
The Crew: Pop And Poetry de Sabrina B Scales

de Sabrina B Scales - Género: English
libro gratis The Crew: Pop And Poetry


Sabrina B Scales Year: 2021

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The struggle was real with this book because, I couldn’t remember a single character. My memory is trash. It is absolutely horrible. It’s so bad, I had to pull up Plus just to remember who the members of The Crew actually were. This is what happens when you wait over a year to read book two. I have to say, Pop and Poetry didn’t resonate with me as much as Bars and Ballads did. Honestly, I just wasn’t feeling Kimi and Jock as a couple. There was no real chemistry between them, and their attraction felt manufactured. It just didn’t come off as very organic. One minute they were bandmates and the next, they’re being all intense and having sex. There was no courtship with them. One reviewer said the story felt incomplete and I have to agree with her. It felt a good portion of their “relationship” was missing. Kimi and Jock’s story didn’t really do it for me. I had a hard time seeing them as a romantic couple but, I am glad Jock finally went to AA and he was able to open up to Kimi about the issues from his childhood. I’m hoping we get more details on his dad in Nelly’s book. I’m also keeping my fingers crossed for Shilah to get his own book. After being silent for 16 years, he definitely deserves his time to shine.23 s ReadnliftwithShar1,433

Finally, I learn why Jock was the way he was in previous books. He was hurting and troubled- poor thing. Lol. Seriously, I really enjoyed this book. The chemistry between Jock and Kimi was well displayed. I loved the protective nature of Kimi- she was nonjudgmental and really matched Jock’s persona. Hoping we get more on Shiloh!! 4 s Ayanna First of BourbonStreetBookers358 14

So dope!

Whewwww... Sabrina will have ya crying and laughing in the same chapter! I love it! If ever you need to be hugged, that's the experience you'll get reading Sabrina's books. This crew is so talented and some would say damaged. But the healing that happens when they mend their brokenness is quite the journey & worth the wait! Great job!
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