiness of the character Jake, kinda made up for her and her bad decisions.
I really enjoyed this book, right up until the very end but unfortunately the last few pages where the excitement comes to a head, it just felt very rushed and ended up being a bit of an anticlimax for me.

3 quarters of the way through, I would of been prepared to give this book 5 stars but the feeling of the rushed ending just ruined it for me. 2 s Libby Charlotte Alice279 1 follower

3.5 stars

I thoroughly enjoyed this book and finished it in a day (admittedly, this is easier during a pandemic!). When He Finds You is quite an easy read for a thriller. It was fast paced, exciting and the second part of the ending isn't 100% expected so I appreciated that. I'd definitely pick up another book by Sadie Ryan!

I wouldn't say it's a realistic thriller though. Who doesn't go to the police...? Not that I'm a huge fan of law enforcement but most people in Gemma's situation would certainly be contacting some authority! I d the history out her prettt awful family, they seemed a piece of work, but it didn't actually contribute too much to the actual storyline. The characters did occasionally feel flat but I think overall it was well done and better than I expected!This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review1 Maia Lawrence5

I was really enjoying this book, and then about half way through it started to stagnate. It started to feel repetitive, nothing was progressing. Then the last 15 pages I think is really when things begin to resolve, it just feels a very rushed ending and giant let down? the beginning was so captivating and I couldn’t stop reading for a while, and then I became… somewhat bored after half way through because nothing seemed to be happening. Jake would do something dodgy, she would panic, Oliver would get upset repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Then bam, the ending came out of nowhere, leaving plot holes, and things unanswered. It felt almost as if the writer just needed to get the book ended, rather than having a solid plan for how it was close. This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review1 Ian Hughes64

As someone said 'the main character is an idiot' how true!

I was enjoying this book and the premise for the first 100 pages or so but her actions were driving me crazy to the point of wanting to throw the book down!

The main flaw is the fact she never called the police despite the abuse both verbal and physical she was receiving and also her friend never either. It just defied all logic and spoiled the book for me.

Oh and don't get me started on the ridiculous ending....This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review1 Ceri400 16

Didn't love it, didn't hate it. Didn't really feel anything about this book.

It was easy to read, hardly any characters to keep track of. I just found the whole plot a bit too far fetched and I just don't believe you would act this in real life.1 Zoe Walker5 2

This book had me hooked!!! Love the way its written.1 Andrea Wood6

I wish I had given up on this 5 pages in, but no, I couldn't DNF. Lesson learned. Save yourself the pain of trying to read some of these incoherent sentences and just avoid this book.1 Sophie Mason106 1 follower

Gemma and Oliver’s nightmares begin when they’re charged with tax evasion after their accountant does one over on them and rinses them off every penny they have. But that’s just the start of the ordeal for Gemma when she’s blindsided by an offer of financial support without really noticing the red flags.
It’s quickly uncovered who Jake is and why he’s seeking revenge on Gemma with very little build up. The climax for me occurred in the final chapter and even then I felt it was rushed and predictable. I wanted to enjoy this book but wasn’t a page Turner for me unfortunately! 1 Anders Caous24

The worst shit I ever read. Gemma is the bluntest tool in the shed ever. OMG what crap.1 Books And Sunny111 9

**** Trigger Warning *** Rape, Molestation.*****

Leo and Gemma are a successful couple who reside in a beautiful house, own their business, and have an active social life. However, one day they discover that their bank account has been emptied, putting everything they have worked hard for in jeopardy. While at a gas station to fuel her secondhand car, Gemma notices a stranger observing her. He approaches her inside the store and claims to know about all of her and Leo's financial issues. He assures her that he can help them. After some hesitation, Gemma agrees to meet the stranger at a bar to find out what he wants. Desperate to fix her problems, she takes this mysterious stranger up on his offer to assist. Soon, Gemma realizes that she has made a deal with the devil and has put herself and Leo's lives in terrible danger. She is pulled into a deadly cat-and-mouse game, where staying one step ahead of her adversary is the only way she will survive.

This is the first book I have read by this author and failed to recognize that it deals with some disturbing themes. Nonetheless, I was quickly drawn into the story and wanted to see how it would unfold. I do not want to reveal too much, as I believe the reader should experience it for themselves. There were times when I found it difficult to read the book because of the disturbing content, and I did penalize it accordingly. Nevertheless, I recommend reading it with caution, keeping in mind the trigger warnings that I mentioned above. Karen Mace2,048 77

Another pulsating read from Sadie Ryan! One of those stories that has you gasping with shock over certain decisions by characters, and then wondering just what you would do in the situation they find themselves in!!

Gemma and her husband find themselves in dire straits - their accountant has done a bunk with all their money, and the HMRC are circling for money owed and they face losing everything that they've worked so hard for. The only way Gemma is coping is with the help of a glass of wine or two - anything to try and make the problems go away. If only it was that easy.....

When a stranger then offers her a solution to all her problems, she wonders what the catch is! As did I! But he says no strings attached, just companionship. Desperate times often call for desperate measures!

What follows is the struggle she faces keeping up the charade with her husband, who clearly wants to help but she doesn't want him dragged down any further, while dealing with Jake - is he a knight in shining armour, or does he really have an ulterior motive?

I loved the twists and turns along the way with this story! The story delves into her past which portrays her in a different light and it's full on psychological warfare with some dark twisted minds being exposed! The tension really builds nicely and I had to hold my breath a couple of times it got so edgy!! It's dark and often unsettling - more please!! Ivy Elland152 21

This one was OKAY. The storyline was good, if not a bit far fetched but that’s the thriller genre so fair enough. Jake really interested me, I enjoyed reading his chapters and trying to work out what was next. I wish we could have learned more about him though. A lot of the chapters had me hooked as it was quite fast paced at times.

However, I still can’t get over how many times this couple went out and spent money despite being bankrupt?! We were meant to understand their desperation and I just couldn’t in the end, it was laughable. I know they had that additional money but it wasn’t much and surely they wouldn’t be wasting it as much as they did? Mainly Gemma wasting it really.

I wasn’t loving all the bits about how much Gemma loves Oliver. Yawn. I don’t want a romance, she loves him, he loves her. Yes, let’s move on. Oliver’s a bit of a wet lettuce anyway.

Numerous grammar errors which did me in.

I wanted to know more about the photos and documents and we didn’t get to find out much. The ending was okay but didn’t blow me away, could have had a bigger twist I think.

tbr-shelf Els 1,856 36

When I was reading this author’s previous book, which was her debut by the way, wild horses could not drag me away, because it was sooooo good. I can imagine you wondering what my thoughts are about her second one.

Let me tell you this : The horses from last time did not succeed this time either!

I was regularly yelling: ‘Noooo, don’t do this or don’t do that’, but when you are caught between a rock and a hard place, you go for the helping hand that reaches out to you. You convince yourselft that it’s really that innocent as it seems …

Once you have spun a tight net of lies and deceit around yourself, it’s time to try and get out of it. Don’t forget that sometimes karma is a girl’s best friend. Forget about the diamonds.
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